What is not covered in the British press
is the fact that Saudi Arabia paid for the arms with oil. The
oil was sold on the spot market, and this generated an
estimated (in current dollars) $160 billion in cash. I am told
by former U.S. Treasury Department officials that the funds
generated from the oil sales, after BAE got their cut, went
into offshore bank accounts. Those funds were invested by the
usual hedge funds, etc. in places like the Cayman Islands,
BVI, etc., and the profits over the past 23 years from those
investments, multiplied the size of the fund
tremendously. I look forward to any comments on
this very big story, that has never gotten adequate media or
Congressional attention, in my humble opinion. This
makes me wonder if one of the reasons the hedge funds are
getting such preferential treatment is because a good part
of what is invested with them is off-balance-sheet money used
to finance covert operations. Right before 9-11,
Rumsfeld had a news conference where he acknowledged that the
Pentagon was missing $1+ Trillion - un-accounted for,
lost. It looks like there is an off-balance-sheet
government, basically the largest organized crime
organization in the history of the world, composed of
people like Bandar Bush, the Bush's, Mossad, maybe a
few Russian oligarch's. It is hard to see the entire
octopus but it is possible to get a positive ID on some
of the tentacles. |
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Right before 9-11, Rumsfeld had a news
conference where he acknowledged that the
Pentagon was missing $1+ Trillion - un-accounted for,
One has to point the finger at Dual
American-Israeli citizen Dov Zakheim:
Inc’s bio of Dov (linked below) tells us Zakheim was/is a
dual Israeli/American citizen and an ordained rabbi
and had been tracking the halls of US government for 25
years, casting defense policy and influence on Presidents
Reagan, Clinton, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. He is, as I
described him earlier, the bionic Zionist. In fact, Judicial
Inc points out that most of Israel’s armaments were gotten
thanks to him. Squads of US F-16 and F-15 were classified
military surplus and sold to Israel at a fraction of their
value. Judicial Inc also points out that Israel, a
country of 4.8 million Russian and Polish Jewish émigrés,
flies on one of the biggest Air Forces in the world, thanks to
Dov. Conflict of interest here? Depends on what you’re
interested in. That is, in 2001 Dov was CEO of SPS
International, part of System Planning Corporation, a defense
contractor majoring in electronic warfare technologies,
including remote-controlled aircraft systems, and the
notorious Flight Termination System (FTS) technology that
could hijack even a hijacked plane and land or crash it
wherever.... More from the resume: Wikipedia points
out that Zakheim is also a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations and in 2000 a co-author of the Project for the New
American Century’s position paper, Rebuilding America’s
Defenses, advocating the necessity for a Pearl-Harbor-like
incident to mobilize the country into war with its enemies,
mostly Middle Eastern Muslim nations. ... Again,
during Zakheim’s tenure as Pentagon controller from May 4,
2001, to March 10, 2004, over $3 trillion dollars were
unaccounted for. Additionally, military Information was
jeopardized and military contractors billed the US for Israeli
items: $50 million dollar fighter jets were rated as surplus
and the list rolls on. As the scandal of the missing trillion
dollars surfaced and Dov resigned, Israel was handed the
finest fighter jets in the US inventory while 15 percent of US
jets were grounded for lack of parts. In whose best interest
was this? But Dov is not alone. He is one of an elite
group of Jewish Americans/Israelis who inter-marry and enter
government. They and their Christian counterparts are called
neocons and their sole purpose is directing US policy. Most of
them are dual citizens and few serve in the US military.
Think of Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle, Ben
Wattenberg, to mention a few. Whether their motivation is
anger at the Muslim world, seen as a religious and territorial
enemy, or a deep-rooted reaction to the Holocaust, the
culmination of European anti-Semitism, their reactionary
militarism becomes a world-threatening force unto itself.
Hence our concern. Dov and the World Trade
Center Perhaps not coincidentally in May 2001, when
Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s)
subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the
investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World
Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them
intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural
blueprints of the World Trade Center. From the '90s
through 2001, WTC Security was handled by Securacom, a
Kuwait-American firm, on whose board Marvin Bush, the
president’s brother, sat. After 9/11, Securacom was let go,
changed its name to Stratosec, and was delisted from the Stock
Exchange in 2002. According
to Conspiracy writers Shadow and ‘Pax’ in Dov Zakheim
and the 9/11 Conspiracy, (and I suggest you look at this link)
“According to the SPC website (4), a recent customer at that
time was Eglin AFB, located in Florida. Eglin is very near
another Air Force base in Florida-MacDill AFB, where Dov
Zakheim contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as
part of the Boeing /Pentagon tanker lease agreement.
(5) ”As the events of September 11, 2001 occurred,
little was mentioned about these strange connections, and the
possible motives and proximity of Dov Zakheim and his group.
Since there was little physical evidence remaining after the
events, investigators were left only with photographic and
anecdotal evidence. “There is a photograph of the
Flight Termination System module, from their site.(5). Note it
has a cylindrical shape, and is consistent with the size and
shape of the object observed under the fuselage of flight
175. “The Boeing lease deal involved the replacement of
the aging KC-135 tanker fleet with these smaller, more
efficient Boeing 767s that were to be leased by Dov Zakheim's
group. The planes were to be refitted with refueling
equipment, including lines and nozzle
assemblies.” (Remember both Flight 175, that hit the
South Tower, and Flight 11, that hit the North Tower, were
Boeing 767s. Flights 77 and 93 were 757s.) “In the
enlargement of flight 175’s photo, we can clearly see a
cylindrical object under the fuselage, and a structure that
appears to be attached to the right underside of the rear
fuselage section. ”When seen in comparison, it is
obvious that the plane approaching the Trade Center has both
of these structures-the FTS module and the midair refueling
equipment, as configured on the modified Boeing 767 tankers.
Of particular interest is the long tube-like anomalous
structure under the rear fuselage area of flight 175-this
structure runs along the right rear bottom of the plane, as it
also does on the Boeing 767 refueling tanker
pictured. ”After considering this information, I [the
author/s] am convinced that flight 175, as pictured on the
news media and official reports, was in fact a refitted Boeing
767 tanker, with a Flight Termination System attached. Use of
this system would also explain the expert handling of aircraft
observed in both New York and Washington investigations, which
has been officially credited to inexperienced flight school
students. “Since the refitted 767s were able to carry
both passengers and a fuel load, as shown in this photo, it is
likely that the plane designated Flight 175 was in fact a
refitted 767 tanker, disguised as a conventional commercial
passenger plane. “As shown in this photo of a 767 being
serviced, the FTS unit, when in position, would be small and
unobtrusive enough to be fairly innocuous (at least to casual
observers, such as passengers). The smallest circle indicates
the size and position of the anomaly depicted in the photos of
Flight 175. The larger circle, which is the size of the engine
housing, shows the size of the anomaly in relation to the
engine. Note the size and position of the open hatches on the
engine housing, which would tend to discredit the widely held
theory that the anomaly is an open hatch or cargo
door. “As the . . . diagram shows, all flights involved
in the events traveled very near many military installations,
and appear to have traveled in a manner suggesting guidance
and possible transfer of the control of the planes among the
bases. ”Since the evidence from the World Trade Center
site was quickly removed, there is little concrete evidence of
the involvement of Dov Zakheim, who has since left his
position at the Pentagon. However, the proximity of Eglin AFB
to MacDill AFB in Florida and Dov Zakheim's work via SPC
contracts and the Pentagon leasing agreement on both of these
installations, combined with SPC's access to World Trade
Center structural and security information from their Tridata
investigation in 1993, is highly suspicious. Considering his
access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote control flight systems,
and his published views in the PNAC document, it seems very
likely he is in fact a key figure in the alleged terrorist
attacks in New York City on September 11,
who is a dual Israeli/American citizen and a Shul Rabbi, has
stalked the halls of US government for 25 yrs. He has
set defense policy which influenced Presidents Reagan, Clinton
and Bush Sr. and Jr. This rabid Zionist was the controller of
the Pentagon when an audit discovered over a trillion dollars
was missing. Most of Israel's armament was
obtained thanks to him. Squads of US F-16 and F-15 were
classified as military surplus and sold to Israel at a
fraction of their value. Israel, a country of 4.8
million Russian and Polish Jews sits on one of the largest Air
Forces in the world. Dov S. Zakheim and 9/11
predicts a Pearl-Harbor like terrorist attack in order to
force the US into "war" and then use "war powers" to launch a
coup against any non-Jewish forces in the government.
Summary: Zakheim is a rabid Zionist, who
carries an Israel passport and is considered to be one of the
top members of the secretive Illuminati . He predicts 9/11 and
by sheer coincidence the Pentagon is hit by a remote
controlled jet (Zakheim's ' SPC ' corporation is the premier
company in the field). During his tenure as
controller at the Pentagon from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004,
over one trillion dollars was unaccounted for.
Military information is jeopardized, military
contractors billed the US for Israeli items, $50 million
fighter jets are classified as surplus and the list goes on
and on. As the scandal of the missing trillion dollars
surfaces the Rabbi quickly resigns. Israel is given
the finest fighter jets in the US inventory while 15% of US
jets are grounded for lack of
parts. |
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Prince Bandar Prince
? Bandar, his Turdness, more like it. |
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That is, in 2001 Dov was CEO of SPS
International, part of System Planning Corporation, a defense
contractor majoring in electronic warfare technologies,
including remote-controlled aircraft systems, and the
notorious Flight Termination System (FTS) technology that
could hijack even a hijacked plane and land or crash it
wherever This was the connection I was looking
for: Dov Zakheim - FTS and BAE-Ratheon-Ptech
PLANNING CORPORATION Dr. Dov Zakheim was the former CEO of
Systems Planning Corporation, a company that designs and
manufactures extremely sophisticated control/guidance
technology that enables an external operator to fly, and land,
aircraft by remote control. In partnership with
Raytheon, System Planning Corporation also supplies CTS/FTS
technology to commercial airplane manufacturers for
installation in airliners (Boeing: confirmed; Airbus:
undetermined, but highly probable given the consortium's
connection to BAE, a US military
contractor.) ..........
Zakheim actually stole $7 TRILLION from you (enough to
implement a military coup) - and the media will NOT discuss
it.That’s because the money was sent to Israel -
and Israel controls the media. The timing of Rumsfeld’s
announcement to acknowledge the missing trillions was selected
by Karl Rove. This leads a thinking mind to conclude
that Rove and Rumsfeld BOTH had FOREKNOWLEDGE of 9/11 - unless
of course you wish to chalk yet another example of 9/11
foreknowledge up to “COINCIDENCE THEORY” Zakheim
quietly resigned to the low profile confines of Booz Allen.
They are likely planning a monument to him in Tel
Aviv. Zakheim did 9/11 - with Cheney and
Mossad. Raytheon
THINK. Raytheon is missing at least one if not two A-3
Skywarriors from its inventory. Ask them where they
went. 2001-09-11 Stanley Hall Raytheon Director of
Electronic warfare program management. Raytheon did the
retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed
Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 77,
the one that supposedly hit the Pentagon but did
not. 2001-09-11 Peter Gay Raytheon VP of Electronic
Systems on special assignment at the El Segundo, CA division
office where the Global Hawk UAV remote control system is
made. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the
Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on
American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the
North World Trade Tower I. 2001-09-11 Kenneth Waldie
Raytheon Senior Quality Control for Electronic Systems.
Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon,
where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American
airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North
World Trade Tower I. 2001-09-11 David Kovalcin
Raytheon Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems.
Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon,
where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American
airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North
World Trade Tower I. 2001-09-11 Herbert Homer Raytheon
Corporate Executive working with the Department of Defense.
Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon,
where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on United
airlines Flight 175, the one that supposedly hit the South
World Trade Tower II. These are not only the type of
people but they are the people that would be assigned to UAV
type projects involving Mode 4 and Mode 5 upgrades. Why would
they be in Boston and those planes coming from that direction
and from north of Manhattan Island? Hughes was
purchased by Raytheon before 9-11 and that company has a
fleet of A-3 Skywarriors that they use for testing
air-to-air missiles AIM and air-to-ground missile AGM systems,
guidance systems, electronic warfare systems, etc. They make
them for the USAF, Navy and Marines as indicated in this
excerpt from the Part V article cited above: Type:
AGM-65B (Air Force), AGM-65D (Air Force), AGM-65E (Marines),
AGM-65F (Navy), AGM-65G (Air Force). |
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Frontline - Black Money
International bribery. It’s a trillion dollars a
year, with corporations on one side, heads of state on the
other. And it thrives in an invisible world.
