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Well the last page was very productive, but of late the well seems to have run dry, I will try to reinvestigate some of the items of page 2 research journal in hopes of discovering further information and possibly tapping a new vain. Also I need to create separate pages for much of the new information on page 2.
1319 - Adam Utlagh is mentioned re Bury St Edmund - I've never been able to find this reference. hmm....
The archives of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, Rodney M. Thomson - nothing.
1541 - Adam Owtlawe - (£30) - 1541 London Subsidy roll: Tower Ward
Interesting... "The King's Mariner" Adam Owtlawe, Living in the heart of King Henry VIII's "Tower Ward" London.... This ward also had William Gunston upper member of Henry VIII's Navy , However Trinity House was still in Deptford Navy yard.... oh and Richard Couchey is Richard Cowche
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Still looking for reference to William Hourrey and Richard Couchey ...
oh Richard Couchey is Richard Cowche and he seems to have been Gunson's man and he had a relative Robert Cowche and Draper also had a relative William Draper and they were in the Ironmongers guild/business
Sir Edward Guildford
- alternative spelling Guilford) (c. 1474 - 1534) was an English courtier
and Lord
Warden of the Cinque Ports and Marshal
of Calais in 1519.
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The Trinity house is in the Tower Ward much later 1680's at least and 1790 for the building: Tower Hill was used for the public executions:
It is interesting that this relates to the earlier Simon Outlawe whose partner was William Chertsey son of John Chertsey was owner of Asselyne's Warf later known as St Dunstans Warf "number 9 is Gibon's Quay and B is the Tower of London warf:
1381 -
Father of
John Charteseye - John Chertsey, clothier,
owner of Asselyne's Warf in London
Asselyn's Warf - "St. Dunstan's Warf" - Parish - A Descriptive
Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
Release "John Ive" rector of St. Michael's to John Asselyn holds
for life on the said Quey - 8 march 45 Edward III
[Middx.] 2514. Indenture witnessing that John Asselyne has granted to Ralph de Kneton a messuage with quay adjoining in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, London, in Tamyse-strat, on condition that Ralph shall demise to John for his life a chamber with a drain (cloaca) adjacent in the east part of the aforesaid quay, with a stable underneath it, with free access night and day to the said quay, stable and chamber with horses, carts, and men, with reversion to Ralph at John's death ; Ralph paying John for life 10 mares yearly for the residue of the messuage and for the said quay, and repairing all the premises. If Johu die within a year from the present date, Ralph shall pay his executors 20 mares within a month of such decease. Witnesses:—John Lovekyn, Mayor, John de Brykelesworthand Thomas Irlond, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Sunday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 10 May, 40 Edward III. Seal.
A. 2530. Release by Geoffrey Kneveton, of co. Derby, to John Ive, rector of St. Michael's of Wodstrete, and Sir Laurence Kelleshulle, chaplain, of all his right in the quay called 'Asselyne's Warf' with buildings thereon in St. Dunstan's parish, London, and grant of the reversion of all the tenements that John Asselyne holds for life on the said quay; all which premises they had by feoffment of Master Ralph Kneveton his brother, formerly the King's baker. 8 March, 45 Edward III
Notice John Ive 's name comes up again, but instead of rector of the church he is just "clerk":
Notice that Charteseye and Outlawe get the Quay here from JOHN IVE, who got it from Ralph de Kneton (the kings baker), who got it from John Asselyne. Outlawe and Charteseye later seem to lose it all. Anyway this get purchased by Sir Christopher Draper around 1556 and he happens to have been at times the sheriff and mayor of London and most importantly the nephew of William Gunson , the comptroller (paymaster) of the Navy William Gunson’s nephew, Sir Christopher Draper, who was buried there [St Dunstan's] in 1580..... hmmm.... Also interesting when you look at Gunson is the connection to the Ironmongers guild and how his family was probably producing the iron for the cannons in the navy... and also unsderstand that this quay which seems to be at times used by the Trinity House and later used for the Customs House ...
"the lane called Watergate is to be identified with Water Lane, then the site of this [Gibsons] Key is now covered by the Custom House"..
1403 - Simon Outlawe at Baas Manor - Hertfordshire.- Westminster.- 20 marks of rent issuing from the manor of Baas and from 40 messuages, 4 carucates of land, 100 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood and 20 pounds of rent in Hoddesdon', Brokesburne, Amwelle, Wormlee and Chestunt.- Richard Spyce and Isabel have granted to William Skrene and John Martyn the rent, which John Charteseye and Simon Outlawe, tenants of the aforesaid manor and tenements, were accustomed to render to Richard Spyce and Isabel, to receive each year by the hands of the aforesaid tenants and their heirs - William Skrene and John Martyn have given them 100 marks of silver. - 4 Henry [IV] [3 February 1403]. Image Page
Appendix IV - Documents relating to the port of London British History Online - Gibsons Quay. Formerly called Asselynes Wharf after John Asselyne, who owned it in 1366, it was purchased by Sir Christopher Draper a few years before the survey of 1559. (fn. 12) The quay, with one jibbet, was let in 1582 for £50 a year to William Wiggens [ Gibson ]. It was subsequently known by his name.
Map of Port of London British History Online - Number 9 below is Gibsons Quay and B is The Tower of London warf: image
Gibson's quay seems to be gone now and is where the Sugar Quay building - Imported sugar from the plantations brought in with slave ships used to be unloaded at Sugar Quay, then taxed, before being taken for barter at the Royal Exchange
Inquisitions - 1581 Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for the City of London Part 3 (pp. 32-43)
Christopher Draper, Knight. Writ dated at Westminster 23 June, 23 Eliz. [1581]. Delivered into court the last day of October, 23 Eliz.
Inquisition taken at the Guildhall [no date given], before John
Braunche, Knight, Mayor and escheator, after the death of Christopher
Draper, knight, ... Christopher Draper was seised in his demesne
as of fee of 1 messuage commonly called the Gallie in the parish of St. Dunstan
in the East, in London, in the occupation of Clement Draper; and
of a certain other large messuage called Asheling Wharfe and formerly
called Puckman Wharfe and afterwards called Crechurche-wharfe and late
called Gibson's Key,
situate in the said parish.
The said messuage called Gibson's Key
is held of the Queen by the service of the 20th part of a knight's fee and the
yearly rent of 23s., and is worth per ann., clear, £8. The messuage
called the Gallie is held of the Queen in free burgage of the City of London and
not in chief, and is worth per ann., clear, £5.
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Agnes Hickman.
Inquisition taken at the Guildhall, 5 June, 42 Eliz. [1600], before Nicholas Mosley, knight, Mayor and escheator, after the death of Agnes Hickman, late the wife of William Hickman,
esq., by the oath of William Crowche, John Jenninges, Robert Durrant, Peter Noxton, Cuthbert Lee, Andrew Feilde, Edward Catcher, Michael Crowche, Richard Kirkby, William Abbott, Nicholas Askwith, Elias Parry and John Cordell, who say that
Agnes Hickman long before her death was seised in her demesne as of fee as one of the daughters and
coheirs of Christopher Draper late of London, knight, deceased, by hereditary descent, of the 3rd part of 1 capital messuage, cellars, buildings, yards and other houses of merchandize thereto belonging, situate in a certain street called Thames Street in London, in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East in the ward of or the Tower; the 3rd part of a wharf commonly called Drapers Key or Gibson's Key in Thames Street
to the said messuage belonging, now or late in the tenure of William
Wiggins; and the 3rd part of 2 messuages, with the buildings, cellars, houses, &c., thereto belonging abutting upon or adjacent to the said capital messuage, now or late in the tenure of John Brickett and Robert
Nunne....The said Robert Draper, to whom the said premises descended, still survives and is aged
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Gibson's Key - A Dictionary of London
West of lane called Watergate, and south of Thames Street, belonging to Amisia Gibson, 32 H. VIII. (L. and P. H. VIII. Vol. XVI. pp. 239 and 503). In parish of St. Dunstan in the East, 35 Eliz. 1593 (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 172).
Former names : "Asselynis Warff" (44 Ed. III. Anc. Deeds, A. 2551).
"Asselyns Wharf" (ib. A. 2514). "Asselynes wharf" (ib. A. 1706).
"Asshelynes wharf," 1465-6 (Ct. H,W. II. 553). "Assheling
warffe," 23 Eliz. 1581 (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 36). "Pakkemannys
Wharf," "Pakenames Wharf," "Pakename warfe," 7 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1779) ; 1465-6 (Ct. H.W. II. 553) ; 32 H. VIII. (L. and P. H. VIII., XVI. 239).
Puckman Wharfe, 23 Eliz. 1581 (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 36). "Crychurch
warffe," 32 H. VIII. 1541 (L. and P. H. VIII. XVI. 239). "Crechurche-wharfe," 23 Eliz. 1581 (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 36).
Gibson's Key alias "Draper's Keye" formerly in tenure of Christopher Draper, 35 Eliz. (1593) (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 172).
These names are obviously derived from the successive owners who were in possession of the Key from time to time, and they furnish a good example of the changes of nomenclature that took place in these quays from time to time.
If the lane called Watergate is to be identified with Water Lane, then the site of this Key is now covered by the Custom House.
Appointed a general place for lading and discharging goods under the Act of Parliament, 1559 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 49)
Yes - Water lane separates Sugar Quay from the Customs House.
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Book 2, Ch. 27 - Tower Ward A New History of London (pp. 668-671)
Trinity House.
