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Outlawe Research Journal - Page 13

Interesting - Since I've been looking at the Balliol - Utlage connection here I find another Hospitaller record - unfortunate that no good dating is found for it -  If I can identify any of the names I mayber able to make a better date . This is my only record of an early Geoffrey Utlage ... probably early 1200's 

1150-1300 - Geoffrey Utlage witness and land in St. Giles parish - Hospital of St. Giles - Hospitaller Cartulary - Essex - St. Giles Maldon

1210 - Roger Utlag - Witness - Lease Steeple Bumpstead  EssexSir Robert de Vere - Gilbert de Baillol - William de Watevill - Richard de Kann - Cartulary of the Knights of St John

1225-1233 - Richard Utlage and William Utlage - witness to Grant by Michael son of Ioce of Bumpstead to William fitz Ralph  - Philip de Beauchamp, Robert fitz Ralph, William de Helion , Gilbert de Helion - Bumpstead Essex

1230 - Richard Utlage - witness Grant by William de Heliun to Knights of St John - Roger son of  Bernard Roger of Baillul - Bumpstead (Helion)

1230-34 - Richard Utlage - Charter Witness - Gilbert de Bailull - Bumpstead - Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem

1230-34 - Richard Utlage - William de Heliun - witness Grant  to the hospital of the holy house of Jerusalem - one acre Bumpstead (Helions)

1260 - Witness Richard le Utlawe - Essex - Grant of Rent  William de Wateville to John de Vallibus and his heirs of land in Hempstead, Essex   witnessed by Sir Nicholas Peche, Sir Andrew de Helyun, Sir Simon Peche, Philip de Codree, John de Bosco, Richard de Kanne, Richard le Utlawe, Hugh de Sanford, Roger de Reymes, Geoffrey de Bello, Simon Clericus - 44 Henry III

1150-1300 - Geoffrey Utlage witness and land in St. Giles parish - Hospital of St. Giles - Hospitaller Cartulary - Essex - St. Giles Maldon

DEEDS Context Search DEEDS-dev

Charter Number: 99900159
Cartulary Title: The Hospitaller Cartulary in the British Library: A Study of the Manuscript and Its Composition with a Critical Edition of Two Fragments of Earlier Cartularies for Essex
Charter Language: Latin
Date: 1100 - 1442
Date Type: Assigned, 

Know all men present and to come that I, Walter , chaplain of the hospital of St. Giles, and the manager of the place have left us , the brothers and sisters of the same and granted , and by this our present charter have confirmed to Gilbert of Lonecote a kind we had in our own country, to wit, in the parish of St. Giles , which land lies between land of Edward the Frigenell [] Galfridi Utlage towards the east towards the west and the earth, namely, whatever on the said land with its appurtenances in its entirety to have for we have had in the latitudes and longitudes [] and to hold [] for themselves, and their heirs, of us and our successors in fee and inheritance , freely , quietly, well and in peace , paying therefor finabiliter yearly, to us and our successors for all service and exaction , and all the things of the borders of ten of the year , and eight pence to two pence, and namely, to the feast of St Michael the nine nine pence at Easter without any occasion should also know that we and our successors will be able to in no way , nor has been said, we ought to Gilbert the appurtenances to the said land , nor his heirs , nor out of the hospital for the sake of us, or our successors or any man, or female in the same place we ought to go as a guest and did not have to demand from there there are no longer than the said ten pence a year , and eight of the borders of the land of the aforesaid statutes, as has been said , however, this is us, and our successors we are bound to warrant them against the said Gilbert and his heirs for ever by the said service for all men and women , then, as has been said in favor of this is the demise and grant of confirmation of our present charter , and hath given to us the said Gilbert and warranty ingersumam one mark of silver, and one barrel of beer to a greater a sense of security and the present charter witnessed by the strength of our common seal our house keeper, then Ralph Asswy Goceo daughter of Peter alderman Robert William of Rye Lingedraper Brith Robert William of Stapelherst Terry Sokeling [] William James Sokeling dipensatore William Algor Hugo of St Elijah [] purtreur (Galfrido) Geoffrey Utlage William Edward Ortholano Frigenell [] John Coco and many others

Medieval English urban history - Maldon - Origins - ... Maldon's name is principally known for its association with the Danish victory at the Battle of Maldon (991), whose fame rests principally on the fact of it being immortalized in a fine Anglo-Saxon poem. The battle took place to the southeast of the town. There are no references in the poem to the site or its proximity to Maldon, nor any hints that refuge for the defeated Anglo-Saxons might have been nearby, but nor should we expect to find any, for the poem is an ode to heroism not a chronicle of events. However, the Danish raid that led to the battle may have been targeting Maldon, as one of Essex's only two towns (and easily accessible from the water). 

To the west of the town was Little Maldon, a manor that was part of the Honour of Peverell. There Beeleigh Abbey and the Hospital of St. Giles were founded (the latter before 1235). The hospital, named for the patron saint of cripples and lepers, was to take care of leprous burgesses and the king granted that it should receive all bread, ale, meat and fish that the town authorities confiscated because of sub-standard quality.

Remains of St Giles Hospital Maldon - A short walk along Spital Road from Maldon Town Centre brings you to the remains of St Giles' Hospital.

St Giles' was a leper hospital that was probably founded by Henry II in the twelfth century for the relief of the inhabitants of Maldon suffering from leprosy, then a common disease throughout Europe. [ Henry's reign 1154-1189 ] In 1481, it was granted by Edward IV to Beeleigh Abbey together with about 90 acres of land.

As with Beeleigh Abbey, St Giles' was closed at the dissolution of the monastries under Henry VIII and became part of a barn at Spital Farm. This use continued until about 1910 when the roof collapsed. In 1913 the dilapadated barns were pulled down to once again the reveal the remains of the hospital.

The ruins remained in a dangerous state until purchased by Mr Thomas of Beeleigh Abbey in 1925 and presented to the Maldon Corporation who completed the restoration work in June 1927. 

The Battle of Maldon - A Verse Translation by Douglas B. Killings


Charter Document - 00880192 DEEDS-dev

1210 - Roger Utlag - Witness - Lease Steeple Bumpstead  EssexSir Robert de Vere - Gilbert de Baillol - William de Watevill - Richard de Kann - Cartulary of the Knights of St John


Charter Number: 00880192
Cartulary Title: Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem Secunda
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Type(s): Agreement, Lease
Date: 1210
Date Type: Internal, Feast, Regnal

Hec est convencio facta inter Walterum filium David de Hermested et Galfridum de Heliun scilicet quod predictus Walterus dimisit eidem Galfrido ad firmam sedecim acras terre et unam acram prati cum pertinentiis in Hormested et mesuagium quod fuit Galfridi Dewy et servicium triginta denariorum quod Willelmus de Hoo et Helewisa uxor eius tenentur ei reddere per annum de tercia parte terre que fuit Galfridi Dewi quod tenementum pertinet ad predictas sedecim acras post decessum predicte Helewise quondam uxoris Galfridi Dewy et servicium Willelmi filii Radulphi scilicet de octo denariorum per annum cum omnibus pertinentiis suis habend et tenend eidem Galfrido et heredibus suis vel cuicumque loco suo assignare voluerit de Waltero de Herenested et heredibus suis a festo sancti Michaelis anno regni regis Iohannis duodecimo et ciclo tertio decimo usque in tredecim annos reddendo inde annuatim capitalibus dominis fundi scilicet fratribus hospitalis Ierusalem per attornatum ipsius Walteri septem solidos et sex denarios ad duos terminos scilicet ad Pascha tres solidos et novem denarios et ad festum sancti Michaelis tres solidos et novem denarios pro omnibus serviciis et exaccionibus hanc prenominatam terram predictus Galfridus recepit nudam sine domibus instauris vel bladis et eodem modo ad finem predictum tredecim annorum predicta terra quieta in manu predicti Walteri et heredum suorum debet reverti Predictus vero Walterus et heredes sui totam predictam terram cum pertinentiis predicto Galfrido et heredibus suis vel cuicumque loco suo assignare voluerit quietam de omnibus demandis debitis releviis et querelis contra omnes homines et omnes feminas per prenominatum servicium warantizabunt et acquietabunt Si vero contigerit quod infra predictum terminum predictus Walterus vel Helewisa ab Helewisa matre sua vel eius viro vel aliquo Christiano vel Iudeo inplicitentur [et] quod predictam terram vel eius vestitus per iudicium curie domini regis debeat amittere predictus Walterus et heredes sui predicto Galfrido et heredibus suis vel cuicumque loco suo assignare voluerit totum certum suum in terra vel in placito predictum dampnum eciam et detrimentum per visum proborum hominum computatum resolvent et antequam de illa dissaisientur ponent predictus Walterus et heredes sui predictum Galfridum vel heredes suos vel quemcumque loco suo assignaverit in plenariam seisinam de tota terra sua de Hernested ut illa habeant et teneant et omnimodos exitus recipiant donec predictus Walterus et heredes sui eidem Galfrido et heredibus suis vel cuicumque loco suo assignaverit de omnimodo dampno et detrimento occasione illius terre habitis et ut predictum computato satisfecerint Concedit eciam predictus Walterus pro se et heredibus suis ut hec predicta terra liberum tenementum sit ipsius Galfridi et eius heredum usque ad predictum terminum et ut eam ut liberum tenementum suum ubique defendant Pro hac convencione firmiter tenend predictus Galfridus dedit eidem Waltero quindecim solidos premanibus et ut hec firmiter in omnibus teneatur uterque pro se et suis affidavit et sigillo suo confirmavit Hiis testibus domino Roberto de Ver Willelmo de Heliun Willelmo de Watevill Mauricio de Olmested Thoma filio Abrahe Gilberto de Baillol et Waltero fratribus Willelmo de Heliun et Gilberto fratribus Rogero filio Bernardi Rogero de Heure Michaele filio Ioici Ricardo kann Rogero Utlag et aliis