Episode: Black Money: International Bribery-- Available
Online Frontline did a recent special program on the
state of international bribery called Black Money. It
showcases BAE systems an international arms manufacturer and
the alleged bribery (to the tune of two billion dollars) to
support a lavish lifestyle for a Saudi Prince. Interesting
video. It surprises me that the US is the only major nation
that seems to take a serious look at the bribery of
international officials for the gain of a person or
Black Money' PBS puts a spotlight on arms dealing,
allegations of international bribery and just who's willing to
follow the money. By Tony Perry April 7, 2009
First the stipulation that "Black Money," a "Frontline"
look at international bribery, is first-class journalism:
high-minded, fact-filled and balanced, with some eye-catching
visuals. How could it be anything but stellar given the
presence of correspondent Lowell Bergman, one of the top
investigative journalists in the nation, if not the
world? Now the problem: It's dull and seems to be
obsessing on an ethical problem that pales when compared with
the real-world consequences of the banking industry scandals
that have plunged the world into recession. At the heart of
"Black Money" is an $80-billion arms deal between the
British-based company BAE Systems and the government of Saudi
Arabia that officially began in the 1980s. As British
journalist David Leigh has reported in delicious detail, BAE
allegedly slipped a bundle of money to a member of the Saudi
royal family. Leigh's scoops were only the
beginning. But before British prosecutors could close
in on the bribers and bribes, the Saudis warned the government
of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair that the probe could imperil
the complex relationship between the two
countries. With its British counterpart stymied, the
U.S. Department of Justice is looking at BAE, which has 40,000
employees in the U.S. The U.S. has anti-bribery laws dating to
the Jimmy Carter era that have made America both the envy and
laughingstock of the international business
community. Months ago, in the world before the AIG
bonuses, Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme and credit derivatives,
news that the U.S. was looking at BAE as a test of U.S.
anti-bribery laws would have seemed interesting, a nice bit of
reporting. Now there's something unsettling about
the prospect of government lawyers taking actions that could
throw more Americans out of work. It's a possibility that
"Black Money" seems to skirt -- that the price of being
high-minded may be economic ruin for more
Americans.In journalism there is a concept called
"being overtaken by events" in which news developments
undercut your story before it's published. "Black Money" has
been overtaken by a tidal wave. The moral of "Black
Money" may be one unintended by the documentarians: that
America -- and the Department of Justice -- should reform this
country's business practices before attempting to lecture the
world. "We did not invent corruption," Prince Bandar
bin Sultan tells Bergman. "This has happened since Adam and
Eve. . . . This is human nature." |
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former FBI Director Louis
Freeh is now the attorney for Prince Bandar
12, 2009 (LPAC)—Editor's Note: This article will appear in
a special economics package on behavioral economics in the
upcoming issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
BAE Al-Yamamah Scandal Back in the
Headlinesby Jeffrey Steinberg PBS-TV's
Frontline documentary series aired an hour-long exposé on
April 7 of corporate bribery and corruption, headlined "Black
Money." The centerpiece of the piece was the case of BAE
Systems (formerly British Aerospace), the giant British arms
cartel, and its unprecedented barter deal with Saudi Arabia, a
deal known as Al-Yamamah ("The Dove"). As
longtime readers of EIR know, the Anglo-Saudi Al-Yamamah deal
was, and remains, far more than an unusual oil-for-weapons
barter scheme. The story goes far beyond the tens of
billions of dollars in payoffs from the British firm to scores
of Saudi princes and businessmen. It goes beyond the
larger-than-life role of Saudi Arabia's longtime former
ambassador to Washington, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, who
brokered the Al-Yamamah deal back in 1985, and received, at a
minimum, $2 billion in BAE kickbacks for his efforts.
As EIR uniquely revealed—and as Frontline failed to
report—under the Al-Yamamah barter deal, an offshore,
off-the-books black operations slush fund, estimated at more
than $100 billion, was built up, to finance covert operations
on a global scale. Among those covert operations,
acknowledged by author William Simpson in his semi-authorized
biography of Prince Bandar: the bankrolling of the Afghan
mujahideen, during the later phase of their decade-long war to
drive the Soviet Army out of Afghanistan (1979-90); and the
arming of the government of Chad with Soviet weapons, during
Chad's war with Libya. Other sources have told EIR
that Al-Yamamah funds were also behind the coup attempt
against the government of Equatorial Guinea in 2004. That
coup attempt, for which Mark Thatcher, son of the former
British Prime Minister, was indicted, implicated British
mercenary Simon Mann and one of the central players in the
Al-Yamamah bribery scandal, Wafic Said, a Syrian-born
Saudi financier, whose Swiss bank accounts were at the center
of the Al-Yamamah bribery schemes. Indeed, it was at
the point that Swiss courts authorized the release of records
from Said's Swiss accounts to Swiss prosecutors, probing the
use of Swiss banks to launder Al-Yamamah bribes, that the
Saudi and British governments moved, in a panic, to shut down
the entire BAE-Saudi probe by Britain's Serious Fraud Office.
Then-Prime Minister Tony Blair, who signed off on the coverup,
after renegotiating "Al-Yamamah II," argued, speciously, that
a further exposé of Al-Yamamah would gravely damage British
national security interests, and would jeopardize the Global
War on Terrorism, by short-circuiting Anglo-Saudi
"anti-terror" collaboration. In fact, as both
British and Saudi senior officials know, part of the
Al-Yamamah investigation directly implicates some leading
participants in the financing of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
... read the article... Simpson continued,
"The phenomenal amount of money generated from the sale of oil
comes through DESO, before being paid to British Aerospace.
Edwards admitted that the government does charge a little
commission for administering the contract, money that
attracted the attention of the Treasury as it built up a
considerable surplus." Then, the real story:
" Al Yamamah would become a back-door method of covertly
buying U.S. arms for the Kingdom; military hardware purchases
that would not be visible to Congress.... Although Al
Yamamah constitutes a highly unconventional way of doing
business, its lucrative spin-offs are the by-product of a
wholly political objective: a Saudi political objective and a
British political objective. Al-Yamamah is, first and
foremost, a political contract. Negotiated at the height of
the Cold War, its unique structure has enabled the Saudis
to purchase weapons from around the globe to fund the fight
against Communism. Al Yamamah money can be found in the
clandestine purchase of Russian ordnance used in the expulsion
of Qadaffi's troops from Chad. It can also be traded to arms
bought from Egypt and other countries, and sent to the
Mujahideen in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet occupying
forces." As the Equatorial Guinea coup plot
shows, well after the fall of the Soviet Union, Al Yamamah
continued to exist. According to one senior U.S. intelligence
official who has looked into the Anglo-Saudi scheme,
" Al-Yamamah is the biggest covert intelligence program in
recorded history. The amount of off-balance-sheet money is
staggering." ... Bandar and
9/11 - Sources close to the Department of Justice
have emphasized that, under the FCPA, it is unlikely that
Prince Bandar, the recipient of the BAE bribes, could be
criminally prosecuted. However, were the Department of Justice
to extend its probe to the issue of money laundering, it could
shed important light on events surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
In the June 29, 2007 issue of EIR, this author
reported: " Between April 1998 and May 2002, some
$51-73,000 in checks and cashier's checks were provided by the
Saudi Ambassador to the United States and his wife to two
families in southern California, who in turn bankrolled at
least two of the 9/11 hijackers. The story was
investigated by the 9/11 Commission, but never fully
resolved, and remains, to this day, one of the key
unanswered questions concerning the backing for the worst
terrorist attack ever to occur on U.S. soil.
"According to numerous news accounts and the records
of the 9/11 Commission, in April 1998, a Saudi national named
Osama Basnan wrote to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C.,
seeking help for his wife, Majeda Dweikat, who needed surgery
for a thyroid condition. Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, the Saudi
Ambassador, wrote a check for $15,000 to Basnan. Beginning in
December 1999, Princess Haifa, the wife of Prince Bandar,
began sending regular monthly cashier checks to Majeda
Dweikat, in amounts ranging from $2,000 to $3,500. Many of
these checks were signed over to Manal Bajadr, the wife of
Omar al-Bayoumi, another Saudi living in the San Diego
area. "Around New Year's Day 2000, two other Saudi
nationals, Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar, arrived at Los
Angeles International Airport, where they were greeted by
al-Bayoumi, provided with cash, and outfitted with an
apartment, Social Security ID cards, and other financial
assistance. Al-Bayoumi helped the two Saudi men to
enrolled in flight schools in Florida. Two months before
the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, al-Bayoumi moved to England, and
shortly after that, he disappeared altogether. But before
his disappearance, and within days of the 9/11 attacks,
agents of New Scotland Yard, working in conjunction with the
FBI, raided his apartment in England and found papers hidden
beneath the floorboards, according to Newsweek magazine, that
had the phone numbers of several officials at the Saudi
Embassy in Washington. Al-Bayoumi was suspected by the Arab
community in the San Diego area of being an agent of Saudi
intelligence, which kept tabs on Saudi residents in the area,
particularly Saudi students attending college in southern
California. "Sources have told EIR researchers
that Basnan was also long suspected of being an agent for
Saudi Arabia's foreign intelligence service. According to
the sources, Basnan was arrested for drug possession in
southern California and the Saudi government intervened to
get the charges dropped; Basnan also befriended Alhazmi and
Almihdhar prior to their deaths on American Airlines Flight
77, which crashed into the Pentagon. At one point, the
Basnans, the al-Bayoumis, and the two 9/11 hijackers all lived
at the Parkwood Apartments in San Diego.
" Prince Bandar and Princess Haifa denied they
played any role in financing the 9/11 hijackers, and
claimed that they were merely providing charitable assistance
to the Saudi community in the United States. The co-chairs of
the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time, Robert
Graham (D-Fla.) and Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), accused the FBI
of failing to fully pursue this '9/11 money trail.'
Sources told EIR that the FBI refused to allow the
committee to interview the FBI investigators who had probed
the Basnan and al-Bayoumi links. "While
Congressional and law enforcement sources insist to EIR
investigators that all available leads were pursued and no
compelling evidence of Saudi involvement in 9/11 was
established, other U.S. intelligence sources maintain that
many fruitful areas of investigation simply reached dead-ends
before any final conclusions could be drawn. And these
sources report that some of the Al-Yamamah funds, including
some funds that passed through the Riggs Bank accounts in
Washington, financed a migration of Muslim Brotherhood members
to the United States, throughout the 1980s and 1990s. That
hardly constitutes a smoking gun, these sources emphasize, but
raises serious unanswered questions, particularly in light of
the fact that the official staff reports of the 9/11
Commission featured a detailed debriefing of Khaled Sheikh
Mohammed, the purported mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks,
who admitted that he had been a member of the Muslim
Brotherhood since he was 16 years old." Since the
publication of that EIR exclusive, new details have emerged,
which beg for answers. The San Diego apartment where 9/11
hijackers Alhazmi and Almihdhar lived, was rented by an FBI
informant, who received a reported $3,500 per month from the
Bureau for keeping tabs on the local Muslim community,
according to one U.S. intelligence source interviewed recently
by EIR. The fact that two of the 9/11 hijackers lived under
the same roof as an FBI snitch is still a source of great
internal turmoil at the FBI, according to the source.
And this has also created a tremendous backlash
against former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who is now the
attorney for Prince Bandar, as the latter tries to clear
his name of any wrongdoing in the Al-Yamamah and 9/11 affairs.
Freeh, who was FBI Director at the time of the 9/11 attack,
and resigned soon afterwards, appeared on the Frontline
broadcast, to vociferously defend his client against any
charges of wrongdoing. According to one source close to the
BAE probe, Bandar hired Freeh to be his personal attorney,
long before his name surfaced in the Al-Yamamah context.
"What is certain," one Washington source with detailed
knowledge of the 9/11 probe told EIR, "is that there are a
whole lot of current and former FBI agents who are furious at
Louis Freeh, for his efforts to whitewash Prince Bandar."
With a new Attorney General, Eric Holder, who has
already moved to clean up some of the corruption within the
Department of Justice, the story of Al-Yamamah, Prince Bandar
and 9/11 is far from over. |
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former FBI Director Louis Freeh is now the
attorney for Prince Bandar
PBS-TV's Frontline
documentary series aired an hour-long exposé on April 7 of
corporate bribery and corruption, headlined "Black Money." The
centerpiece of the piece was the case of BAE Systems (formerly
British Aerospace), the giant British arms cartel, and its
unprecedented barter deal with Saudi Arabia, a deal known as
Al-Yamamah ("The Dove").
Bandar and
9/11 -
"Between April 1998 and May
2002, some $51-73,000 in checks and cashier's checks were
provided by the Saudi Ambassador to the United States and his
wife to two families in southern California, who in turn
bankrolled at least two of the 9/11 hijackers. The story
was investigated by the 9/11 Commission, but never fully
resolved, and remains, to this day, one of the key
unanswered questions concerning the backing for the worst
terrorist attack ever to occur on U.S. soil.
Here is the POS Former Head of the
FBI L. Freeh discussing with PBS how wonderfull his
client is... |
| | |
Well....I wasn't aware of Freeh and Bandars
cozy relationship, but sure helps explain allot. No wonder
John O'Neil left the FBI. No wonder the Saudis flew out of the
country, with the help of the FBI. Freeh and Mueller.... two
POS peas in a pod......pretty disgusting. Here is the
POS Freeh discussing with PBS how wonderfull his client
thread in General Discussion (some nice photos and
comments): Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is now Prince
Bandar's Lawyer   Bin Laden, who had earlier been
stripped of his Saudi citizenship by Fahd's government, was
incensed Saudi leaders opted to put their protection in the
hands of "infidel" Western troops, spurning his offer to use
the mujahedeen who had fought in Afghanistan to liberate
Kuwait. He became even more determined in his opposition to
the Saudi royal family - [That's a great spy legend!] .