About the middle of Water-lane, on the west side, stands the Trinity house, belonging to the fraternity of the Holy Trinity in the parish of Deptford
Strond. This society was founded in the year 1515, by Sir Thomas Spert, knt. comptroller of the navy to Henry VIII.
for the regulation of seamen and the convenience of ships and mariners on our coasts.
I've checked and the records of the Trinity Mariners Guild were destroyed in the great London fire of 1666 so that might have told us where Adam Outlawe was in the Mariner hierarchy , But it is clear that he was very high up if he was inspecting a ship with Thomas Spert the comptroller and lived in the same ward as William Gonson he must have been important.
In the Tower subsidy we have William Gunston who was Comptroller of the Navy:
William Gunston (£1000) (Which is also Gonson or Gunson .... they spell it every way possible )
The Family of Gunson or Gonson of London and Essex The Gunson family
By 1514 William Gunson and his family were living in the parish of St Dunstan in the East in the ward of the Tower of London[24] where they figure as churchwardens and benefactors of the poor.[25] Stow referred to the church as having ‘a great parish of many rich Marchants, and other occupiers of diuerse trades, namely Saltars and Ironmongers’.[26] The latter would have included William Gunson’s nephew, Sir Christopher Draper, who was buried there [St Dunstan's] in 1580.
It was as a public servant that William Gunson achieved a certain notability in his own time. For a number of years, although not then an officer of the navy, he assisted John Hopton, keeper of the naval storehouses at Erith and Deptford, attending to victualling and purchasing naval stores in Holland such as cables and hawsers.[27] Like Hopton he was created an Esquire of the Body to King Henry Vlll, and succeeded him in office on 25 September 1524. The position of Keeper of the Naval Storehouses gradually developed into that of ‘paymaster of the King’s ships’ or Treasurer of the Navy under his skilful management. He was, in addition, vice-admiral of the King’s ships in Suffolk and Norfolk,[28] and was frequently at sea. In the Lincolnshire rebellion of 1536 he was dispatched with naval guns to assist the army.
Like other servants of the Crown Gunson benefited considerably from the disposal of monastic lands and sequestered estates. On 10 February 1539 the Manor of Great or Abess Warley near Chelmsford in Essex ‘with all lands and privileges thereto belonging, in this parish, Stifford, and Shenfield; and the Advowson of the Church’ was granted to William Gunson and his heirs ‘to hold by the tenth part of a knight’s fee and payment of 41.2s per ann’.[29] William also received the Spittlelands in St Peter’s Maldon, ‘formerly belonging to St Giles’s’ Spittle, or Hospital, with Bond-feild, the Grange-house, a garden, the Ox-house, and a Garner, belonging to Bileigh-Abbey.[30] Other Chelmsford properties, notably Warley Hall and Sebright Hall, were also acquired by the family[31] and formed an extensive estate until fragmented between the survivng coheiresses in 1600.
Like his father, William also consolidated his position by a good marriage. His wife Benedicta (known by the pet form Bennett) was daughter of Richard Water(s) and his wife Ellen Colfox. Her relation Edwin Water(s),[32] an experienced sea captain, was Clerk of the Ships in the Navy office from 27 December 1540 until being appointed Sergeant-at-Arms on 5 February 1545. Edwin died in 1558 and was buried at St Dunstan in the East. As an eventual heiress Bennett brought the quarterings of the families of Water(s), Fitzwarren, Roe, Beckett, Young and Colfox to her children’s coats of arms. She died in 1545.
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It is interesting in the ship inspection John Tebowrow "Teborow" appears to be John Husee and Lord Lisle's man . John Husee, was a solicitor and servant of the Lisles' . It is interesting who Lord Lisle was then : (Vice Admiral of the Navy and Illegitimate son of Edward IV).
So John Tebowrow would have served as witness to the inspection for Lord Lisle.
February 1539, Henry VIII, Volume 14 Part 1 (pp. 77-95)
1539 5 Feb. - JOHN HUSEE to LORD LISLE. - This morning, by John Teborow, I received your letters... John Teborow is ridden today to the King by my lord Privy Seal's command
There are other examples of John Teborow as messenger.
Arthur PLANTAGENET (1ŗ V. Lisle) - K.G., King’s Spear, Esquire of the Body, Sheriff of Hampshire, Vice-Admiral of England, Trier of Petitions in Parliament, Governor of Calais, Warden of the Cinque Ports, Privy Councillor, the writer of the 'Lisle Letters' available in 6 volumes.
Illegitimate son of Edward IV, born at Calais BET 1461 and 1475 (presumed to be 'my lord the bastard' mentioned in an Exchequer account dated 1477, first occurs as an adult in 1501), had spent his youth living at his father's court. There seems to be confusion in surviving records between King Edward IV's mistresses, Dame Elizabeth Lucy, his 'wanton wench', and Elizabeth Wayte. Probably the two women were separate and distinct individuals. King Edward IV is alleged to have had issue by Elizabeth Lucy prior to his marriage to Queen Elizabeth Woodville in 1464. That issue was King Edward IV's bastard daughter, Elizabeth Lumley, who married in or before 1477. Elizabeth Wayte's son, Arthur, on the other hand, doesn't occur in records as an adult until 1501 and didn't marry until 1511. This suggests a rather wide gap in ages between the two bastards, Elizabeth Lumley and Arthur Plantagenet. His godfather was Thomas Fitzalan, 16ŗ E. Arundel. In 'Lisle Letters', Arthur Plantagenet was styled "cousin" by Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury.
Arthur completely overshadowed by a host of legitimate male relatives and only achieved prominence under the Tudors. When Henry VIII made him an esquire of the body in 1509, he was already almost fifty years old. He became a friend of Sir William Kingston, with whom in 1510 he had a licence to export 2,000 kerseys from Southampton and London free of duty. A hale fellow, good friend and sporting companion to Henry VIII, brave soldier in the French campaign of 1513, became a man strongly fixed in the world with the aid of his powerful connections.
He married first, in 1511, Elizabeth, suo jure Baroness Lisle, the daughter of Edward Grey, Viscount Lisle (d. 17 Jul 1492), by his wife, Elizabeth Talbot, daughter of John Talbot, Viscount Lisle. Elizabeth Grey was the widow of Edmund Dudley, Henry VII's advisor, and the mother of John Dudley, afterwards Duke of Northumberland in the reign of Edward VI.
In 1514 he was captain of the Vice-Admiral's ship "Trinity
Sovereign". He attended the King
at the Field
of the Cloth of Gold in 1520.
Lisle was named as deputy of Calais after the death of John
Bouchier, Lord Berners on 16 Mar 1533. Lisle was sworn into
office on 10 Jun. [L.P., VI, p. 283, no. 619 (Cal., P.R.O.?].
Evidence taken from the correspondence of Lord Lisle and of his wife, demonstrates how independently of Cromwell, Anne Boleyn's patronage network operated. While Lord Lisle often relied upon Cromwell for aid, Lady Lisle looked to Anne and her household for favors.
Despite an early show of friendship, Anne sometimes favored suitors whose interests ran directly counter to the Viscount's. In 1535, John Husee, his lordship's agent, reported that the Queen and the Duke of Norfolk had won for Lord Edmund Howard, the impoverished brother of the Duke then serving as comptroller of Calais, the King's part of some forfeited goods, which were worth about 200 marks. Husee also claimed that had Lisie only informed him earlier about the goods, Cromwell would have been able to obtain them for his lordship. At another time the Lord Deputy referred to competition from the Queen's brother, Lord Rochford, for some forfeited woolens at Calais.
In 1538, the Frithelstoke Priory demesne was granted by Henry VIII, to Arthur Plantagenet. At its suppression in the year 1534, the annual revenues were valued at £127. 2. 4 1/4.
He was imprisoned in the Tower of London on suspicion of treason 19 May 1540, charges of plotting to betray Calais to the French. Lisle's complicity in the schemes of his chaplain, Gregory Botolph, could not be proven and in Mar 1542, he was told he would be set free. Unfortunately, the shock of this news was too much for him. That same night, when the verdict came in acquitting him, he had a heart attack and died there 3 Mar 1541/2.
The Lisle Letters were originally assembled as evidence in the trial for
treason of Arthur Plantagenet, Lord Lisle. They reveal each development
in the story that culminated in Lord Lisle's confinement in the Tower of
London. The correspondence of Arthur Plantagenet, Lord Lisle, and his
second wife, Honor
Grenville, circa 3,000 papers, mostly out-letters of a private
nature, date from the time when Lisle was resident in Calais (then
English), acting as Henry
VIII's Lord Deputy there. Lord and Lady
Lisle corresponded with a wide range of family, family retainers and
servants, and political and social acquaintances at court and in the counties. Their
main correspondent was John Husee, Lisle's agent and secretary,
based in London, whose letters are full of valuable political detail.
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Looking at the Subsidy list it is interesting the highest paying subject in the neighborhood in 1541 was Sir John Alen with connections to Ireland and Norfolk:
Sir John Alen knight (£3000) : Sir John Alan, or Alen - ( c.1500-1561 ) was a leading statesman in Ireland in the mid -sixteenth century. he held the offices of Master of the Rolls in Ireland , Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland and Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
He was born at
Cotteshall Coltishall
in Norfolk,
son of Thomas Alen. The Alens were a numerous family and five of his
brothers settled in Ireland. John
Alen, Archbishop
of Dublin, murdered in the Silken
Thomas rebellion, was a close relative, probably a first cousin
Alen studied law at Grays Inn and entered the service of Cardinal Wolsey who sent him to Ireland in 1528 to promote the Cardinal's authority as legate and to act as secretary to his cousin the Archbishop, with whom he may have quarreled
In 1538, on the death of Lord Trimleston, Alen became Lord Keeper and subsequently Chancellor...