This is the agreement made between Walter the son of David de Hermested  and Geoffrey of Heliun wit, that the aforesaid Geoffrey sent away Walter to the farm of sixteen acres of land to the same and an acre of meadow with the appurtenances in Hormested and the messuage which was of Geoffrey the thirty pieces of Devy and service that William of Hoo, and Helewise throughout the year and they are bound to pay it to him , his wife, of a third part of the land which belonged to the said Geoffrey Dewi that the tenement belongs to the sixteen acres of formerly wife of Geoffrey the Helewisa Devy after the death of the aforesaid William son of Ralph and service that is one of the eight pence per year with all its appurtenances to have and to hold to the same Geoffrey and his heirs or to any of the Herenested from Walter and his heirs to his place, he shall wish to assign from the feast of Saint Michael the cicle in the thirteenth year of the reign of king John, as far as the twelfth and of the chief lords of the farm in the thirteen years , paying therefor yearly, that is to say to the brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem, by the attorney of the said Walter, seven shillings and namely, the two terms of six pence to three shillings and nine pence at Easter , and the feast of St Michael for all services and exactions three shillings and nine pence of the said Geoffrey, this received the aforenamed land without houses instauris or naked grain and of thirteen -year-old in the same way to the end of the aforesaid the said land in the hand of the said Walter and his heirs ought to be quiet , however, to return the said Walter and his heirs all the said land with its appurtenances to the said Geoffrey and his heirs , or to whomsoever he wishes to assign his place, at peace from all demands, debts , and reliefs of complaint, and on the other hand , by the aforesaid service for all men and all the women that warrant the If, however, happen to be that which is below , and will acquit the said term the said Walter to her husband or his or her mother, or is in any Helewise Helewise from the possession of the Jew or the Christian inplicitentur [ and ] that the aforesaid land by judgment of the court of the lord king or his clothing ought to lose the said Walter and his heirs to the said Geoffrey and their heirs , or to whomsoever he wishes to assign his place receives a fixed damage of the aforesaid also and suffered the loss of his own in the earth in a dream or in a plea of honest men out of her, if computed, dissaisientur be dissolved, and they shall lay before the said Walter and his heirs whomsoever of the said Geoffrey for his place, or his heirs or assigned the right to full Hernested of the seisin of the whole of his land so that the former shall have and hold the said Walter and his heirs and all manner until they receive the results of the same Geoffrey and his heirs or assigned to any of their place on the occasion of that land , and the loss of some damage done when he has learned , and every way as we said, I also concede to compute the satisfaction for the aforesaid Walter on behalf of himself and his heirs the aforesaid land so that this is a free tenement of the heirs of the said Geoffrey and his followers to the same as far as the border of all places, and that he might defend it as his free tenement in favor of this agreement to the same firmly to hold the aforesaid Geoffrey Walter gave fifteen shillings in all things may be held firmly down, and in order that this both for himself and his pledged himself and his seal witnesses confirmed to Sir Robert de Vere , William de Heliun , William de Watevill , Mauritius de Olmested ,  Thomas, the son of Abraham Gilbert de Baillol , and brothers Walter de Heliun, William de heliun and Gilbert brothers Roger son of Bernard Roger de Heure, Michel son of Ioici, Richard de Kann Roger Utlag and others 

Robert de Vere, 3rd Earl of Oxford -  (c. 1164 – before 25 October 1221), hereditary Master Chamberlain of England,[1] was the second surviving son of Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford, and Agnes of Essex. He succeeded his brother as Earl of Oxford, and was one of the guarantors of Magna Carta.

1066 A Medieval Mosaic (Medieval Mosaic) - ... His posterity was seated at Hempstead, one of the two Essex manors that he held of the Honour of Tunbridge, in which Henry III. granted Sir William de Wateville a charter of free warren in 1253.

This can scarcely have been the Sir William de Waterville mentioned by Thomas of Gloucester, who, sixty-two years before, went with Coeur de Lion to the Holy Land, and was one of the six knights through whom he sent his challenge to the Soudan.

"Thorp Watervile Castelle upon Avon, sumwhat lower than Wndale," as Leland describes it, in Northamptonshire, was most probably built by Azelin de Wateville, "who," says Bridges, "first possessed the lordship." No traces of it are now remaining. It passed in the time of Henry III. to the sisters of Richard de Wateville, who, in 1234, had obtained a grant of free warren in Thorp and Marham. Richard's widow held Marham in dower, and it was transferred by purchase to Reginald de Wateville in 1240. Reginald, again, had no son, and left three co-heiresses, Joan, married to Robert de Vere (NOT earl of Oxford); Elizabeth, or Petronella, married to John Wykham; and Margaret, married to Henry de Tichmarsh

Hedingham-Castle - The family name of de Vere is believed to have come from the small town of Ver, near Bayeaux in Normandy and their roots trace back to the early tenth century and Danish origins. Other suggestions say they are decended from a Breton family from Vair, near Nantes, although their early history is surrounded in mystery and nobody is really certain.


Aubrey II took part in the First Crusade in 1098. There is a legend that while Aubrey was engaged in the fierce battle for Antioch against the Sultan of Persia's troops, darkness was starting to fall and there was great confusion on the battlefield.
Aubrey II married Alice FitzRichard of Clare, (daughter of Gilbet FitzRichard, feudal lord of Clare) and in 1125 Aubrey was made joint Sheriff of London. ... Aubery II was killed in a riot in London in 1141
Aubrey de Vere, the third, was another Crusader
who was known as Aubrey the Grim on account of his height and stern appearance. He was made an earl by the Empress Matilda and was offered a choice of title from either Cambridge, ' Provided the King of the Scots had it not ', Oxford, Berkshire, Wiltshire or Dorset. He chose Oxford and became the 1st earl of Oxford. 
Robert, 3rd earl of Oxford was also a Crusader in the Holy Wars, but in the 15th year of King John's reign he took up arms against the King and with 25 other Barons, ' In the defence of England ' forced John to sign the Magna Carta. De Vere, like the others involved were excommunicated by the Pope for their actions.

1225-1233 - Richard Utlage and William Utlage - witness to Grant by Michael son of Ioce of Bumpstead to William fitz Ralph  - Philip de Beauchamp, Robert fitz Ralph, William de Helion , Gilbert de Helion - Bumpstead Essex

Charter Document - 00880443 DEEDS

Charter Number: 00880443
Cartulary Title: Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem Secunda
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 1225 - 1233
Date Type: Assigned, 

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Michael filius Ioce dedi concessi et hac mea presenti carta confirmavi Willelmo filio Radulphi 12 acras terre mee in villa de Bumsted[] scilicet in campo qui vocatur Stubbynge iuxta spinetum quod dedi hospitali de Ierusalem pro homagio et servicio [suo] tenendas et habendas de me et heredibus meis illi et heredibus suis vel cuicumque dare vel assignare voluerit libere et quiete bene et in pace reddendo inde per annum 12 d ad duos terminos anni scilicet ad Pascha 6 d et ad festum sancti Michaelis 6 d pro omnibus serviciis querelis et exaccionibus michi et heredibus meis pertinentibus salvo servicio domini regis scilicet ad scutagium ad plus et ad minus unum denarium Pro hac autem donacione et carte mee confirmacione dedit michi predictus Willelmus quatuor marcas in gersumam Et ego prefatus Michael et heredes mei warantizabimus predictum tenementum prenominato Willelmo et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis contra omnes gentes per predictum servicium Hiis testibus Philippo de Bellocampo, Roberto filio Radulphi , Andrea de Heliun , Iohanne de Olmested[] , Willelmo de Heliun , Gilberto de Heliun, Ricardo le Utlage , Willelmo le Utlage et multis aliis. 