Saudi's - BinLadinInc 9/11 hijackers 1. The Saudi's
wanted Sadam out of the way (eliminate oil competition) 2.
They wanted a reason to repress their population 3. Wanted
to cooperate/partof with Anglo-American empire Also on
the Israeli side - 9/11 Urban Moving Van - explosives -
DEA 200+ Mossad Spy ring 1. The Israeli's wanted Sadam out
of the way (he shot scud's at them) 2. They wanted a reason
to repress the Palestinians 3. Wanted to cooperate/partof
with Anglo-American empire hmmm... |
| | |
Saudi's - BinLadinInc 9/11
hijackers 1. The Saudi's wanted Sadam out of the way
(eliminate oil competition)
They were no
friend of Saddam, and Bandar wanted Saddam taken out in 1991.
The Saudis and Israelis also have something in common with
Iran. They both hate Iran as well. Iran-Persian-not Arab
and Shiite--not Sunni. Saudi is Sunni and enemy of
Shiite--neither Saudi Arabia or Israel care for
Iran. Former Head of the FBI Mr Freeh
exposed........... The Hijackers living with an
FBI Informant who was working with Saudi Intelligence
agents all assisting the hijackers, and being funded by
Bandar. And the FBI Agent who was the "handler"
of this informant who's name is Steven Butler was doing what
at the time?...... "Several members were "appalled"
at what informed sources described as the "explosive"
testimony of Special Agent Steven Butler, who recently
retired from the FBI after his final posting in the bureau's
San Diego field office.""Government
officials told U.S. News that Butler disclosed that he had
been monitoring a flow of Saudi Arabian money that wound up in
the hands of two of the 9/11 hijackers. The two men had
rented a room from a man Butler had used as a confidential
informant, the sources say. According to officials familiar
with his account, Butler said that he had alerted his
superiors about the money flows but the warning went
nowhere. "Butler is claiming ... that people [in the FBI]
didn't follow up," says a congressional source. Adds another:
"He saw a pattern, a trail, and he told his supervisors,
but it ended there." In a conversation
outside his home in the gated Rancho Penasquitos community in
San Diego, Butler told U.S. News, "It's very sensitive
stuff.'' Wearing a Buffalo Bills cap, Butler said, "I'd love
to talk to you guys," but added that he couldn't without
permission from the Justice Department.
money flow was from Prince Bandar and his wife(sister of head
of Saudi Intelligence)... "Newsweek said, however,
the FBI uncovered financial records showing payments to
the family of al-Bayoumi from a Washington bank account held
in the name of Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, wife of the Saudi
ambassador to the United States and daughter of the late
King Faisal.",2933,71273,00.htmlEnjoy
your money Mr Freeh........ Let me ask you one
question Is your money that good Will it buy you
forgiveness Do you think that it could I think you will
find When your death takes its toll All the money you
made Will never buy back your soul-- Bob Dylan "Masters
of War" |
| | |
I was working on something
related and it seem like this should be in this thread . That
is the aftermath of the BAE scandal if there was one... So
here is this merger of UDI with BAE. Who runs UDI? and who is
Doug Coffey? UDI has a base in Pennslyvannia where Frank
Carlucci is from. I am working on a connection to the Caroline
Coffey murder. Her father is Michael Coffey. I am trying find
out if there is a relationship between Michael Coffey and Doug
Coffey [NOW] is the Head of Communications, Land &
Armaments, for BAE Systems, the Bradley IFV's
manufacturer that TNR wouldn't name.'s
Pennsylvania contacts would eventually come in handy in
business dealings as Chairman of Carlyle. He was
Carlyle's point man in acquiring Harrisburg-based Harsco's
defense division, which became United Defense. United
Defense has supplied a stream of combat vehicles and support
weapons to the US war in Iraq, although Carlyle has now sold
off its shares in the defense company, partly to save itself
from mounting criticism from investors, like the Los Angeles
County Employees Retirement Association as well as the
Suzan Mazur, Progressive Review.)
the time of Carlyle's acquisition, a key member of Harsco's
Executive, Management Development and Corporate Governance
committees was Andrew Sordoni III, Chairman of Sordoni
Construction, one of the companies that rebuilt Wyoming
Seminary after the flood. Andrew Sordoni is also a former
Pennsylvania Secretary of Commerce. Andrew's brother, George
Sordoni, is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Wyoming
Seminary. Carlucci also served on the Board of Trustees for a
period of time and Frank Carlucci IV now serves on Seminary's
President's Council. It is a small world. And even
though northeastern Pennsylvania blizzards are rare these
days, tracks in the snow there still get covered up pretty
quickly . . .
"Sublime Prince" of Scranton - Frank Carlucci the First By
SUZAN MAZUR ---------------- UDI is "owned" by Frank C.
Carlucci who "owns" the Carlyle Group...
Carlyle bought Arlington, Va.-based United
Defense LP in October of 1997 for $850 million.
About the time the Carlyle Group bought United
Defense, the United Defense LP Employees Political Action
Committee registered with the Federal Election Commission.
Since then, that committee has contributed more than $300,000
to several dozen legislators who have been key supporters of
the Crusader and other Pentagon weapon systems that United
Defense supplies.
firms to merge - $4 billion deal joins British giant BAE,
Bradley maker UDITuesday, March 8,
2005United Defense Industries Inc., the maker of the
Bradley Fighting Vehicle, has agreed to merge with British
defense firm BAE Systems in a $4 billion deal, the two
companies announced Monday. Shares for UDI, which has
more than 1,000 employees in the Bay Area, rose more than 25
percent to $73.35 after the merger plans were made public.
Under the cash agreement, BAE's North America
subsidiary will pay $3.97 billion for the Arlington, Va.,
company. It will also assume a net debt of $218 million.
UDI Spokesman Doug Coffey said no layoffs are
expected from the deal, which must still be approved by
federal regulators and both companies' shareholders.
UDI employs about 8,000 people in 25 locations in the
United States and Sweden. The company has about 900 employees
in Santa Clara and 175 in San Francisco. "At this point, we
don't see any impact," Coffey said. "We expect that the
business out there will continue to work on projects."
UDI is best known as the maker of ground combat
vehicles for the U.S. armed forces, including the Bradley
Fighting Vehicle. The company's Santa Clara operation is
focused mainly on research and development. It also operates a
dry dock in San Francisco. BAE, Great Britain's
largest defense and aerospace company, designs and
manufactures different military vehicles. Analyst
Patrick McCarthy of Friedman Billings Ramsey Group Inc. said
he thinks the deal will benefit shareholders of both firms.
UDI and BAE had been competitors in the lucrative
market for military weapons systems, which has grown as a
result of the war on terror and the campaigns in Afghanistan
and Iraq. UDI reported revenue of $2.3 billion in 2004,
and is one of the nation's major defense contractors.
BAE, based in London, has more than 90,000 employees
and has customers in about 130 countries, including the United
States. E-mail Benjamin Pimentel at,%20LLCFrank
C. Carlucci Co-Founder and Chairman of Advisory Board,
Frontier Group1997-Present Director and
Member of Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
BAE Systems Land and ArmamentsChairman
Emeritus The Carlyle Group Chairman Carlyle
Internationaland others.... See the
relationships to Carlucci:
Ansary National Oilwell Varco, Incorporated Board
Affiliations Stewart & Stevenson, LLC Nina Ansary
IRI International Corp. Board Affiliations Stewart &
Stevenson, LLC Philip Leder Schering-Plough Corp.
Board Affiliations Pharmacia Corporation Mark
Auerbach Neuro-Hitech, Inc. Board Affiliations Collexis
Holdings Inc. George Friedman Cornell University
Board Affiliations Pinion Software, Inc. John Major
Credit Suisse Group Board Affiliations The Carlyle
Group Oscar Fanjul Martín Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
Board Affiliations The Carlyle Group David E. McKinney
Thomas J. Watson Foundation Board Affiliations
International Executive Service Corps |
| | |
So here is this merger of UDI with BAE. Who
runs UDI? and who is Doug Coffey? UDI has a base in
Pennslyvannia where Frank Carlucci is from. Just to
make this clearer the relationship of Carlyle - Carlucci and
Rumsfeld and Cheney and Bush and Bin Laden
Saudi's.... Carlyle buys UDI in 1997 and then, after
9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, after the biggest weapons sales
have been made... sells it to who? BAESee: Published on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 by Follow the Money: Bush, 9/11, and
Deep Threat by Fran Shor House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous
Rise of American Power - Google Books Resultby James Carroll -
2007 - Political Science - 688 pages Rumsfeld's two
young deputies there were Richard Cheney and Frank
Carlucci. Rumsfeld had left OEO to serve in the Nixon
White House.
was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He graduated from
Wyoming Seminary in 1948 and Princeton University in 1952,
where he roomed with Donald Rumsfeld, and attended Harvard
Business School in 1954-55. ... During the early 1970s
Rumsfeld became Mr. Carlucci's protégé as Mr. Carlucci showed
him the ropes. Carlucci was Undersecretary of Health,
Education and Welfare when Caspar Weinberger was secretary
during the Nixon administration Business Carlucci
served as chairman of the Carlyle Group from 1992-2003, and
chairman emeritus until 2005. He also has business
interests in the following companies: General Dynamics,
Westinghouse, Ashland Oil, Neurogen, CB Commercial Real
Estate, Nortel, BDM International, Quaker Oats, and
Kaman. Carlucci is Chairman of Envion USA, and former director
of Wackenhut. He is a senior member of the Frontier Group,
a private equity investment firm founded by Sanford McDonnell
and David Robb. Carlucci is an Advisory board member of
G2 Satellite Solutions and the Chairman Emeritus of Nortel
Networks Organizations He is affiliated with the
Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, a
neo-conservative thinktank.[citation needed]He formerly sat on
the Board of Directors of the Middle East Policy
Council.[citation needed] He is Chairman Emeritus of the
US-Taiwan Business Council.[citation needed] Carlucci is a
member of the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation
and founding co-chair of the Advisory Board for RAND's
Center for Middle East Public Policy.[citation
Empire by Eric Leser Le Monde April 29,
2004 Carlyle was created in 1987 in the
salons of the New York eponymous palace, with five million
dollars. Its founders, four lawyers, including David
Rubenstein (a former Jimmy Carter advisor), had the -limited-
ambition at the time of profiting from a flaw in fiscal
legislation that authorized companies owned by Eskimos in
Alaska to give their losses to profitable companies that would
thus pay reduced taxes. The group vegetated until January
1989 and the arrival at its helm of the man who would invent
the Carlyle system, Frank Carlucci. Former Assistant
Director of the CIA, National Security Advisor, then Ronald
Reagan's Defense Secretary, Mr. Carlucci counted in
Washington. He is one of current Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld's closest friends. They were roommates as students at
Princeton together. Later, their paths crossed in several
administrations and they even worked for a time at the same
company, Sears Roebuck. ... Frank Carlucci's name
attracted capital to Carlyle. In October 1990, the group
took over BDM International, which participated in the "Star
Wars" Program and constituted a bridgehead to
it... In 1997, Carlyle sold BDM and Vinnell,
which had become too dangerous. The group didn't need it any
more. It [Carlyle] had become the Pentagon's eleventh
biggest supplier by gaining control of United Defense
Industries that same year. Carlyle emerged
from the shadows in spite of itself on September 11, 2001.
That day, the group had organized a meeting at Washington's
Ritz Carlton Hotel with five hundred of its largest investors.
Frank Carlucci and James Baker III played masters of ceremony.