In 1539 Alen was appointed head of the Commission for the suppression of the religious houses in Ireland with instructions to receive voluntary resignations and surrenders and provide for the payment of pensions, but to " apprehend and punish " all who maintained the authority of the Pope. Alen had already received his reward : St. Wolstan's, near Celbridge, County Kildare, had ben suppressed in 1536 and granted to Alen . The Alens remained at St. Wolstan's for two centuries.
Coltishall - is a village (population 1,405[1]) on the River Bure, west of Wroxham, in the English county of Norfolk,[2] within the Norfolk Broads
Coltishall was a place of note even when the Domesday Book was compiled. For 250 years it was a centre of the malting industry. Many Norfolk wherries (trading ships) were built here.
Norfolk Churches - St John the Baptist, Coltishall
Sir John Alan, Lord Chancellor. - John Alan, or Allen, was a native of England, and has been described of Cowtishale... When Sir John Barnewall, Lord Trimlestown, died in 1538, John Alan, Master of the Rolls, was appointed Keeper of the Seal, and on his resigning the office of Master of the Rolls, was succeeded by Sir Thomas Cusack, of Cussington, knight. In the following year, A.D. 1539, Alan was granted the office of Chancellor of Ireland.
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Tower (ward)
- is a ward
of the City
of London and is named from its propinquity to the Tower
of London. The ward covers the area of the City that is closest to the Tower
Great Tower
Street - is a street in the City
of London. - the ward contained all of Great
Tower Street and the ward historically was known as "Tower
The Hung Drawn and Quartered traditional pub on the corner of Great Tower Street and Byward Street
It forms an eastward continuation of Eastcheap starting at Idol Lane, and leads towards Byward Street, then Tower Hill. On Byward Street, opposite Great Tower Street, is the historic church All Hallows-by-the-Tower.
A public house called the Czar's Head used to stand at number 48, so named because Peter the Great used to drink there when he was learning ship-building at Deptford
Since its construction, the Tower of London has not formed part of the ward or part of the City of London.
All Hallows-by-the-Tower was the church from which Pepys had watched the Fire unfold in September 1666. St Olave Hart Street, Betjeman remarked is a country church in the middle of the busiest city on earth. St Dunstan’s Church in St Dunstan’s Hill, destroyed during World War II, is now a garden
1535: Both Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher of Rochester were executed for refusing to acknowledge Henry VIII as head of the English
Church (Supremacy thang).
1536: Anne Boleyn, the King’s second wife, was executed along with her brother and four others. Her ghost has frequently been seen both on the Green and more spectacularly in the Chapel Royal situated in the White Tower. It was in the Chapel that a Captain of the Guard saw a light burning in the locked Chapel late at night.
1540: Thomas Cromwell was executed. He was the Earl of Essex and former Chief Minister to the King - in which capacity he had modernized the Tower’s defenses and, ironically enough, sent many others to their deaths.
1542: Catherine Howard, the second of Henry VIII’s six wives to be beheaded, met her death outside
the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula which Henry had rebuilt a few years before.
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Celbridge - ST WOLSTAN'S - St Wolstan’s, near the site of the ancient Abbey of St Wolstan’s described by Mervyn Archdall in his "Monasticon Hibernicum" in 1786 was originally a monastery in the Order of St Victor. It was founded c1202 by one of Strongbow’s companions for Adam de Hereford. It was named for St Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, then newly canonised by Pope Innocent III [the most evil pope]. Before the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries it had extensive lands in Kildare and Dublin with buildings covering an estimated 20 acres. It was the first Irish Monastery to be dissolved when Sir Gerald Aylmer of nearby Lyons (d. 1559). It became the home to the ill fated Lord Chancellor and Archbishop of Dublin John Alen (1476–1534).
St Wolstan’s and the Archbishop’s cousin, also John Alen, who was master of the rolls, travelled with Aylmer to England in 1536 to receive the bill for suppression of the Irish monasteries. The act of St Wolstan's, introduced in September 1536 as a special commission of dissolution, assured Aylmer and his fellow chief justice and brother-in-law Thomas Luttrell an annual rent of £4 during the life of Sir Richard Weston, the last prior, while Alen was granted the monastery estates. The house remained with the Alen family for two subsequent centuries.
Donaghcomper Church, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, Ireland
1202, the de Hereford family, who founded St. Wolstan’s Priory, gave the
priory control of the church at Donaghcomper. The priory of St. Wolstan’s
held this church until it’s suppression in 1536.
Another family who were associated with this church are the Allens, whose vault lies under the church
1377 - PRIESTS. John son of William Utlawe, Oct. - Prebendal Church of Colewych - Colwich, Staffordshire
This is interesting since there is a noted William Utlawe in 1370~ in Staffordshire? and what happened to this John Utlawe?
Later we have :
1381/3 - John Outelawe was Bailiff at Bourn/Cambridge 1381-1383 - Pg 98
1392 - John de Bernewelle, or John Outlawe, elected March 1392, died Nov. 1408 - John de Bernewelle, (fn. 213) whose personal name was Outlawe; (fn. 214) possibly a canon of West Dereham, and one of the three brothers of that name See: Isle of Ely - Priory of Barnwell
Full text of Surnames - Outlaw is still a Norfolk surname [Richard Utlawe, Hund. R.]
1398 - Simon Outlawe, Walter Chertheseye, William Chertheseye give Robert Corbet', knight, 100 shillings of rent in Hoddesdon and Amwell.
Simon Outlawe name in document 1398
CP 25/1/90/103, number 190.
Link: Image of document at AALT
County: Hertfordshire.
Place: Westminster.
Date: Two weeks from St John the Baptist, 22 Richard [II] [8 July 1398]. And afterwards one week from St Michael in the same year
[6 October 1398].
Parties: Walter Chertheseye, William Chertheseye and Simon Outlawe, querents, and
Robert Corbet', knight, deforciant. (One who keeps out of possession the rightful owner of an estate.)
Property: 100 shillings of rent in Hoddesdon' and Amwell'.
Action: Plea of covenant.
Agreement: Robert has acknowledged the rent to be the right of Walter, and has rendered it to Walter, William and Simon in the same court, to hold to Walter, William and Simon and the heirs of Walter, of the chief lords for ever.
Warranty: Warranty by Robert for himself and his heirs.
For this: Walter, William and Simon have given him 100 marks of silver.
Standardised forms of names. (These are tentative suggestions, intended only as a finding aid.)
Persons: Walter Chertsey, William Chertsey, Simon Outlaw, Robert Corbet
Places: Hoddesdon, Great Amwell
Hoddesdon - is a town in the English county of Hertfordshire, situated in the Lea Valley. The town grew up as a coaching stop on the route between Cambridge and London
Previously the town was divided between the two parishes of Broxbourne and Great Amwell. The boundary between the two parishes ran through an archway in the town's High Street. When this building was demolished in the 1960s, a specially inscribed stone was set into the pavement marking the historic boundary. In place of St Katharine's Chapel a new clock house was built
Amwell, Hertfordshire - is a village in the county of Hertfordshire, England, located 1½ miles (S.E. by S.) from Ware, and about 20 miles north of London. Great Amwell is also the name of the civil parish within East Hertfordshire district.
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Robert Corbet
- was born on 8 Dec 1383. He is the son of Sir
Roger Corbet and Margaret
de Erdington.
Sir Robert married Margaret
about 1400.
Sir Robert Corbet - In 1415 Robert and Roger
Corbet served in King Henry V's first expedition to France. Robert was
Sheriff of Shropshire in from November 23, 1419 until he died.
Also interesting is the link to the 1403 transaction:
1403 - Simon Outlawe at Baas Manor - Hertfordshire.- Westminster.
Simon Outlawe in the 1403 document
CP 25/1/90/104, number 21.
Link: Image of document at AALT
County: Hertfordshire.
Place: Westminster.
Date: The day after the Purification of the Blessed Mary, 4 Henry [IV] [3 February
Parties: William Skrene and John Martyn, querents, and Richard Spyce and Isabel, his wife, deforciants.
Property: 20 marks of rent issuing from the manor of Baas and from 40 messuages, 4 carucates of land, 100 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood and 20 pounds of rent in
Hoddesdon', Brokesburne, Amwelle, Wormlee and Chestunt.
Action: Plea of covenant.
Agreement: Richard and Isabel have granted to William and John the rent, which John Charteseye and Simon
Outlawe, tenants of the aforesaid manor and tenements, were accustomed to render to Richard and Isabel, to receive each year by the hands of the aforesaid tenants and their heirs, to wit, 5 marks at each of Easter, the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, the feast of St Michael and Christmas, to William and John Martyn and the heirs of William for the life of Isabel.
For this: William and John Martyn have given them 100 marks of silver.
Standardised forms of names. (These are tentative suggestions, intended only as a finding aid.)
Persons: William Screen, John Martin, Richard Spice, Isabel Spice, John Chertsey, Simon
Places: The Baas (in Broxbourne), Hoddesdon, Broxbourne, Great Amwell, Wormley, Cheshunt
Back to William Fitz Maurice FitzGerald.....
