Outlaw, Albert Timothy. Outlaw
Abner Henry Outlaw. 2nd ed. Greensboro, N.C.: Outlaw, 1972. Call Number:
Kellenberger Room - New Bern-Craven County Public Library - 400 Johnson
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ncluding English Records, Coat of Arms, Will of Edward Outlaw dated 1713, Brief Biographical Sketches and Account of the First GRADY Outlaw Reunion.-By-
Copyrighted, 1930
By Albert Timothy Outlaw
Kenansville, N. C.
Second Edition and Supplement
By Abner Henry Outlaw
Greensboro, N. C.
Coat of Arms 4
Description of . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Earliest Outlaw known to us:
In England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 10
In America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Reported but not proven yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Alexander) 8
First marriage into the:
Grady family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Kornegay family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Summerlin fan-Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 70
Whitfield family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
First Grady-Outlaw Literary and Historical
Society meeting (reunion) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . (Page) 79
In a lighter vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Page) 14 and Sec. 772
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Page) 427
Outlaw population in America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Notetoindex)
Albert Timothy Outlaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Presented to Duplin County and
-address by Judge Henry A. Grady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Page) 93
Abner Henry Outlaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Prefatory notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Page) 5
Unveiling of monument to Capt. James Outlaw and address by Albert Timothy Outlaw. Also unveiling of like monument to John Grady 160
Varied spellings of the name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Page) 6
Washington Female Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Page) 47
The following Family Record is the result of several years work in my spare time gathering facts, sometimes tiresome, often tedious. and expensive. The first of the record deals with early English records sent me by reputable genealogists of London. About these. there is no question. Public records in various Court Houses of Virginia and North Carolina have been carefully abstracted and various private family records copied verbatim by and for me. To all those who have kindly assisted me, (too numerous to mention), I acknowledge myself greatly indebted. The original records in my files and scrap books can be seen at any time by any one interested. No one could expect a record of this kind to be complete in every respect. If the work here shown shall serve to stimulate interest in family history and' create a modest pride in the worthy achievements of ancestors, I shall Peel amply rewarded and that I have been of some little service to my people.
A Note On The Supplement
Several years ago there was some thought and effort concerning consolidation of the JOHN GRADY and OUTLAW GENEALOGY books, and bringing them up to date. Questionaires were sent out requesting information-how many I do not know. Some of them were returned to the late Malcom Grady who was deeply interested in the project. He gave them to me last year and I have received some help from them, but the number returned was disappointing. It appeared there were not enough sent out or the interest in returning them was not sufficient to keep the project going. Then Ben Grady and Albert Outlaw, authors. respectively, of the two books died. I do not know how interested either of them were in the consolidation proposal, if at all. If they had combined their great talents in the beginning, and had produced one volume on the two families then, it probably would have been well accepted; but at this distance it would appear that when they were authoring their separate books, they wanted it that way. The matter was brought up again at the 1969 Grady-Outlaw meeting but nothing developed.
For several months prior to the 1969 meeting, it crossed my mind a few times that I might be of some small service to our people in getting out new editions of the two books or a consolidation and, in either case, bring them up to date. I discussed it with Mrs. Albert T. (Carolyn) Outlaw who, of course, owns the copyright to her late husband's OUTLAW GENEALOGY book and she, too, thought the time was right for a new edition or a consolidation of the two. I had hoped that her son, Albert T. Outlaw, Jr., or her daughter, Sarah West Johnson, might take the leading roll, but site said that neither of them had the time, arid requested me to go ahead with it. She gave me a free hand to make decisions and proceed as I thought best, but I have discussed many of the questions arid problems with her as the work has progressed, and we have agreed on all points.
From the beginning of my efforts until well toward the half-way markof gathering information, I kept in abeyance the proposed consolidation of the two books so that, should it materialize in the meantime, tile information gathered could and would be available. In the absence of that I thought progressingly of a separate publication for the Outlaw side of the family. hoping that in the near future someone would decide to do a similar work for the Grady side of the family.
In the very beginning of my study it appeared that both previous authors accentuated and sought mainly to preserve the names GRADY and OUTLAW in that they did not in many instances bring forward names of descendants of their female kin past the first generation. This posed a problem: Should I continue that policy or go back and bring up these family lines?. The latter was decided upon, and our readers will see many names other than Gradys and Outlaws, but names of persons with no less Grady and Outlaw blood - Whitfields, Summerlins, Kornegays, Alphins, and many more.
Edward Outlaw, first in America to marry and rear a family here, had four children: Edward, Ralph, Sarah and Elizabeth; and the first edition brought forward mainly the Edward Outlaw line which included most of the Duplin County, North Carolina Outlaws. The author did not list Ralph Outlaw's seven children under his name (Sec. 12)-, he did, however, give them in subsequent sections but failed to specify their parentage with his usual parenthetical numbers. Mr. Richard Hinkle of Blooming Grove, Texas, a lineal descendent, (Sec. 1009) sent me a list of these seven sons and I have supplemented section 12 with them. Most of the Outlaws of Bertie County, N.C. and surrounding area are descendents of Ralph. Descendents for the most part of the two daughters of Edward Outlaw, first, Sarah and Elizabeth, remained for many years inVirginia but, like others, are now scattered in many states. Volume XVI, HISTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES, authored by Richard Clark Holtzclaw, (See. 1116) a lineal descendent of Edward, Second; edited and copyrighted by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie, contains much valuable information on these families and the families into which they married; and I urge my readers to purchase it. The price is S9.50. Mr. Holtzclaw has been retired since 1965 after 46 years of college teaching. 36 of which he was Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Richmond. He lives at I I Ampthill Road. Richmond, Va. Mrs. Boddie's address is Honolulu, Hawaii, Box 2775. I am indeed grateful for hers and Mr. Holtzclaw's permission to use information from the book for Outlaw Genealogy.
So, if one should think of this supplement beginning squarely with the year 1930 when the first edition was printed, he would be mistaken - it runs throughout the first edition. Making it and the supplement a tightly, interwoven single volume. Any recorded date after 1930 or any section number after 120 no matter where it is found may be considered a part of the supplement. In many instances I have initialed supplemental information. The first edition concluded with page 72, but enough new information has been inserted throughout that edition that page 72 now becomes page 82: and from there on the information is all new and supplemental.
An index has been added covering the entire volume. That coupled with the section number system, which Albert worked out, makes it easy for one to trace his ancestry and any other relatives both dead and alive.
The numbers given in front of capitalized family names are called Section Numbers, and these numbered family names. Together with their spouses, plus the names of hundreds of non-family persons, are listed in the index. The numbers in parenthesis following these capitalized family names are also Section Numbers, which show how far back we were able to trace that person's ancestors. Generation by generation each number representing a generation. Names of persons appearing after Roman numerals who have recorded descendants are followed by section numbers which are used to find factual information about them and their descendants up to the present time, or as late as we were able to obtain them.
The work of preparing this supplement has brought me in personal contact with many people. many of whom. I had never seen before but the work has been mostly, by correspondence. In both cases it has been a pleasure, except that I have felt at times I was overburdening and even pestering a few. Many people have helped exceedingly, and others in lowering degrees, as I have called upon them. I am deeply grateful to all of you, and hope you will re-read my brothers PREPATORY NOTE. above. The sentiments there expressed are also mine, and are much better expressed than I could ever do.
December 31, 1971 ABNER HENRY OUTLAW
Varied Spellings
In England (County Bedford) the earliest spelling we know was Utlawe. From then until, finally Outlaw, it was spelled Utlagh, Otlawe, Owtlawe, Outlawe, Outlayer, Ottlaw, Outtlaws, and Outelawe. So, the first emigrants to America were Outlaws; and here in America we know of three other spellings: Outland, Outlar, and Outler (although the Outland spelling first appeared in the 1850 U.S. Census for Stewart County, Tennessee; and the 1860 Census they had returned to the Outlaw spelling, Sec. 37(7).
The Outlar spelling is accounted for in Sections 120 and 245.
The Outler spelling is first seen in the Will of Ralph Outlaw, Sr. (Sec. 12), recently discovered in' the Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, N.C. (Chowan Wills 1694-1808, Vol. III No. 24, 801.3, pg. 104. He signed it Ralph Outler and all his sons were called Outler in it. However, in all the other records he and his sons are called by their proper sumames-Outlaw-HSF, Vol. XVI, pg. 11. No other Outler spelling has been discovered until Bently Outlaw and his family adopted it. He was born in South Carolina in 1808, married in Georgia and raised a family of eleven children there, Sec. 1167. Then it appears Rufas Outlaw and his family, Sec. 986, followed their cousins the Bently Outlaws in the Outler spelling. As far as we know these two families and their descendants to this day spell and pronounce it Outler. This pronunciation probably started as a colloquialism and became so prevalent they began spelling it as they pronounced it-Outler. When I was a child in Eastern North Carolina many Outlaws and their neighbors pronounced it Outler (and some do to this day), but continue to use the Outlaw spelling.
This evolution of spelling and pronouncing intrigues me. As far back as we know, 1273, except for the few deviations above mentioned, the last syllable has been "lawe" and "law". The "e" was probably dropped for the sake of brevity; or the name had been spelled so many ways, some of which were so much like "outlaw", the people began spelling it that way as a practical joke.
While it is possible as indicated in Sec. 1, below, the name could have been assumed by some deprived of the right of pleading in a Court of Justice or even excommunicated from an Ecclesiastical Court, no real evidence has turned up to prove it; much less, even if it were true, to prove that such deprivation or excommunication resulted from acts involving moral turpitude. Utlawe, the earliest name we know, offers little or no indication that Richard Utlawe or any of his ancestors were real ..outlaws." (AHO)
[ Earliest Outlawe Records:
990~1010AD - "Utlage
raised this stone in memory of Öjvind, a very good thegn"
Ballstorp, Edsvära, Västergötland, Sweden
1150-1169 - Bromholm
Priory - House of
Glanville - Charter
of Bartholomew de Glanville To Bromholme Priory - Walteri
Utlage - And two thirds of the tithes of MY MEN: that is, my
uncle by my mother, Roger de Bertuna: And Geoffrey, priest of
Honinges: and Turstan despensatoris: Warini de Torp, Ricardi Hurel,
Walteri Utlage: and Roberti de Buskevill: And the tenth of the whole Ricardi
filii Ketel. - The Crawford collection of early charters
in the Bodleian library Napier, Arthur S. (Arthur Sampson), 1853-1916
1194 - Jordan Utlag, Richard Uthlag, William Utlag - Rotuli
curiæ regis - 6
- Richard I - 18- 20 Nov - 6 Ric.
1198 - Philip
, Henry , Richard , William and Jordan, sons
of Vtlag’ - Kent Pipe Rolls - John 1198
1207 - Hubert
de Burgh purchased of Roger de Burnham and Julian, his wife, William de
Noiers, Robert Fitz Ralph, and Alice his wife, and Robert de Utlagh,
their several nine parts of two knights fees in Runton and Beeston and
Hinderingham, for which they paid castle gaurd to Dover. 9th of King John *The
Norfolk antiquarian miscellany - Google Books - West
Runton - Beeston
Regis - Hindringham -
Outlagh Manor"
1207 - Alan
the son of Robert de Vtlage, granted the land of Beston and Runton to
the Prior of Walsingham by deed , sans date, bounded as there.