Know all men present and to come that I , Michael son of Ioce  , have given, granted and by this my present charter have confirmed, William son of Ralph  12 acres of my land in the town of Bumpstead [] to wit, he that is called in the plain of Stubbynge BLACKTHORN, according to the hospital of Jerusalem, for his homage and service which I have given [his] to hold and to have of me and my heirs, unto him and his heirs or to give or assign to any kind of them, freely, quietly, well and in peace, and rendering therefor yearly to 12 d to 6 d, the two terms of the year, to wit, at Easter and at the feast of St. Michael the 6 pence for all services exactions of complaint, and saving the service of the lord king, pertaining to me and my heirs, namely, to the scutage, at most, and at least one penny and for this gift of my charter and four marks in the confirmation of the said William has given to me and I, the said Michael, a fine, and my heirs will warrant the aforesaid tenement aforenamed William and his heirs or his assigns against all the nations of the service for these being witnesses, by the said Philip de Beauchamp, Robert son of RalphAndrew de Helion , John de Olmested [] , William de Helion , Gilbert de Helion, Richard le Utlage, William le Utlage and many others.

Oh but a find a better example doc with a date! But this is an early Richard Utlage . And again we seem to have a Balliol connection !! and a Hospitaller connection!!

1230 - Richard Utlage - witness Grant by William de Heliun to Knights of St John - Roger son of  Bernard Roger of Baillul - Bumpstead (Helion)

Charter Document - 00880428 DEEDS

Charter Number: 00880428
Cartulary Title: Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem Secunda
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 1230
Date Type: Assigned, 

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Heliun concessi Deo et sancte Marie et sancto Iohanni Baptiste et fratribus hospitalis Ierusalem totam terram illam quam Willelmus filius Radulphi comparavit de Willelmo Brun[] de feodo meo in villa de Bumsted[] scilicet quinque acras terre lucrabilis in campo qui vocatur Stokewell[] et dimidiam acram prati cum omnibus pertinentiis suis in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam sicut aliqua elemosina liberius et quiecius concedi potest domui religionis Hanc autem concessionem et huius carte mee confirmacionem feci ego Willelmus de Heliun pro salute anime mee et antecessorum meorum et successorum Et ego et heredes mei hanc concessionem warantizabimus predictis fratribus contra omnes gentes Hiis testibus domino Philippo de Bellocampo Roberto filio Radulphi Gilberto de Heliun Ricardo Utlage Rogero filio Bernardi Rogero de Baillul[] Galfrido de novo homine Alano filio eius et multis aliis. 

Know all men present and to come that I, William de Heliun it has been granted to God and to the brethren of the Hospital of Saint John the Baptist and St Mary, and the whole of Jerusalem, than that land purchased from William Brun, William, son of Ralph [] of the fee in the town of my Bumpstead [] to wit, five acres of land in the lucrabilis Stokewell plain that is called [] and a half of an acre of meadow, with all its appurtenances, in free, pure and perpetual alms, and the more freely and quietly as any alms can be granted to the house of my charter of religion, confirmation of this, however, the granting of this and I have done for the salvation of my soul and I, William de Heliun ancestors and I and my heirs will warrant the granting of this, and my successors against all the nations of the said brothers of the lord Philip de Beauchamp these being witnesses, Robert fitz Ralph,  Gilbert of Heliun , Richard UtlageRoger fitz Bernard , Roger of Baillul [] Geoffrey Alan, son of man, of his new and many others.

1230-34 - Richard Utlage - Charter Witness - Gilbert de Bailull - Bumpstead - Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem

Charter Document - 00880448 DEEDS

Charter Number: 00880448
Cartulary Title: Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem Secunda
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Type(s): Confirmation
Date: 1230 - 1234
Date Type: Assigned, 

Notum sit omnibus presentibus et futuris quod ego Michael filius Ioce de Bumsted[] pro salute anime mee et animarum patris et matris mee et antecessorum meorum confirmavi Deo et beate Marie et sancto Iohanni Baptiste et beatis pauperibus sancte domus hospitalis Ierusalem et fratribus eiusdem domus totum tenementum quod Willelmus filius Radulphi tenuit de me in villa de Bomsted[] in puram et perpetuam elemosinam sicut aliqua elemosina liberius et quiecius et melius potest confirmare domui religionis et insuper ad augmentum predicte elemosine dedi et concessi et hac carta mea confirmavi prenominatis fratribus viginti et septem denarios esterlingorum redditus quod idem Willelmus michi annuatim reddere consuevit Et ego Michael et heredes mei warantizabimus totam prefatam elemosinam prescriptis fratribus contra omnes gentes Hiis testibus Roberto filio Radulphi Willelmo de Heliun Rogero filio Bernardi Gilberto de Heliun Ricardo Utlage Galfrido novo homine Gilberto de Bailull[] et aliis. 

Be it known to all present and future that I,  Michael the son of Ioce of Bumpstead [] of the Father for the salvation of my soul and of the souls of my ancestors and my Mother and confirmed to God and the blessed Mary and Saint John the Baptist and the blessed, the holy house of Jerusalem to the poor and to the brethren of the same house the whole tenement Bomsted that William son of Ralph held of me, in the town of [], in pure and perpetual alms, freely and quietly as any alms and, in addition to the development of religion and is better able to confirm to the house of the aforesaid alms to the brethren named above, I have given and granted and by this my charter have confirmed, to the seven-and-twenty pence esterlingorum rents that William Michael, I used to pay me annually and my heirs will warrant all the prescribed alms aforementioned brothers against all these witnesses Robert, the son of Ralph , William de Heliun , Roger fitz Bernard , Gilbert de Heliun  Richard Utlage , Geoffrey of the new human Gilbert de Bailull [,] and other .

Roger FITZ BERNARD was born 1203 in Kingsdown, Kent, England. He died 1280 in Isleham, Cambridgeshire, England.
He had the following children: Godfrey BERNARD was born 1235.

1230-34 - Richard Utlage -William de Heliun - witness Grant  to the hospital of the holy house of Jerusalem - one acre Bumpstead (Helions)

Charter Document - 00880449 DEEDS

Charter Number: 00880449
Cartulary Title: Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem Secunda
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 1230 - 1234
Date Type: Assigned, 

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Michael filius Ioce de Bumsted[] dedi et concessi et hac carta mea confirmavi priori et fratribus sancte domus hospitalis Ierusalem unam acram prati in villa de Bumsted[] que vocatur Smalmad[] et angulum prati iacentem inter Smalmad[] et Holemed[] habenda et tenenda de me et heredibus meis predicte domui in perpetuum reddendo inde annuatim michi et heredibus meis sex denarios ad duos terminos scilicet ad Pascha 3 d et ad festum sancti Michaelis 3 d pro omnibus serviciis exaccionibus consuetudinibus et demandis Volo autem quod predicti fratres habeant et teneant prescriptum Smalmad[] et angulum prefixum bene et in pace libere et quiete per prenominata servicia Et ego Michael et heredes mei warantizabimus prenominatum tenementum prenominatis fratribus contra omnes gentes Hiis testibus Roberto filio Radulphi Willelmo de Heliun Gilberto de Heliun Rogero filio Bernardi Ricardo Utlage Ricardo canon Galfrido novo homine et aliis. 

Know all men present and to come that I, the son of Michael, Ioce of Bumpstead  [] I have given and granted and by this my charter have confirmed, to the prior and brethren of the hospital of the holy house of Jerusalem, one acre of meadow in the town of Bumpstead [] Smalmad what is called the [] of meadow lying on the ground and the angle between the Smalmad [] Holemed and [] to the house of the aforesaid to have and to hold of me and my heirs for ever, paying therefor yearly to me and my heirs, to wit, at two terms of six pence at Easter 3 d, 3 d, and at the feast of St Michael for all services and demands, customs, exactions, however, that I want to shall have and hold the said brethren have set down above Smalmad [] the parties to and the angle well and in peace, freely and quietly through the services aforenamed, and I, brothers Michael and my heirs will warrant against all the nations of the aforenamed aforesaid tenement these being witnesses, Robert son of Ralph , William de Heliun, Gilbert of Heliun , Roger son of Bernard , Richard Utlage , Richard canon Geoffrey new man and others.

So these are "the Balliols" and also a reference to the family "Bernard" (of Barnard Castle): 

Balliol Archives - Founders

The Founders of Balliol College and their Families

Misapprehensions about the College's Founders and their families abound, and it may be helpful to refute some which have been so often repeated that it is sometimes difficult to persuade correspondents that there is nothing in them.

The Balliol family had no association with the College after Dervorguilla's lifetime, and unlike some other ancient foundations, the College was never burdened with the duty of giving privileges to its Founders' kin. The College's historic collections contain no primary sources about the Balliol family, and therefore we cannot provide genealogical services to those interested in exploring their own possible descent from the founders of the College. 

The College was not founded by the John Balliol who was King of Scots 1292-1296, but by his father John Balliol, and was consolidated by the latter's widow Dervorguilla of Galloway

John [de] Bal[l]iol, Founder of the College in about 1263, was the head of a family which had been prominent land-owners in England and France for several generations. Its principal base in England was Barnard Castle, named after an earlier head of the family in England called Bernard . In France the family's main home was at Bailleul-en-Vimeu in Picardy, whence the name Bal[l]iol derives. There are several places called Bailleul in France and Belgium; some of them are much more substantial than Bailleul-en-Vimeu: they have nothing to do with the family of the Founder or with John Balliol King of Scots, despite occasional assertions to the contrary. In particular, the family of the Founder was not from Normandy. Some of these other Bailleuls have also given rise to eponymous families

Full text of Select orations; with English notes ..