George Bush senior made a lightning appearance at the
beginning of the day. The presentation was quickly
interrupted, but one detail escaped no one. One of the guests
wore the name bin Laden on his badge. It was Shafiq bin
Laden, one of Osama's many brothers. The American media
discovered Carlyle. One journalist, Dan Briody, wrote a
book about the group's hidden side, "The Iron Triangle", and
takes an interest in the close relations between the Bush clan
and the Saudi leadership. |
| | |
in the aftermath of 9/11 the bin Laden 2 million dollar
investment in Carlyle was withdrawn, prior to that time George
W’s administration had put up road-blocks to the investigation
of the bin Laden family. The lead investigator of Osama bin
Laden’s involvement in terror actions against the US, from the
World Trade Center bombing in 1993 to the African embassy
bombings in 1998 to the assault on the U.S.S. Cole in 2000,
was John O’Neill, a Deputy Director of the FBI. O’Neill had
repeatedly been denied access to questioning the bin Laden
family, including a January 2001 directive from the White
House to desist from investigating two of Osama’s brothers who
were residing in Falls Church, Virginia at the time. In the
face of such continuing obstruction, O’Neill resigned in
protest from the FBI claiming that the “main obstacles to
investigating Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil interests and
the role played by Saudi Arabia in it.” Ironically, O’Neill
became the chief security person at the World Trade Center
shortly before 9/11 where he, along with between 2-3,000
others, perished in the destruction of the WTC on that fateful
and tragic day. If 9/11 was a tragedy to thousands
of Americans and their families, Bush and his father’s
Carlyle cronies hit the jackpot, especially with renewed
contracts for Carlyle defense investments. In particular,
Carlyle had invested heavily in United Defense, the primary
manufacturer of the Crusader artillery system. Although the
Crusader faced a skeptical Congress before 9/11, Carlucci and
his lobbyists certainly managed to line-up his old college
buddy, Donald Rumsfeld, behind promoting the outmoded
Crusader. When Carlyle went public with United Defense stock
offerings in the fall of 2001, Carlucci, Bush, Baker, and
other investors in Carlyle made out like bandits. However,
when a possible paper trail and conflict-of-interest
against Rumsfeld surfaced recently, he announced his
opposition to Crusader. Of course, millions had already been
made and Rumsfeld had to cover his own backside in light of
the calls for the resignation of the Secretary of the Army, a
former Enron executive already awash in dubious
conflicts-of-interest. |
| | |
Also in 1997 large deposits of
oil were discovered in Equatorial Guinea leading to a modern
day Oil-Rush with Jonathan Bush and Riggs right in the middle
of it. KBR/Halliburton and others were on the bit to begin
devolopment in one of the world's greatest armpit of
corruption in the world.
Oil Firms Entwined in Equatorial Guinea Deals Riggs Probe
Led to SEC Inquiry on Corruption, ProfiteeringBy
Justin Blum Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday,
September 7, 2004; Soon after arriving in
Equatorial Guinea in 1991, the U.S. ambassador discovered an
unusual arrangement involving the country's despotic president
and the first successful oil company operating in the poor,
West African nation. Walter International Inc. was
paying to send the president's son to study at Pepperdine
University in Malibu, Calif., company employees told the
ambassador, John E. Bennett. The staff of the Houston company
told Bennett about the arrangement, grousing that the son was
"spending at will," bringing the tab for a year in Southern
California to at least $50,000, the former ambassador said.
After Walter became successful with
its business -- and government relations -- some of the
biggest names in oil rushed to drill off the shore of a
country the size of Maryland. They expanded on the type of
arrangement Walter had with President Teodoro Obiang Nguema
Mbasago, but on a much larger scale. Their business
activities provide a picture of how oil companies have
operated in a developing country with a history of corruption.
The companies paid for scholarships for children of the
country's leaders, formed business ventures with government
officials, hired companies linked to Obiang and rented
property from government officials and their relatives,
according to a U.S. Senate report released in July that
reveals the companies' operations in striking detail. The
report, which described the relationship between Riggs Bank of
Washington and the oil firms operating in Equatorial Guinea,
said the companies' actions raised "concerns related to
corruption and profiteering." A Securities and
Exchange Commission investigation includes the three companies
with the largest presence in the country -- Exxon Mobil Corp.,
Amerada Hess Corp. and Marathon Oil Corp. -- along with
ChevronTexaco Corp., Devon Energy Corp. and CMS Energy Corp.,
the companies have said. The Senate report also cited
activities of a private company, Vanco Energy Co.
Some of the companies' annual reports show their
broadening investment in Equatorial Guinea. Since 1997, the
amount of oil produced in Equatorial Guinea has increased
seven times, to about 360,000 barrels a day. The country
has emerged as the third-largest producer in sub-Saharan
Africa and derives most of its revenue from oil.
Oil companies have a history of supplying cash and
lavish gifts to leaders of countries whose oil reserves they
want to exploit. Bribery of foreign officials was outlawed in
1977 under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, after SEC
investigations led more than 400 U.S. companies to admit that
they had made questionable or illegal payments in other
countries. The act outlaws payments to foreign officials for
the purpose of obtaining or keeping business.
Officials at the Justice Department and SEC,
both of which are responsible for enforcing the act, could not
provide statistics on the number of oil companies that have
been accused of violations. A Justice Department spokesman
said no officials wanted to discuss enforcement of the act.
Paul R. Berger, associate director of the SEC's enforcement
division , cited several cases in recent years that his agency
had brought against oil companies, but he added that
violations can be hard to discover and prove. Two
subsidiaries of ABB Ltd. -- ABB Vetco Gray of Houston and ABB
Vetco Gray UK of Scotland -- pleaded guilty in the United
States in July to violating the corrupt practices act.
Federal regulators said they made more than $1.1 million
in illicit payments to Nigerian government officials to gain
advantage on oil and gas projects. Halliburton Co.,
a Houston oil field services company, said in SEC filings last
month that federal regulators were investigating possible
improper payments under the corrupt practices act involving a
project in Nigeria in which the company had participated.
In Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony,
human rights activists said the oil companies' payments there
have helped prop up Obiang, who has ruled since seizing power
in a military coup in 1979. State department reports have
for years cited the regime for human rights violations,
including torture, beatings and abuse of prisoners and
suspects, sometimes resulting in death. A State
Department report published this year concluded that most of
the money generated by the oil companies' presence has not
benefited average residents in the country of 500,000. Most of
the country's oil wealth "appears to be concentrated in the
hands of top government officials while the majority of the
population remained poor," the report said. Sarah
Wykes, who has studied the situation in Equatorial Guinea for
Global Witness of London, said oil companies ignored red flags
about how their money was being spent. "At the very
least, there's an appearance of the complicity with
corruption," said Wykes, whose group advocates the public
disclosure of payments by oil companies to countries where
they operate. "It's reinforcing the culture of corruption."
Equatorial Guinea's ambassador to Washington, Teodoro
Biyogo Nsue, Obiang's brother-in-law, did not return repeated
phone calls for this story. Embassy personnel said Obiang
could not be reached for comment. A Washington firm that
handles press issues for the country, C/R International LLC,
was unable to arrange interviews for this story.
While oil revenue has filled government coffers,
most of the citizens still survive on about $1 a day.
Three of four residents suffer malnutrition, but only 1
percent of the budget was spent on health care between 1997
and 2002. Obiang, his family and members of his
government live lavishly. Obiang owns two houses in Potomac,
valued at $1.3 million and $2.5 million, property records
show. One of his sons, Teodoro Nguema Obiang, owns a $6.9
million house in Los Angeles. The payments by the
oil companies came to light as part of a Senate permanent
subcommittee on investigations probe of Riggs, which handled
Equatorial Guinea's accounts. The Los Angeles Times
reported last year on concerns about diversion of oil proceeds
to Equatorial Guinea's ruler and on the country's oil funds
being held by Riggs. Federal regulators are
investigating the bank for long-standing violations of laws
designed to prevent money laundering. In the course
of tracing money through Riggs accounts, Senate investigators
found numerous questionable transactions involving oil
companies. The oil companies made payments of more
than $4 million to support more than 100 students from
Equatorial Guinea studying abroad, most of whom were relatives
of wealthy or powerful officials, the report said.
The report said three companies -- Exxon Mobil,
Hess and Marathon -- have made large payments to officials,
their family members or businesses controlled by them.
A subsidiary of Exxon Mobil leased buildings and
land from the president's wife, according to a letter from the
company to the Senate subcommittee. The leases were later
changed to name a company controlled by Obiang. Hess
paid officials of the country nearly $1 million for building
leases. In one case, a lease was negotiated by Triton Energy,
a company Hess acquired in 2001, and was continued by Hess;
the two companies paid $445,800 to lease property from a
14-year-old relative of the president, who was represented by
his mother, according to Senate investigators. At one
point, Hess stopped paying on the lease after a judge ruled
that the property belonged to someone else. A government
minister called Hess officials and asked why the payments had
stopped. Hess informed the minister of the judge's order. The
minister got the judge on the phone and he immediately
rescinded the order, Hess told Senate investigators.
Two companies -- Hess and a subsidiary of Exxon
Mobil -- paid a total of nearly $1 million for security
services from a company owned by the president's brother,
Armengol Ondo Nguema, who has been accused of human rights
abuses in his job overseeing security forces. Through a
subsidiary, Triton transferred $250,000 to a Riggs account to
send Ondo's children to school, according to the Senate
report. In a report released in 1999, the State
Department said that at Ondo's direction, security forces
"urinated on prisoners, kicked them in the ribs, sliced their
ears with knives, and smeared oil over their naked bodies in
order to attract stinging ants." Ondo owns a house
in Arlington valued at $463,000, according to property
records. In several instances, oil companies formed
joint ventures with high-ranking officials in the country, the
companies have said. Exxon Mobil entered into a business
venture with a construction and real estate company controlled
by Obiang, resulting in dividend payments to the president
totaling $31,500 over three years. Senate staff
members would not say whether they referred any possible
violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to the Justice
Department for investigation, citing policy not to disclose
such information. The oil companies named in the
Senate report declined to answer specific questions about
operations in Equatorial Guinea or did not return phone calls.
"We take pride in the way we do business," said
Jay R. Wilson, a spokesman for Hess. "We think we do business
very ethically." At a Senate hearing in July , Albert
Marchetti, an official with Hess, said his company paid for
scholarships for students from Equatorial Guinea but did not
select which students received the awards. He said the company
did not "have anything to do with where that money is spent
and who it's spent on." Also at the hearing, Steven
Guidry, an official with Marathon, said that the company
recognized the concerns about human rights abuses. "Our
presence in the country, we think, goes a great distance
toward improving conditions in Equatorial Guinea, and . . . we
think we have a positive affect on the conditions that exist
in Equatorial Guinea," Guidry said. Andrew Swiger, an
executive vice president at Exxon Mobil, said at the hearing
that in Equatorial Guinea, there is "a small community of
government officials and business owners." "Virtually
all government officials have some business interests of their
own, or through a close relative," Swinger said. "In such
countries, it is sometimes necessary to do business with a
government official or a close relative of a government
official. But it is still expected that we do business
ethically and comply with all U.S. and local laws."
Former oil company executives said in interviews that
government officials in developing countries would
occasionally approach them seeking bribes or other unusual
payments. "Anything in West Africa you have to be
careful," said Nicholas De'Ath, a former executive with Triton
who worked in Equatorial Guinea in the late 1990s. "You have
to have very clear standards, policies and procedures within
your organization, and you have to make damn sure everybody
follows it." De'Ath said his company made no improper
payments during the time he was in Equatorial Guinea. Company
executives who were in charge at the time of the payments
described in the Senate report did not return phone calls.
Because of concern that money paid by oil and other
natural resource companies has been misappropriated by leaders
of some countries, an international coalition of groups has
been lobbying for the disclosure of fees the companies pay to
do business. Billionaire financier George Soros, who is among
those pushing the initiative, said in an interview that doing
so would pressure the oil companies and make it "more
difficult to engage in those practices." But while
some have agreed to voluntarily disclose the amount of
payments, efforts to enact laws making reporting mandatory
have not been successful. The Senate report said the corrupt
practices act should be changed to require U.S. companies to
disclose substantial payments to a country's officials, family
members or businesses they control. The payments
from the oil companies to the government were facilitated by
Riggs. From 1995 until 2004, Riggs administered
more than 60 accounts for the government of Equatorial Guinea,
top officials and their family members. The aggregate deposits
-- which ranged from $400 million to $700 million at a time --
collectively made the country the bank's biggest customer,
prompting jubilation among Riggs officials. "Where
is this money coming from? Oil -- black gold -- Texas tea!" a
Riggs executive vice president, Raymond M. Lund, gushed to
colleagues in a 2001 e-mail. But the Senate report
concluded that in processing the oil money, Riggs "turned a
blind eye to evidence suggesting the bank was handling the
proceeds of foreign corruption." Riggs accepted oil
companies' payments into a government account from which money
could be withdrawn with the signature of Obiang and a second
person: either his son, the country's minister of mines; or
his nephew, the secretary of state for treasury and budget.
At one point, Riggs allowed more than $35 million
from the government account to be wired into the accounts of
two companies in countries with bank secrecy laws. Senate
investigators think at least one of the companies is
controlled partly or wholly by Obiang. In May, the
bank agreed to pay $25 million in civil penalties to settle
charges by regulators that the bank was "willful" and
"systemic" in its violation of anti-money laundering laws.
At the time Bennett served as U.S. ambassador to
Equatorial Guinea -- 1991 to 1994 -- he said Walter was the
only oil company with an office there, though other companies
came to assess the country. When Walter officials told
Bennett of the scholarship money, he said he thought the
practice "seemed an unusual way for a company to do business,"
but he was more focused on dealing with a government that was
terrorizing the population using "intimidation, arbitrary
arrests, widespread torture, total corruption of government
services." A former official of Walter, which was
later purchased by another company, declined to comment, and
its founder died. The company was not named in the Senate
report. Bennett said that when he raised concern about
human rights abuses under Obiang, Walter officials grew
uncomfortable. Bennett said the company was especially
displeased after he went to Washington and delivered a
detailed report on the Obiang regime's record of abuses.