1210 - Margam Abbey - John, son of Ralph Utlage, of the land in the meadow of Leowine, known as Lewin's-mead, near to St. James' Church, Bristol. - dated in the early years of the thirteenth century. - Cartae et alia munimenta quae ad dominium de Glamorgancia pertinent Clark, George Thomas
1215 - Haghenild Vtlaghe - lands of Newton and Newington - Heirs One part to Hildith married to a Norman William , two parts to Simon, and Adam, and Henry and Roger son of Thomas and his heirs - The register of St. Augustine's abbey, Canterbury, commonly called the Black book - Hubert de Burgh, the justice of England 1215
Richard le Outlawe - Hempstead Essex 1260
1260 - Witness Richard le Utlawe - Essex - Grant of Rent William de Wateville to John de Vallibus and his heirs of land in Hempstead, Essex witnessed by Sir Nicholas Peche, Sir Andrew de Helyun, Sir Simon Peche, Philip de Codree, John de Bosco, Richard de Kanne, Richard le Utlawe, Hugh de Sanford, Roger de Reymes, Geoffrey de Bello, Simon Clericus
1. RICHARD UTLAWE, of County Bedford, ENGLAND. A reference to him in Hundred Rolls, year 1273, is the earliest record found of the family name. The name was probably assumed by some one who had been outlawed, deprived of the right of pleading in a Court of Justice, or excommunicated by an Ecclesiastical Court. Any dispute with the Crown led to a batch of outlaws, any of whom might adopt the name. In the London Daily Telegraph of September 2, 1896, it is stated that the name was assumed by descendants of King Edgar Atheling, son of Edward the Outlaw, which is only a news paragraph and may not be substantiated by records. It has often been asserted that the Outlaw name came from MacGregor, of the famous Scottish Clan, during the period of their Proscription, which is without foundation, as the Acts of Parliament proscribing the MacGregor name were many years after the time of several Outlaw family names shown in this record. (ATO)
The paragraph in London Daily Telegraph of Wednesday, September 2. 1896, page 5, column 2, as sent by E. Anderson of Newspaper Department, British Museum, London, is as follows:
"An Ancient Line. It is pleasant to learn that our correspondent was misinformed when he stated that Mr. George Outlaw, who recently died in South Australia, was the last male descendant of King Edgar Atheling, whose political vicissitudes led to the assumption by his posterity of this significant cognomen. Letters from Limpsfield, Berkhamstead, Kingston-on-Thames, and elsewhere, testify to the fact that there are still living many Outlaws, some of them doubtless unaware of the blue blood coursing through their veins, and that there is little likelihood of the Royal line becoming extinct for many generations to come."
In a Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 6, p. 371-3, appears the following:
"Edgar Atheling, son of Edward the Exile (or Outlaw) was probably born in Hungary before 1057 when his father came to England on the invitation of Edward the Confessor but died without seeing the King. He was surviving son of Edmund Ironside, son of Ethelred the Unready."
In letters written by Bower Marsh experienced Record Searcher and Genealogist, of London, he says:
"The earliest record I find is a reference to Richard Utlawe, County Bedford, 1273 (taken from the Hundred Rolls). AS regards the origin of the name it is without doubt applied to the descendants of some one who was 'outlawed' - i. e. deprived of the right of pleading in a Court of Justice (this may apply also to a sentence of excommunication by an Ecclesiastical Court). Any dispute with the Crown led to a batch of outlaws, any of whom might adopt the name. I do not think we can possibly regard Edward the Outlaw as the ancestor, as family names did not come in use till more than 100 years after his death, and I do not think there is any reason at all to suppose the Outlaw family took their name from him."
In letters written by George Sherwood, experienced Record Searcher, and Genealogist, and author of a number of publications, of London, he says:
"The paragraph in London Daily Telegraph of September 2, 1896 is only a news item, and descent from King Edgar Atheling probably only a legend. I have several references to law proceedings back to about 1456-80."
In a small book, "Scottish Clans and their Tartans", printed in Scotland, by W. & A. K. Johnson, it is shown that the Acts proscribing the MacGregor name were just after the battle in Glenfruin, 1603, in which the brave MacGregors won. The Colquhouns of Luss had been induced to execute a commission of "fire and sword" issued by King James VI, against the dreaded clan, and lost. Several Acts were passed, 1603, 1613, 1617, etc., requiring the MacGregors, under most severe penalties, to abandon their name and assume other names. It was during that period they assumed various other names, and it is clearly shown in the fan-Lily record that OUTLAW was an English family name long prior to that time. In a letter written by John MacGregor, of Clan Gregor Society, in Scotland, he says:
"For a number of years I have been collecting the various names under which the MacGregors passed during the period of their proscription but I never came across any of them designed 'Outlaw'. The name appears to be a very unusual one and more likely to be of English origin than Scottish."
2. [Sir] ROGER OUTLAWE, was made Lord Chancellor (Edward II) in the year 1326 and served as Lord Justice of Ireland at times until the year 1340. (Haydon).
3. Sir ADAM OUTLAWE, of West Lenn (Lynn), St. Peters, priest, died 1501, leaving a Will, by which he bequeathed his chantry, lands and tenements thereto belonging, to Thomas Tyard, and after his decease to remain to the Chantry of "Our Lady" in the Church at St. Peters, the priest of it to pray for the good state of the aldermen, brethren, etc., and for the souls of the same, namely: Thomas of Acre and Muriel, his wife, and for the benefactors, namely: Robert Malle and Agnes his wife, and for his (Outlaw's) own soul, the second Sunday of Lent. To the parish clerk he gave three acres of land in North Lynn and to the bellman of the town he gave the tenement called Bunchesham, at Cowgate, and an acre called Vestyll's Acre, that he pray for the souls mentioned. Thomas of Acre and Muriel his wife, were the founders of this chantry, and he died, as it seems, patron of it, and left the patronage in the gift of the parishioners, the rector or curate not to be feoffee of it. He served it as chantry priest. Sir Adam Outlawe, priest, is buried in the church. (Blomefield's History of Norfolk).
4. THOMAS OUTLAWE, of Wichingham, County, NORFOLK, son of Ralph Outlawe, was granted Arms and Crest (by Camden) in June, 1613, as follows:
ARMS Argent a saltire gules between four wolves' heads couped proper.
CREST A demi-wolf
proper wounded in the shoulder by an arrow or head and feathers argent embrued gules. (British Museum-Stowe).
Ancient Translations
ARMS Silver: a red saltire between four wolve's heads severed and in natural color.
CREST One half a wolf couped proper pierced through the side with a gold arrow,
feathered and headed in silver. the arrow lying bent to the right.
The Visitation of Norfolk for 1613 includes Ralph Outlawe of Little Wichingham, (son
of-Thomas) and Amye his wife, daughter and heir of John Bevis of Little Wichingham, and
their children as follows:
(1) Thomas Outlawe (to whom was granted arms and crest) and
Margaret, his wife, daughter of Francis Cory of
Bramerton [ born 1539 ], and their children. Roger,
Thomas, Anne and Elizabeth; [ Bramerton Hall Corys
- Margaret Cory and Thomas Outlaw were married in 1593.. ]
(2) Amye Outlawe, wife of George Southgate of Reefeham;
Mary Outlawe, wife of Thomas Allen of Great Wichingham;
(4) Margaret Outlawe, wife of John
Goodge of St. James in Suffolk;
(5) Elizabeth Outlawe, wife of Robert Allen of Norwich;
(6) Ralph Outlawe, and
(7) Simon Outlawe.
This Visitation also includes John Outlawe of East Dereham, and Margery, his wife, second daughter of William Walshe, by Olive, his second wife, and their children as follows: John. Catherine, Joane and Cecilly. (Harleian Society-Vol. 32).
5., RALPH OUTLAWE, of Tuttington, County Norfolk, and Elizabeth, his wife, living in 1657, and their children as follows:
(1) Edward Outlawe, mercer of Norwich, who by his Will in 1657 mentioned his parents
and brothers and sisters and the poor Little Wichingham;
(2) Thomas Outlawe, gentleman;
(3) Robert Outlawe, gentleman, of Cardeston;
(4) Mary Outlawe, wife of Thomas Bell,
(5) Elizabeth Outlaw, wife of Anthony Pearson, merchant, of Norwich;
Charles Outlawe, gentleman, of Northwalsham, who by his Will in 1657 mentioned his parents
and brothers and sisters;
(7) Ralph Outlawe, clerk.
The Wills have mentioned, probated
1658, show also the names of Robert King of Brandeston, William Simpson of Little
Wichingham, Nicholas Moore, John Moore, Lionel Girlinge, Edward Andrew, Edward Baker,
Joseph Hoogan, and others. (Abstract of Wills-Bragg in Register Woolten).
In 1477-8, John Berney, Esquire, of Wichingham, died
seized of this manor. John Berney was Lord in the reign of Henry VIII (1509 etc.) and left
it to his son John.
In 1562, Martyn Berney, Esquire, son of Robert, held his first court
as Lord of Cleyhall, Robert, his father, having died possessed of it.
In 1598, Martyn
Berney and Margaret, his wife, Christopher Grimston of Grey's Inn, and Elizabeth, his
wife, daughter of Martyn Berney, conveyed it by fine to William Collins who conveyed it
also the same year.
It then passed to the OUTLAWS. Thomas Outlawe was living in 1620 and
by Mary, his wife, daughter of Cory, was the father of Ralph Outlawe, who married (1st.)
Elizabeth Kemp, sister of Sir Robert Kemp, of Spain's Hall, by whom he had a son Thomas,
and married (2nd.) Sarah Hunt, daughter of William Hunt, Esquire, of Hilderston (son of
Sir Thomas Hunt), by whom he had a son Ralph who married (1st.) Wisula Brown, daughter of
Richard Brown of Fulmerston; and married (2nd.) Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Robert Adams
of Norwich. He died about 1670 leaving part of his estate to Brown, of Saxthorp, and part
to Elizabeth, his wife, who as a widow, held her first court in March 1670. She afterwards
married Gyles Cutting, an Attorney. (Blomefield's History of Norfolk).
WILLIAM OUTLAWE matriculated Emmanuel College, 1601.
RALPH OUTLAWE, son of -Ralph, of Wichingham, admitted pensioner and matriculated Pembroke College, 1637; B. A. 1642; M. A. 1645; ordained deacon and priest (Lincoln) June 4, 1646, and served as rector of Necton, Brandeston and Bintry. Married Mary Lancaster, daughter of Mathew Lancaster of Dunton, and had a son Thomas.
THOMAS OUTLAWE, son of Ralph Outlawe of Bintry, admitted pensioner Corpus Christi College 1674, and matriculated 1675.
SAMUEL OUTLAWE, son of Thomas Outlawe, of the Isle of Ely, admitted sizar and matriculated Jesus College 1693; B.A. 1697; ordained deacon 1698; curate of Fotheringay 1698; priest 1699, and received government allowance to Leeward Isles in 1705.
8. MARBLE INSCRIPTIONS: Wichingham parish.
In memory of Thos. Outlawe, the elder, gent: who died July 3, 1633.
In memory of Thos. Outlawe, gent; who died May 15, 1650.
In memory of Ralph Outlawe, gent; who died Nov. 14, 1670, and Elizabeth, his wife, who died July 4, 167 1.
In the middle aisle of the church is a slab to Robt. Outlawe, no date.
In memory of Thomas Hunt, rector about 1610.
On a slab at West end bearing family arms appears the following:
"Hereunder resteth ye body of Ralph Outlawe, Rector of Bintry, who Was the son of Ralph Outlawe of Little Wichingham in the County of Norfolk. He departed this life ye first day of February 1688, aged 68 years. Reader, pray stay, death's trophies view and see, in them what thou, thyself, ere long must be." (Church Heraldry of Norfolk -Farrer).
(The foregoing eight sections are of prominent and influential persons who lived over a period of 432 years, from Richard Utlawe in 1273 to Samuel Outlawe in 1705; but the first edition author made no claim of them being a successive blood line. Neither did he attempt to prove Capt. John Outlaw and his young brother Edward, first known American emigrants, Sections 9 and 10, to be lineal descendants of any of them. His London researchers were apparently unable to find Capt. John's and Edward's parentage or other ancesters. Therefore, I have not pursued any further research on the subject for this supplement.
However, Mr. Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw (my' seventh cousin) of Richmond, Va., has discovered some probabilities which he gives on pages 150-154, HSF, Vol. XVI which, with sections 4-8 1 summarize below. The first, and perhaps the most prime suspect, begins with the line of Thomas Outlaw, and I can best summarize his line by setting it up in sections fashioned after the family sections in this volume:
1. THOMAS OUTLAW, born ca. 1520, County Norfolk. One son, Ralph, Sec. 11.
11. RALPH OUTLAW, (1) born Ca. 1545, Little Wichingham,
County Norfolk. Married Amye Bevis. Children:
(1) Thomas, Sec. 111; (2) Amye; (3) Margaret; (4) Mary;
(5) Ralph; (6) Simon.
111. THOMAS OUTLAW, (11-1) born ca. 1570; died at Little Wichingham, July 3, 1633. Married Margaret (Outlaw Genealogy gives her name as Mary), daughter of Francis Cory. He came to the Lordship of the Manor of Cleyhall (Wichingham Parish) ca.