18. Praedaram vero, &c. " You are making a fine return, indeed, to the Roman people." Ironical. Hominem per te cogni 
turn. " A person brought into notice by your own exertions merely," i. e. what the Romans were accustomed to call " a new man," novus homo ; meaning one who had been the first of his family to raise himself to any curule office, or, in other words, to enroll himself by his personal merits among the nobility. Cicero was fond of alluding to this feature in his history, and it was cer-tainly a most pardonable kind of pride. 

Helions Bumpstead - is a small village in Essex located near Haverhill and the Essex/Suffolk/Cambridgeshire borders. It is 2 miles from Steeple Bumpstead.... Helions Bumpstead was well known to historians in the time of Edward the Confessor, before the Norman Conquest. Then the whole area of which we know now as Steeple and Helions Bumpstead, was called collectively Bumsteda, or variations of this earliest way of spelling. As more people drifted into this area, two distinct centres developed, with the Helions part taking on the title of Bumpstead Magna (Great) and the Steeple district Bumpstead Parva (Little). ... The new King of England rewarded an officer of his invading army by granting him the Manor of Bumstead. The officer by the name of Tihell, came from a village in France named Hellean, in the Morhihan district of Brittany. It was here in England that he built a Manor House on a hill facing due east, and then on a small mound not half a mile away, he built his Church. In the seventeenth and eighteenth century the Lords of the Manor were the Reynolds family, which produced several distinguished politicians and judges.

Steeple Bumpstead - is a village near Braintree, Essex, England, 3 miles (4.8 km) south of Haverhill. ... 

Bumstead or Bumsted is Anglo-Saxon for "place of reeds". 
The Knights Templar had positioned themselves on the river

The Hospitaller Cartulary in the British Library (Cotton MS Nero E VI) A ... - Michael Gervers - Google Books 0888440502 Books

William de Valence, 1st Earl of Pembroke

William and Joan de Munchensi granddaughter of William Marshal (described above) had the following children

Aymer de Valence, 2nd Earl of Pembroke - One of the wealthiest and most powerful men of his age ... Pembroke worked closely with the King. He was appointed the King’s lieutenant in Scotland in 1314, and was present at the disastrous English defeat at the Battle of Bannockburn, where he helped lead Edward away from the field of battle

Agnes de Valence (born c. 1250, date of death unknown), married (1) Maurice FitzGerald, Baron of Offaly, (2) Hugh de Balliol, son of John de Balliol, and brother of John Balliol, King of Scotland, and (3) John of Avesnes, Lord of Beaumont son of Baldwin of Avesnes. Agnes had children from her first and third marriage:[1]

Interesting that Balliol's coat of arms WAS and WOULD have been the Lion Rampant if he had not lost it, so was William Utlage's seal indicating he was a man working for the Balliol family ? Since it doesn't make any sense that he'd use a Royal Scottish seal in English territory. hmmm... Did this William Utlage leave Ireland after Sir Roger's death in 1341 to go work for the Balliol's at Bernard Castle in Durham? The history of Sir Roger Outlawe came to Balliol College (Oxford) via Sir James Ware (historian) 

Early Manuscripts at Oxford University

1349 - Registrum de Kilmainham: Chapter Acts in Latin of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem at their chief house of Kilmainham, near Dublin, under the Grand Prior Roger Outlawe, 1321-39 - Bodleian Library - Balliol College, Oxford

Registrum de Kilmainham: Chapter Acts in Latin of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem at their chief house of Kilmainham, near Dublin, under the Grand Prior Roger Outlawe, 1321-39, transcribed in English style with flourished (sometimes figurative) initials, Ireland, c. 1340, and supplemented under Outlawe's successors, 1341-9.

Bodleian Library - is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, and in Britain is second in size only to the British Library with over 11 million items ...

The first purpose-built library known to have existed in Oxford was founded in the fourteenth century by Thomas Cobham (died 1327), Bishop of Worcester. This small collection of chained books was situated above the north side of the University Church of St Mary the Virgin on the High Street

Balliol College, Oxford - founded in 1263, is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England

The College was founded in about 1263 (leading some to argue that it is the University's oldest college, a claim contested by University College and Merton College) by John I de Balliol under the guidance of the Bishop of Durham. After his death in 1268, his widow, Dervorguilla of Galloway (their son and grandson both became Kings of Scotland), made arrangements to ensure the permanence of the college in that she provided capital and in 1282 formulated the college statutes, documents that survive to this day


1340 - Seal - William Utlage ,  - Used by Robert of Durham, merchant.- Inscription: SIGILLVM WILELMI VTLAGE - Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant. - pdf - Robert of Durham 1321 - Master of Monkwearmouth - This is also the Symbol of Scotland - The earliest recorded use of the Lion rampant as a royal emblem in Scotland is by Alexander II in 1222 




Balliol Coat of Arms - One of the most powerful families in Scotland, the Balliols took their name from Bailleul in Northern France and were invited to Scotland and given lands by King David I.  At the end of the 13th Century, Scotland was without a King and Edward I of England was asked to decide between powerful claimants to the throne (including the father of Robert the Bruce).  He chose John Balliol, who was allied with the equally powerful Comyn family.  In return for this King John was asked to pay homage to and raise troops for the English monarch's war in France.  He was in effect meant to act as a puppet king with Edward as his feudal overlord.  Due to this he is often seen as a weak king, but John did not surrender his rule to Edward and rebelled against English dominance, only to be defeated and humiliated by having his coat of arms - then the Royal one, the Lion Rampant, ripped from his clothes.  He was then known as 'toom tabard' which means 'empty coat'.  Edward then assumed control over Scotland, triggering the events now known as 'The Scottish Wars of Independence'.  William Wallace remained loyal to King John and his rebellion was in the name of the now exiled King, which is possibly why no mention of Wallace appears in Scottish chronicles written by courtiers of Robert the Bruce.


Dervorguilla of Galloway - ... The Balliol family into which Devorguilla married was based at Barnard Castle in County Durham, England. Although the date of her birth is uncertain, her apparent age of 13 was by no means unusually early for betrothal and marriage at the time.

In 1263, her husband Sir John was required to make penance after a land dispute with Walter Kirkham, Bishop of Durham. Part of this took the very expensive form of founding a College for the poor at the University of Oxford. Sir John's own finances were less substantial than those of his wife, however, and long after his death it fell to Devorguilla to confirm the foundation, with the blessing of the same Bishop as well as the University hierarchy. She established a permanent endowment for the College in 1282, as well as its first formal Statutes. The college still retains the name Balliol College, where the history students' society is called the Devorguilla society and an annual seminar series featuring women in academia is called the Dervorguilla Seminar Series. While a Requiem Mass in Latin was sung at Balliol for the 700th anniversary of her death, it is believed that this was sung as a one-off, rather than having been marked in previous centuries.

Devorguilla founded a Cistercian Abbey 7 miles south of Dumfries in South West Scotland, in April 1273. It still stands as a picturesque ruin of red sandstone.

When Sir John died in 1269, his widow, Dervorguilla, had his heart embalmed and kept in a casket of ivory bound with silver. The casket travelled with her for the rest of her life

Antony Bek (bishop of Durham) - The bishop secured the support of Pope Clement V[18] who named Bek Patriarch of Jerusalem on 26 February 1306 ... Bek conducted the funeral service for King Edward I on 27 October 1307 at Westminster Abbey.[19] In September, shortly after the death of Edward I, Edward II restored Bek's lands and rights. Bek's title of patriarch made him the senior ecclesiastic in England, and it was probably due to that status that he was named the main investigator of the Templars in 1308

Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey - was a twin-foundation English monastery, located on the River Wear, at Monkwearmouth, and the River Tyne, at Jarrow, respectively, in the Kingdom of Northumbria (now in the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear). Its formal name is The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Monkwearmouth-Jarrow. Jarrow became the centre of Anglo-Saxon learning in the north of England, producing the greatest Anglo-Saxon scholar, Bede.

The monastery was founded in 674 by Benedict Biscop, first with the establishment of the monastery of St Peter's, Monkwearmouth on land given by Egfrid, King of Northumbria. His idea was to build a model monastery for England, sharing his knowledge of the experience of the Roman traditions in an area previously more influenced by Celtic Christianity stemming from missionaries of Melrose and Iona. A papal letter in 678 exempted the monastery from external control, and in 682 the king was so delighted at the success of St Peter's, he gave Benedict more land in Jarrow and urged him to build a second monastery. Benedict erected a sister foundation (St Paul) at Jarrow, appointing Ceolfrith as its superior, who left Monkwearmouth with 20 monks (including his protégé the young Bede) to start the foundation in Jarrow.