Bennett said a Walter official "was really ticked off
and just read me the riot act very forcefully." He said the
official was "accusing me of making it difficult for his
company to do business." |
| | |
Mike Philbin
Yes, it is so depressing being a
multi-millionaire in Malibu and knowing too many secrets .....
you could just die... It is interesting that there is no
mention of the CARLYLE Group here at all....
Who, what, where, when, why - glaring
ommissions from recent journalistic investigation into 9/11
Legacy & Connections. |
| | |
Well, still there is the Israeli
spy ring - looks like Anglo-American Empire with Saudi-Israeli
support see: 9/11 Memorandum Commission Select Committees
2004 - Israeli Surveillance I would also add that
BinLaden Inc. does appear to be the CIA's/Saudi's man for
"controlled opposition". Now we have this new
NewYorkTimes article showing that suppressed documents
do exist to show the Saudi connections to BinLaden Inc.
Also see below how the Justice Dept is supporting the
Saudi Govt. Was Obama's bowing to the Saudi king more then
a gesture?
Back Saudi Link to Extremists By ERIC
LICHTBLAU Published: June 23, 2009 WASHINGTON —
Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11
victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support
for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the
Saudi royal family, but the material may never find its way
into court because of legal and diplomatic
obstacles.The case has put the Obama
administration in the middle of a political and legal dispute,
with the Justice Department siding with the Saudis in court
last month in seeking to kill further legal action. Adding to
the intrigue, classified American intelligence documents
related to Saudi finances were leaked anonymously to lawyers
for the families. The Justice Department had the lawyers’
copies destroyed and now wants to prevent a judge from even
looking at the material. The Saudis and their defenders
in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they
have mounted an aggressive and, so far, successful campaign to
beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of
sovereign immunity. Allegations of Saudi links to
terrorism have been the subject of years of government
investigations and furious debate. Critics have said that some
members of the Saudi ruling class pay off terrorist groups in
part to keep them from being more active in their own country.
But the thousands of pages of previously undisclosed
documents compiled by lawyers for the Sept. 11 families and
their insurers represented an unusually detailed look at some
of the evidence. Internal Treasury Department documents
obtained by the lawyers under the Freedom of Information Act,
for instance, said that a prominent Saudi charity, the
International Islamic Relief Organization, heavily supported
by members of the Saudi royal family, showed “support for
terrorist organizations” at least through 2006. A
self-described Qaeda operative in Bosnia said in an
interview with lawyers in the lawsuit that another charity
largely controlled by members of the royal family, the
Saudi High Commission for Aid to Bosnia, provided money and
supplies to the terrorist group in the 1990s and hired
militant operatives like himself. Another witness
in Afghanistan said in a sworn statement that in 1998 he had
witnessed an emissary for a leading Saudi prince, Turki
al-Faisal, hand a check for one billion Saudi riyals (now
worth about $267 million) to a top Taliban leader.
And a confidential German intelligence report
gave a line-by-line description of tens of millions of dollars
in bank transfers, with dates and dollar amounts, made in the
early 1990s by Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz and other members
of the Saudi royal family to another charity that was
suspected of financing militants’ activities in Pakistan and
Bosnia. The new documents, provided to The New
York Times by the lawyers, are among several hundred thousand
pages of investigative material obtained by the Sept. 11
families and their insurers as part of a long-running civil
lawsuit seeking to hold Saudi Arabia and its royal family
liable for financing Al Qaeda. Only a fraction of
the documents have been entered into the court record, and
much of the new material is unknown even to the Saudi lawyers
in the case.The documents provide no smoking gun
connecting the royal family to the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
And the broader links rely at times on a circumstantial,
connect-the-dots approach to tie together Saudi princes,
Middle Eastern charities, suspicious transactions and
terrorist groups. Saudi lawyers and supporters say that
the links are flimsy and exploit stereotypes about terrorism,
and that the country is being sued because it has deep pockets
and was home to 15 of the 19 hijackers. “In looking at
all the evidence the families brought together , I have not
seen one iota of evidence that Saudi Arabia had anything to do
with the 9/11 attacks,” Michael Kellogg, a Washington lawyer
representing Prince Muhammad al-Faisal al-Saud in the lawsuit,
said in an interview. He and other defense lawyers
said that rather than supporting Al Qaeda, the Saudis were
sworn enemies of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was exiled
from Saudi Arabia, his native country, in 1996. “It’s an
absolute tragedy what happened to them, and I understand their
anger,” Mr. Kellogg said of the victims’ families. “They want
to find those responsible, but I think they’ve been disserved
by their lawyers by bringing claims without any merit against
the wrong people.” The Saudi Embassy in Washington
declined to comment. Two federal judges and the
Second Circuit Court of Appeals have already ruled against the
7,630 people represented in the lawsuit, made up of
survivors of the attacks and family members of those killed,
throwing out the suit on the ground that the families cannot
bring legal action in the United States against a sovereign
nation and its leaders. The Supreme Court is
expected to decide this week whether to hear an appeal,
but the families’ prospects dimmed last month when the Justice
Department sided with the Saudis in their immunity claim and
urged the court not to consider the appeal. The
Justice Department said a 1976 law on sovereign immunity
protected the Saudis from liability and noted that
“potentially significant foreign relations consequences” would
arise if such suits were allowed to proceed. “Cases
like this put the U.S. government in an extremely difficult
position when it has to make legal arguments, even when they
are the better view of the law, that run counter to those of
terrorist victims,” said John Bellinger, a former State
Department lawyer who was involved in the Saudi litigation.
Senior Obama administration officials held a private
meeting on Monday with 9/11 family members to speak about
progress in cracking down on terrorist financing.
Administration officials at the meeting largely sidestepped
questions about the lawsuit, according to participants. But
the official who helped lead the meeting, Stuart A. Levey, the
under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, has
been outspoken in his criticism of wealthy Saudis, saying they
have helped to finance terrorism. Even if the 9/11
families were to get their trial in the lawsuit, they might
have difficulty getting some of their new material into
evidence. Some would most likely be challenged on grounds
it was irrelevant or uncorroborated hearsay, or that it
related to Saudis who were clearly covered by sovereign
immunity. And if the families were to clear those
hurdles, two intriguing pieces of evidence in the Saudi puzzle
might still remain off limits. One is a 28-page,
classified section of the 2003 joint Congressional inquiry
into the Sept. 11 attacks. The secret section is believed to
discuss intelligence on Saudi financial links to two
hijackers, and the Saudis themselves urged at the time that it
be made public. President George W. Bush declined to do so.
Kristen Breitweiser, an advocate for Sept. 11
families, whose husband was killed in the World Trade Center,
said in an interview that during a White House meeting in
February between President Obama and victims’ families, the
president told her that he was willing to make the pages
public. But she said she had not heard from the White
House since then. The other evidence that may not be
admissible consists of classified documents leaked to one of
the law firms representing the families, Motley Rice of South
Carolina, which is headed by Ronald Motley, a well-known trial
lawyer who won lucrative lawsuits involving asbestos and
tobacco. Lawyers for the firm say someone
anonymously slipped them 55 documents that contained
classified government material relating to the Saudi lawsuit.
Though she declined to describe the records, Jodi
Flowers, a lawyer for Motley Rice, said she was pushing to
have them placed in the court file. “We wouldn’t be
fighting this hard, and we wouldn’t have turned the material
over to the judge, if we didn’t think it was really important
to the case,” she said. This was the lead up to
Dept. Backs Saudi Royal Family on 9/11 LawsuitBy
ERIC LICHTBLAU Published: May 29, 2009 WASHINGTON —
The Obama administration is supporting efforts by the Saudi
royal family to defeat a long-running lawsuit seeking to hold
it liable for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The
Justice Department, in a brief filed Friday before the Supreme
Court, said it did not believe the Saudis could be sued in
American court over accusations brought by families of the
Sept. 11 victims that the royal family had helped finance Al
Qaeda. The department said it saw no need for the court to
review lower court rulings that found in the Saudis’ favor in
throwing out the lawsuit.The government’s
position comes less than a week before President Obama is
scheduled to meet in Saudi Arabia with King Abdullah as
part of a trip to the Middle East and Europe intended to reach
out to the Muslim world. Lawyers for the Saudi family
said that they were heartened by the department’s brief and
that it served to strengthen their hand before the court,
which has not decided whether to hear the case. But
family members of several Sept. 11 victims said they were
deeply disappointed and questioned whether the decision was
made to appease an important ally in the Middle East. The
Saudis have aggressively lobbied both the Bush and Obama
administrations to have the lawsuit dismissed, government
officials say. “I find this reprehensible,” said
Kristen Breitweiser, a leader of the Sept. 11 families, whose
husband was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center.
“One would have hoped that the Obama administration would have
taken a different stance than the Bush administration, and you
wonder what message this sends to victims of terrorism around
the world.” Bill Doyle, another leader of the Sept. 11
families whose son was killed in the attacks, said, “All we
want is our day in court.” The lawsuit, brought by a
number of insurance companies for the victims and their
families, accuses members of the royal family in Saudi Arabia
of providing financial backing to Al Qaeda — either directly
to Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders, or indirectly
through donations to charitable organizations that they knew
were in turn diverting money to Al Qaeda. A district
court threw out the lawsuit, finding that the Foreign
Sovereign Immunity Act provided legal protection from
liability for Saudi Arabia and the members of the royal family
for their official acts. Solicitor General Elena Kagan
said in the brief to the Supreme Court that her office agreed
with the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
“that the princes are immune from petitioners’ claims,”
although she pointed to somewhat different legal rationales in
reaching that conclusion. Ms. Kagan noted that the
Supreme Court had historically looked to the executive branch
to take the lead on such international matters because of “the
potentially significant foreign relations consequences of
subjecting another sovereign state to suit.” The
government said in its brief that the victims’ families never
alleged that the Saudi government or members of the royal
family “personally committed” the acts of terrorism against
the United States “or directed others to do so.” And it said
the claims that were made — that the Saudis helped to finance
the plots — fell “outside the scope” of the legal parameters
for suing foreign governments or leaders. Justice
Department officials declined to address the issue of whether
the timing of the brief was related to Mr. Obama’s trip to
Riyadh, but other lawyers involved in the case said the timing
appeared to be coincidental. They said as a practical matter
the department, which was invited to state its views in the
case in February, needed to do so by this week if it hoped to
influence the court’s decision on whether to accept the case
before it leaves for summer recess in June. William H.
Jeffress, a Washington lawyer who is representing Prince Turki
Al-Faisal, a former Saudi ambassador to the United States who
is one of the princes named in the lawsuit, said the Justice
Department came down on the right side of the law in
supporting immunity. Any suggestion that the timing
of the brief was influenced by Mr. Obama’s upcoming visit was
“baseless,” Mr. Jeffress said, as were the accusations in the
lawsuit itself about the Saudi ties to Al Qaeda. “Osama bin
Laden is a sworn enemy of the royal family of Saudi Arabia,
and the idea that they would be providing financial support to
Bin Laden is a little absurd,” Mr. Jeffress
said. |
| | |
BAE to pay 450 million in
fines to settle bribes made in 1999 in 2010
So there
Oh and as this thread has shown, BAE now OWNS a
large portion of the U.S. arms business, which means that the
profits and capital goes offshore back and to the TPTB i.e.
The Queen.Rothschild etc..:
to pay 450 million dollars in fraud finesDefence giant
BAE Systems said Friday it had agreed to pay fines of nearly
450 million dollars to settle charges brought by Britain's
Serious Fraud Office and the US Department of
Justice. The fines -- 400 million dollars to the DoJ,
and 30 million pounds (47 million dollars) to the SFO --
relate to investigations into BAE deals with countries
including Tanzania, the Czech Republic, Romania and South
Africa.The defence firm admitted to making false
statements to the US government about its compliance with
anti-corruption regulations, and for failing to keep
accurate accounts regarding a 1999 deal with
Tanzania."The company very much regrets and
accepts full responsibility for these past shortcomings,"
BAE Systems chairman Dick Olver said in a statement to the
London Stock Exchange. "These settlements enable the
company to deal finally with significant legacy
issues." He said the firm had made significant
changes to the way it operated and hoped that in future, "the
company is as widely recognised for responsible conduct as it
is for high quality products and advanced
technologies". Under the US deal, which still requires
court approval, BAE has agreed to plead guilty to one charge
of conspiring to make false statements to the US government
concerning certain regulatory filings and
undertakings. The DoJ accused the firm of making
hundreds of millions of dollars in payments to third parties,
in the knowledge that the money would very likely be handed
over to people to favour BAE in the awarding of defence
contracts. It claimed that before that, BAE had
intentionally failed to put appropriate anti-bribery measures
into place despite assurances to Washington that it would --
and afterwards, it had failed to inform US authorities about
the payments. "The company will pay a fine of 400
million dollars and make additional commitments concerning its
ongoing compliance," BAE said. Acting US deputy
attorney general Gary G. Grindler confirmed the settlement,
adding: "Any company conducting business with the United
States that profits through false statements will be held
accountable."Under the British deal, BAE said it
would plead guilty to one charge of breach of duty to keep
accounting records concerning payments made to a former
marketing advisor in Tanzania over the sale of a radar system
in 1999. BAE admitted the commission payments were not
properly recorded, and it had failed to ensure its records
were correct. It has agreed to pay 30 million pounds, of which
some will be charitable payment for the benefit of
Tanzania. SFO Director Richard Alderman said he was
"very pleased" with the settlement, and said it would bring an
end to his office's investigations. "The SFO has
taken account of the implementation by BAE Systems of
substantial ethical and compliance reforms... and has
determined that no further prosecutions will be brought
against BAE Systems in relation to the matters that have been
under investigation by the SFO," it said. British fraud
investigators have been probing BAE's business activities for
years, and the firm will hope Friday's deal will bring this to
an end. A decision by Britain's then prime minister
Tony Blair in 2006 to drop a probe into BAE's arms deals with
Saudi Arabia triggered a storm of controversy. |
| | |
Slowly it's becoming a moot point anyway,
since now some seven or eight nations have developed
longitudinal EM wave weapons, and more are developing them all
the time. If you really want to see some of the weird
characteristics of longitudinal EM waves, there are some
papers by Rodrigues and Lu on the Los Alamos National
Laboratory website which discuss "undistorted progressive
waves" (UPWs). A UPW is an imperfect longitudinal wave,
which still has some transverse wave residues. Just
download the summary paper by Rodrigues and Lu on that
subject, and ponder the startling characteristics of such
waves. These days it seems that almost every major
weapons laboratory in the developed countries of the world
know of undistorted progressive waves and longitudinal EM
waves, and many either have developed at least preliminary LW
weapons or are working furiously on them. Note: the
ATSB Final Report on the TWA 800 crash conspicuously left the
conclusive cause of the accident open.