159-8. Was granted Arms and Crest in June 1613 Children:
(1) Ralph, Sec. IV; (2) Anne; (3) Elizabeth.
IV. RALPH OUTLAW, (111414) born ca. 1595. Married Elizabeth Kempe ca. 1615-16. He died July 4, 1671. Children:
(1) Thomas; (2) Rev. Ralph Outlaw; (3) Elizabeth; (4) Mary; (5) Robert, Sec. V; (6) Charles; (7) Edward
V. ROBERT OUTLAW, (IV-III-II-I) our prime suspect as being a father of Capt. John and
Edward. There is a slab to him in Ringland Parish, but nothing further is known of him.
Notwithstanding, there are three reasons to suspect him as our English ancester:
(1) He
was in the same area from whence came Capt. John and Edward.
(2) He was within the age
(3) Successive family names are a prime factor. His father, grandfather, uncle
and brother were named Ralph and another brother was named Edward .
The theory is
that he named his son (our emigrant) Edward after his brother by that name who when he
grew up and was married in America (he was very young, in his early teens. when he
came) he named his first son Edward and his second son Ralph. After Edward,
Second, there were three or four more Edwards in successive generations. Ralph named his
son Ralph. And to this day the two names, especially Edward, are very popular with us.
Then Mr. Holtzclaw elaborates on the bare probability of Capt. John and Edward being in the line of either East Dereham, Elsing or Isle of Ely, County Norfolk. But, as he says we cannot be sure of any of them.
As far as we know Capt. John and Edward were our first emigrants.
In a History of Tennessee and Tennesseans, Vol. 111, Pg. 754, by Will T. Hale and Dixon L. Merritt, published in 1913 by Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York, is this statement: "The founder of the American family, Alexander Outlaw, came to this country and settled in 1635." This being true, he may have been a few years ahead of Capt. John and Edward. But it is in error because in the next paragraph they say: "A descendant of this North Carolina family was Alexander Outlaw, born there in 1738. In 1783 he settled in that part of Greene County which is now Jefferson County, Tennessee." This Alexander Outlaw we know about (Sec. 39), a great grandson of Edward the emigrant, Sec. 10, and there is no evidence whatsoever that he was in the line of the above alleged founder of the family in America. Mr. Perry Outlaw, Principal of the Ben-C. Rain High School, Mobile, Ala. who has done considerable research on the Outlaws, and whose ancestry went from Eastern North Carolina to Tennessee, thence to Alabama, was in Montgomery, Stewart and Houston counties, Tennessee this summer (1971) doing research, found the book and sent me the above quotations but, like me, put little credence to it. In the course of his work there he found something in a lighter vein:
In A Lighter Vein
He writes that in Danville, Tennessee, Houston County, there used to be a place of business named after three men who owned it: OUTLAW, GAMBLE and STEAL - AHO).
9. Captain JOHN OUTLAW, of the Western branch of Elizabeth River in Lower Norfolk County, VIRGINIA, was living there in the year 1669 as shown by appointment of Thomas Gilbert as his lawful Attorney to appear in two suits against William Onale, the acts of said Attorney to stand in as full force as if he (Outlaw) were personally present. Said Power of Attorney, on record in said County, being the earliest American record found of the family name. About that time he moved into CAROLINA as shown by a court record as follows: "At a General Court held ye 27 September 1670 at ye house of Saml. Davis for ye County of Albemarle in ye Province of Carolina, Laurence Gunfallis obtained an order against Capt. Jo. Outlaw in May Court 1670 for a bote of 14 foot and whereas said Outlaw is departed from his house and there can be no bote had, Mr. Herman Smewin and Abraham Kimberly were sworn in Court to appraise ye worth of ye said bot who vallowed said bote to be worth 750 lbs. tobacco and cost. and cost of sale, wherefore it is ordered ye said Gunfallis satisfy his debt out of ye said Outlaw's estate where it can be found." As to the time and place of his death, and family, if any, no record is at hand. (Norfolk County records-Hathaway Register, etc.)
(Capt. John's appointment of Thomas Gilbert as his attorney to appear in two suits against William Onale-also deciphered as Davenall and Dafnell, the latter being probably correct-appears to have been as a defense attorney in at least one of the suits. It concerned his behavior in August, 1668 while attending the funeral of Robert Spring's wife at her home. He got into an argument with John Johnson and became so turbulent that Onale (Dafnell), the neighborhood constable, was called to command the peace; but Capt. John met him at the door, used abusive language and struck him two or three blows. His brother, young Edward. was doubtless there and, one witness at the hearing seemed to involve him in the brawl, but was probably confused, for Onale's (Dafnell's) oral response to Capt. John's blows were addressed to him which eliminated Edward: "What is the matter with you, Capt. Outlaw, I have charged the peace before you and I know not what to doe with you." He was indicted but he did not appoint Gilbert to represent him until March 31, 1669. What the other suit was about I do not know, but it was very probably defensive also. On May 8, 1668 a difference between Capt. John and Edward Wesray was heard and referred to the next Court; and on the same day Capt. John, his brother Edward, and another minor, Thomas Forkin, were convicted of unlawfully killing a steer and fined 2000 pounds of tobacco. one half going to the owners and one half to the County of Norfolk. Capt. Outlaw apparently assumed the fine, as the other defendants were minors.
Full accounts of these and other court records are in Benjamin C. Holtzclaw's study of Outlaw genealogy, released this (1971) fall as Vol. XVI, HISTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES, edited by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie of Honolula, Hawaii; which I commend to our readers.
John Outlaw was a boat captain and boat builder and probably a tobacco farmer as he seemed able to pay some fairly steep court fines in tobacco poundage. He was never married, as far as we know. His parentage, back in England's County Norfolk, is unknown as are sibblings, if any, other than Edward (Section 10). It is believed he returned to England around 1670 and died there as there are no further records of -him in Norfork County, Va. or the old Albemarle counties, N.C. -A.H.O.)
1658 - Nov 16 - John Outlawe of Lymehouse Shipwright and Elizeabeth Baker of Ratcliffe, W. (first marriage) St. Dunstan Stepney Page 92
More information on Captain John Outlaw
10. EDWARD OUTLAW, First, of Elizabeth Parish, Lower Norfolk County, VIRGINIA, was a Mariner, and purchased (jointly with Dennis Ashley) from Francis Thelaball and wife, Sarah, in 1678, 300 acres of land called Beach Ridge, at the head of the Western branch of Elizabeth River in said County. In 1682 they were granted by Sir Henry Chickeley [Sir Henry Chicheley], His Majesty's Deputy Governor, 256 acres adjoining that they had bought from Thelaball, said land being "due them by and for the transportation of five persons &c." His Will is in the records for said county at Portsmouth, dated December 19, 1713, and probated December 17, 1714, apparently written and signed by himself, and therein mentioned his wife Elizabeth and the following children:
I. Edward Outlaw, see Sec. 11.
II.. Ralph Outlaw, see Sec. 12.
III. Sarah Outlaw, married William Bustin. They had a son William whose Will is dated
1752 and mentioned his wife Elizabeth and children as follows: Edward, Thomas,
Christopher, Benjamin, William, Sarah and Francis. (Portsmouth Book 1, page 248), Sec.
IV. Elizabeth Outlaw, married Robert King whose Will is dated 1732 and mentioned his
wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth. (Wills 1710-1753, page 13 1).
The Will of Edward Outlaw, above mentioned, is substantially as follows:
"In the name of God amen the 19th day of December
I EDWARD OUTLAW being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make constitute, ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and from following: first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same do give and commit my Soul unto Almighty God my Savior and Redeemer in whom and by merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveness for all my sins and that my Soul with my body at the General Resurrection shall rise again with joy through Jesus Christ and pass on and possess and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen: my body to be buried in such place as shall please my executor hereafter named and now for the settling of temporal estate such as goods, chattels and debts as hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me I do ordain and dispose of in manner and form following: revoking by these presents all testament and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made or declared either by word or writing and this to be taken for my last Will and Testament and none other.
"Item- I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Eliza the use of my whole estate lands and living both without doors and within during her natural life and after her decease I give and bequeath as followeth:
"Item- I give and bequeath unto my son Edward Outlaw one hundred and three acres of land with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him and his heirs forever-and one negro boy called Cophee and one four gallon porridge pot.
"Item- I give and bequeath unto my son Ralph Outlaw one hundred and two acres of land beginning at a marked persimmon at the upper end of my orchard and so running along the old field to two persimmon trees more and from the last persimmons to run a line to make up the complement-and one negro girl called Bess to him and his heirs forever.
"Item- I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Bustin and my son Ralph Outlaw all my household stuff to be equally divided between them excepting the porridge pot that was given before.
"Item- I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth King one negro woman called Diana and her increase forever.
I do therefore ordain and constitute my two sons Edward and Ralph to be my whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. I therefore give unto my two executors all my stock and tools. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of December, 1713.
John x Freeman EDWARD OUTLAW & Seale
Richard Woodin
Frances Harlowin
"Proved by all the witnesses hereunto subscribed this 17th day of Dec-, ember, 1714 and is upon the motion of Edward and Ralph Outlaw admitted to record. Test. Thos. Butt, Jr. DCCur."
(Mr. Edward Hinkle of Blooming Grove, Texas, a lineal descendent, has discovered and sent to me additional and exciting information on Edward Outlaw, First, which I give below. However, he mentions only two children-Edward and Ralph.
Edward, First, he says, was born in County Norfolk, England ca. 1652; came to Norfolk County, Va. with his brother, Capt. John Outlaw and there married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary Davenall also of Norfolk County, about 1680. Capt. John was much older than Edward (though a young man, probably in his middle or late twenties). This William Davenall is also deciphered from the old record as Onale and Dafnell (Sec.9), the latter being probably correct. He was a Constable and neighbor of Capt. John and Edward.
Edward doubtless owed a great deal to his elder brother, Capt. John, but Capt. John may have been a bad influence on him and got him into trouble with the law on at least two occasions: (1) engaged him and another minor to help him unlawfully kill a steer, and (2) failure to do his share in keeping up the public roads in his area-an example set by Capt. John-(BCH in HSF, pg. 2) There, the facts are brought out in detail. However, after Capt. John apparently returned to England, Edward grew up to become a very good citizen. According to the probate date of his Will he died in December, 1714. His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1727. His County Norfolk parents and sibblings (if any) other than Capt. John are not known. As far as we know, this Edward Outlaw begins the genealogical line of Outlaws in America -AHO).
11. EDWARD OUTLAW, (10) born about 1685, Norfolk County, Va. Married Anne, daughter of George and Hannah Ivey of Norfolk County. Edward, Second, Gentleman, of Albemarle County (Now Chowan, Bertie and others), Carolina, is shown in the records as juror at Court on Queen Ann's Creek in Chowan precinct in 1721 and 1722 and owned lands on Warrick Swamp, Catherine Creek and elsewhere. The land in Virginia left to him by his father's Will, was deeded by him to his brother-in-law Robert King and wife Elizabeth "where the said Outlaw's father formerly dwelt, which said land is part of 240 acres that Edward Outlaw, Sr., deceased, left to his sons." Anne Outlaw, wife of Edward, signed the deed. She was Anne (Ivey) Outlaw, daughter of George and Hannah Ivey, also of Norfolk County.
The word "gentleman" indicates that his ancestors were freemen, bearing a coat of arms. He was born about 1685 in Norfork County and died between April 15, 1738 and February 5, 1739, as shown by two certain deeds of record in Bertie County, N.C., the first by Edward Outlaw (Third) to Richard Sanders, in Book E at page 337, to which Edward Outlaw Sr. (Second) and William Whitfield were witnesses, and the second deed by "Edward Outlaw, eldest son of Edward Outlaw, late of said County, deceased, and George Outlaw another of the sons of Edward Outlaw, deceased, of the one part, and Theophilus Pugh of the County of Nansemond, in the Colony of Virginia, merchant of the other part" in Book F, page 31. Patience Outlaw, wife of Edward (Third), appeared in Court and "acknowledged the same freely." By the said deed it is shown that his sons were:
1. Edward Outlaw, Sec. 13.
11. George Outlaw, Sec. 14. And others. Thomas, William and Ralph Outlaw granted lands in Bertie County 1742-1747, were probably the other sons. The quitrents for Bertie and Edgecombe Counties were payable at Outlaw's Landing on Chowan River in 1736, and in 1743 a bill was placed before the Assembly asking for the erection of a town at said place. (No, these others were the sons of his brother Ralph-Sec. 12. They are: Thomas, Sec. 18; Win., Sec. 17; and Ralph, Sec. 16. However, BCH in HSF, pg. 9, believes Edward had 3 or 4 more children than the first edition lists -AHO):
111. A daughter, married Samuel Albertson and died before 1740,
when her son, Samuel, Jr., was apprenticed to Edward Outlaw.