Benedict brought workmen from Francia to build these churches, the first ecclesiastical structures in Britain built of stone, and furnished it with glass windows, pictures, service books and the library he had collected on his travels. Window glass being unusual in England at the time, Benedict imported glassmakers from Francia, who established a workshop at the Monkwearmouth site,[2] which stands on a nearby site on the river Wear.

The two monasteries were so closely connected in their early history that they are often spoken of figuratively as one, Jarrow, despite being seven miles apart. Benedict himself was the first abbot, and the monastery flourished under him and his successors Eosterwine, Ceolfrith, and others, for two hundred years. Benedict, on leaving England for Rome in 686 established Ceolfrith as Abbot in Jarrow and Eosterwine at Monkwearmouth[3] but, before his death, stipulated that the two sites should function as 'one monastery in two places'

Abbot of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow

Masters of Jarrow Masters of Wearmouth
Robert of Durham, 1321 Robert of Durham, 1321

Suffolk in 1327 Being a Subsidy Return - Great Britain. Exchequer

1327 - Suffolk Subsidy - Sparhauk Outlawe Oakley , Robert Outlawe - Mendlesham , Adam Outlawe - Lakenheath 

Cross-legged Knights indicate that the person so represented died in the Christian faith. As crusaders were supposed so to do, they were generally represented on their tombs with crossed legs. 

“Sometimes the figure on the tomb of a knight has his legs crossed at the ankles, this meant that the knight went one crusade. 
If the legs are crossed at the knees, he went twice; if at the thighs he went three times.”—Ditchfield: Our Villeges, 1889. 

Roger FITZ BERNARD was born 1203 in Kingsdown, Kent, England. He died 1280 in Isleham, Cambridgeshire, England.
He had the following children: Godfrey BERNARD was born 1235.

Sir William FitzRalph c. 1323 - This rubbing is of Sir William FitzRalph c. 1323. He is buried in Pebmarsh, Essex, Great Britain. The family of Fitzralph achieved considerable local importance in the 13th and 14th centuries. They held large estates in both Essex and Suffolk. Sir William fought in many expeditions against the Scots. He is shown in his memorial brass wearing armor of the period between the Surcoat and the Cyclas Period in which the arms and legs are protected by plate - a great advance in reducing injuries. 

Revisiting the visitation:  Senior Thomas Outlawe marries Margaret Cory is  listed among the children of an early Francis Cory

Outlaw Genealogy

The Visitation of Norfolk for 1613 includes Ralph Outlawe of Little Wichingham, (son of-Thomas) and Amye his wife, daughter and heir of John Bevis of Little Wichingham, and their children as follows: 
(1) Thomas Outlawe (to whom was granted arms and crest) and
Margaret, his wife, daughter of Francis Cory of Bramerton, and their children Roger, Thomas, Anne and Elizabeth
(2) Amye Outlawe, wife of George Southgate of Reefeham
(3) Mary Outlawe, wife of Thomas Allen of Great Wichingham
(4) Margaret Outlawe, wife of John Goodge of St. James in Suffolk
Elizabeth Outlawe, wife of Robert Allen of Norwich
(6) Ralph Outlawe, and 
(7) Simon Outlawe

So who were the Cory s' ? Oh they were big shots...

Bramerton Hall Corys

54. Francis Cory was born in 1596 in Bramerton Hall, Norfolk, England. In 1661–1678 he was a Member of Parliament in Norwich, England. Lost by devise to Ann's sister. He died in 1678 in Bramerton Hall, Norfolk, England. Francis has reference number NK/1-A1. He was a Barrister-Resident in Norwich, England. He was a Reorder of the City in Norwich, England. The Corys remained at Bramerton for more than 250 years in which time the family had spread widely into Norfolk and Suffolk. However, the direct line came to an end in 1678 when Thomas, son of Francis and Anne Cory, died a bachelor at age 27. The succession and occupation of the Hall then passed by devise on the female side to John Houghton, son of Anne Cory's sister Elizabeth Corbett. She married Robert Houghton, son of Sir Robert Houghton, Kt.

Francis Cory and Bridgett Purdye were married in 1622 in Bramerton, Norfolk, England. by contract. Bridgett Purdye died in 1652.

Francis Cory and Anne Corbett were married about 1652. Anne Corbett died in 1674.

Francis Cory-NK/1-A1 and Anne Corbett had the following children:




Elizabeth Cory was born in 1654 in Bramerton, Norfolk, England. She died in 1658.



Thomas Cory was born in 1655 in Bramerton, Norfolk, England. He died on 5 February 1682. He has reference number NL/2-A1.

Bramerton Hall - Bramerton Hall, the seat of the Corys from about 1400 to about a century and a quarter since; it is now the seat of Miss Blake: it was partly rebuilt in 1870 by J. J. Blake esq the late owner: the building is principally of white brick



Harlean MSS. and Norfolk "Visitations."
"Norwich Records."

  1. Cory of Bramerton, Norfolk, 1250 A. D. (speculation)
  2. John, of "Bramerton Hall," Norwich, England.
  3. Robert, of "Bramerton Hall," Norwich, England.
  4. William, of "Bramerton Hall," Norwich, England.
  5. Francis, of "Bramerton Hall" ; married Grace Brown.
  6. Thomas, of "Bramerton Hall"; married Barbara Farrar.
  7. Robert, of "Bramerton Hall."
  8. John, of "Bramerton Hall"; knighted by James I., in 1612.
  9. Thomas, of "Bramerton Hall"; knighted by Charles I., in 1637; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
  10. John, came to America before 1640 (no evidence that this is true)

Bramerton Hall Corys

17. Francis Cory was born in 1539 in Bramerton Hall, Norfolk, England. He died in 1581.

Francis Cory and Grace Brown were married. Grace Brown died in 1596. She was born in Talconeston, Norfolk, England.

Francis Cory and Grace Brown had the following children:




Francis Cory.



John Cory was born (date unknown).



Dorthy Cory.



Ann Cory.



Robert Cory died in 1582.



Johanna Cory was born (date unknown).



Elizabeth Cory.



Margaret Cory.



Thomas Cory.


Bramerton Hall Corys

40. Margaret Cory was born in 1575.

Margaret Cory and Thomas Outlaw were married in 1593. Thomas Outlaw was born in Little Witchingham, England.

Margaret Cory and Thomas Outlaw had the following children:




Ann Outlaw was born (date unknown).



Roger Outlaw was born (date unknown).



Thomas Outlaw was born (date unknown).



Elizabeth Outlaw was born (date unknown).


And also the Cory's are listed in the Visitations: Notice that Thomas Outlawe is listed here...

The visitacion [i.e., visitation] of Norfolk, made and taken by William Hervey, Clarencieux King of Arms, anno 1563 and 1613

The visitacion [i.e., visitation] of Norfolk, anno 1563 and 1613 - page 86.


Interestingly the Senior Son Thomas Cory and Margaret Cory's brother goes to Gray's Inn in 1613 - Ralph Outlawe was admitted in 1610:

1613 - Francis Cory, son and heir of Thomas C, of Bramerton, Norfolk, gent. - Nov 15 - ( Margaret Cory's brother who is married to Thomas Outlawe, which is Ralph Outlawe's brother - confused?)

1610 - Ralph Outlaw, of Witchingham, Norfolk, gent., and of Barnard's Inn. - Feb. 13 - Admissions Gray's Inn - "gentleman of blood" place their children in these Inns of Court  (The hero of Charles Dickens's novel Great Expectations, Pip, lodged in Barnard's Inn with Herbert Pocket for a number of years following his arrival in London.  (Barnard's ~= Undergraduate school,  Grey's Inn ~= Graduate Law school )  )

A very interesting - pre conquest find .... Keighley (West North Yorkshire) 

Now what's interesting about this is the "de Ultag et Bargaria" bit . 

A question in my mind has always been was there a place called "Ultag" anywhere? I have looked and looked and have yet to find this mythical place.  Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Saxony, Britany, Normandy - no Utlag! 

Now here we have this name and includes not only Utlag but Bargaria , Bargaria is also another name for "Bulgaria" , At any rate I still have not made any progress with this angle. Still Bulgaria connects with the Byzantine Empire of the time and Saxony. It connects with the legend that the Utlags were early Crusaders.  

1023 - Gilbert Egghlan of Utlag and Bargaria ulor and. a'o. D'my mlliii  - Keighley West Riding Yorkshire

Keighley Genealogy Resources & Parish Registers Yorkshire Family History

Keighley, situated on the navigable river Aire, in a valley surrounded with hills. Cotton, linen, and worsted manufactures have been carried on here with great spirit, and much worsted unmanufactured has been sold at Bradford and Halifax. Out of 6000 inhabitants, a considerable portion derived their support from the manufactures here during the late war.