Drone Download Fact Sheet
Tools Printable Fact Sheet Mission The
supersonic QF-4 is a reusable full-scale target drone modified
from the F-4 Phantom. The QF-4 provides a realistic full-scale
target for air-to-air weapons system evaluation, development
and testing at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., and Holloman AFB,
N.M. Features The QF-4 is a remotely controlled
target, which simulates enemy aircraft maneuvers. The drone
can be flown by remote control or with a safety pilot to
monitor its performance. The drone is flown unmanned when
missiles are fired at it, and only in specific over-water
airspace authorized for unmanned flight. When flown unmanned,
an explosive device is placed in the QF-4 to destroy the
aircraft if it inadvertently becomes
uncontrollable. The QF-4 is equipped to carry
electronic and infrared countermeasures to fully evaluate
fighters and weapons flown and fired against it. Full-scale
drone aircraft can be flown totally by computer using the Gulf
Range Drone Control System, or controlled manually during
takeoff and landing using a mobile control station located at
the drone runway. As a safety precaution, a chase plane trails
the drone during critical periods of
flight. Background First flown in May 1958, the
Phantom II originally was developed for U.S. Navy fleet
defense and entered service in 1961. The USAF evaluated it as
the F-110A Spectre for close air support, interdiction and
counter-air operations. In 1962, U.S. Air Force version was
approved. The Air Force's Phantom II was designated F-4C, and
first flew May 27, 1963. Production deliveries began in
November 1963. The F-4 was the primary fighter-bomber
aircraft in the U.S. Air Force throughout the 1960s and 1970s.
F-4s also flew reconnaissance and "Wild Weasel"
anti-aircraft missile suppression missions. Phantom II
production ended in 1979. The modified F-4 became the
QF-4. It is the successor to the QF-106 in the Air Force drone
inventory. The drone fleet is operated and maintained
by the 82d Aerial Targets Squadron, located at Tyndall AFB.
The squadron is a subordinate unit of the 53rd Weapons
Evaluation Group at Tyndall AFB. The 53rd WEG reports to the
53rd Wing at Eglin AFB, Fla. The QF-4 program attained initial
operational capability in 1997. General
Characteristics Primary function: Full-scale drone QF-4
Modification Contractor: BAE Systems F-4 Prime Contractor:
McDonnell Aircraft Co. Power plant: Two General Electric
turbojet engines with afterburners Wingspan: 38 feet, 15
inches (11.7 meters) Length: 63 feet, 1(9.2
meters) Height: 16 feet, 6 inches (5 meters) Weight:
30,328 pounds (13,757 kilograms) Maximum Launch Weight:
62,000 pounds (28,030 kilograms) Speed: 1,600 mph (Mach
2) Ceiling: 60,000 feet (18,182 meters) Range: 1,300
miles Cost: $2.6 million (drone conversion) Initial
operating capability: 1997 Inventory: Active force,
A potential difference is applied between two
metallic electrodes mounted inside an evacuated glass tube.
When the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the
potential difference is irradiated with ultraviolet light,
electrons are ejected from the electrode. These electrons are
attracted to the other electrode, which is connected to the
positive terminal of the potential difference. The electric
current produced by electrons attracted to the positive
electrode can be detected by an ammeter in the circuit. The
following results are obtained: 1. The number of electrons
ejected per second increases as the intensity of the light
increases; it turns out to be directly proportional to the
intensity of the light. 2. The electrons emerge with
varying kinetic energy. However, the maximum energy of the
electrons does not depend on the intensity. 3. No
matter how feeble the intensity of the light, electrons are
ejected essentially instantaneously. 4. If the
frequency of the radiation falls below a minimum value, called
the threshold frequency, there are no electrons ejected no
matter how intense the radiation. 5. If the metallic
surface is changed, then the threshold frequency
changes. The explanation of the photoelectric effect is due
to Einstein. Einstein reasoned that the wave model applies
primarily to the propagation of radiation. When
electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter on a momentary
basis, it might not be surprising that the wave model fails.
Einstein proposed that the energy of the radiation is not
distributed evenly over the entire wave front as assumed in
Huygens’ principle, for example, but is concentrated or
localized in discrete small regions. These discrete "bundles"
of energy have come to be called photons, a name suggested by
G. N. Lewis in 1926. According to Einstein (and earlier, Max
Planck), the energy of a photon is E = h f, where h is
Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the
radiation. Clearly, electrons are bound in a metal; we
do not see electrons "jumping" spontaneously from metal
surfaces. Work must be done to free an electron from a metal.
The deeper the electron is in the metal, the greater the work
that has to be done to remove the electron. The minimum energy
is for an electron at the surface of the metal. This minimum
energy is termed the work function and is given the symbol f.
Einstein assumed that when light strikes a metal, a single
photon interacts with a single electron. The full energy of
the photon is transferred to the electron. An electron which
escapes from the metal has the full energy of the photon minus
the work required to free the electron from the metal:
Accession Number : ADA473251 Title :
Nascap-2k Simulation of a Low-Frequency Antenna in
Low-Earth Orbit Corporate Author : AIR FORCE RESEARCH
Author(s) : Cooke, D. L. ; Wheelock, A. T. ; Mandell, M. J. ;
Davis, V. A. ; Roth, C. J. Handle / proxy Url :
Check NTIS
Availability... Report Date : 13 JAN
2005 Pagination or Media Count : 14 Abstract :
NASCAP-2K can be used to calculate plasmadynamic effects as
well as steady-state charging and current collection. In this
paper we consider electron dynamics in the sheath of a VLF
antenna. We estimate the sheath size, and show 1-D
calculations for both sine wave and square wave excitation.
The results show strong electrostatic plasma oscillations at
the sheath edge. Then we use NASCAP-2K to approach the problem
from 2 directions. Run as explicit Particle-in-Cell, NASCAP-2K
can duplicate the square wave results through the first
maximum in the plasma oscillation, obtaining excellent
agreement with the 1-D results. Due to the computational
demands of PIC, this approach can only simulate the early
transients using a common PC. To learn more about the floating
potential of the antenna, NASCAP-2K can be run as hybrid PlC
to capture the ion dynamics over the full wave
cycle. Descriptors : *ANTENNAS, *LOW FREQUENCY,
Old Jul2-09, 06:22 AM
#3 vk6kro vk6kro is
Offline: Posts: 1,531 Recognitions: Science Advisor
Science Advisor Re: Extremely low
frequency—antenna A half wave dipole for 100 KHz would have
a length of about 1500 metres or a bit less than a
mile. That would be about the smallest efficient antenna
you could use. You can't use quarter wave antennas,
because you can't make an earth connection. So, some
less efficient antenna could be considered. A length of wire
as long as possible could be launched from the satellite and
the results can just be accepted. Something like the
metal tape in tape measures could be used as an antenna. In a
weightless environment, this would probably be strong enough.
It could be wound out of the satellite by a motor, once it was
in orbit. WTF RANDOM PIC? lol
Description The subradio frequency[2]
is described in medical peer-reviewed journals with
frequencies of 50 Hz[3] and 50–80 Hz.[4] United States
Government agencies, such as NASA, describe ELF with ranges
between the standard 3 to 30 Hz,[1] >0 to 300 Hz[2].[5] and
even, according to WHO, from >0 to 100 kHz.[6] At
frequencies this low (>0 to 300 Hz), "the wavelengths in
air are very long (6000 km at 50 Hz and 5000 km at 60 Hz),
and, in practical situations, the electric and magnetic fields
act independently of one another and are measured
separately."[5] [edit] Military Communications The
United States Navy utlized extremely low frequencies (ELFs) as
radio band and radio communications. The Submarine Integrated
Antena System (SIAS) was a research and development effort to
communicate with submerged submarines.[7] The Soviet/Russian
Navy also utlized ELFs for submarine communications.[citation
needed] [edit] Explanation Because of the electrical
conductivity of seawater, submarines are shielded from most
electromagnetic communications; signals in the ELF frequency
range, however, can penetrate much deeper. Two factors limit
the usefulness of ELF communications channels: the low data
transmission rate of a few characters per minute and, to a
lesser extent, the one-way nature due to the impracticality of
installing a transmitter of the required size on a submarine
(transmitters need to be of exceptional size for the users to
achieve successful communication). Generally ELF signals were
used to order a submarine to rise to a shallow depth where it
could receive some other form of communication. [edit]
Difficulties of ELF communication One of the
difficulties posed when broadcasting in the ELF frequency
range is antenna size. This is because the antenna must be at
least a substantial fraction of the size (in at least one
dimension) of the wavelength of the frequency of the EM waves.
Simply put, a 1 Hz (cycle per second) signal would have a
wavelength equal to the distance EM waves travel through your
chosen medium in 1 second. For ELF, this is very slightly
slower than the speed of light in a vacuum. As used in
military applications, the wavelength is ~299,792 km(~187,370
mi) per second divided by 50–85 Hz, which equals around 3,450
to 5,996 km (2,140 to 3,730 mi) long; by comparison, Earth's
diameter varies from 12,715 km (7,901 mi), pole to pole to
12,756 km (7,926 mi), equatorial. Because of this huge size
requirement and, to transmit internationally using ELF
frequencies, the earth itself must be used as an antenna, with
extremely long leads going into the ground. Various other
means are taken to construct radio stations with substantially
smaller sizes, such as electrical lengthening. The US
maintained two sites, in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National
Forest, Wisconsin and the Escanaba River State Forest,
Michigan (originally named Project Sanguine, then downsized
and rechristened Project ELF prior to construction), until
they were dismantled, beginning in late September 2004. Both
sites used long power lines, so-called ground dipoles, as
leads. These leads were in multiple strands ranging from 22.5
to 45 kilometres (14.0 to 28.0 mi) long. Because of the
inefficiency of this method, considerable amounts of
electrical power were required to operate the
system. Radio into water, why not the earth's
Ionospheric penetration characteristics of
ELF waves radiated from a current source in the lithosphere
related to seismic activity Ionospheric penetration
characteristics of ELF waves radiated from a current source in
the lithosphere related to seismic activity
Graduate School of Natural Science and
Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
Graduate School of Natural Science and
Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
PFU Ltd., Kahoku-shi,
Electromagnetic wave radiation from an
underground current source related to seismic activity is
discussed. In order to estimate the ionospheric effects on the
electromagnetic waves associated with the seismic activity,
ELF waves in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 kHz in the
ionosphere radiated from a possible seismic current source
modeled as an electric dipole located in the lithosphere, are
precisely computed by using a full-wave analysis. In this
calculation, the ionosphere is assumed to be an inhomogeneous
and anisotropic medium, and the Earth's crust is assumed to be
a homogeneous and isotropic conductive medium. Especially, the
effects of the geomagnetic field on the ionospheric wave
propagation are precisely considered. The results of the
calculations in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 kHz show
frequency dependence in spatial distributions of the wave
intensities due to the geomagnetic field-aligned whistler
propagation in the ionosphere and the Earth-ionosphere
waveguide propagation. Wave intensities which could be
observed on the ground and in the ionosphere are determined by
assuming the magnitude of the current moment of a seismic
dipole source. In a possible situation, the current moment is
estimated to be about 80 A·m/Hz1/2 which generates a
detectable wave magnetic field on the ground just above a
seismic source. However, if we try to detect it in the
ionosphere, the source current moment must be thousands of
times more intense.
Received 4 June 2008; accepted 1
December 2008; published 3 February 2009.