She may have been the Mary Outlaw (below, in V).
IV. Joseph Outlaw who with his wife Elizabeth, deeded land in Chowan County, N.C. in 1751-52. He is not mentioned as a son in Edward's brother Ralph's Will, so he must have been Edward's son.
V. Mary Outlaw. born about 1712-14, who witnessed a deed in 1735 along with other members of the family. She may have been identical with Mrs. Albertson (above in 111).
VI. Sarah Outlaw, born 1708-10; married Wilkinson, and witnessed deeds connected with the Edward Outlaw family in 1729, 1735, and 1738. Probably the eldest child.
12. RALPH OUTLAW, (10) of Albemarle County, CAROLINA, owned lands on Catherine Creek, purchased from William Thompson and wife. The land in Virginia, left to him by his father's Will, was deeded by him to Thos. Hobgood, Jr. "in Parish of Elizabeth, County of Norfolk, where the said Outlaw family formerly dwelt." Anne Outlaw (same name as his brother Edward's wife), wife of Ralph signed the deed. As to the time and place of his death, and family if any, no record is at hand. There are conveyances in Chowan County records by Lewis Outlaw to George White, 1755, land on Warrick Swamp Lewis Outlaw to George Outlaw, 1768, for "land descended to him by legal heirship from John Rice;" Joseph Parker to George Outlaw, 1771, for "land on Catherine Creek known as Indian Neck", and Lewis Outlaw and daughter Ann to George Outlaw, 1776, for "land descended from John Rice" - David Outlaw witness. (Born in Norfolk County, Va. about 1690. After marriage and two or three children they moved to Albemarle County, N.C., to what is now Chowan County around 1717. The remainder of his 7 (all male) children were born there. Hinkle's report (Sec. 1006) is credited for the addition to Sec. 12 of the first edition; and I have added section numbers to each. Ralph's Will was probated in 1760 -AHO).
I. John Outlaw, Sec. 15.
II. William Outlaw, Sr., Sec. 17. This section in the first edition is for George Outlaw and says he is the son of William. I have reversed it to show William, the father of George in order to bring the line of William and his children forward.
III. Ralph Outlaw, Jr., Sec. 16.
IV. Thomas Outlaw, Sec. 18. (Hinkle is in error here in giving the name Joseph).
V. Edward Outlaw, Sec. 23.
VI. Lewis Outlaw, Sec. 36.
VII. George Outlaw, Sec. 38,.
13. EDWARD OUTLAW, Third, (I 1 -10) owned large tracts of land on
Flat Swamp, Horse
Swamp and Chowan River, in Bertie County, as shown by deed from "Edward Outlaw,
gentleman, to my son Edward Outlaw," and other conveyances.
The lands in Bettie
County were sold to Thos. Hallowell in 1742, and he lived for a short time in Johnston
During the years 1745, 1746, 1747 and 1748 he received several grants for land in New Hanover County, in that part of it which is now
Duplin County, where lived
until his death in 1759.
The place of his residence was on North East River at what is
known as the George Outlaw old place at Outlaw's Bridge, in said County, deeded to him by
Constantine Whitfield. His original Will is in Duplin County records dated 1759, and in
1760 Patience Outlaw, widow, filed an inventory of the estate which included horses,
cattle, implements, and one large church Bible, one small Bible, one common prayer book,
one testament and one psalmster. His wife was Patience Whitfield of Bertie County,
daughter of Elizabeth (Goodman) and William Whitfield.
I. Alexander Outlaw, eldest son "to my plantation whereon I live after my wife's
decease." Sec. 39.
II. James Outlaw, Sec. 40.
III. Edward Outlaw, served as Ensign in the Revolution, Wilmington Division,
commissioned April 16, 1776. No further record, Sec. 1139A.
IV. William Outlaw.
V. Anne Outlaw, (married Peter Smith of Duplin Co.-letter from A.T. Outlaw to Benjamin
C. Holtzclaw of Richmond, Va. AHO).
VI. Elizabeth Outlaw, Sec. 41.
VII. Mary Outlaw.
VIII. unborn.
14. GEORGE OUTLAW, (11-10) Cooper, owned lands in Bertie County, sold to Theophilus Pugh, and was granted lands in New Hanover County in that part which is now Duplin, where he was living in 1744. There are numerous conveyances to and from him in Duplin County records, but no Will showing his family, if any. One conveyance by him gives his residence as Burke County, Ga., another as Darlington County, S.C. There are also conveyances in Duplin County records to and from Lodwick Outlaw, Benjamin Outlaw, and others, all prior to 1783, but no Wills in their names. One conveyance by Benjamin Outlaw gives his residence St. John's Parish, S.C., all of which are in the public records for Duplin County at Clinton, N.C., Sampson County being a part of Duplin until 1784. The names shown in this section probably belong to the family of George Outlaw, shown at the beginning.
(HSF: born about 1716-17, Norfolk County, Va. Died probably in Darlington County, S.C. Wife, probably Lydia Bently, daughter of John and Sarah Bently of Bertie County. Moved to Burke County, Ga. about 1770. Lodwick and Benjamin (above) were his sons, and there were four more, all listed in order below-AHO).
Children: (All active in the Revolution)..
I. Benjamin Outlaw, Sr., Sec. 1161.
II. Lodwick Outlaw, (also Deudovic, "Lud") Outlaw, born in Bertie or Duplin 1742-43. Lived in Duplin for a time and married Mary - - - ? They moved to Burke County, Ga. with his father in the early 1770's. One son, James. Lodwick died as a refugee soldier on retreat from Augusta to Savannah in the Revolution.
Ill. George Outlaw, Jr., Sec. 1168.
IV. Bently Outlaw, Sec. 14A.
V. John Outlaw born about 1753, Duplin County, N.C. Was there as late as 1774 and apparently moved to Burke County, Ga. with his father and brother, Lodwick.
VI. Peletiah Outlaw, born about 1755, Duplin County. Probably moved to Brunswick County, N.C. before 1790 Census. Wife's name not known. One John Outlaw who was granted land there in 1805 is believed to be a son.
14A. BENTLY OUTLAW, (14-11 -10) born 1751, Duplin County, N.C. Went to Chesterfield County, S.C. early in life, and died there 1852. Was a bachelor until after the Revolution, and stated that his military service was "principally chasing down Tories." Married Martha - - - ?
I. John Outlaw, Sec. 14B.
II. Nancy Outlaw, died young.
III. Elizabeth Outlaw, born 1797.
IV. James Outlaw.
V. Lydia Outlaw, born 1808. Married her cousin, Kenyan Outlaw.
VI. Benjamin Outlaw, born 1808.
VII. Cynthia Outlaw, born 1813.
14B. JOHN OUTLAW, (I 14A-1 4-11 -10) born 1792, Chesterfield County, S.C. Married Abigail (probably Cameron). Moved to Henry County, Ala. 1832-33.
Children: (Census of 1850 and 1860)
I Alexander.
II. Thomas.
III. Mary.
IV. Bently.
V. Sarah.
VI. Benjamin Riley.
VII. Jane.
VIII. Murdock.
IX. John (Sec. 990).
X. Angus.
XI. David.
XII. Henry.
XIII. Matilda.
XIV. Roderick.
15. JOHN OUTLAW, (12-10) born in Norfolk County, Va. Lived in Bertie County, N.C. and died there in the year 1780, as shown by his Win in Book B. page 155. He was at the time an old man as he said "almost worn Out with age." Wife's name not known.
I. Josiah Outlaw, Sec. 25.
II. John Outlaw, Jr., Sec. 21.
IIL Thomas Outlaw.
IV. Jacob Outlaw.
V. James Outlaw, married Elizabeth, his brother John, Junior's widow, Sec. 21.
VI. Mary Outlaw, married Hughes.
VII. Susanna Outlaw, married King. VIII. Sarah Outlaw, married Smith.
IX. Zilphia Outlaw, married Draughon.
X. Ann Outlaw, married Jernigan.
XI. Winifred Outlaw.
16. RALPH OUTLAW, JR., (12-10) born in Bertie County and died there in the year 1790, as shown by his Win in Book D. page 146. He married Mrs- Mary Knott in Bertie County April 22, 1769, she being his second wife- As to his first wife no record is at hand. (Probably Ann --- ? who witnessed a deed of Ralph's brother, William, in 1748.
Children: First marriage.
I. Elizabeth Outlaw, married Nathan Miers, Bertie County, Sept. 15, 1764 and had at least one child, Ralph.
II. David Outlaw, Sec. 22.
III. Ralph Edward Outlaw. Married Rebecca --- ? Children:
I Anne, married (1) John (or James) Rhodes Oct. 23,1797.
Married (2) Malachi Weston. Children, first marriage:
(a)Edward Outlaw Rhodes, educated in Connecticut.
Children, second marriage:
(b) William, (c) Malachi, (d) Rebecca Weston.
IV. Mary Outlaw, married a Ray, and they had a son, John.
V. Priscilla Outlaw, married a Watford and they had a daughter,
VI. Drucilla Outlaw, married William Frazier Jan. 10, 1774. Children: Charity and Wright.
VII. Charity Outlaw, married Rev. John Alexander, a prominent and influential Episcopal Clergyman and a Loyalist in Bertie County during the Revolution.
I Mary Alexander, preceded her father in death.
2. Martha Alexander. (In his Will)
3. Rachel Alexander, (in his Will) married Joshua Outlaw, Sec. 1.7.
Children: Second marriage.
VIII. George Outlaw, Sec. 38.
17. WILLIAM OUTLAW, SR., (12-10) (First edition gives the name George, son of William, but I have reversed it to William, father of George in order to show ancestry and other children Of William. William was born in Norfolk County, Va. about 1716; died in Bertie County, N.C. about 1789. Married Mary, the daughter of James Wood of Bertie about 1740.
L Anna Outlaw born about 1742.
II. James Outlaw, Sec. 981.
Ill. William Outlaw, Jr. (known as Capt. Outlaw), born in Bertie County 1745-6. Married Susannah Byrd in Bertie Aug. 25, 1764. Died in Hertford County prior to 1800. He served as a Lieutenent in the Revolution, was a wealthy land owner and had probably as many as 10 children.
We know of four:
(1) William Outlaw 111, Hertford County native. Died in Stewart County, Tenn.
(2) Wright Outlaw, Sec. 24.
(3) John Outlaw, died in Stewart County, Tenn.
(4) George Outlaw, married Anne Watford in 1801, Bertie County. They moved to Montgomery County, Tenn. There they had at least one son, Thomas B. Outlaw, Sec. 995.
IV. Mary Outlaw.
V. Putck Outlaw (Probably Ruth).
VI. George Outlaw. Lived in Bertie and died therein 1795. Married Apes Knott in Bertie March 19, 1775; her Willis dated 1775, in Bk. D, pg. 287. Children: George and Morgan. There were probably two girls, Mary and Ruth.
18. THOMAS OUTLAW, (12-10) lived in Bertie County, and died there in the year 1782, as shown by his Will in Book C, page 48. Wife's name not known.
I. Thomas Outlaw, born in Bertie 1752-53 and lived in Hertford County.
II. Amos Outlaw, born around 1760. Married Elizabeth - - - ? Died about 1795.
III. (Daughter) married Godwin, and had a child named Penny.
IV. Jacob Outlaw, Sec. 20.
19. GEORGE OUTLAW (16-12-10) lived in Gates County, and died there in 1801, as shown by his Will in Book 1, page 191. Wife's name Sarah. Lived on East side of Catherine Creek.