In 1770 the church underwent a thorough repair, and was made uniform. In the north isle are two grave stones, each of which has a cross, and one a sword, and two shields of arms. The higher nearly effaced, the lower charged with a cross fleury and circumscribed: Gilbertus Egghlan de Utlag et Bargaria ulor et'. a’o.D’mi mlliii. 

This date of 1023, if the cyphers have not been defaced by time or accident, and restored by some careless hand, refers to the reign of Canute the Great! Few churches can boast of a sepulchral monument of such antiquity.

At Elam Grange, near this town, a large quantity of Roman Denarii was found in 1775.

Topography of Great Britain, written: 1802-29 by George Alexander Cooke

" Gilbert Egghlan of Utlag and Bargaria ulor and. a'o. D'my mlliii "

So whats the history of this church?

Keighley Shared Church History

The earliest record of Christianity in the area round Keighley dates from 867 AD, when Archbishop Wulfhere of York fled from marauding Danes to Addingham, where he had a manor as part of his Otley estate. There is no evidence of a Church there before the Norman Conquest, only a 9th-Century graveyard and Anglian (Celtic) cross shaft which might have marked the graveyard, or a preaching post for visiting monks. Viking supremacy in Northumbria continued until the year 954.

Before the 11th Century, the Anglo-Saxon Church was based on semi-monastic minsters, whence monks or priests would visit the surrounding settlements to preach. The nearest minster to Keighley was at Otley (dating from the 7th Century), which has three Anglian cross-shaft bases dated from the 8th & 9th Centuries. The Archbishop's estate, and so presumably Otley Minster's ecclesiastical influence, went up the R. Wharfe to Addingham, but only touched the R. Aire at Baildon. It appears that upper Airedale, although in theory part of York Diocese, was too sparsely populated for direct Church oversight.

The building of local Churches came to the district later than to other parts of England. The only pre-Conquest Churches recorded in Craven were at Kildwick (which has several Scandinavian style cross fragments dated late 9th and early 10th Centuries), Barnoldswick, Long Preston and Kirkby Malham. Keighley Parish was originally bounded on the North by Kildwick, on the West by Colne in Lancashire, and on the East and South by Bingley (including Riddlesden and Hainworth). Bingley Church was founded in 1120 by William Paganell (who also founded Drax Priory and other Churches) but it has an older fragment of Anglian cross; Colne Church was built (along with Burnley and Clitheroe) as a chapelry of Whalley by Robert de Lacy (2nd Baron of Pontefract 1089-1115) to stamp his authority on his new territory. Haworth Church was a chapelry of Bradford (built in 1070, also by the de Lacys) until 1879; it is first mentioned in a decree of 1317 compelling the (lay) Rector and Vicar of Bradford and freeholders of Haworth to pay the chaplain as "from ancient times". It is probable that the original Church was built, like Keighley, Colne and Bingley, in the Twelfth Century. Only in Keighley is it likely that the founder worshipped there regularly.

2. Norman Times

The Domesday Book (1086) entry for Keighley reads "In Chichelai, Ulchel and Thole and Ravensuar and William had six carucates to be taxed" (a carucate is the farmland which could be cultivated with one plough and a team of eight oxen in a year: 100 - 120 acres). The Old English name Chichelai means that Cyhha, an Anglo-Saxon thane, had originally cultivated a forest clearing (-ley). Domesday tells us that William was also taxed on a carucate in Utley (Utta's clearing) and another at Newsholme (new houses); he and Gamelbar shared another at Oakworth (oak-tree enclosure); Gamelbar held another three at Wilsden (Wifel's valley); Ravensuar also held two at Laycock (small stream); Ardulf, one at Riddelesden (Rethel's valley), four at Morton (moorland farmstead) and half at Hainworth (Hagena's enclosure); Ernegis had half a carucate at Hainworth and one at Marley (a clearing frequented by martens)... "and they are waste" referring to William the Conqueror''s harrying of the North after a failed revolt.

Apart from some Viking settlements, these names of people and places are Old English. There are no place names of Roman or Celtic origin in the area, probably because their ploughs could not cope with the heavy clay soil. The picture that emerges is of the Anglo-Saxons carving farmsteads out of the wildwood with the aid of their 8-oxen iron-shod ploughs. These farmstead gradually developed into villages. It may be that the later development of local Churches here reflects a later change of settlement pattern from dispersed farmsteads to villages, which became the norm for rural society for a millennium.

The Domesday Book represents Norman over-lordship. Craven is recorded as royal land, taken from Saxon Earl Edwin after his participation in the revolt; around 1100 it was granted to Robert de Romille, and became part of the Barony of Skipton. Robert's daughter Cecilia founded a priory of Augustinian Canons at Embsay, which moved in 1154 to Bolton – far enough up Wharfedale from Otley to avoid clashing with the Archbishop's territorial or ecclesiastical interests. Bolton Priory came to control land and Churches in upper Airedale from Keighley to Malham, as well as in Wharfedale.

3. The First Church in Keighley

The earliest evidences of Christianity in Keighley are a crude Anglian cross dating from the mid 12th Century, and a grave slab with a cross and other emblems (now in the SE corner of the Church). These were discovered in the foundations of the medieval Church when it was demolished in 1805. The earliest written record of Keighley Church is a charter dated 1168-79 by which Peter de Pinchenni (Pinkney) "with the consent of Constance his wife, grants to God and St. Mary of Bolton and the Canons there serving God the Church of St. Andrew of Kichalaie". Some 80 years later Richard de Kygheley, son of Ralph and Lord of the Manor, confirmed this grant together with a pension of one mark (13/ 4d). Nothing more is known of the Pinkney family in Yorkshire, nor how they were related to the Keighleys. Keighley Rectory (endowment) was valued for Pope Nicholas' taxation at £8.

The first Rector we know by name is William le Vavasour, appointed by Bolton Priory in 1245. He was a Justice of Trailbaston, which meant he could issue summary justice to hooligans (unfortunately this power has not been passed on to his successors!). A chantry was added to the Church in 1337, to say daily mass for the souls of benefactors – presumably the Keighley family. Walter de Langton (Rector 1272-94) went on to become Bishop of Lichfield and Lord Treasurer to Edward II. The only other incumbent to "take purple" was Eric Treacy (Rector 1945-50) who became Bishop of Wakefield.

Keighley - is a town and civil parish within the metropolitan borough of the City of Bradford in West Yorkshire, England. Historically in the West Riding of Yorkshire, it is situated 11 miles (17.7 km) northwest of Bradford and is at the confluence of the rivers Aire and the Worth. The town area, which is part of the Brontë Country, has a population of 89,870, making it the third largest civil parish in England

Interesting Pilate's letter to Tiberius Caesar - Christ is crusified in ther 15th year of Tiberius , so when was that?

26-33AD -  Pontius Pilate Reports to Tiberius Caesar about Jesus Christ being Crucified - 15th year Tiberius Caesar 

tr21_pilate_letter_on_christ - tr21_pilate_letter_on_christ.pdf

Pilate’s Report to Tiberius Exalts Christ

By Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi

Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor of Judea when Christ was crucified. He sent a report to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar of the events that took place regarding Jesus Christ. This report is contained in the non-condemned apocryphal Acts of Peter and Paul, not to be confused with the condemned apocryphal Acts of Peter which contains the Gnostic heresy and was condemned and banned by Pope Gelasius I in 495 AD in his Decretum de recipiendis et non recipiendis libris (Epistle 42).

In his report Pontius Pilate tells Tiberius Caesar that Jesus performed many miracles; that Jews delivered up Jesus to be tried and killed; that he crucified Jesus to prevent an insurrection by the Jews; that a worldwide supernatural darkness occurred when Jesus was crucified; and that the Old Testament elect were resurrected in their bodies on Sunday night at 9:00 pm (the third hour of the night according to the Roman day), which was accompanied by a supernatural light from the sun, angels appearing in the heavens, mountains and hills shaking, a great chasm revealing hell and Abraham’s Bosom, Christ-denying Jews falling into the hell of the damned, and the destruction of all the synagogues in Jerusalem that opposed Jesus excepting the one that did not. The authenticity of Pilate’s report to Tiberius Caesar is attested to by a Catholic commentary, the heretic Eusebius of Cesarea, and the heretic Tertullian.


Foundations Studies in Bible Theology

Luke 3:1, the fifteenth year of Tiberius

There are several views on the date that was the 15th of Tiberius. Pentecost discusses FIVE views in his masterful work, THE WORDS AND WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST (§§20-23, page 80). However, it seems that there are two main ones, with the others being considered minor.

William Hendriksen bypasses the minor views and discusses only the two main ones.
(THE GOSPEL OF LUKE; New Testament Commentary, page 194).

  1. The traditional view, which dates the 15th of Tiberius at 26 AD.
  2. The more popular view, which dates 15 Tiberius at 28-29 AD.

There are many reputable scholars lined up beside both views. Hendriksen concludes, “At the very outset it should be made clear that the data supplied by Luke are insufficient to prove either theory
with finality. Great scholars have reached opposite verdicts. At the most one can reach probability, not absolute certainty.”
Pentecost on the other hand, rejects the traditional view as “unacceptable” (page 80) and “untenable” (page 578). But he is influenced by insisting on a 33 AD date for the crucifixion.