History and antiquities of Kilkenny - William Healy
The Fitzgeralds, of Burnchurch, are very fully treated of by G. D. Burtchaell, B.L., in
"The Journal of the R.S;.A. Ireland," part 4, vol. 2, p. 358-76. Mr. BurtcLaeli shows that "Baron," by which members of the family are frequently designated, was not their original patronymic, but a "title '' such as Lords Palatine were accumstomed. to create within their counties, and confer on those to whom they had given sub-grants. He
surmises that the Fitzgeralds of Burnchurch were not sprung from Maurice, first Knight of Kerry, as was generally supposed, but from Maurice Fitzgerald, who took part in the conquest of Ireland in 1169.
Mr. Burtchaell states his fifth, or youngest son, Maurice FitzMaurice, who was supposed to have died without issue, must in reality be considered the founder of the Burnchurch family, and. identical with Maurice Fitz-Maurice, who, according to the Registry of the Monastery of Kells, made a grant thereto of the church and glebe of Kiltrany, or Burnchurch, early in the
l5th century, and consequently long before the time of the
first Knight of Kerry.
Maurice Fitz-Maurice, left a son and heir, William Fitz-Maurice, Baron of Kiltrany, living in
1247. He was succeeded by his son Maurice, who left a son. Maurice Fitz-Maurice, whose son and heir, William Fitz-Maurice, was Baron of Kiltrany, 1314-1326. Very probably, as Mr. Burtchaell states, it was in his time that Kiltrany was burned by Bruce in his expedition to the south in 1316, and from the circumstance was afterwards called " Burntchurch."
William left a son Maurice, who married Margaret, daughter of William Outlaw, of Kilkenny, sen of Alice
Kyteller, the famous witch, who with her son and other accomplices were tried for various heresies and sorceries in Kilkenny in 1324-5. The history of this curious witchcraft case is given at considerable length in the first volume of the "Transactions of the Ossory Arch. Society," p.
Maurice left a son, Walter Fitz-Maurice, who died without issue.
William Fitz-Maurice, who married Margaret [ Outlawe ] — , and belonging
to a junior branch, succeeded to the estates.
As his son, Rowland, was a minor, in custody of David Wane—49 Ed. HI. (1376)—William, his father, may have been, as Mr. Burtchaell suggests,
a younger son of Maurice, who married Margaret Outlaw. Rowland left a son,
Richard, ... Baron of Burnchurch. He left a son ,,, During the feuds between the
.... Earl of Ormonde, Rowland was takan prisoner .... to attend the King's Parliament in Dublin. He was confined in irons for a long time, and deprived of his horse, money and apparel, without
William Fitz-Maurice -> Rowland fitz Maurice -> Richard fitz Maurice
Early FitzGerald (Baron, FitzMaurice) Family History in Kilkenny
Roland above was but a mere child, at the death of his father, William Fitz
Maurice, some time before March 28th, 1374. He was still a minor, March 8th,
1390. He was appointed Keeper of the Peace for Co. Kilkenny, in 1405, and
again in 1410. In the later year, he, and his wife, Margaret, had a grant of
1 messuage and 1 1/2 carucates of land in Kenokestoun. Published records mention
him for the last time, in 1414, when the King granted him, for his services, a
life pension of £12 a year.
His son and heir was Richard Fitz Maurice ("Roland' fil' Wmi genuit
Richm ", as shown in the Abstract), who, with his wife Johanna Whytte, is
mentioned on the oldest of the family tombs in Burnchurch. Another
Richard Fitz Maurice, or Baron, of Burnchurch (probably grandson of Richard, son
of Richard), and Patrick St. Leger, chief of his nation, appear in 1502, as
witnesses to the identification of the will of Sir James Butler Mac Richard,
made in 1487.
Burnchurch Castle - is situated about 4 miles south west of Kilkenny and 6km from Ballybur, off the Clonmel Road.
is a six storey tower house. The castle was originally attached to a walled
courtyard, most of which has now disappeared, apart from a 40 foot high tower at
one corner. The castle has an unusual complexity of passages and chambers
inside the walls, including a hidden room in the wall of the fourth floor..
There used to be great hall attached to an outside wall of the tower which has
now gone. There is a vault under the castle above which is the main chamber.
Access to the upper three floors is via an outside staircase. Other notable
features include mullioned windows, a fine carved fireplace and a round chimney
which may have been a later addition.
The Fitzgerald DNA Project Patriarchs
Walter Fitzother, Constable of Windsor and Keeper of its Forest. in the Doomsday Book (1086) - David Barron [d.e.barron AT tinyworld.co.uk ]
Gerald Fitzwalter, Constable of Pembroke m Nesta dau of Rhys ap Tewdwr, King of Deheubarth and Prince of S Wales
Maurice Fitzgerald, Lord of Maynooth, Baron of Naas and Wicklow. Ancestor of the Earls of Kildare & Dukes of Leinster, Earls of Desmond
Maurice Fitzmaurice, 1st Baron of Kiltrany 1218
William Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kiltrany viv1247
Maurice Fitzwilliam d 1304 mc 1259
Maurice Fitzmaurice dc 1317
William Fiztmaurice, Baron of Kiltrany 1314-1346
John Fitzwilliam held Knights fees co Kilkenny 1346 or Maurice who held Killesk co Kilkenny 1326
William Fitzmaurice, (1st Baron of Burnchurch) d1375.
Rowland Fitzmaurice, Baron of Burnchurch 1375-1448
Richard, Baron of Burnchurch
Omitted in Burkes family records
Richard, Baron of Burnchurch viv 1502
Rowland Fitzgerald (alias Barron), Baron of Burnchurch.
John Fitzgerald (alias Barron), Baron of Burnchurch
Richard Fitzgerald, b c1548 d1602
Rowland Fitzgerald, Burnchurch mc 1590
Edward Fitzgerald, Bro. Richard Fitzgerald Baron of Burnchurch
Captain James Barron alias The Fitzgerald of Fahagh co Waterford.
Pierce Barron of Garrahilersh co Waterford m 1697
John Barron of Ballydurne, Ballyneale & Killconavey co Waterford b 1718 d1800
William Barron of Carrickbarron co Waterford JP. B c 1760
John Netterville Barron b1804 d 1849 of Ballydavid co Waterford and Uregare Hse co Limerick
Albert Henry Barron b 1843 d1929
Arthur Frederick Netterville Barron b 1882 d 1936 F-26
thePeerage.com - Person Page 26681
De Pembrok Family in Ireland
1279 - Rochester - Protection for David de Pembrok, and Cecilia la Utlaghe (from Ireland)
Proceedings and transactions of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archaeological Society
Rogerus de Pembrok miles. It appears by the Patent Roll of the 11th year of Edward II (1318)., that Roger, son of Roger de Pembrok, was, in consideration of services done, forgiven by the King £115, due by the former as sheriff of Tipperary; and by the Patent Roll of the 18th year of the same King (1325), that Roger de Pembrok, Knight, was bound, along with other persons connected with Kilkenny, in the sum of £1000, to Richard de Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory. The latter entry connects Sir Roger de Pembroke with the celebrated prosecution for witchcraft got up by the Bishop against Dame Alice Kyteler.
The connexion of the Clyns, by marriage, with the knightly family of De Pembrok is an interesting fact. The name Pembroke still exists in Kilkenny, but, like the names of others of the proudest of the early Anglo-Norman settlers, it has descended to the humbler ranks of society.
Attached to the deed is an impression, in brown wax, of Sir Roger de Pembrok's seal: it is circular, about 1J inches in diameter, and bears on a heater-shaped shield, a chevron between three crescents. The shield seems also to be divided per pale. Burke in his " General Armory" gives —Pembrooke, per pale argent and or a chevron between three crescents gules. Round the edge of the seal runs the legend, in Lombardic capitals, + Segell : Rogere : Pembrocr . . The spaces between the sides and top of the shield and the outer circle are filled in by three dragons.
Frustrated I cannot find anything more on 1661 Thomas Outlaw Captain of the Blessing of London... but it seems he was operating the triangle trade in the 1660's...
1661 - A Swiss Medical Doctor's Description Of Barbados in 1661. - At Amsterdam, in 1660, he signed aboard the Black Horse, a ship captained by a Mr. Armstrong of Exeter, England
1661 - Captain Thomas Outlaw - The Blessing of London - arrives in Boston
The 'Varus' Film Project The Germanic warriors
Half-Naked Savages
That the early Germanics used both long spears and shorter frameae is fairly clear, but my point was that Germanicus' speech in Tacitus is sometimes cited as evidence that these longer spears were the norm, while the Germania passage actually indicates quite the opposite.
The question of whether the naked or half-naked appearance of Germanic (and Celtic) warriors is a Classical topos is an interesting one.
There are certainly many Classical descriptions of Celtic warriors fighting naked or half-naked, as these descriptions from Polybius, Diodorus Siculus and Strabo show. And
these are describing Celts in Gaul and the Alps, so I doubt this nakedness is due to the warmth of the weather. Depictions of Celts on Roman coins (eg a denarius of L. Hostilius Saserna) and other iconographic evidence also supports the idea that the early Celts sometimes fought in this way, so it's not unreasonable that their Germanic neighbours did as well.
In the later North Germanic tradition there was the concept of the berserkr - a name which may mean 'bear shirt', ie a shape-shifter who takes the form of a bear in battle, or
'bare-sark' or someone who goes into battle without a shirt due to battle rage.
Images of humans are relatively rare in Germanic art and even then they are usually stylised to the extent that details, such as whether they are clothed or not, are hard to discern.