I. George Outlaw, given lands in Gates and Bertie counties.
II. James Outlaw, died 1796, leaving a son David, lands at Old Town Neck.
III. Mary Outlaw, married Jonathan Jordan in Chowan County, Sept. 20, 1775.
IV. Selah Outlaw, married Seth Rountree, Sec. 32.
V. Millicent Outlaw, married Isaac Coston, Sec. 33.
VI. (Daughter), married Harden Hurdle.
VII. (Daughter) married Charles Powell.
VIII. Nancy Outlaw.
20. JACOB OUTLAW, (18-12-10) lived in Gates County, and died there in the year 1808, as shown by his Will in Book 2, page 12. He married Rachel Garrett in Chowan County, Nov. 25, 1775.
I. John Outlaw, Sec. 35.
II. George Outlaw.
III. Thomas Outlaw, died single in 1814, Book 10, page 208.
IV. Elizabeth Outlaw, married Frederick Blanchard.
V. Deborah Outlaw, Sec. 34.
VI. Nancy Outlaw.
VII. Retey (or Ritter) Outlaw, married William Byrd. Book 12, pages 222-223.
21. JOHN OUTLAW, (15-12-10) born about 1745. Lived in Bertie County, and died there about 1810, as shown by a division of his estate in Book V, page 468. Wife's name not known. (As to death date HSF, Vol. XVI, pgs. 20-21, shows he died in Bertie in 1791 and cites tax list of land in his name that year but, in his wife Elizabeth's name the next year. Also, she was appointed administrator of his estate on Feb. 6, 1792. However, the estate was apparently not finally divided and a report made until April 1, 1809; and it appears this was the record the first edition author read and which led him to believe that John died about 18 10. Two daughters were born before the two sons and I have added them below. John was the older of the two sons and was the John Canady Outlaw, Sec. 62 -AHO).
I. Martha (Patsy) Outlaw, married Raynor.
II. Laodicea Outlaw (Dicey), married Matthew Morris, in 1804.
III. John Canady Outlaw, Sec. 62.
IV. Timothy Outlaw, died in 1814. Bk. F., pg. 268.
22. DAVID OUTLAW, (16-12-10) lived in Bertie County, and died there May 27, 1789, as shown in Book R, page 440. He married Martha Standley in Bertie County July 27, 1773, daughter of Jonathan Standley. Book M, page 610.
I. David Outlaw, died prior to 1800, and Solomon Cherry served
as guardian for his children, David, Ann, and Martha Outlaw.
Book S, page 259. She died 1794.
II. Ralph Outlaw, Sec. 42.
23. EDWARD OUTLAW, (12-10) lived in Bertie County, and died there in the year 1808, as shown by his Will in Book F, page 72. Wife's name not shown. (Probably Mary who, along with Edward and his eldest son Aaron, witnessed the Will of John Outlaw-HSF, Vol. XVI, pg.46).
I. Aaron Outlaw, Sec. 26.
II. Lewis Outlaw, Sec. 28.
III. James Outlaw, Will 1808, mentions Mary', his wife, and brothers and sisters.
IV. Joshua Outlaw, Sec. 27.
V. Mary Outlaw, Sec. 30.
VI. Milly Outlaw, married Josiah Askew, Feb. 12, 1796, son of David Askew.
VII. Rachel Outlaw, Sec. 29.
VIII. Anna Outlaw, Sec. 31.
24. WRIGHT OUTLAW, (17, 111-12-10) probably a native of Hertford County, died in Montgomery County, Tennessee, in the year 1815, as shown by his Will in Book B, page 158. In a deed by him in Bertie County, Book Q, page 114, he mentions "all my crop of corn as it now stands both on my mother's plantation in Hertford County and on mine in this County," dated 1794. In another deed by him in Bertie County, Book T, page 305, he conveys "all the land which the said Wright Outlaw now holds," dated 1804. His Will mentions "Prudence, my present wife, and any other children I may have." See also Book B, page 134.
I. George Reddie Outlaw. Sec. 1175
II Sallie V. Outlaw.
III. Lavinia M.A. Outlaw.
IV. Wright W. Outlaw
V. John A. Outlaw,' plantation whereon I now live."
VI. Prudence C. Outlaw.
VII Louise I: Outlaw.
25. JOSIAH OUTLAW, (15-12-10) of Bertie County, purchased land in Duplin County, on Southerland's Marsh, about 1793, where he lived until his death about 1810. Wife's name not at hand.
I. Jesse Outlaw, Sec. 43.
II. Benjamin Outlaw, and probably George, married Martha Cooper in Craven County Jan. 30, 1797; Ralph, married Elizabeth Pennington in Duplin, Sept. 19, 1806; and Winnie, married Jesse Branch in Duplin in 1790, although she may have been a daughter of George Outlaw.
26. AARON OUTLAW, (23-12-10) of Bertie County, died in the year 1815, as shown by his Will, and after his death his widow, Pruden, married James Moore of Hertford County. Book W, page 506.
I. Selah Outlaw, married Meedy Evans.
II. Sarah (Sally) Outlaw, married Daniel Brittain, May 3, 1803.
III. Christian Outlaw, married John Dunning of Hertford County.
IV. Mary (Polly) Outlaw, married Isaac Baker, Dec. 26, 1807.
V. Kincy Outlaw, married Green.
VI. Millicent Outlaw, married Green, and Jethro Baker.
VII. Wiley Outlaw, Sec. 44.
VIII. Levi Outlaw, Book Z, page 148, shows a division of his estate among brothers and sisters.
IX. Jeremiah Outlaw.
(My father's Great Grandfather ? -> Willam Dossey Outlaw -> Nef Outlaw -> William (Billie) Folks Outlaw -> Daniel Clinton Outlaw )
27. JOSHUA OUTLAW, (23-12-10) of Bertie County, died about the year 1828, as shown by a division of his estate, in Book CC, page 135. He married Rachel Alexander March 26, 1805, daughter of Charity (Outlaw) and Rev. John Alexander, and after his death she married Benjamin Hill. Her children by HUI were: Henry Franklin, Mary Eliza, Barsha, Elizabeth, Alfred D. and Joseph Hill (Book DD, page 230).
I. John Alexander Outlaw, Sec. 45.
II. Joshua Outlaw, died prior to 1828.
III. Martha Ann, married Wright Mitchell (or Mizelle).
28. LEWIS OUTLAW, (23-12-10) of Bertie County, died about the year 1809, as shown by a division of his estate, in Book V, page 164. Wife's name not shown.
Parenthetical information below is supplemental to the above original edition and is furnished by Mr. Richard Hinkle, Blooming Grove, Tex. See his full report, Sec. 1006. -AHO.
(Born in Chowan County, N.C. about 1758-59 and died in Bertie County in 1808, the same year as his father. His wife was named Elizabeth. He seems to have been the Lewis Outlaw who served in the Revolution and received Revolutionary payment for services, Vol. 106, Book 19, pages 21 and 50, in the Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, N.C. He was given the title of Major probably after the war-by the Bertie County Militia. His estate papers and other records show seven children). Mr. Hinkle lists them in the order of their births which is not so in the first edition -AHO.
I. Catherine Outlaw, married Elijah Raynor. (Probably ca. 1782) Sec. 1006.
II. Mary Outlaw. (Born ca. 1784. Married Samuel Sessoms or Sessions -AHO).
III. Edward C. Outlaw. (Born ca. 1786-88, married and left issue).
IV. Sarah Outlaw or Sally. Married John Freeman. He was serving
as sheriff of Bertie County in 1842. Sec. 1006.
V. David Outlaw, Sec. 1006.
VI. Milly Outlaw.
VII. Jonathan Outlaw. (Born ca. 1799-1800 and died 1827, apparently unmarried).
29. RACHEL OUTLAW (23-12-10) married Thomas Cherry in Bertie County, Jan. 7, 1794. He died 1812. Book F, page 217.
Children: (under age).
I. Aaron Cherry.
II. James Cherry.
III. Theophilus Cherry. Sec. 883.
IV. Thomas Cherry.
V. Doctron Cherry, married Sally Ann Outlaw. (LL p. 595), Sections 45 and 880.
VI. Milley Cherry.
30. MARY OUTLAW, (23-12-10) married John Askew in Bertie County, Jan. 2, 1793, son of David Askew. He died in 1829 and she died in 1843.
I. Aaron Askew, married Frances Watford, daughter of William Watford. Her sister Annie married David Outlaw 1801, and they moved to Tennessee.
II. David Outlaw Askew.
III. Andrew Jackson Askew.
IV. George Askew.
V. Alexander Outlaw Askew.
VI. Martha Askew, married Harris (or Hare). They had a son George Thomas Harris.
VII. (Daughter) Askew, married Sessoms. They had two daughters, Emily and Levina Sessoms.
31. ANNA OUTLAW, (23-12-10) married Kinchen Tayloe in Bertie County, August 13, 1795, son of Abraham Tayloe. He died prior to November , 180 1, and she probably married again.
I. David Tayloe.
32. SELAH OUTLAW, (19-16-12-10) married Seth Rountree, of Gates County, as shown by his Will dated 1808, in Book 2, page 15. He was a son of Thomas Rountree.
I. Thomas Rountree.
II. Noah Rountree.
III. James Rountree.
IV. Seth Rountree.
V. Elizabeth Rountree.
VI. Leah Rountree.
VII. Mary (Polly) Rountree.
33. MILLICENT OUTLAW, (19-16-12-10) married Isaac Coston, of Gates County, as shown by his Will dated 1819, in Book 2, page 156. He was a son of Dempsey Coston.
I. Isaac Coston.
II. James Coston.
III. George Coston.
IV. David Coston.
V. Thomas Coston.
VI. Elizabeth Coston.
VII. Sarah Coston, married John Riddick.
34. DEBORAH OUTLAW, (20-18-12-10) married Thomas Hoffler, of Gates County, as shown by his Will dated 1817, in Book 2, page 143.
I. James Hoffler.
II. Hance Hoffler.
III. William Hoffler.
IV. Marcy Hoffler, married John Davis
V. Garrett Hoffler.
VI. John Hoffler.
35. JOHN OUTLAW, (20-18-12-10), died in Gates County in the year 1823, as shown by his Will in Book 2, page 209. His widow, Margaret, married Stallings, and they were living in Perquimans County in 1842. B. 19, pg. 23.
I. Sarah Outlaw.
II. Juba Outlaw.
III. John Outlaw.
IV. Jacob Outlaw, living in Gates County in 1842.
V. Rachel Outlaw, died prior to 1842.
36. LEWIS OUTLAW, (12-10) of Gates County, probably a brother of George (Sec. 38), married Zilphia Freeman, daughter of John Freeman of Chowan County, prior to 1776, as shown by Freeman's Will in Chowan County, Book A, page 269.
1. James outlaw, (Gates Book 2, page 25.)
Possibly others.
(Additional information from HSF, Vol. XVI. Born in Bertie or Chowan, but his land fell in Gates, and he died there. His name in the records are also deciphered Levis and Levi. Married twice: (1) probably the daughter of John and Elizabeth Rice and (2) Zilphia Freeman. His brother George was not the George in Sec. 19, but the George in Section 12. The son James was by his second wife and born about 1783. He had a daughter, Ann, by first wife born about 1755. She was probably the Ann in Sec. 37 who married James Rhodes, Bertie County on Oct. 23, 1797 -AHO).
37. MARRIAGES and MISCELLANEOUS items, not elsewhere shown.
William Outlaw married Susanna Byrd, Bertie County, Aug. 25, 1764.
Ann Outlaw married James Rhodes, Bertie County, Oct. 23, 1797. Sec. 36
George Outlaw married Martha Cooper, Craven County, Jan. 30, 1797. William Outlaw married Rachel Floyd, Bertie County, April 5, 1800. Patsy Outlaw married Solomon White, Bertie County, Dec. 19, 1800. George Outlaw married Fanny Belote, Bertie County, May 27, 1803. Silvia Outlaw married James Wilson, Bertie County, Aug. 24, 1803.
Dicy Outlaw married Matthew Morris, Bertie County, --- 1804.
David Outlaw married Mary Powell, Bertie County, July 10, 1805.
Elizabeth Outlaw married Nathan Modlin, Bertie County, 1805.
Patsy Outlaw married John Holly, Bertie County, Jan. 17, 1806.
Ralph Outlaw married Elizabeth Pennington, Duphn County, Sept. 19, 1806.
Ralph Outlaw married Cecil Mitchell, Bertie County, Aug. 5, 1808.