Ozaki, M., S. Yagitani, I. Nagano, and K. Miyamura (2009),
Ionospheric penetration characteristics of ELF waves radiated
from a current source in the lithosphere related to seismic
activity, Radio Sci., 44, RS1005,
The Lightning Bolt There are several types
of lightning strikes; cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-air, and
cloud-to-ground. By far the most dangerous is the
cloud-to-ground (this is assuming that you are not in an
airplane. Cloud-to-plane-to-ground lightning is common,
because of the charge differentials caused by planes. These
bolts scare the be..sus out of the paying customers, but only
cause a moderate sweat for the crew, unless the navigation is
knocked out). Lightning is created when a separation of
the positive and negative charges within a cloud becomes so
great that the insulating power of air is exceeded and great
amounts of electricity are then released. Exactly how
such a charge separation is created in a cloud is not entirely
understood, but several necessary ingredients to the process
have been identified. The main two are ice pellets and rising
air. Both of these are found in cumulonimbus clouds, most
common in the late-spring and summer. The ice pellets pick up
net charges through collisions, and are sorted out by the
updrafts, leaving an abundance of the larger negatively
charged pellets at the bottom of the clouds and the smaller,
positively charged ones near the cloud tops. As the negative
charge grows, it begins to draw a positive charge on the
surface of the earth under the cloud, since opposite charges
attract. When the negative charge is great enough it leaves
the cloud and heads towards the surface as the first stage of
a lightning bolt. This first surge of electrons is
called a stepped leader. The leader moves towards the ground
in a succession of 50m steps, creating a pathway of electrical
flow. As the stepped leader nears the ground, a strong
positive charge is induced beneath it. Eventually, the
electrical attraction is so strong, that the positive charge
rises up out of the ground or out from objects protruding from
the ground (houses, people, especially people on roofs of
houses fixing television antennae), in an attempt to meet the
stepped leader.
seem more than a little bit behind! Where did the Tesla school
of electromagnetic theory go?
A few years ago, a friend mentioned that he
had noticed a peculiar pattern of the earthquake frequency in
Southern California. In all recent instances except the 1993
Northridge blockbuster, the space shuttle had been aloft at
the time. (Conspiracy researcher and radio show host Dave "I
Read It In A Book So It Must Be True" Emory has commented on
this as well.) Even though it was meant as a joke, there are
obvious implications for anyone who could control this final
frontier of the natural world. Perhaps this has already been
accomplished. In the last years of the 19th century,
technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may have harnessed this
principle to similar effect. Tesla has been
called everything from a genius to a quack. The fact remains
that the alternating current electrical system now used
worldwide was his conception, and among other inventions he
perfected a remote controlled boat in 1897&emdash;only a
few years after the discovery of radio waves. This device was
publicly demonstrated at Madison Square Garden the next year
to capacity crowds. In 1896, Tesla had been in
the United States for 11 years after emigrating from his
native Croatia. After a disastrous fire in his former
laboratory, he moved to more amenable quarters at 46 Houston
St. in Manhattan. For the past few years, he had pondered the
sigificance of waves and resonance, thinking that along with
the AC system, there were other untapped sources of power
waiting to be exploited. The oscillators he designed and built
were originally designed to provide a stable source for the
frequencies of alternating current&emdash;accurate enough
to "set your watch by." He constructed a simple
device consisting of a piston suspended in a cylinder, which
bypassed the necessity of a camshaft driven by a rotating
power source, such as a gasoline or steam engine. In this way,
he hoped to overcome loss of power through friction produced
by the old system. This small device also enabled Tesla to try
out his experiments in resonance. Every substance has a
resonant frequency which is demonstrated by the principle of
sympathetic vibration&endash;the most obvious example is
the wine glass shattered by an opera singer (or a tape
recording for you couch potatoes.) If this frequency is
matched and amplified, any material may be literally shaken to
pieces. A vibrating assembly with an adjustable
frequency was finally perfected, and by 1897, Tesla was
causing trouble with it in and near the neighborhood around
his loft laboratory. Reporter A.L. Besnson wrote about this
device in late 1911 or early 1912 for the Hearst tabloid The
World Today. After fastening the resonator ("no larger than an
alarm clock") to a steel bar (or "link") two feet long and two
inches thick: He set the vibrator in "tune" with
the link. For a long time nothing
happened-&endash;vibrations of machine and link did not
seem to coincide, but at last they did and the great steel
began to tremble, increased its trembling until it dialated
and contracted like a beating heart&endash;and finally
broke. Sledge hammers could not have done it; crowbars could
not have done it, but a fusillade of taps, no one of which
would have harmed a baby, did it. Tesla was
pleased. But not pleased enough it
seems: He put his little vibrator in his
coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel
building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found
one&endash;ten stories of steel framework without a brick
or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of
the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got
it. Tesla said finally the structure began to
creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground
panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake.
Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket
and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the
building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could
have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less
than an hour.
Its preparations are concealed, not
published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its
dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is
questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is
-President John F. Kennedy on the Global
Conspiracy | | |
The Office of Naval Research has awarded BAE Systems a $35.4
million contract to manufacture 132 high frequency (HF)
transmitters for installation in the High Frequency Active
Auroral Research Program's (HAARP) phased array antenna
system. The contract was finalized April 19 with BAE Systems
Information & Electronic Warfare Systems in Washington,
D.C. The HAARP program collects and assesses data to
advance knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of
the Earth's ionosphere. "We look forward to contributing to
this critical program. This is an opportunity for BAE Systems
to play an important role in expanding knowledge of the
Earth's ionosphere. Significant potential applications include
long-range communication, sensing and satellite vulnerability
to nuclear effects," said Ramy Shanny, BAE Systems vice
president and general manager for Advanced Technologies
(AT). In 1992, AT was awarded a contract to design and
build the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), the HAARP
program's primary tool used to study ionospheric physics. The
IRI is currently composed of 48 antenna elements and has a
power capacity of 960,000 watts. When installed, the
additional 132 transmitters will give HAARP a 3.6 mega-watt
capacity. The HAARP build-out is jointly funded by the U.S.
Air Force, the U. S. Navy and the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA). About BAE SYSTEMS: BAE Systems
is an international company engaged in the development,
delivery, and support of advanced defense and aerospace
systems in the air, on land, at sea, and in space. The company
designs, manufactures, and supports military aircraft, surface
ships, submarines, radar, avionics, communications,
electronics, and guided weapon systems. It is a pioneer in
technology with a heritage stretching back hundreds of years.
It is at the forefront of innovation, working to develop the
next generation of intelligent defense systems. BAE Systems
has major operations across five continents and customers in
some 130 countries. The company employs more than 90,000
people and generates annual sales of more than $20 billion
through its wholly owned and joint-venture operations. BAE
Systems North America is a high-technology U.S. company
employing more than 25,000 people who live and work in some 30
states, the District of Columbia, and the United Kingdom. The
company is dedicated to solving its customers' needs with
highly innovative and leading edge solutions across the
defense electronics, systems, information technology, and
services arenas. BAE Systems Information & Electronic
Warfare Systems employs 5,700 people at 11 major facilities in
eight states. The business unit is a major producer of
aircraft self-protection systems and tactical surveillance and
intelligence systems for all branches of the armed forces.
Other major business areas include microwave, mission and
space electronics; infrared imaging; and automated mission
planning systems. For further information please
contact: Amy Bartley, BAE Systems Information and
Electronic Warfare Systems Tel: 215-996-2729 Fax:
215-997-2088 amy.bartley@baesystems.comTo
obtain additional information about us, visit "What's News"
forgot to include the reason I became interested in BAE in the
first place...  |
Its preparations are concealed, not
published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its
dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is
questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is
-President John F. Kennedy on the Global
Conspiracy | | |
 Atmosphere becomes a waveguide!!
Propagation of internal gravity waves in an
atmospheric waveguide generated by turbulent
eddies Journal Radiophysics and Quantum
Electronics Publisher Springer New
York ISSN 0033-8443 (Print) 1573-9120
(Online) Issue Volume 31, Number 7 / July,
1988 DOI 10.1007/BF01038499 Pages 557-562 Subject
Collection Physics and
Astronomy SpringerLink Date Sunday,
January 23, 2005  Also look at this WTF book description!
 Bermuda Triangle Much? And please, is anyone
here interested in the idea of a parallel space program i.e.,
and was that what Carl Sagan decided had happened and
explained UFOs with this theory? And is this site
"Boiling" Sky
"Black line"
SAFE LIMIT Research shows the amount of Barium in our
atmosphere exceeds by 8 times the level deemed safe for humans
to breathe. The toxicity of Barium is comparable to
Arsenic. EPA guidelines state that Barium is unsafe for
humans at more than 5 ppm (parts per million). We're exposed
to levels of airborne Barium that are far greater ("by a
factor of 8") than the level considered safe. BARIUM
Do you know
What is the
greatest cause of environmental
X-Wars: Wars which are conducted while
pretending that conditions of peace are being
In 1970, former National Security advisor
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in Between Two Ages,
"Technology will make available to the leaders of
major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of
which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be
appraised.....techniques of weather modification could be
employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or
Dystopian visionary quotes from
Brzezinski's 1970 book:
"a system that would seriously
impair the brain performance of very large
Washington's New World Order Weapons Have
the Ability to Trigger Climate Change
Cube sprayer Photos
Cube sprayer
Dangers The HAARP patent calls for spraying barium in the
atmosphere to enhance the effects of
When chemtrails contain compounds for
conducting or amplifying electromagnetic energy, we're exposed
to an increased risk of harm from the intense radiation
emitted by cell phone and microwave transmitter towers, radar
installations at military bases, high-voltage power lines,
high-power military relay towers and the myriad other
well-documented sources of "electronic smog" - 15 million
times more intense than natural background
Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi and
warns of "electrosmog" from a wide range of other everyday
Facts About War and the
War is the greatest cause of environmental
Many Nations, (including the U.S.) use
environmental destruction as a weapon of war.
military is the largest single source of environmental
pollution in the United States.
The cost of
clean-up of military related sites is estimated to be upwards
of $500 billion.
The Pentagon generates five times more
toxins than the five major U.S. chemical companies
About one quarter of the world's jet
fuel is consumed by the armed forces.
Chemtrail Clouds
Great YouTube video shows fake
aerosol-created clouds. Many of these clouds display what I
call "electromagnetic signatures" presumably caused by
HAARP. (I just noticed more of these here today in
Minnesota 2/17/10.)
Barium: The Poison No One Talks
About Barium is just as dangerous as arsenic, mercury
and lead and it shows up regularly in public water
supplies. Barium is a major component of
chemtrails. When it falls to earth it also contaminates
our water supplies.
Exposure to small amounts of
barium, dissolved in water, may cause a person to experience
these problems: 1. Breathing difficulties 2. Increased
blood pressure 3. Heart rhythm changes 4. Stomach
irritation 5. Muscle weakness 6. Alterations in nerve
reflexes 7. Damage to your brain, liver, kidney and
Barium Tests are Positive -- Clifford
Our sky is a platform for advanced military
Global environmental warfare is
real. This means that earthquakes, droughts and floods can
be used as weapons. The atmosphere over the USA, Canada,
Australia, Japan and Europe is continually saturated with
aerosols containing barium and other toxic substances utilized
by the new geophysical arsenal.
Chemtrails = Aerosol
spraying to change the atmosphere. |
Its preparations are concealed, not
published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its
dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is
questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is
-President John F. Kennedy on the Global
Conspiracy | | |
Amazing how BAE seems to be a
target of the cyber 9/11 false flag:
A long list of key facilities around the world that the US
describes as vital to its national security has been released
by Wikileaks.
US State Department in February 2009 asked all US missions
abroad to list all installations whose loss could critically
affect US national security. The list includes pipelines,
communication and transport hubs. Several UK sites are
listed, including cable locations, satellite sites and BAE
Systems plants. This is probably the most controversial
document yet from the Wikileaks organisation. The
definition of US national security revealed by the cable is
broad and all embracing. In addition to obvious pieces
of strategic infrastructure like communications hubs, gas
pipelines and so on, it contains, amongst other things, a
cobalt mine in Congo, an anti-snake venom factory in Australia
and an insulin plant in Denmark. The US missions were asked to
list all installations whose loss could critically impact the
public health, economic security or national security of the
United States. In Britain, for example, the list ranges
from Cornwall to Scotland, including key satellite
communications sites and the places where trans-Atlantic
cables make landfall. A number of BAE Systems plants involved
in joint weapons programmes with the Americans are listed,
along with a marine engineering firm in Edinburgh which is
said to be "critical" for nuclear powered submarines. 'Targets
for terror' The geographical range of the document is
extraordinary. If the US sees itself as waging a "global
war on terror" then this represents a global directory of the
key installations and facilities - many of them medical or
industrial - that are seen as being of vital importance to
Washington. No wonder then that the Times newspaper in
London has published the story under the headline "Wikileaks
lists 'targets for terror' against the US". Some
locations are given unique billing. The Nadym gas pipeline
junction in western Siberia, for example, is described as "the
most critical gas facility in the world". |
All eyes are opened, or opening, to the
rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has
already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the
mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs,
nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them
legitimately | | |
Helluva thread... |
 "Do not let your hatred of a people incite you to
aggression." Qur'an 5:2 At the heart of that Western
freedom and democracy is the belief that the individual man,
the child of God, is the touchstone of value..."