But this sixth century helmet plate die from Torslunda apparently depicts the god Tyr/*Tiwaz in his encounter with the wolf Fenris and shows him half-naked:
Given the descriptions in Tacitus of Germanic warriors fighting only in a cloak and various depictions of naked and half-naked Germanics on Roman monuments -
Trajan's Column springs to mind - I'd say this concept has its origin in observation rather than literary convention.
Classical Descriptions:
Polybius History [2nd century BC].
Note. The following three passages describe the Battle of Telamon in Etruria
(northern Italy) which took place in 225 BC.
¶ 2.28.3-I0. THE CELTS HAD STATIONED THE GAESATAE 'Spearmen from the
Alps to face Aemilius on the rear, and behind them were the Insubres. On their
front they placed the Taurisci and the CisaIpine Boii to face the Romans. They
placed their waggons and chariots on the edges of both wings, with the booty
being on one of the hills near the road under guard. Thus the Celtic army was
double-faced. Their way of arranging their forces was effective as well as
designed to inspire fear in their enemies. The Insubres and Boii were clothed
in pants and light cloaks, but the Caesatae from conceit and daring threw their
clothing off, and went out to the front of the army naked, having nothing but
their weapons. They believed that since the ground was covered with brambles
which might catch their clothing and hinder the use of their weapons, they would
be more effective this way.
¶ 29.5-9. But the Romans, while pleased to have trapped the enemy between two of their own armies, were greatly disturbed by the ornaments and battle noise of the Celts. For there were among them countless horns and trumpets which were being blown simultaneously from every part of the army. The sound was so loud and piercing that the clamour didn)t seem to come from trumpets and human voices, but from the whole country-side all at once. Also terrifying was the appearance and rapid manoeuvring of the naked warriors in front, men at the prime of their strength and magnificence. And all the warriors in front were wearing torques and bracelets. All these sights terrified the Romans, but hope of victory encouraged them to try even harder in the battle.
Diodorus Siculus [c. 60-30 BCE]
¶ 28. The Gauls are very tall with white skin and blond hair, not only blond by nature but more so by the artificial means they use to lighten their hair. For they continually wash their hair in a lime solution, combing it back from the forehead to the back of the neck. This process makes them resemble Satyrs and Pans since this treatment makes the hair thick like a horse's mane. Some shave their beards while others allow a short growth, but nobles shave their cheeks and allow the mustache to grow until it covers the mouth. The result is that their mustaches become mixed with food while they eat, but serve as a sort of strainer when they drink. They do not sit in chairs when they dine, but sit on the ground using the skins of wolves or does. While dining they are served by adolescents, both male and female. Nearby are blazing hearths and cauldrons with spits of meat. They honour the brave warriors with the choicest portion, just as Homer says that the chieftains honoured Ajax when he returned having defeated Hector in single combat. They also invite strangers to their feasts, inquiring of their identity and business only after the meal.
During feasts it is their custom to be provoked by idle comments into heated disputes, followed by challenges and single combat to the death. They do not fear death, but subscribe to th'e docfrine of Pythagoras that the human spirit is immortal and will enter a new body after a fixed number of years. For this reason some will cast letters to their relatives on funeral pyres, believing that the dead will be able to read them.
¶ 29. In both journeys and battles the Gauls use two-horse chariots which carry both the warrior and charioteer. When they encounter cavalry in battle they first hurl their spears then step down from the chariot to fight with swords. Some of them think so little of death that they fight wearing only a loincloth, without armour of any kind. They use free men from the poorer c!asses as charioteers and shield-bearers in battle. When two armies are drawn up for battle, it is their custom to step before the front line and challenge the best of their opponents to single combat while they brandish their weapons in front of them to intimidate the enemy. When an opponent accepts their challenge, they recite the brave deeds of both their ancestors and themselves, at the same time mocking the enemy and attempting to rob him of his fighting spirit. They decapitate their slain enemies and attach the heads to their horses' necks. The blood-soaked booty they hand over to their attendants, while they sing a song of victory. The choicest spoils they nail to the walls of their houses just like hunting trophies from wild beasts. They preserve the heads of their most distinguished enemies in cedar oil and store them carefully in chests. These they proudly display to visitors, saying that for this head one of his ancestors, or his father, or he himself refused a large offer of money. It is said that some proud owners have not accepted for a head an equal weight in gold, a barbarous sort of magnanimity. For selling the proof of one's valor is ignoble, but to continue hostility against the dead is bestial.
¶ 30. The Gauls wear stunning clothing shirts which have been dyed in various colours, and trousers which they call bracae. They also wear striped cloaks with a checkered pattern, thick in winter and thin in summer, fastened with a clasp. They use uniquely decorated, man-high shields in battle, some with projecting bronze animals of superb workmanship. These animal-figures serve for defensive purposes as well as decoration. Their helmets have large figures on top -- horns which form a single piece with the helmet, or the heads of birds and four-footed animals -- which give an appearance of added height to the warrior. Their trumpets are also of a peculiar and barbaric kind which produce a harsh, reverberating sound suitable to the confusion o battle. Some use iron breast-plates in battle, while others fight naked, trusting only in the protection which nature gives. They do not use short swords, but prefer a longer variety which are hung on their right sides by chains of iron or bronze. Some wear gold or silver-plated belts around their tunics. Their spears, called lanciae, have iron heads a cubit [18 inches] or more in length and slightly less than two palms in width. Their swords are as long as the spears of other peoples, and their spears have heads longer than others' swords. Some of the spears have straight heads, but others are twisted in their entire length so that a blow not only cuts but mangles the flesh and withdrawal tears the wound open.
Extracts are from The Celtic Heroic Age, by JT Koch and J. Carey, 1997
Dacians - were an Indo-European people, very close or part of the Thracians. Dacians were the ancient inhabitants of Dacia (located in the area in and around the Carpathian Mountains and east of there to the Black Sea). This area includes the present-day countries of Romania and Moldova, as well as parts of Sarmatia (mostly in eastern Ukraine), Moesia (Eastern Serbia, Northern Bulgaria), Slovakia[3] and Poland. They spoke the Dacian language, believed to have been closely related to Thracian, but were culturally influenced by the neighbouring Scythians and by the Celtic invaders of the 4th century BC
Wolf Mythology/Religion:
Romanian historian of religions Mircea Eliade attempted, in his book "From Zalmoxis to Genghis Khan", to give a mythological foundation to an alleged special relation between "Dacians and the wolves"[45]:
Keltoi = Celts
the second half of the 4th century BC, Celtic cultural influence appears in the
archaeological records of the middle Danube, Alpine region, and north-western Balkans,
where it figured the Middle La
Tčne material culture. This material appears in north-western and central
Dacia and is reflected especially in burials [142].
The Dacians absorbed the Celtic influence that came down from the northwest in
the early third century BC [146].
Archaeological investigation of this period has highlighted several Celtic
warrior graves with military equipment. It suggests the forceful penetration of
a military Celtic elite within the region of Dacia, now known as Transylvania,
bounded on the east by Carpathian range.[142]
The archaeological sites of the third and second centuries BC from Transylvania
revealed a pattern of co-existence and fusion between the bearers of La Tčne
culture and indigenous Dacians. These were domestic dwellings with a mixture of
Celtic and Dacian pottery and several graves of the Celtic type containing
vessels of Dacian type.[142]
There are some seventy Celtic sites in Transylvania but in most, if not all of
these sites (they are usually cemeteries; there were very few settlements) the
finds show that the native population imitated Celtic art forms that took their
fancy, but remained obstinately and fundamentally Dacian in their culture
1577 - Thomas Owtlawe Grocer App. 19 Eliz. (1577) Norwich Freeman
1586 - Owltagh (Ultagh), Brian de Clondolch - Dublin - COURT BOOK OF THE LIBERTY OF SAINT SEPULCHRE WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN, 1586— 1590 [ with a little research it can be shown that this is not an "Outlaw"e name ]
1590-1594 - Margaret OUTLAW - Stretham, Cambridgeshire, England Daughter of Robert OUTLAW
1558 - Outlawe, Thomas, rector of Claxbie, 1558 - Diocese of Lincoln. Consistory
1659-60 - Register of St. George Tombland Norwich - Mr. Outlawe - St. Mary (Magdelen) Parva in Alderman's Book - St George Tombland, Norwich
St Mary
Magdalen, Norwich - St Mary Magdalen must be considered a suburban church, but it is in fact very close to the city centre. At the bottom of Silver Road, mad Herbert Rowley's inner ring road bursts through the medieval city wall, and you climb up through rows of 19th Century red brick terraces
Laurence Outlaw (Utlator) - Lynn - Mary Magdalen
Lazar House of Walsingham - Hospital of St Mary Magdalen, Norwich
Hospitals - Hospitals in Norwich British History Online
A hospital under the rule of a master, was founded by Bishop Herbert, in
honour of St. Mary Magdalen, before the year 1119. It was built nearly a
mile to the north-east of the city out of the Fybridge or Magdalen gate. This is
disputed by the present officials. It had a chapel on the north side. Blomefield
gives a long list of thirteenth-century benefactors. The master and brethren
obtained a royal permit, in 1334, to collect alms in churches for the space of
two years
Interesting Sailor families - St Dunstan Stepney records:
International Genealogical Index - British Isles Search Results
OUTLAWE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 30 MAY 1623 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London, England
Outlaw - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Birth: About 1578 Of St Dunstan, Stepney, London, England
OUTLAW - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Marriage: 19 JAN 1603 St Dunstan, Stepney, London, England
OUTLAWE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Marriage: 30 JUL 1604 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London,
OUTLAW - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 18 SEP 1615 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London,
OUTLAWE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 22 APR 1610 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London,
OUTLAWE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 26 JUN 1607 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London,
ZERUBABELL OUTLAWE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 30 OCT 1654 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London, England
Finally I find something....