George Outlaw married Mary Askew, Bertie County, --- 1809. (The marrage of Ralph Outlaw and Elizabeth Pennington is the only record of them in Duplin County).
James Wood's Will, Northampton County, 1751, mentions a daughter Mary Outlaw.
Mary F. Miller's Will, Bertie County, 185 1, mentions her grandchildren, Victoria, Edward, Sarah Jane and David Outlaw, Jr., and her "interest in the Pennington land."
Martha Outlaw, with children under age, appears in 1790 census for Duplin Co., it being the only record of them in said County. Captain William Outlaw, lived on Stony Creek, Bertie County, Book Q, page 52, 1794.
Lewis Outlaw, (of Madison County, Tennessee), Martin County, Book G, page 398, 1823.
William Outlaw, (of Stewart County, Tennessee), Bertie County, Book T, pages 300-301, 1805.
Edward Outlaw, to son-in-law, Malachi Weston, Bertie County, Book W, page 399, 1815.
Edward Outlaw, guardian for Edward Outlaw Rhodes, Bertie County, Book W. page 490, 1815.
Captain Ralph Outlaw, to David Stone, Bertie County, Book T, page 249, 1804.
Captain Outlaw's Militia Company, Duplin Court Minutes, 1811.
Note: The following supplement to Sec. 37 (miscellany) was furrushed by BCH which he did not include in his Vol. XVI, HSF. We both think it may be valuable to someone, sometime. -AHO.
(1) Dallas Co., Ala. Census, 1850: W.J. Outlaw, b. 1814 in Tenn.: married Caroline Parnell, Dallas Co.; Alexander Outlaw, b. 1838: N.R. Outlaw (female), b. 1841.
A.S. Outlaw, Justice of the Peace, performed a marriage ceremony; Dallas Co., Ala., in 1819.
Joseph W. Outlaw m. Mrs. Elmira Peaques July 5, 1839, Dallas County, Ala. He witnessed the Will of Edward Day there in 1841 (W.B. 1, p. 198).
(2) Wilcox County, Ala. Census of 1860: Eliza Outlaw, b. Tenn. 1828; Penelope Outlaw, b. 1847, in Ala.
(3) Clark County, Ala. marriages: Elizabeth Outlaw to William Pritchett Jan. 1, 1823; J.D. Outlaw (the groom) to E.E. Rivers March 15, 1883.
(4) Jasper County, Mo., Census of 1870: James M. Outlaw b. 1829 in Tenn.; Sarah J. Outlaw b. 1834 in Tenn.; Reuben W. Outlaw b. 1853 in Tenn.; Catherine Outlaw b. 1861 in Mo.; Rosalie Outlaw b. 1865 in Kans.; Lily Jane Outlaw b. 1866 in Kans.,- Samuel E. Outlaw b. 1869 in Kans.
(5) Tazewell Co., 111. Census of 1860: C.W. Outlaw b. 1824 in N.C.; Lucinda Outlaw b. 1826 in Ky.; Mary Ann Outlaw b. 1847 in Ind.; William W. Outlaw b. 1850 in Ind.; Daniel Outlaw b. 1853 in Ill.; Thomas Outlaw b. 1856 in Ill.; Sarah S. Outlaw age 3 mos. b. in Ill.; Ellen F. Williams b. 18SS in Ill.
(6) Hickman Co., Ky. Census of 1830: D.A. Outlaw, 7 males b. 1800-18 10; 1 male and 2 females b. 1810-1815; 1 female b. 1820-1825.
(7) The following families, shown as Outland in the Census of 1850, Stewart Co., Tenn., but as Outlaws in the Census of 1860, may have been descendants of Capt. William Outlaw. Jr.. Sec. 47 in HSF, Vol. XVI, pg. 32; and Sec. 17, OUTLAW GENEALOGY.
Family No. 134 (HSF), Joel Outland b. 1807 in Ky.; Harriet Outland b. 1812 in Ky.. Mary b. 1840 in Ky.; Enos b. 1842 in Ky.; Daniel b. 1845; John b. 1848; and William b. 1849-50 -- the last three b. in Tenn.
Family No. 136, Timothy Outland b. 1770 in Tenn.; Parthenia b. 1810; May b. 1830; Martha b. 1832; Tillman b. 1834; Nancy b. 1834; AMY b. 1848; James b. 1840. All born in Tenn.
Family No. 312, John Outland b. 1823; Louise b. 1826; Margaret b. 1845; William B. b. 1848 and Martha 3 mos. old-all born in N.C.
Family No. 837, Dudley Outland b. 1829 in Tenn.; Narcissa b. 1818 in N.C.; Silas b. 1840; Enos b. 1843; Josephus b. 1849-all the children born in Tenn.
Family No. 889, Seth Outland b. 1788 in N.C.; Margaret b. 1800 in N.C.; Elie (male) b. 1823; George b. 1829; Benjamin b. 1838; Mary b. 1834; Sarah b. 1835-all children b. in Tenn.
38. GEORGE OUTLAW, (12-10) of Bertie County, died in said County August 15, 1825, as shown by an account of his death in Raleigh Register for August 23, 1825. His Will is in Book G, page 13 1, dated 1825.
He was educated by private teachers and in the common schools, and was a merchant; entered public life as a member of the State House of Commons in 1796-1797: member of the State Senate in 1802, 1806-1808, 1810-1814, 1817, 1821, and 1822, of which body he served as Speaker in 1812, 1813 and 1814; elected as a Jefferson -Democrat to the Eighteenth Congress to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hutchins G. Burton, and served in the second session of January 19, 1825, to March 3, 1825, his death occurring in August of that year; prominent and influential member of the Baptist Church, and served as first Moderator of Chowan Baptist Association, organized in 1806, and according to historians, was a man of great serenity and address, amiable manners and piety. He married (1st) Elizabeth Bryan, born April 3, 1775, and died 1816, daughter of Mary (Hunter) and Joseph Bryan, and (2nd) Mrs. Frances Smith, widow of Henry Smith, and daughter of Frances (Lee) and Col. Thomas Mackay. After the death of George Outlaw, 1825, she married James H. Hartmus, Jan. 19, 1830, and her Will is in Chowan County, dated 1842, in Book C, page 236.
Children: First marriage.
I. Dr. Joseph Bryan Outlaw, Sec. 50.
II. George B. Outlaw, born 1798, died March 10, 1843; succeeded
his father as a member of the State Senate and served several terms; married (1) Elizabeth Hill and (2) Mary Eliza Jordan, by which marriage several children died young, and one, Mar), Elizabeth, married William Hill of Wilmington, N.C., Jan. 9, 1850, no issue. After the death of George B. Outlaw, his widow married Lewis Bond, issue Daniel and Henry Bond who moved to Tennessee, and after the death of Lewis Bond she married Governor JOHN BRANCH of Enfield, N.C., no issue. She was born Oct. 17, 1809, and died April 10, 1873, and, according to historians, was a lady of refinement and piety.
(Hathaway's Register -Wilmington Journal, Jan. 18, 1850.)
III. Harriett Outlaw, married Jonathan R. Leggett, issue Margaret Eliza and George Thomas Leggett, and married (2) Dr. V.A. Ritney. (Bertie Book F, page 246.)
IV. Mary Bryan (Polly) Outlaw, married William Dorsey (or Dosser [ DOSSEY ] ). See Hathaway's Register.
Children: Second marriage.
V. Dr. William Thomas Mackay Outlaw, Sec. 51.
VI. Julia E.S. Outlaw.
VII. Frances E. Outlaw.
39. Colonel ALEXANDER OUTLAW, (13-11-10) of Duplin County, born 1738, and died after Oct. 5, 1825, as shown by a letter dated at Cahaba, Alabama, in which he states "I have lost all my children but my son and Mrs. Anderson living in the Federal City, and my son's eldest son Alexr. died last week and his father has two sons and six daughters living here." The public records show him as a member of Safety Committees in 1775; Captain in Duplin militia service, and served on an "expedition against the insurgents" with Colonel James Kenan, 1776, and probably in battle at Moore's Creek (N.C. Public Accounts, I to 6 Comptroller's Office, page 454); "active and industrious in the recruiting business" wrote Governor Caswell to Judge Spencer in August 1777; quartermaster of the Tenth Regiment, charged with misconduct in office and deposed, November 1777, later moving to Washington County, Virginia, where he served as militia officer, magistrate, and with Colonel William Campbell in battle at King's Mountain (Sumner's History of Southwest Virginia); moved to Greene County, North Carolina (now Tennessee), in the year 1783, where he received from the State of North Carolina several grants for large tracts of land on Tennessee, Holston, French Broad, and Nolichucky Rivers, for military services; member of the N.C. General Assembly at New Bem in November, 1784, at which time he presented a bill asking for a separate State in the Western Territory by the name of West Carolina; again a member of N.C. General Assembly at Fayetteville in 1788 and 1789; member of convention held in August, 1784, at Jonesboro, which led to the formation of the State of Franklin and served that State as a member of Assembly, Commissioner to negotiate with the Cherokee Indians and as a Colonel in militia service; member of the first constitutional convention of the state of Tennessee and represented Jefferson County in the first General Assembly; elected to the State Senate and served as Speaker of that body in 1799 and 1801.
He was a Lawyer and held commissions as a Justice of the Peace. He moved during old age to Cahaba, Alabama, then the State Capitol, where members of his family had moved, and died there. His wife, who was Penelope Smith, of Duplin County, North Carolina, married about 1766, died at Rural Mount, in Hamblin County, Tennessee.
I. Elizabeth Outlaw, married Judge David Campbell, Sec. 46.
II. Only Patience Outlaw, married Judge Joseph Anderson, Sec.
III. Penelope Smith Outlaw, married Colonel Joseph Hamilton, Sec. 48.
IV. Dolly Amanda Outlaw, married Paul McDermott in Jefferson County, Tennessee, March 9, 1797, and among their descendants are Mrs. William B. Swaney, R.B. Cooke, a Lawyer, And others prominent in the history of Tennessee.
V. Alexander Smith Outlaw, Sec. 49.
40. Captain JAMES OUTLAW, (13-11-10) of Duplin County, was born 1744 and died April 22, 1826. His original Will is in the public records for Duplin County, North Carolina, dated 1826. He was a soldier in the Revolution, serving in the Company of his brother, Captain Alexander Outlaw, in an "expedition against the insurgents", 1776, and later as a Lieutenant (N.C. Revolutionary Army Accounts Vol. V, p. 19, folio 1);
Commissioner of the town of Sarecta (never developed), Duplin County's first established town; Captain in Duplin militia service 1787 and 1788, as shown by tax records from Captain Outlaw's District, and was for nearly thirty years, a Justice of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, serving a part of that time as Chairman of said Court. He built the crossing over North East River, which has since been known as Outlaw's Bridge, in Duplin County. His wife, who was Elizabeth Grady, daughter of Mary (Whitfield) and John Grady, was born February 9, 1750, and died September 3, 1830. Her will is in Duplin County records.
I. Mary Outlaw, Sec. 52.
II. Patience Outlaw, Sec. 53.
III. Edward Outlaw, Sec. 54.
IV. Elizabeth Outlaw, Sec. 55.
V. John Outlaw, Sec. 56.
VI. James Outlaw, died young.
VII. Alexander Outlaw, Sec. 57.
VIII. Charity Outlaw, Sec. 58.
IX. William Outlaw, Sec. 59.
X. Lewis Outlaw, Sec. 60.
XI. Nancy Outlaw, Sec. 61.
41. ELIZABETH OUTLAW, (13-11-10) of Duplin County, was born according to a family record, about 1742, and died April 30, 1821, at Kornegay's Bridge, in Duplin County, N.C. She married William Kornegay, one of the sons of George Kornegay, of Craven County, N.C. George
Kornegay's name is subscribed to a Palatine petition (CR 4, p. 967), by which it is shown that he belonged to that sturdy stock called Palatines, who came to America with Baron de Graffenreidt and founded the town of New Berne, on on Neuse River, in Craven County, N.C. He was born 1688; died Nov. 1, 1773. An old record in Duplin Court House shows that William Kornegay built the crossing over North East River, which has since been known as Kornegay's Bridge, where he died, according to a family record, June 22, 1 1812. He was born about 1762.