-RFK | | |
Helluva thread... Thanks, It is
amazing how this story (as shown by the recent posts) is still
relavent. It is probably the most important story next
to 9/11 in the last twenty years. It shows how there is a HUGE
off-shore slush fund of possibly trillions of dollars
controlled by Anglo-American powers-that-be and those funds
were used to produce the current massive economic bubble. And
this slush fund is still out there ready to be used
again. People need to understand that these people get
oil basically for free ($5-10/bll) and sell it to the public
for $50 and up, they pay no taxes and the profits are
offshored and off-book... and this has been on-going since the
end of WWII. When we combine that with the MIC Defence
Industry and ITS growing slush fund ( Pentagon missing
TRILLIONS of dollars) and that coincides with the
RAND-Carlucci-Carlyle-UDI and the transfer of that power to
BAE and its trillions of offshore slush fund and it's totally
a dark unpublished story. |
| | |
Just amazing... The FBI
had photos of Mohammed Atta's car driving to visit a Saudi
family that suddenly disappeared mysteriously just days before
Atta executed the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history
and the bureau never told anyone about it An address:
Atta visits the home at 4224 Escondito Circle,
Sarasota Fla.see below: ESAM GHAZZAWI
and ABDULAZIZ AL-HIJJI left and the house was owned
by Esam Ghazzawi, a Saudi financier ... The Esam
Ghazzawi name goes back to the BCCI scandal!!!
The Mysterious Saudi Family That Vanished
Two Weeks Before 9/11 Did you know that a Saudi
family living in Sarasota, Fla., that met with 9/11 mastermind
Mohammed Atta disappeared without a trace—leaving behind their
cars, food, and furniture—two weeks before the attacks?
Neither did Congress, or the 9/11 Commission! The FBI didn't
think to tell them. It's amazing what stuff starts
coming out ten years later. You'd think that 9/11 was one of
the most picked-over events in history, with thousands of
journalists, intelligence agents, and investigators poring
over every aspect of the attacks. Not really! Some recorded
radio communications from that day are just coming to light
now. And today we learn that a Saudi family that actually met
with Atta up and disappeared without a trace just days before
the attacks, something that the FBI investigated but never
bothered to tell Congress or the 9/11 Commission. Writing for
the Miami Herald, Anthony Summers and Dan Christensen
report: Just two weeks before the 9/11 hijackers
slammed into the Pentagon and World Trade Center, members of a
Saudi family abruptly vacated their luxury home near Sarasota,
Fla., leaving a brand new car in the driveway, a refrigerator
full of food, fruit on the counter - and an open safe in a
master bedroom.... The couple, living with their small
children at the three-bedroom house at 4224 Escondito Circle,
had left in a hurry in a white van, probably on Aug.
30. They abandoned three recently registered vehicles,
including a brand-new Chrysler PT Cruiser, in the garage and
driveway.... Berberich and a senior counterterrorism
agent said they were able to get into the abandoned house,
ultimately finding "there was mail on the table, dirty diapers
in one of the bathrooms ... all the toiletries still in place
... all their clothes hanging in the closet ... TVs ...
opulent furniture, equal or greater in value than the house
... the pool running, with toys in it." "The beds were
made ... fruit on the counter ... the refrigerator full of
food. ... It was like they went grocery shopping. Like they
went out to a movie. ... (But) the safe was open in the master
bedroom, with nothing in it, not a paper clip. ... A computer
was still there. A computer plug in another room, and the line
still there. Looked like they'd taken (another) computer and
left the cord." Big deal, right? Who cares if some
Saudi citizens happened to decide to go home, or move
somewhere else, in late August 2001? Well, their neighbors
found it suspicious, and one of them called the FBI on the day
of the attacks to report the departure. And it turns out the
couple, Anoud and Abdulazzi al-Hiijjii, had ties to the 9/11
hijackers. A counterterrorism officer, who requested
his name not be disclosed, said agents went on to make
troubling discoveries: Phone records and the Prestancia gate
records linked the house on Escondito Circle to the
hijackers.... The counterterrorism agent said records
of incoming and outgoing calls made at the Escondito house
were obtained from the phone company under
subpoena. Agents were able to conduct a link analysis,
a system of tracking calls based on dates, times and length of
conversations—finding the Escondito calls dating back more
than a year, "lined up with the known suspects." The
links were not just to Atta and his hijack pilots, the agent
said, but to 11 other terrorist suspects, including Walid
al-Shehhri, one of the men who flew with Atta on the first
plane to strike the World Trade Center. Another was
Adnan Shukrijumah, a former Miramar, Fla., resident identified
as having been with Atta in the spring of 2001. Shukrijumah is
still at large and is on the FBI's Most Wanted
list. OK, you're saying, sure: A "link analysis"
connects them to the hijackers. But the FBI can link Atta to
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach if it wants to. So they called someone
who called someone who called a hijacker. What does that
prove? But it was the gate records at the Prestancia
development that produced the most telltale information.
People who arrived by car had to give their names and the
home's address they were visiting. Gate staff would sometimes
ask to see a driver's license and note the name, Berberich
said. More importantly, he added, the license plates of cars
pulling through the gate were photographed. Atta is
known to have used variations of his name, but the license
plate of the car he owned was on record. The vehicle
and name information on Atta and Jarrah fit that of drivers
entering Prestancia on their way to visit the home at 4224
Escondito Circle, said Berberich and the counterterrorism
officer. So there you have it: The FBI had photos of
Mohammed Atta's car driving to visit a Saudi family that
suddenly disappeared mysteriously just days before Atta
executed the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history and
the bureau never told anyone about it. Totally unrelated: The
only major redaction in the 9/11 Commission report was a
28-page section spelling out connections between the hijackers
and Saudi elites. I can't wait until the 20th anniversary,
when we'll get to find out more. Happy 9/11 Day!’s
9/11 Hijack Terrorists in Sarasota Fl From June 2000 to August
2001. 9/11 LINK TO SARASOTA FL: A new report revealing
the hijackers met in Florida with a well-connected Saudi
to Riyadh just days before the attacks raises fresh concerns
about the Saudis’ role in the plot. The Saudi
hijackers who entered the country from San Diego also met with
Saudi handlers. So now we know al-Qaida had Saudi help from
coast to coast. According to the Miami Herald, investigators
believe the wealthy family at a minimum knew of their 9/11
HIJACKER guests’ evil plans, and possibly aided
them. Just two weeks before 9/11, and after
meetings and calls with ringleader Mohamed Atta and other
hijackers, the Saudi nationals, ESAM GHAZZAWI and ABDULAZIZ
AL-HIJJI, abandoned three cars, including a new Chrysler
PT Cruiser, in the garage and driveway of their Sarasota
home. In their haste to leave the country, they also left
behind opulent furniture. A safe, however, was cleaned out.
They also took a computer. The Sarasota home
at 4224 Escondito Cir, Sarasota, FL 34238, was owned by Esam
Ghazzawi, a Saudi financier. He’d been on an FBI watch
list for terror-fundraising. The FBI, however, never briefed
the 9/11 Commission about his and the other Saudi occupants’
connections to the hijackers. Congress also was left in the
dark about the house search. PRINCE
reports: "Prince Fahd bin Salman, eldest son of ... Prince
Salman, the governor of Riyadh ... a court case brought by
the BCCI liquidators over the little matter of $397,000 owed
to the rogue bank. Since 1994 the liquidators had been
seeking repayment of this money under a guarantee given by the
prince for the overdraft of an offshore company, Colchest
Corporation N.V. In an unusual response, Prince
Fahd sought to offset against this debt money held at another
BCCI branch in the name of one Esam Ghazzawi, claiming that
this was his money. The court of appeal rejected
this suggestion on the basis that it was unclear who owned
what in the Ghazzawi accounts." This is an example of how
Saudi princes get tangled up in their own financial web. They
refuse to keep it simple. This leaves them open to
unscrupulous advisors and lengthy, costly litagation. When
will they learn! K99 Ghazzawi
linked to BCCI and two dead Saudi
PrincesBackground checking since yesterday’s news
account reveals evidence that Ghazzawi, who was on US
government watch-lists along with his daughter and son-in-law,
has a long history of association with Saudi financiers linked
to terrorism and major global bank frauds in the 1980s and
1990s. He now lives openly in Jeddah and owns the posh Orient
Restaurant in Khobar, KSA. ... Prince Fahd’s death
five weeks before Ghazzami suddenly fled his Sarasota home,
barely 6 weeks before 9/11 might not in itself be more than
coincidence. However, the unfolding story takes a particularly
sinister turn when one realizes that Faud’s older brother,
Prince Ahmed bin Salman died almost exactly a year later
(November 17, 1958 – July 22, 2002), and his death has been
labeled the first of a series of post-9/11 U.S. targeted
killings of prominent figures identified as having had leading
roles in the attacks.In his 2003 book Why
America Slept, author Gerald Posner writes that Prince Ahmed
bin Salman had had ties to al-Qaeda and had advance knowledge
of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
When 9/11 figure Abu Zubaydeh was captured, Posner claims that
he revealed to American interrogators the identity of a
number of top al-Qaeda backers, including Prince Ahmed, and
the head of the Pakistani Air Force, who died with his family
and closest aides in a February 2003 mid-air transport plane
explosion.To the timeline of events leading up to
9/11, including the 08/30/2001 flight of Ghazzawi and his
family, we must now add the death five weeks earlier of Prince
Faud and the death almost a year to the day of his older
brother, Prince Ahmed. Their father is a co-director of the
Saudi intelligence service along with Prince Turki bin Faisal,
who suddenly resigned his 25 year commission as the Director
of the Saudi General Intelligence agency and departed his
long-time post in Washington suddenly on September 4,
2001. That is another important date that should put on
anyone’s 9/11 timeline. It is now past time for the
redacted material in the 9/11 Report about Saudi al-Qaeda
finance to be released, and the case reopened to examine new
evidence. |
| | |
regarding Bush - Update now
Obama gets a taste of the Saudi Offshore
Department cables previously leaked and those that have to be
revealed show that U.S. diplomats are the prime
facilitators of U.S. graft and corruption, with member
companies of the US Chamber of Commerce and top Pentagon
contractors reaping a financial whirlwind as a
result. Anonymous plans to release 40 more
videos outlining the connections between U.S. political
leaders and top-level bribery and kickbacks, including a
deal worked out by then-President George W. Bush between
Saudi Arabia and Boeing that saw Boeing receive a major Saudi
Air Force contract in return for the King of Saudi Arabia
receiving a plane similar to the Boeing 747 used as Air Force
One. In the deal, Bush pocketed a “handling
fee” that ended up in a Bush numbered account from a Saudi
numbered account in an off-shore bank. And the
trove of fused data from the cables and financial and email
data show that Bush and Rove are not alone in receiving
payola from his fronting for U.S. firms: the recipients of
bribes and kickbacks include Hillary and Bill
Clinton, Dick Cheney, Vice President Joe Biden, and President
Obama. Anonymous has uncovered details of Obama
personally lobbying overseas for Boeing, with the now
“accepted” practice of kickbacks ending up in the president’s
off-shore accounts. Boeing is headquartered in
Obama’s hometown of Chicago. And when it comes to
this level of corruption, America can always count on its
political police force, the FBI, to protect the criminals and
attack the sources of the information, as the G-men are now
doing to Anonymous. “Bigger and badder” than
Wikileaks: “Anonymous” analyzes and fuses hacked
data and cable information and reveals that President Obama
not only shills for Chicago-based Boeing but gets kickbacks
from defense deals overseas. George W. Bush also shilled for
Boeing and received similar sweetheart financial
deals. |
| | |
Tahoe, this is a truly
fantastic thread and i am amazed that i haven't stumbled
across it before.
Right from the first post you struck
deep into the likely true secret heart of this affair, that
took me years to figure out.
Im looking forward to
reading this thread in depth. Yet another giant research
topic to add to my already humungous "to read" list |
“It is essential for Musharraf that
Pakistan be a ‘dangerous place’: he and his country… feed off
the menace.” - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced
Studies | | |
Tahoe, this is a truly fantastic thread and i
am amazed that i haven't stumbled across it
Right from the first post you struck deep into
the likely true secret heart of this affair, that took me
years to figure out.
Im looking forward to reading this
thread in depth. Yet another giant research topic to add to my
already humungous "to read" list Thanks, This was and still is a target
rich environment. In the U.S. we had a virtual news black out
on the Riggs Bank and how BAE bought into the American MIC
(just prior to 9/11). In conjunction you have the
Duetche bank take over of Bankers trust 1997 connections
to the Carlucci/Carlyle - BAE UDI Merger - It's a tangle
web not covered much in the
press...reference must read: as a method of counterfeiting and
destruction of the currency |
| | |