1327 - Adam Outlawe - Suffolk Subsidy Roll - Hundred of Lacford - Villata de Lakinghethe- 1 Edward III (1327) - Lakenheath
Lakenheath - is a village in Suffolk, England. It has around 8,200 residents,[1] and is situated in the Forest Heath district of Suffolk, close to the county boundaries of both Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, and at the meeting point of the The Fens and the Breckland natural environments.
Lakenheath is host to the largest USAF base in the United Kingdom, RAF Lakenheath.
Lakenheath is remarkable for its medieval church, built in the local flint construction style. The church contains medieval paintings and medieval carving on the pews.[5] The faces of the church's wooden angels bear the scars of the English Civil War, as none of the angels retain their original facial detail, due to religiously motivated vandalism by puritan soldiers In early 2009, the church received a large grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and local organisations to restore its rare medieval wall paintings. The wall paintings, depicting local saint St Edmund, angels, and birds amongst other subjects, are believed to date from the 13th Century
The Histories of the Bristol Ships
Size: unknown Owner: William Sprat, a Bristol merchant and the owner of the Jesus. 15 April 1539 William Sprat buys from Smyth an escutcheon of the Kings arms to put afore the Nicholas’s stern: S.30.
28 April 1539
The Gret Nycholas is reported to be at Land End on the way to join the navy at Portsmouth: L&P, XIV I, No. 736.
10 June 1539
Nicholas of Bristol is listed in a naval inventory of ships serving at Portsmouth: L&P, XIV, i, no.1097.
5 September 1539
Report on the Great Nicholas of Bristol. Thomas Spertt writes to Mr. Gonson that the examiners ‘find no fault except that she draws 3 fathoms of water in ballast and 3 1/2 when laden. Find in her 6 port pieces, 2 slings, a small fowler, 8 bassys, 4 hacbus’. The report suggests the ship would be worth £700 if it didn’t draw so much water: L&P, XIV, ii, No.129.
30 September 1539
Cromwells remembrances notes ‘Spratt’s suit of Bristow for the sale of his ship’: L&P, XIV, No. 260.
Full text of Coryat's crudities hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany and the Netherlands newly digested in the hung
OBSERVATIONS OF CALAIS These were the words that were ingraven upon her
Tombe, but so intricate and harsh, that every Latinist cannot understand them.
At the west end of the Church there is a beautiful and faire table exceeding
large, wherin is painted Christ sitting on the Rain-bow, with the soules of the
Saints, and the godly on the right hand of him, and the devil on the left hand,
with a gaping mouth, devouring the soules of the wicked. They have a very strict
order in this towne, that if Strict order any stranger of what Nation soever he
be, shal be taken kept in Calais. walking by himself, either towards their
Fortresse, which they call the Rice-banke, or about the greene of the towne,
he shall be apprehended by some Souldiers, and carried to the Deputy Governor,
and committed to safe custody til he hath paid some fee for his ransome.
Full text of Four years at the court of Henry VIII selection of despatches
Lambethy May 18, 1519
" Then Sir John Pechy was made deputie of Calis, and Sir Richarde Wingfield therof discharged, and Nicholas Carew made Capitain of Rice banke, and commaunded to go thether, which was sore to him displeasant. These young minions which was (sic) thus severed from the Kyng, had been in Fraunce, and so highly praised the Frenche Kyng and his court, that in a maner thei thought litle of the Kyng and his court in comparison of the other, thei wer so high in love with the Frenche courte, wherefore their fall was litle moved emong wise men."
London, June 9, 1519.
Appendix Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 19 Part 2 (pp. 479-487)
7 Aug.10. Diary of the Invasion of France.
MS. Univ. Lib. Camb. Dd. xiv. 30(3). English Hist. Review, xvi.
503.A too brief notice (taken from the Catalogue of the Cambridge University MSS.) of two papers is given in Part II of the present Volume, No. 123.
Describes how, on the 3 July, 36 Henry VIII. Charles Duke of Suffolk, Henry Marquis of Dorset and Sir Anth.
Browen, master of the King's horses and of his Grace's privy Chamber, sailed from Dover to Calais in a ship named —— (blank) and caused the master
Adam Owtlaw to set in the top a flag of St. George, "whereunto came the Admiral of England and the Admiral of Flanders with a 30 gallant ships of war well manned," saluted with artillery the Duke's ship and conducted her to
Ryce banke by Calles. The Castle and Rycebank also saluted, and the Duke remained at Calais Thursday night and Friday, (fn. 2) when he dislodged to Cakewell by Peplyng, where he camped all Saturday night. On Sunday 6 July "we" removed to Whitsonby on the seaside in the French King's dominions, where we camped till Friday, and on Saturday, 12 July, we removed to Morgyson, where we lay till Tuesday, and our light horse had divers skirmishes with those of Bullayn, drove them in at the gates, slew in the chase 6 Frenchmen and took one. Two of our light horsemen were slain, [one] a servant of Mr.
Ryce banke is Resbank and "Tower of Ruisbank" in Calais and The Castle is the Castle at Calais
List of Captains, Lieutenants and Lords Deputies of
English Calais
Calais refers properly here to the Pale
of Calais, or March of Calais, part of the Kingdom
of England, namely the English bridgehead area between the County
of Artois and County
of Flanders; it varied in area according to the military position. The
boundary took in wetlands and was not alway clear, but the area amounted to
about 20 square miles
Calais had also castellans
(of Calais
Castle); "Captain of Calais Castle" is a different post from
"Captain of Calais", the title of the top commander and military
governor of the Pale for most of the period.
Calais - The old part of the town, Calais proper (known as Calais-Nord), is situated on an artificial island surrounded by canals and harbours
I think that Adam Owtlawe would have been part of the Scottish Invasion in May/April 1544
Burning of Edinburgh (1544) - Orders for the fleet at Tynemouth were given on 28 April. All the ships were to be ready to weigh anchor at a favourable wind. The Lord Admiral, Viscount Lisle's flagship would fly the St George Cross on the fore-top mast and two top-lights at night. The ships of the 'vaward', the vanguard, would follow and anchor as near as possible. Hertford and the treasure-ship (Ralph Sadler was treasurer) would follow with his ensign on the main-top mast of the Rose Lion with two night lights on the shrouds. The Earl of Shrewsbury, captain of the rear-ward would fly the ensign on his mizzen mast, with a cresset light in the poop deck at night. The other ships were not to show flags or lights. Any ship that was transporting base or double base guns was to mount them on the fore-deck for the landing
Full text of State papers - Full text of A history of Northumberland. issued under the direction of the Northumberland county history committee
Also another reference to the Calais Landing:
Appendix Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 19 Part 2 (pp. 479-487)
7 Aug.10. Diary of the Invasion of France.
MS. Univ. Lib. Camb. Dd. xiv. 30(3). English Hist. Review, xvi. 503.F
A too brief notice (taken from the Catalogue of the Cambridge University MSS.) of two papers is given in Part II of the present Volume, No. 123.
Describes how, on the 3 July, 36 Henry VIII. Charles Duke of Suffolk, Henry Marquis of Dorset and Sir Anth. Browen, master of the King's horses and of his Grace's privy Chamber, sailed from Dover to Calais in a ship named —— (blank) and caused the master Adam Owtlaw to set in the top a flag of St. George, "whereunto came the Admiral of England and the Admiral of Flanders with a 30 gallant ships of war well manned," saluted with artillery the Duke's ship and conducted her to Ryce banke by Calles. The Castle and Rycebank also saluted, and the Duke remained at Calais Thursday night and Friday, (fn. 2) when he dislodged to Cakewell by Peplyng, where he camped all Saturday night. On Sunday 6 July "we" removed to Whitsonby on the seaside in the French King's dominions, where we camped till Friday, and on Saturday, 12 July, we removed to Morgyson, where we lay till Tuesday, and our light horse had divers skirmishes with those of Bullayn, drove them in at the gates, slew in the chase 6 Frenchmen and took one. Two of our light horsemen were slain, [one] a servant of Mr. Eldyker. ..
Relating to Ralph Outlawe of Witchingham:
What is interesting is Ralph Outlawe son of Ralph Outlawe of Little Wichingham, Rector of Bintry passes away in 1688, yet we have another Ralph Outlawe whose daughters have married into the influential Gresham family alive and well in London in 1693... we have an Outlawe daughter married to Richard Moor
So who was this Ralph Outlawe in London in 1693?
Genealogy of the family of Gresham - Granville William G. Leveson Gower
Genealogy of the Family of Gresham
Will Of Judeth Gresham, 1693.