I. Isaac Kornegay, born April 15, 1766, died March 29, 1838; married (1) Hester Hargett March" 13, 1792, daughter of Anne (Isler) and Peter Hargett of Jones County, N.C. She was born May 21, 1772, died Oct. 9, 1817. He married (2) Catherine Brock, March, 1819, and (3) Aldridge Wooten (family record). In Duplin County, Book 3, page 299, dated 1828, is a deed from Isaac Kornegay, Sr., to his children: Hargett, Nancy, Isler, Isaac, Lewis, Hester, Immanuel, Polly, Ahazurus, and Eliza. See also deed in Book L, page 216, from William Kornegay, Sr., to his son, Isaac Kornegay. Sec. 60.
II. William Kornegay, Book P, page 358. See Sec. 629.
III. George Fisher Kornegay, see deed from his father, Book 4, page 144, 1806. He married Sarah (Sally) Glisson, daughter of Sarah (Herring) and Daniel Glisson. The said Daniel Glisson was in public service of Duplin County as Sheriff, member of the State House of Commons, and of the State Senate, for a period of more than thirty years. Sarah Herring, -wife of Daniel Glisson, was a daughter of Stephen Herring and wife Sarah, who was probably Sarah Whitfield, daughter of Elizabeth Goodman and William Whitefield, and therefore a sister of Patience (Whitfield) Outlaw, mother of Elizabeth Outlaw, shown at the beginning of this section.
Other children of Sarah (Herring) and Daniel Glisson were: Captain Bryan Glisson, 9th Company, Duplin Regiment, War of 1812, Abraham Glisson, Stephen Herring Glisson, and possibly others. Sarah (Glisson) and George Fisher Kornegay were the parents of William B. Kornegay, Henry Robert Kornegay, and possibly others. The said Henry R. Kornegay was a Baptist minister, Clerk of Superior Court of Law for Duplin County in 1857, 1858, and 1863, and a prominent lawyer of Kenansville until his death about 1898. Sec. 64.
Possibly others. In his address of dedication at the unveiling of the James Outlaw monument (Sec. 158) A.T.O. lists four more
which follow: -AHO.
IV. David C. Kornegay, Sec. 647.
V. Zilphia Kornegay, Sec. 648.
VI. Elizabeth (Betty) Kornegay, Sec. 649.
VII. Nancy Kornegay, Sec. 653.
42. Captain RALPH OUTLAW, (22-16-12-10) of Bertie County, born 1774-5, died Nov. 16, 1836. As to the maiden names of his wives no record is at hand. Elizabeth, his wife, died April 22, 1819, and Celia, his widow, was living in 1842. In Bertie County, Book FF, page 462, is a deed from Celia Outlaw, widow of Ralph, to her step-daughter, Jane E. Cherry, wife of Solomon Cherry, in which it is stated that "she expects shortly to enter into the holy bonds of matrimony with William Walton of Hertford County and desires to make provision for the support of her step-daughter and children being land upon which dower was assigned from late husband Ralph Outlaw."
He was probably a captain in county militia service. See Book T, page 249.
Children: (By Elizabeth)
I. David Outlaw, Sec. 64.
II. Edward C. Outlaw, Sec. 65.
III. Martha Morgan Outlaw, born January 4, 1813.
IV. Jennet Eliza Outlaw, (sometimes Jane E. or. Janie), born Dec. 4, 1814; married Solomon Cherry and had a son, David William Cherry, and probably others.
V. Sally Frances Outlaw, born Dec. 12, 1816.
VI. Celia Emily Outlaw, born March 20,1819.
There is record of the family of one David Outlaw and wife, Mary Ann, (or Morgan) as follows: Rebecca Ann Outlaw; George Powell Harrell Outlaw, born January 24, 181 ;David Stanly Outlaw, born September 22, 1819; Edward John Outlaw, born April 10, 1820; and Joseph Wright Outlaw, born March 10, 1822. Possibly this David Outlaw belongs in the place of one shown in Section 22. He married Mary Ann Powell July 10, 1805.
43. JESSE OUTLAW, (25-15-12-10) of Duplin County, married Ann Jernigan, August 20, 1813. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. (Corporal in Glisson's Company, died in 1849 - AHO).
I. Isaac Henry Outlaw, Sec. 66.
II. James Outlaw, married Mary Butts.
III. William Outlaw.
IV. George Outlaw, killed by lightening.
V. Jesse Outlaw, killed in the Civil War,
VI. John Outlaw, married Caroline Jones.
VII. Nellie Outlaw, married Edward Parker.
VIII. Pattie Outlaw, married Calvin Alphin, Sec. 913.
IX. Sallie Outlaw married John Alphin, Sec. 966.
Possibly others.
44. WILEY OUTLAW, (26-23-12-10) of Bertie County, died 184 1. Wife's name not shown. Book FF, page 18 1.
I. Polly Ann Outlaw.
II. Elizabeth Outlaw.
III Arabella Outlaw, married David Henry.
45. JOHN ALEXANDER OUTLAW, (27-23-12-10) of Bertie County. Wife's name Ann Mary. Book EE, page 1] 2; Book FF, page 528 and Book LL, page 595. (He was born 1809; died 1882. Married (1) Ann Mary Hunter, and (2) Mrs. Catherine (nee Freeman) Ruffin, both of Bertie County. Catherine was born in 1820 and married about 1846; died about 1874, according to family records -AHO).
Children: First marriage.
I. Sally Ann Outlaw, married Doctron Cherry. See See. 29 and 88.0.
II. Josiah (or Joseph 1.) Outlaw, wife's name Christiana, Sec. 88 1.
III. William Outlaw, wife's name Eleanor, Sec. 88.2.
IV. Keddy Ann Outlaw, Sec. 88.3.
V. Victoria Rachael Outlaw, married Robert G. Alexander, Dec. 29 , 1869. No Issue. Children: Second marriage.
VI. John Alexander Outlaw, Jr., Sec. 884.
VII. George Outlaw, died at age 12, killed by a falling tree.
VIII. Tentoretta Outlaw, called aunt Puss by her nieces and nephews. Born 1850, Bertie County; died at Pheobus, Va. Married (1) Joseph Cowen of Bertie County, and (2) Sergeant Raymond of Ft. Monroe, Va. Several children not known by which marriage.
46. ELIZABETH OUTLAW, (39-13-11-10) native of Duplin County, North Carolina, born 1767, moved with her parents to Washington County, Virginia, about 1780, and to Greene County, North Carolina, (now Tennessee) about 1783. She married Judge David Campbell, who entered public life as a County Clerk for Washington County, Virginia, and took an active part in the formation of the State of Franklin, serving as Superior Court Judge and Chief Justice for that State; Superior Court Judge for Washington District of North Carolina; Judge of the Territorial Court so long as that Court existed, and a Judge of Superior Court of the State of Tennessee from 1797 until 1807; charged with receiving a bribe, acquitted, and later appointed by the President a Judge for Mississippi Territory about 1810-11, and died in Rhea County, Tennessee, in 1812.
After his death, about 1818, Mrs. Elizabeth Outlaw Campbell and children moved to Cahaba, Alabama, then new and the State capitol, where she operated a ferry on Cahaba River, it being a profitable business at that time. She died at her residence on Vine Street in Cahaba (now a deserted city) Jan. 19, 1821. Her Will is in Dallas County, Book A, page 50.
I. Penelope Smith Campbell, married (1) Dr. Thomas Van Dyke, who served as an Ensign in the infantry Service of the United States and was promoted to a captaincy, resigning in 1811 to locate at Washington, in Rhea County, Tennessee, for the practice of medicine. Served as a surgeon in the war of 1812, and in campaigns against the Indians in 1813 and 1814. He died at Fort Claiborne, Alabama, Dec. 27, 1814, in the service of his country. The children were: Alexander Outlaw Van Dyke, born 1799; Jefferson Campbell Van Dyke, born Jan. 16, 1801; Thomas Nixon Van Dyke, born Jan. 22, 1803; Mary Hamilton Van Dyke, born 1805; Eliza Rhea Van Dyke, born
1807. After the death of Thomas Van Dyke his widow lived with her mother, Mrs. Campbell, and moved with her to Cahaba, Alabama, in 1818, where she married (2) Colonel William Trotter, then a member of Alabama State Senate, in June, 1821. She died in August, 1821, being a few months after the marriage, and is buried on his farm in Washington County, Alabama.
II. Mary H. Campbell, married John Beck, then a member of Alabama Legislature for Wilcox County, March 16, 1824.
III. Eliza Campbell, married Dr. Carlyle Humphreys. She was his first wife.
IV. Thomas Jefferson Campbell, born Feb. 22, 1793, married Sarah (Sallie) Bearden of Knox County, Tennessee, Nov. 20, 1817. She was born Feb. 7, 1796.
V. Margaret Campbell. In a history of the Van Dyke family, by Judge Thomas Nixon Van Dyke, it is stated that she married John Rogers, a lawyer, and settled at McMinnville, Tennessee, which is probably correct. However, another record states that she died single in her 18th year (CP&ASI Nov. 5, 1821). Judge Van Dyke was a son of Penelope Smith (Campbell) and Dr. Thomas Van Dyke and married Eliza Ann Deaderick, daughter of Penelope (Hamilton) and Dr. William H. Deaderick.
VI. Dolly Campbell, married Matthew McClelland and moved to Morgan County, Alabama.
VII. Harriett Campbell, married Dr. Carlyle Humphreys, and settled in Morgan County, Alabama. She was his second wife.
VIII. Letitia Campbell, born Nov. 6, 1801, and died Oct. 19, 1886. She married (1) Henry Trowbridge, at Cahaba, April 22, 1819, and he died in November of that year. She married (2) Reverend James L. Sloss, May 21, 182 1. He was the pioneer Presbyterian preacher in that section of Alabama.
IX. Victor Moreau Campbell, married Penelope Deaderick, daughter of Penelope (Hamilton) and Dr. William H. Deaderick.
X. Caroline Campbell, youngest daughter died at Cahaba, October, 1821, unmarried. (Cahaba Press & Alabama State Intelligencer Oct. 15, 1821).
47. ONLY PATIENCE OUTLAW, (39-1 3-11 -10) native of Duplin County, North Carolina, moved with her parents to Washington County, Virginia, about 1780, and to Greene County, North Carolina, (now Tennessee) about 1783. She married Judge JOSEPH ANDERSON, who was born near Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 5, 1757, studied law, and served in the Revolutionary War, New Jersey line of the Continental Army, as Ensign, First Lieutenant, Captain, and Regimental Paymaster, attaining the rank of Brevet Major at the close of war; admitted to the bar and practiced in Delaware; United States Judge of the Territory South of Ohio, 1791; member of the first constitutional convention of the State of Tennessee from Jefferson County 1796.
An unsuccessful candidate before the first Legislature for the United States Senate but was elected in 1797 to fill the vacancy in the term ending March 3, 1799, caused by the expulsion of William Blount; again elected Dec. 12, 1798, to fill the vacancy in the term ending March 3, 1803, caused by the resignation of Andrew Jackson. Re-elected in 1803; appointed and subsequently re-elected in 1809 for the ensuing term and served continuously from Sept. 26, 1797, to March 3, 1815; President pro tempore of the Senate January 13, February 28, and March 2, 1805; appointed during Madison's administration first Comptroller of the United States Treasury, and served from March 4, 1815, to July 1, 1836. Died in Washington, D.C., April 17, 1837, and is buried in the Congressional Cemetery. His Will is in District of Columbia. Will Book ENR-No. 5, page 97, dated Jan. 2, 1836, at which time his wife was still living.
I. William Anderson, lived in Washington, D.C., married and had issue.
II. Dr. Thomas Von Albade Anderson, died at 90 years of age.
III. Alexander Outlaw Anderson, born Nov. 10, 1794, at "Soldier's Rest", being properly given his mother by her father, Colonel Outlaw, in Jefferson County, Tennessee. Graduate of Washington College at Greenville, Tennessee; enlisted in the War of 1812 under General Andrew Jackson and fought at New Orleans; studied law, admitted to the bar and practiced in Danridge and Knoxville, Tennessee; Superintendent of United States land office in Alabama in 183; Government Agent for ...