Something new 1450:

1450 - Defendant Outlawe, Thomas, of Haselyngfeld, Cambs, yeoman - debt - Plaintiff Robert Semer - Essex

1450 - Defendant Outlawe, John, senior, of Little Clakton, husbandman - trespass: close & taking - Plaintiff - Kempe, Thomas, of London, bishop - Essex

Henry VI, 1450: CP40no758
By Rosemary Simons; Sorted by Defendant


Essex debt Semer, Robert Asterley, Thomas, of Thaxsted, yeoman; Tredegold, Henry, of Exnyng, Suff, yeoman; Taper, Edmund, of Rumford, butcher; Marchall, John, of Rumford, yeoman; Outlawe, Thomas, of Haselyngfeld, Cambs, yeoman


Essex debt Semer, Robert Asterley, Thomas, of Thaxstede, Essex, yeoman; Tredegold, Henry, of Exnyng, Suff, yoeman; Taper, Edmund, of Rumford, Essex, butcher; Marchall, John, of Rumford, yeoman; Outlawe, Thomas, of Haselyngfeld, Cambs, yeoman


Essex trespass: close & taking Kempe, Thomas, of London, bishop  Outlawe, John, senior, of Little Clakton, husbandman

Now that's interesting - an early relationship with the Kempe's!

Thomas Kempe - was a medieval Bishop of London.

Kempe was the nephew of John Kemp, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Kempe was provided to London on 21 August 1448 and consecrated on 8 February 1450. He died on 28 March 1489.[1] He had previously held the office of Archdeacon of Richmond from 1442 to 1448

In office 1448–1489
Died 28 March 1489
Tracing the family tree
By Floyd Ingram | 9:05 AM | May 29, 2013 | Business, Living, News

Dr. Henry Outlaw, standing, explains how DNA can be used to determine genealogy at the Chickasaw Heritage Museum Thursday night. Outlaws presentation was hosted by the Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society.
(Photo by Floyd Ingram)

HOUSTON – Genetic data and technology won’t help you find out about your relatives, but it can help tell you where they came from and who they are kin to.

Dr. Henry Outlaw, retired professor of chemistry at Delta State University, spoke at the Chickasaw County Heritage Museum last week about ways to use this new technology and how to use it to trace your family history and find clues that can help genealogy buffs know where to look for their ancestors.

“DNA testing will never replace the research you have to do to determine who your ancestors were,” said Outlaw. “But when the paper-trail runs out, that is when you can turn to genetic testing.”

The process is simple and Outlaw said a number of labs can be found online.

These companies charge a fee based on how in-depth you want their research to go. A sample is usually taken by swabbing the mouth and mailing to the company.

“You should look for a company with a large database,” said Outlaw. “I also suggest doing the more indepth research to get a more exact match.”

But, again, Outlaw said DNA testing should only be done after traditional ancestor research has been exhausted.

“DNA can tell you what part of the world you ancestors came from, what ethnic groups you are related to and give you markers that can help guide your search,” said Outlaw. “It won’t tell you if you are kin to Thomas Jefferson or if your family came over on the Mayflower.”

Outlaw explained how nuclear DNA is used to test paternal lines and how mitochondrial DNA is used to determine maternal lines.

“The learning curve on this stuff is pretty steep, but I urge you to do your homework before you go out and get a test,” said Outlaw. “It’s great to point you in the right direction and help you find out branches and roots of your family tree, but it cannot provide you with the entire family tree.”

Outlaw said DNA testing can help determine if living people are kin, but it can’t prove you were related to famous people who are already dead.

Outlaw said genealogy buffs can often trace an ancestor back to when they came to the United State, but the history often goes dry when the jump was made from Europe, Africa or Asia.

“You will hear how DNA plays a part in technology as well as history of not only you, but the entire human race,” said Outlaw. “Through DNA you can find out where your ancestors lived, their migration to other places and so much more information. It will boggle your mind.”

Outlaw served as Chairman of the Physical Science Department at Delta State University from 1970 until his retirement in 2002. He is currently a Development Office for the Delta State University Alumni Foundation.

For more information contact the Chickasaw County Museum by calling 662-456-2650 or visiting the museum located at 304 East Woodland Circle, across from the high school baseball field.

Chase Outlaw - Bull Rider

"My goal is just to ride every bull that I get on and if I do that then everything else will take care of itself. " Chase Outlaw - 11.19.13

'I just enjoy doing it' 
Bull-riding teenager looking for win at national finals this week

By Donna Stephens This article was published July 19, 2009 at 3:29 a.m.

RIVER VALLEY and OZARK AREA Chase Outlaw of Tilly is a third-generation bull rider, and his dad says he's the best Outlaw yet.

Chase, 17, a junior-to-be at Hector High School, will return to the National High School Finals Rodeo today through Saturday, July 25.

He finished second at the National High School Finals Rodeo last year and was named Rookie of the Year; prior to that, he was a three-time qualifier for the Wrangler Junior High Finals Rodeo.

He is a five-time Arkansas state champion.

"Chase is a whole lot better than what we were when we were his age," said Greg Outlaw of himself and his father, Morgan Outlaw, who died a couple of years ago. "I think it's because of his small build. He's flexible and really built up from playing football. He's small and muscular."

Outlaw started riding calves at 4 while living in Hamburg. His mother, Rhonda Outlaw, said he'd started from the ground up.

"I just enjoy doing it," Chase said. "I became good at it and enjoyed it. Dad used to rodeo, and everybody else I grew up with used to rodeo."

He said besides his father and grandfather, he's been influenced by Chuck White of Hamburg and Reese Cates of El Dorado, both of whom are registered with Professional Bull Riders Inc.

The Outlaw family moved to Tilly in northeastern Pope County when Chase started eighth grade. He'd already won the Arkansas State Finals in the Wrangler Junior High series twice, in sixth and seventh grade. He won it again as an eighth-grader before moving up to the National High School division last year - where he continued winning.

What's the key to his success?

"Whoever rides the most consistently and stays healthy," Outlaw said.

.River Valley Ozark, Pages 137 on 07/19/2009

Interesting find :The Kempe's and Ralph Outlawe (Elizabeth Kempe is wife)  here we see the story of two Sir Robert Kempes that inter-marry and one side was the loyalist/royalist and maybe the other not so much .... 

1632 - Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, co. Norfolk, Knt., and Elizabeth Kempe, sister of the said Robert and Ralph Outlawe, of Little Wichingham.'co. Norfolk, gent

1640-47 - During the English Civil War (1643-1647) and in the following Commonwealth period, records were poorly kept and many are now missing after being destroyed or hidden by the clergy. During 1653-“1660 the registering of births, marriages and deaths was taken over by civil officers (confusingly called Parish Registers), but the registers were returned to the churches following the Restoration in 1660.

1641 - Sir Robert Kemp was the eldest son of Robert Kemp, of Gissing in Norfolk  was knighted at Whitehall 7 August 1641

1642 - The little force raised by Sir Robert Kempe, and others, was found to be helpless against Cromwell. Sir William D'Oyley and Sir Robert Kempe had, therefore, to fly for safety to Rotterdam

1642 - Sir Robert Kemp was the eldest son of Robert Kemp, of Gissing in Norfolk  created a baronet 14 March 1642, 

1644 - Allegedly Robert Kempe Knighted by Oliver Cromwell at Spain's Hall (Essex)  1644 (brother of Elizabeth Kempe) (there is no official record of this see: Knights, baronets and peers of the Protectorate

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It is also interesting that Norfolk and Suffolk were in the Cromwell Camp: 

English Civil War

The Visitation of Suffolke, Volume 2

* Crest of Kempe as tricked in Ilarl. MS. No. 1650—an arm couped at the elbow, vested Argent, charged with two bends wavy Azuro, cuffed of the first, holding in the hand ppr. a chaplct Vert.

(7 Charles  I = 1632:)
To an Indenture, made 17 Sept., 7 Charles, between Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, co. Norfolk, Knt., and Elizabeth Kempe, sister of the said Robert, of the 1st part; Robert Kempe, of Finchingfield, co. Essex, Esq., of the 2nd part; and Ralph Outlawe, of Little Wichingham.'co. Norfolk, gent., and Nicholas Osborne, of Norwich, gent., of the 3rd part; relating to the sale of certain binds in the parishes of Old and New Buckenham, in Norfolk, the seals of Kempe and Osborne are appended. On the seal used by SIR. Robert Kempe are the following arms—A chevron engrailed between three estoilea , Crest and arms couped at the elbow, holding a chaplet 

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Interesting to see here that there were TWO Sir Robert Kempe's and the intermarried  .. also parts of the family were loyalist while others were on the contrary ... .