In the name of God Amen I Judeth Gresham of Lambeth in the County of Surrey widdow being Sick and weake in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praise bee to Allmighty God therefore Doe make my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following vizt first I Commend my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my onely maker and Creator hopeing assuredly through the alone merritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to bee made partaker of Everlasting happiness and my Body I Committ to the Earth from whence it was taken to bee decently and in Christian manner Interred and as Concerning all such Estate as it hath pleased the Lord of his mercy to make mee a disposer of I give and bequeath settle order and dispose of the same as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath to my sonn John Gresham all those my Messuages or Tenements and premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances Scituate and being in Golden Lane near Cripplegate London which I hold by Lease from the Earle of Bridgwater and all Rents and Arreares of llents due or to become due and payable for the same together with the said Lease and all mean assignments thereof To have hold and Enjoy all and singuler the aforesaid premisses unto my said sonn John Gresham his Executors Administrators and Assignes to his and their proper use and behoofe and as his and their owne proper Cattells and Estate from and Imediately after my decease for and dureing and unto the full end and Expiration of such Terme of Yeares as by the said Lease is Granted and shall bee then to come and unexpired Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonn John Gresham Two fifty pound Bonds one from Mr Challenger the other from MTM Welsh ali's Midlethorpe. Item I bequeath unto my sonn John Gresham the sum of One Hundred pounds put for him into the Chamber of London and Mr Lindseys Assignment for One Hundred and forty pounds in their Majesties Exchequer and alsoe five peices of broad Gold Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonn John Gresham One new feather Bed Boulster and pillowes Two pair of my best Sheetes with two pair of pillowbeeres all which severall Legacies before nominated and by mee given unto my said sonn John Gresham shall bee paid and delivered unto him without any deduction or abatement whatsoever by my Executrixes hereafter named And that my said sonn John Gresham shall and will Scale Execute and deliver unto my Executrixes a full and absolute discharge for his aforesaid Legacies and all Claimes and demands whatsoever which hee can or may have to my Estate or any part thereof by the Customes of London or otherwise And alsoe that my said Executrixes shall at the same time by Writing under their hands and Seals Release and discharge my said sonn John Gresham and disclaime any Tythe which they can or may have to the aforesaid Legacies given as aforesaid unto my said sonn John Gresham And that the party soe Refuseing to give such discharge as is hereby required the same being demanded shall forfeite to the other parties I mean of my Children the Legacies to him or them by this my Will given Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Beekingham five pound and one Gowne and Pettycoate. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Mrs. Moor daughter of Mr Outlaw one Mourning Ring and a ten Shilling piece of broad Gold Item I give and bequeath unto Mrs Mary Outlaw daughter of Mr Outlaw one Mourning Ring and a Twenty shilling piece of broad Gold Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Moor sonn of Mr Thomas Moor a Ten shilling piece of Gold Item I allow forty pounds for Mourning and other funerall Charges Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Judith Gresham one Bond of fifty pounds from Mrs Handscombs and Mrs Moore and alsoe fifty pounds that is in the hands of Mr Cartricks Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Gresham Mr ffrenches Mortgage and fifty pounds which is in the hands of Mr Challenger. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughters Judith and Mary Gresham Joyntly the summe of Two Hundred pounds by mee placed in the Chamber of London for their uses And alsoe Mr Whitecalls Assignement for Two Hundred and Sixty poundsIn their Majesties Exchequer And all the Rest and Remainder of my Estate my debts and funerall charges deducted I give and bequeath to bee divided between my said daughters Judith and Mary Gresham part and share alike Except my Guilded Leather Cabinett the which I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Gresham with all that therein Is And if it shall soe happen that either of my said Children shall dye before Marriage that then the said part or portion that I here have given them by Legacy shall bee equally divided betweene the Survivors And if that Two shall dye before Marriage the Survivors hee or shee shall enjoy the said part or parts portion or portions by mee now given by Legacy And I doe make ordaine Constitute and appoint my said daughters Judith and Mary Gresham Joynt Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament And I doe desire that Mr John Sheppherd may bee overseer of this my Will in Token of which I give him a Twenty Shill. Ring And I doe hereby Revoke and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee made And doe declare this Contained in Two Sheets of Paper to bee my last Will and Testament In wittness whereof I the said Judeth Gresham Testatrix have sett my hand and Seal this second day of ffebruary Anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three. Judeth Gresham.
Signed Sealed delivered published and declared in the presence of us Ralph Outlaw, Edward Davies.
Memorandm that Twenty
five words interlined above the fourth Line of the bottome of the last
Sheete was interlined before Sealing.
Proved in London 7 March 1693 by Judith and Mary Gresham the
daughters of the said deceased.
(1) From the original in the P.C.C. The arms are those of Beekingham of
Tolston Beekingham, to which family she belonged.
Interesting Thomas Spert was Head of Trinity House and master of The Mary
Rose - Was Adam Owtlawe high up in the Trinity House Guild? Tracking down the
Trinity House from 1540's ....
Seems to have been in Deptford with
Almshouses next to St. Nicholas Church in 1670, Headquarters moved to
Stepney in 1618, Moved to Tower Hill in 1796, So it is a bit confusing.
THE CORPORATION OF TRINITY HOUSE - copy of the original Charter o f 1574
Sir Thomas Spert (died 1541)
In the 1790s the headquarters of the Corporation of Trinity House moved
from Deptford to Trinity Square on Tower Hill.
Thomas Spert was instrumental in the founding of Trinity House. In 1514 he
became the first and longest serving Master of Trinity House.
Prior to this he had worked as Sailing Master on two prestigious Tudor
ships the Mary Rose and the Henri Grace a Dieu (the Great
Port connection
Thomas Spert was Clerk Controller of the Navy at a time when
Henry VIII was becoming increasingly involved in shipbuilding in London.
He founded Trinity House, which to this day retains the same prime objective –
the safety of shipping and the welfare of seafarers.
Interesting facts
Sir Thomas Spert was Master of Trinity House for 27 years. After
his death the constitution was changed, with all Elders or Masters holding their
positions for only three years. After this time they had to stand down or be
re-elected by the Trinity Court of Brethren.
He is said to have lived in a 14th-century wooden manor house at Coldharbour in Blackwall. The house was still standing in 1881 when it was 152 East India Dock Road.
Life story
1511-1513 | Sailing Master of the 'Mary Rose'. |
1514-1524 | Sailing Master of the 'Henri Grace a Dieu' (the 'Great Harry'). |
1514-1541 | Master of Trinity House. |
1524-1540 | Clerk Controller of the King’s Ships. |
1529 | Knighted by Henry VIII at York Place. |
1541 | Died and buried in St Dunstan's Church, Stepney. |
The corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond a memoir of its origin, history, and functions
The Corporation thus became, as it were, the civil branch of the English maritime service, with a naval element which it preserves to this day. That it exercised very considerable powers in both manning and out-fitting the Navy, and in protecting the interests of the mercantile Marine, is abundantly evident from contemporary Government records, which practically replace the minutes destroyed in the fire of 1714; testifying that the Trinity Brethren officially reported upon ships to be purchased for the Navy, regulated the dimensions of those to be built, and determined the proper complement for each, of sailors, armament, and stores.
History The Corporation of Trinity House Trinity House
At the time of inception, this charitable Guild owned a great hall and almshouses, close to the Naval Dockyard at Deptford on the River Thames.
Deptford - Trinity House, the organisation concerned with the safety of navigation around the British Isles, was formed in Deptford in 1514, with its first Master Thomas Spert, captain of the Mary Rose; and remained until 1618, then moving to Stepney. The name "Trinity House" derives from the church of Holy Trinity and St Clement, which adjoined the dockyard...
St Nicholas' Church, the original parish church, dates back to the 14th century but the current building is 17th century. The entrance to the churchyard features a set of skull-and-bones on top of the posts. A plaque on the north wall commemorates playwright Christopher Marlowe, who was murdered in a nearby house, and buried in an unmarked grave in the churchyard on 1 June 1593
Convoys Wharf - Convoys Wharf, formerly called the King's Yard,[1] is the site of Deptford Dockyard, the first of the Royal Dockyards, built on a riverside site in Deptford, by the River Thames in London. ... Most of the Tudor, Stuart, Georgian and Victorian structures above ground level that had survived until 1955 have since been destroyed.
A Rotherhithe Blog June 2009
... Masters from Trinity House were regular visitors to the adjacent St
Nicholas Church and then went to visit the almshouse residents. The
almshouses remained there until 1877 but were demolished. Jackie says that
etchings and paintings of them survive, which will be worth hunting down.
Trinity House survives but moved in 1660 to the Watergate Street in the City and
in the 18th Century to its present location by Tower Hill tube station.
Plan of Trinity Almshouses. - The working Thames - Port Cities
The almshouses were next to St Nicholas' Church (built in in the
17th century).
Creator: Unknown
Date: c.1871
St Olave Hart Street - is a Church of England church in the City of London, located on the corner of Hart Street and Seething Lane near Fenchurch Street railway station.
The church is one of the smallest in the City and is one of only a handful of medieval City churches that escaped the Great Fire of London in 1666.[2] In addition to being a local parish church, St Olave’s is the Ward Church of the Tower Ward of the City of London ... It is dedicated to the patron saint of Norway, King Olaf II of Norway, who fought alongside the Anglo-Saxon King Ethelred the Unready against the Danes in the Battle of London Bridge in 1014. ...He was canonised after his death and the church of St Olave's was built apparently on the site of the battle...Saint Olave's was rebuilt in the 13th century and then again in the 15th century. The present building dates from around 1450. According to John Stow’s Survey of London (1603), a major benefactor of the church in the late 15th century was wool merchant Richard Cely Sr. (d. 1482), who held the advowson on the church (inherited by his son, Richard Cely, Jr.)....Saint Olave's survived the Great Fire thanks to the efforts of Sir William Penn, the father of the more famous William Penn who founded Pennsylvania. The flames came within 100 yards or so of the building, but then the wind changed direction, saving the church and a number of other churches on the eastern side of the City
Piquant Photos July 2010 - St. Olave of Silver Street, a church that vanished for many centuries
Interestingly as an aside, Shakespeare is supposed to have lived in a house just yards from this church.