The Visitations of Norfolk, 1563 and 1613 -
So who was Thomas Outlawe of "co. Somerset" (from Bristol? or a man working for Lord Admiral Thomas Seymour ? or working for the Duke of Somerset - Edward Seymour?):
1548 - Thomas
Outlawe - King
Edward VI. issued a proclamation, A. D. Oct.
1548 - accused of piracy - 300
crown reward
1549 -
Lord Admiral Thomas Seymour, was beheaded for reasons of state, and
amongst the articles of accusation were several charging him with dealings
with pirates
- The first Thomas Outlawe in Wichingham was from Somerset where the
piracy was occurring for Thomas Seymour and Edward Seymour was Duke
of Somerset
1552 - Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset
- he was executed for felony
in January 1552 after scheming to overthrow John
Dudley's regime over King
Edward VI
Revisiting the visitation: Senior Thomas Outlawe marries Margaret Cory is listed among the children of an early Francis Cory
The Visitation of Norfolk for 1613 includes Ralph
Outlawe of Little Wichingham, (son of-Thomas) and Amye his wife, daughter
and heir of John Bevis of Little Wichingham, and their children as follows:
(1) Thomas Outlawe (to whom was granted arms and crest) and Margaret,
his wife, daughter of Francis Cory of Bramerton, and
their children
Roger, Thomas, Anne and Elizabeth; [
So what happened to Roger and Thomas? ]
(2) Amye Outlawe, wife of George Southgate of Reefeham;
(3) Mary Outlawe, wife of Thomas Allen of Great Wichingham;
(4) Margaret Outlawe, wife of John Goodge of St. James in Suffolk;
(5) Elizabeth Outlawe, wife of Robert Allen of Norwich;
(6) Ralph Outlawe, and
(7) Simon Outlawe.
Notice years later but BEFORE the Capt. John and Edward brothers.... Notice that "Thomas" was used as the traditional name for the "first born" son...
----- > First record of Outlaw's in New World: Who was Capt. Thomas
Outlaw on the Blessing?
1661 - Captain
Thomas Outlaw - The Blessing of London - arrives in Boston
So who were the Cory s' ? Oh they were big shots...
The Corys remained at Bramerton for more than 250 years in which time the family had spread widely into Norfolk and Suffolk.
Bramerton Hall - Bramerton Hall, the seat of the Corys from about 1400 to about a century and a quarter since; it is now the seat of Miss Blake: it was partly rebuilt in 1870 by J. J. Blake esq the late owner: the building is principally of white brick
Harlean MSS. and Norfolk "Visitations."
"Norwich Records."
17. Francis Cory was born in 1539 in Bramerton Hall, Norfolk, England. He died in 1581.
Francis Cory and Grace Brown were married. Grace Brown died in 1596. She was born in Talconeston, Norfolk, England.
Francis Cory and Grace Brown had the following children:
+33 |
i. |
Francis Cory. |
34 |
ii. |
John Cory was born (date unknown). |
+35 |
iii. |
Dorthy Cory. |
+36 |
iv. |
Ann Cory. |
37 |
v. |
Robert Cory died in 1582. |
38 |
vi. |
Johanna Cory was born (date unknown). |
+39 |
vii. |
Elizabeth Cory. |
+40 |
viii. |
Margaret Cory. |
+41 |
ix. |
Thomas Cory. |
| - - - - -
40. Margaret Cory was born in 1575.
Margaret Cory and Thomas Outlaw were married in 1593. Thomas Outlaw was born in Little Witchingham, England.
Margaret Cory and Thomas Outlaw had the following children:
75 |
i. |
Ann Outlaw was born (date unknown). |
76 |
ii. |
Roger Outlaw was born (date unknown). |
77 |
iii. |
Thomas Outlaw was born (date unknown). |
78 |
iv. |
Elizabeth Outlaw was born (date unknown). |
And also the Cory's are listed in the Visitations: Notice that Thomas Outlawe is listed here...
The visitacion [i.e., visitation] of Norfolk, anno 1563 and 1613 - page 86.
Interestingly the Senior Son Thomas Cory and Margaret Cory's brother goes to Gray's Inn in 1613 - Ralph Outlawe was admitted in 1610:
1613 - Francis Cory, son and heir of Thomas C, of Bramerton, Norfolk, gent. - Admitted Gray's Inn Nov 15, 1613 - ( Margaret Cory's brother who is married to Thomas Outlawe, which is Ralph Outlawe's brother - confused?)
1610 - Ralph Outlaw, of Witchingham, Norfolk, gent., and of Barnard's Inn. - Feb. 13 - Admissions Gray's Inn - "gentleman of blood" place their children in these Inns of Court (The hero of Charles Dickens's novel Great Expectations, Pip, lodged in Barnard's Inn with Herbert Pocket for a number of years following his arrival in London. (Barnard's ~= Undergraduate school, Grey's Inn ~= Graduate Law school ) )
The visitation of London, anno domine 1633, 1634, and 1635 Volume II … Harleian Society v.17
The Visitation of London, 1633, 1634 and 1635 - Online
London Tower Ward - Robert Davy of Norwich = Elizabeth Da. of ... Outlaw of Norgate of Norfolke (circa 1633)
Robert Davy seems to have been a WINE merchant in London.... and the Tower Ward was the Royal area in London so he probably was getting wine for Eliz I
The visitation of Norfolk in the 1563 V1- William Harvey
Outlaw Pg. 289
1590 - Thomas Outlaw : a brother of Robert Davy (Dauy) of Norwich - Henry Davy - pg 289
Robert Davy b. of, Norwich, Norfolk, England d. Y
Henry Davy b. 19 Sep 1577 of, Tower Ward, Allhallows, Barking, London, Middlesex, England d. 1640
Matthew Kemp - Virginia - Our Family Tree Surname Kempe
The visitation of Norfolk in the 1563 V1- William Harvey
Outlaw Pg. 289
1590 - Thomas Outlaw : a brother of Robert Davy (Dauy) of Norwich - pg 289
The visitation of Norfolk in the 1563 V2 - William Harvey
Simon Owghtlawe or Owghlawe:
Notice Margaret nee Walshe married John Outlaw of Dereham and had four children:
John Outlaw, Catherine Outlaw, Joane Outlaw, Cecily Outlaw
The visitacion of Norfolk_1563
"The visitacion [i.e., visitation] of Norfolk, made and taken by William Hervey, Clarencieux King of Arms, anno 1563, enlarged with another visitacion [sic] made by Clarenceux Cook : with many other descents, and also the vissitation [sic] made"
Notice: Simon Owghlawe in and around - land in Acle, Mowton, Boyton, Northbyrlyngham Fysshely and Upton in 1542 with a connection to the famous "Clere" family ...:
1542 - Simon Outlawe - Owghlawe Owghtlawe - land in Acle, Mowton, Boyton, Northbyrlyngham Fysshely and Upton Page 309: Notice lands of Thomas Clere -
Who was Thomas Clere? A poet in King Henry VIII court:
Sir Thomas Clere - was a successful poet at the court of Henry VIII. He is commemorated in several poems by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, with whom he had a very close friendship. He was engaged to Mary Shelton, a former mistress of the King's, in 1545.[1] He died on 14 April 1545, before their love match could be made into a marriage.
Sir Thomas Clere was the third son of Sir Robert Clere (c.1493 - 10 August 1529) of Ormesby St. Margaret, Norfolk, and his wife Alice, the daughter of Sir William Boleyn and his wife Margaret Ormond (otherwise Butler), daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormond. Alice was the sister of Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, and the aunt of King Henry VIII's second Queen, Anne Boleyn. Sir Thomas Clere was thus Queen Anne Boleyn's first cousin.[2]
Sir Thomas Clere was buried in the Church of St Mary at Lambeth in Surrey where his monumental brass can still be seen
On Thomas Clere's death this went to Sir Edward Clere ...
Bullen Irish Genealogy Bullen Coat of Arms
There is evidence that the Bullen / Boleyn Coat of Arms was used by the family from about 1400 (It was probably used before then but we have not yet found any tangible proof)
Blickling Hall and its Church, in Norfolk, was the home of Sir Geoffrey Boleyn (1406-1463) from 1437.
He was the
Lord Mayor of London in 1465. There is a window, in the church, dedicated to his wife Ann and it displays the Boleyn Coat of Arms.
Blickling was inherited by Sir Geoffrey Boleyn’s (1406-1463) son Sir William Boleyn (1451-1505).
William Boleyn’s daughter Alice Boleyn (1487-1538) married Sir Robert
In 1505 Blickling was inherited by William Boleyn’s son Sir Thomas Boleyn (1477/70-1538/9) (father of Queen Anne Boleyn. He was granted the title of
Earl of Ormond by Henry VIII and with the title came lands in Ireland. Clonony Castle, in Co Offaly, was one of his possessions).
After the execution of Queen Anne and her brother George Boleyn, Blickling Hall became the home of Sir Edward Clere (died 1611). Sir Edward Clere’s tomb, in Blickling Church, displays the Coats of Arms and pedigrees of his family. His grandparents were Sir Robert Clere (died 1529) and his 2nd wife Alice Boleyn. Below is one of the inscriptions on the tomb.
Sir Thomas Clere, Knight b. of, Stokesby, Norfolk, England d. 23 Nov 1553
A history of Upton, Norfolk by Percival Oakley Hill
1542 - Simon Owghlawe owns land in Upton, afterwards possessed by Thomas
Clere, 1542. Thomas Clere
also had land here which formerly belonged to John Reynes of Acle. — Court of
Wards and Liveries, vi. 129.
1542 - Simon Outlawe - Owghlawe - land in Acle, Mowton, Boyton, Northbyrlyngham Fysshely and Upton
See: Outlawe Family History in Ireland
103799 - William Outlawe - Margaret Outlawe - Maurice fitz Maurice - issue son: Walter fitz Maurice
Interesting in the following, they show William fitz Maurice as the son of Maurice as a second son) : Also notice they take the Fitzgerald moniker. - Person Page 26681
Margaret (?) married William
fitz Maurice Fitzgerald, 1st
Baron of Burnchurch, son of Maurice
fitz William Fitzgerald and Margaret
Her married name became Fitzgerald.1
Early FitzGerald (Baron, FitzMaurice) Family History in Kilkenny
Roland above was but a mere child, at the death of his father, William
Fitz Maurice, some time before March 28th, 1374. He was still a minor, March
8th, 1390. He was appointed Keeper of the Peace for Co. Kilkenny, in 1405, and
again in 1410. In the later year, he, and his wife, Margaret, had a grant of 1
messuage and 1 1/2 carucates of land in Kenokestoun. Published records mention
him for the last time, in 1414, when the King granted him, for his services, a
life pension of £12 a year.
His son and heir was Richard Fitz Maurice ("Rold' fil' Wmi genuit
Richm ", as shown in the Abstract), who, with his wife Johanna
Whytte, is mentioned on the oldest of the family tombs in Burnchurch.
Another Richard Fitz Maurice, or Baron, of Burnchurch (probably grandson of
Richard, son of Richard), and Patrick St. Leger, chief of his nation, appear in
1502, as witnesses to the identification of the will of Sir James Butler Mac
Richard, made in 1487.
here we have William Outlawe Jr. with two sons William and Arnold and daughter Margaret.
This conflicts with other information that William Jr, had a son Roger and that Margaret was daughter of William Sr.
William Outlawe Jr, may well have named a son Arnold after the man who helped
Arnold de Poer, Lord of
Kells [Paor]
"Outlaw was supported by Arnold de Poer, Lord of Kells who arrested the Bishop and had him imprisoned in Kilkenny Castle for 17 days."
From "A visitation of the seats and arms of the noblemen and gentleman of Great Britain by Bernard Burke" it says ;
"The Outlaws derive their descent from a family who were banished to Ireland by King Edwy, for political offences A.D.900. [More likely ~955-957AD see Dunstan link ]
[See: Was the Outlawe's banishment associated with Saint Dunstan? (patron Saint of Goldsmiths)] or Earl Harold?
Ireland was at that time overrun by wolves, and they redeemed the liberty of returning the next year, when King Edgar reigned, by sending in so many wolves' heads to the government.
They were also able to prove their innocence of the crime imputed to them ; and, ever since, their arms have been, argent, a saltier gules, between four wolves' heads, couped, proper; but so indignant were they at their unjust condemnation that they determined to retain the name of Outlawe, in order, as they said, to cast obloquy on the unjust monarch who banished them.