Brass rubbings - This index lists several collections of monumental brass and stone rubbings which have been acquired by the Westcountry Studies Library over many years.
NFLK West Lynn Owtlawe, Adam 1503
1 . NFLK:
38 . . . . . .
51 Records of the Corporation of Trinity House
The records of the Corporation of Trinity House have suffered from fire in 1666 and 1714 and from bombing in 1940. Though the
court minutes survive from 1661, many other series of records are only present from the 19th century. Because of the many ways in which the Corporation of Trinity House has touched on British maritime life, the records which survive are still very rich and extremely varied.
Please ask staff at the Information Desk or email ask.lma@cityoflondon.gov.uk
for further details.
The Corporation of Trinity House was incorporated by royal charter in 1514. There is a tradition which dates the existence of a Trinity guild from the 13th century but there is no firm evidence to support this. When the charter was granted, Trinity House had a hall and almshouses at Deptford. Premises were acquired in Ratcliff and Stepney in the 17th century and meetings were held at all three sites.
The Corporation bought a property in Water Lane in the City of London in 1660. The Hall in Water Lane burnt down and was rebuilt twice, in 1666 and 1714.
When it proved too cramped for proposed improvements in the 1790s, the Corporation bought land at Tower Hill on which Trinity House was built 1793-6. The present building retains the 1790s facade but a bomb on 30 December 1940 destroyed most of the rest of the original building which was sympathetically rebuilt in 1952-3.
Quarterdeck-03-07 - Elder Brother of Trinity House
Captain Richard Woodman, author of the Nathaniel Drinkwater novels and a distinguished maritime historian,
recently was elevated to the position of Elder Brother of Trinity House, the ancient English organization dedicated
to the safety of shipping and the well-being of seafarers since it was granted a charter by Henry VIII in
1514. Woodman describes his long-term association with Trinity House in the following article.
By Captain Richard Woodman
The Corporation of Trinity House is one of those odd British institutions which, by
virtue of its ancient lineage, is almost impossible to explain to outsiders who either regard
them as quaintly archaic or utterly irrelevant. On the face of it the medieval concept of
what looks like a guild and remains ruled by a court of thirty-one Elder Brethren –
presided over by a Master who happens to be HRH the Duke of Edinburgh – would seem to
be just such a body, but in fact it is an extraordinarily efficient General Lighthouse Authority
(with responsibility for the coasts of England, Wales, the Channel Islands, and Gibraltar)
with an international profile.
we assemble en masse once a year, at the festival of Trinitytide, near Trinity Sunday
in June. Having dined the night before, the court is convened
in the presence of the Master and we process to St Olave’s church in Hart
Street, returning to Trinity House for lunch before all going our separate
and varied ways
New page : Outlawe - Hanseatic League History
Found something....
The Archaeology of York
Volume 2: Historical Sources after AD 1100
York Bridgemasters’ Accounts
Translated by Philip M. Stell
York had two main, central, bridges in the medieval period: one over the Ouse and one
over the Foss
The bridgemasters’ rolls themselves survive from about 1400: 17 rolls survive for
Bridge between 1406 and 1488, 27 rolls survive for Ouse Bridge between 1400 and 1499.
Account of William Rukshawe, spicer, and Robert Browne, wardens of Fosse Bridge in the time
of Thomas Neleson mayor of the city of York for all and singular receipts farms and rents of the
same city pertaining to the aforesaid bridge and all repairs and expenses of the same from the feast
of the Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin for the thirty second year of the reign of Henry the
sixth after the conquest of England until the same feast in the following year, that is for one whole
This roll is written on both sides of one membrane, 27 cm wide and 76 cm long. Much of it is faded, but can
be read with an ultra-violet lamp. The names of the bridgemasters show that it relates to the year beginning
2nd February 1454. A label attached to the left upper corner carries the date
1454 in a much later hand
And for 14s. 6d. for the seventh tenement there in the tenure of Richard Outlawe 10s. 6d. for the
Pentecost term and 4s. for the following Pentecost term.
1454 - Richard Outlawe - Foss Bridge - York - Bridges of York
There are nine bridges across the River Ouse within the city of York, England, and sixteen smaller bridges across the narrower River Foss
The Foss Bridge, a single Georgian gritstone arch with balusters, links the streets Fossgate and Walmgate. It is believed that the earliest bridge on this site was constructed during the Viking period. The present bridge, designed by Peter Atkinson the younger and erected in 1811-12, replaced a wooden bridge. The bridge was once the site of a fish market
1454 - Protection
to John Owtelawe in the retinue of John earl of Worcester - Oct 23
- 33 Henry VI - French Rolls - John
Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester - "the butcher of England" - in
1449 Lord
High Treasurer and then as Lord
Deputy of Ireland (1456–1457) - King
Henry VI's seizure with madness, in August 1453, supplied York with an
opportunity of getting control of the government without the use of force
against the King. ... the lords came up to London, early in 1454, with great
1456 - Kings
Lynn - John Outlawe, the son of Richard Outlawe, upon whom was
conferred the freedom of our burgh - ( given - Keys to the City
1456 - John
Outelawe, son of Richard Outelawe, app. of Adam Okey (A.) - Freemen
of Lynn
1542 - Simon Owghlawe owns land in Upton, afterwards possessed by Thomas
Clere, 1542. Thomas Clere
also had land here which formerly belonged to John Reynes of Acle. — Court of
Wards and Liveries, vi. 129.
1542 - Simon Outlawe - Owghlawe - land in Acle, Mowton, Boyton, Northbyrlyngham Fysshely and Upton
1543 - Westminster., 19 Feb. Bryan ^ ' that the King is advertised of the troubles we were in upon the seas and the danger and ruin of his ships, and that I was determined according to your commandment to send four ships to the Downes. The said ships were ready in Humber before the receipt of your letters, whereupon I sent a boat which has spoken with Mr. Clere and Mr. Carye, commanding them to lie off and on upon the coast between Humber and Newcastle, and as Mr. Nedygate and Adam Owtlawe were ready victualled I thought it more convenient that they should accompany Mr. Clere and Mr. Carye, than lie in harbour.
As Clere and Carye went forth of Humber they met a Scot of 30 tons laden with salmon, herring and barrelled fish with the lord Admiral's safe-conduct for George Browne and Ant. Papeworth, of Barwike, to bring, in Scottish ships or boats, certain fish to Berwike, Holy Hand, Aylmouth or Stakton at price therein limited (given). As the Scot had passed the places appointed and said he was going to Boston, Sir John [Clere] and Mr. Carye sent him to Hull, and I have stayed him and certified my lord Admiral. Clere also took a French boat, as I reported, which is at Newcastle, and the men, 31 and 3 Dutchmen, brought in the ships to Hull, and I have, by advice of Mr. Stanhop, delivered all 34 to the mayor to keep them and see them gently handled. Begs to know how their charges shall be paid. Here awaits the coming of Mr. Osborn with the King's further pleasure. The French have delivered an inventory of their goods, valued at 500 mks., which is sent to the lord Admiral. Hull, 23 Feb. Signed. Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : a xxxiiij .
On Thomas Clere's death this went to Sir Edward Clere ...
Bullen Irish Genealogy Bullen Coat of Arms
There is evidence that the Bullen / Boleyn Coat of Arms was used by the family from about 1400 (It was probably used before then but we have not yet found any tangible proof)
Blickling Hall and its Church, in Norfolk, was the home of Sir Geoffrey Boleyn (1406-1463) from 1437. He was the
Lord Mayor of London in 1465. There is a window, in the church, dedicated to his wife Ann and it displays the Boleyn Coat of Arms.
Blickling was inherited by Sir Geoffrey Boleyn’s (1406-1463) son Sir William Boleyn (1451-1505). William Boleyn’s daughter Alice Boleyn (1487-1538) married Sir Robert Clere.
In 1505 Blickling was inherited by William Boleyn’s son Sir Thomas Boleyn (1477/70-1538/9) (father of Queen Anne Boleyn. He was granted the title of Earl of Ormond by Henry VIII and with the title came lands in Ireland.
Clonony Castle, in Co Offaly, was one of his possessions).
After the execution of Queen Anne and her brother George Boleyn, Blickling Hall became the home of Sir Edward Clere (died 1611). Sir Edward Clere’s tomb, in Blickling Church, displays the Coats of Arms and pedigrees of his family. His grandparents were Sir Robert Clere (died 1529) and his 2nd wife Alice Boleyn. Below is one of the inscriptions on the tomb.
Sir Thomas Clere, Knight b. of, Stokesby, Norfolk, England d. 23 Nov 1553
A history of Upton, Norfolk by Percival Oakley Hill
1542 - Simon Owghlawe owns land in Upton, afterwards possessed by Thomas
Clere, 1542. Thomas Clere
also had land here which formerly belonged to John Reynes of Acle. — Court of
Wards and Liveries, vi. 129.
For the will of the testator’s younger brother, Thomas
Clere, esquire, dated 6 June 1544 and proved 21 April 1545, see TNA PROB
11/30, ff. 192-3. Thomas Clere died on 14 April 1545 at the siege of
Montreuil while attempting to save the life of Oxford’s uncle, Henry Howard
(1516/17–1547), Earl of Surrey. He was buried in the parish church of St
Mary, Lambeth, where there is a monumental brass to his memory which formerly
exhibited a tablet with an epitaph by the Earl of Surrey.
The testator was drowned in a naval engagement off the coast of Scotland on
21 August 1557.
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