A general history of the Kemp and Kempe families of Great Britain and her colonies, with arms, pedigrees


A Robert Kempe of Gissing was gentleman of the Bedchamber to Charles I, who first knighted him and afterwards raised him to the dignity of a baronet. He raised arms for the King at the outbreak of the Cromwellian troubles, sacrificing much of his property in so doing.


Foremost among the Norfolk Royalists was Sir William D'Oyley, whom Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, calls in his will " his cousin." With this Knight Sir Robert shared the honour of raising among their tenantry and friends a band of soldiers as a King's bodyguard, while from time to time they raised at their own expense further forces, providing the necessary supplies for their maintenance, and otherwise assisting the King with funds. Before the war actually broke out the King recognised the long personal devotion of Sir Robert by raising him from the rank of Knight to that of Baronet. As an especial mark of Royal favour he directed that the usual heavy fees for the Patent, the charges of the Heralds, scribes and other officials should be borne by the Royal purse instead of devolving, as is usual, upon the recipient of the honour. The original Patent is extant and quite perfect, the great seal attached not even being cracked. The portrait of the King in the initial letter of the document is, as will be seen from the illustration here given, a very good portrait of His Majesty. At this time there were two Sir Robert Kempes resident in Norfolk, the other being Sir Robert Kempe, of Heydon, and afterwards of Spains Hall, Essex. 

He had married Elizabeth Kempe, sister to the first Kempe Baronet of Gissing. Thus they were brothers-in-law, but were otherwise of quite distinct descent and diverse arms. They are beheved to have come from entirely different stocks, the earliest known ancestors of the one being styled " de Campo '' and the other "de Combes." The two Sir Robert Kempes were most intimate friends, and seem to have been companions at Charles's Court, both in days of peace, and during the exciting times of the Great Rebellion. Nor was this all, for as in war so in love, they seem to have risked even their ancestral domains to gain their desires. Surely nothing but a sporting propensity could have called for a bond so great as the whole of one's Hall and Manors to be pledged to secure a wife. Yet such a bond is recorded as having been made between the two Sir Roberts. 

Later on. as we shall see, the widow of Sir Robert Kempe, of Spain's Hall, became the wife of the second Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, thus further confusing and complicating the relationships. Further than this, by mere chance, it seems Lady Jane Kempe, of Gissing, being an heiress of the Brownes, held the advowson of Finchingfield Church, which was afterwards held by the Kempes of Spain's Hall, in that parish, so that both Kempe families were in turn patrons of the living. 

One other point in common possibly helped to cement their friendship. Both their mothers held pronounced Puritan views, which they endeavoured to impress on their children with the result that they worked to the opposite extreme. We shall deal more particularly with the Sir Robert Kempe, of Heydon, when we come to the Essex section, though he remained in close association with the Gissing family. 

When the war broke out, in 1642, the little force raised by Sir Robert Kempe, and others, was found to be helpless against Cromwell. Sir William D'Oyley and Sir Robert Kempe had, therefore, to fly for safety to Rotterdam, as is fully told in the history of the D'Oyley family. How long Sir Robert actually remained at Rotterdam and " parts beyond the sea " we are unable to say, but in October, 1643, he was at least in hiding, for a warrant was issued for the sequestration of his personal and real estate on the sixteenth of that month. This interesting document, with others mentioned in this chapter, are still in the hands of the Kemps of Gissing. It is addressed to the " Tenant farmers and any other debtors of Sir Robert Kempe," and is signed by (Captain) Richard Warner and Bernard Utber (or Utberd), "Two of the Additional Committee."



ROBERT KEMPE, son of Robert Kempe, of Heydon, succeeded to the chief estates at Finchingfield on the death of his uncle William. This uncle had died intestate and powers of administration were granted (1629) to Robert on Jane Burgoyne (the only child) renouncing. Robert Kempe had married, previous to this date, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Miller, of  Kent, and had by her three or more children. 

She was buried at Wrotham Church, Kent, and the inscription on her tomb is given in Thorpe's " Registrum Roffense " as follows : " Here lyeth the bodye of Elizabeth Kempe wife of Robert Kempe of Spains Hall in Finchingfield, in the County of Essex Esq, and daughter to Nicholas Miller Esquire who departed this life 28 June . . . 30 . . ." We take the date to mean 1630, but believe that the inscription is not now existing. In the same church however are monuments to John Burgoyn and Margaret Burgoyn, probably relations of the John Burgoyne who married Jane Kempe, of Finchingfield. 

Robert Kempe, as mentioned in the Norfolk section, was very intimate with Sir Robert Kempe, Knight, and afterwards Baronet of Gissing, and chose as his second wife Elizabeth Kempe, sister to this first Baronet. In the Dairy collection (Brit. Mus. Additional MSS. 19,138), deeds concerning this marriage are given dated 7th Charles I. and settling "all Finchingfield with patronage" on Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, the latter paying a peppercorn if demanded. This agreement was to be void if the marriage failed to be solemnized before ist October, 1634. A second deed fixes the fine at ^^1,000 if the marriage does not take place, and a third settles ;^ioo a year out of the mortgaged Finchingfield estates on Robert Kempe, of Spain's Hall. These deeds seem to point to extravagance on the part of the mortgagee and to a very determined wish to unite the two distinct Kempe families. There still exists in the great hall window of Spain's Hall a glass blazon of the arms of the Essex Kempes impaling those of the Kempes of Gissing, in evident allusion to this match. 

This wife was living in 1645, for she is mentioned as "my sister Lady Kempe, of Spain's Hall, in Essex," by Arthur Kempe, of St. Michael's at Thorne, Norwich. This testator was brother to the first Kempe Baronet of Gissing, and was for a time Rector of Cricksea, in Essex. We do not know exactly when she died, but she left but one child, a daughter named Frances. 

The third wife of Sir Robert, of Spain's Hall, was Elizabeth Steward, daughter of Thomas Steward or Stewart, of Barton Mills, Suffolk, Esq., the arms of whose family are as follows : Argent, a lion rampant gules, over all a bend ragulee or. It appears from the pedigree that this third wife was much younger than Sir Robert, however we are unable to give the date of her birth or marriage. As deeds of settlement were made between Thomas Steward and Robert Kempe in May, 1662, it is likely that this marriage occurred about that time; she had not borne a child before her husband's death, which occurred the following year, but provision was made by Sir Robert in case of a posthumous child. The will in which this occurs is dated at Finchingfield, 30th October, 1662, the testator styling himself Sir Robert Kempe, of Spain's Hall, Knight, and was proved by his widow on 20th November, 1663, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (140 Juxon). 

The will is a very long one, characterized by many pious sentiments and contains numerous charitable bequests. Of these we shall speak presently under a notice of the Guild House. Of the family possessions he leaves the use of Spain's Hall for one year to his wife, and an annuity of ;^200, issuing out of the Manor of Spain's Hall The Manor of Jekells, then occupied by Robert Choate, with Bradfield Wood and Cheerewood, was charged with an annuity of ^"200 to the testator's daughter, Ruth Kempe, for her life and in full settlement of any dower. This Ruth was evidently the widow of William Kempe, son of the testator, for the next clause in the will provides for Mary Kempe, the testator's grandchild, the only child of this William and Ruth, his wife, who was the daughter of Sir Gilbert Gerrard, of Harrow-on-Hill. On this grandchild was settled a lease of two houses in Southampton Buildings, in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, and other reversions in case the testator had no son by his third wife. He also provides for his sisters described as follows : Elizabeth, wife of Ralph Outlaw, of Little Winchingham, Co. Norfolk ; Isabell, wife of the late Edward Colfer, Esq., of Norwich : Frances Doughtie, of Hamur, in Norfolk, widow ; and Mary, wife of John Kitchingman, of the City of Norwich, Gent. He also leaves legacies to his father-in-law, Thomas Stewart, Gent., and his sister, Sarah Stewart ; also to his son-in-law, Sir Thomas Gardiner, Knight, and his brother-in-law, Edward Kempe, one of the Fellows of Queens' College, Cambridge. His nephew, Sir Robert Kempe, of Gissing, Baronet, and his " virtuous Lady," are to have mournine rings, also his nephew, Thomas Kempe, brother of the Baronet, and his niece Shelton. Several cousins are also mentioned, among them being Mary Chaplyn, William Leigh, Minister of Grotten {hodie Groton), in Suffolk, Clement and Henry Pamen. The will mentions many properties, freehold and leasehold, in Finchingfield, Sampford and Wimbush, the chief of which revert to the testator's kinsman, Thomas Kempe, citizen and draper of London, whose descent we shall presently show.

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This is interesting this indicates "Sir Robert Kempe of Spains Hall (so of of Heydon,  not of Gissing) was a puritan that was knighted in 1624 ... (under James I) ,

 Full text of Stephen Marshall a forgotten Essex Puritan


Foremost amongst these was Spains Hall, the home of William Kempe, the patron of the living, whose ancestors had held it in possession for three hundred years, and who were no doubt the original builders of the main part of the fine old Tudor residence as it stands to-day.


Robert Kempe, his nephew, a cultured and refined puritan of the more moderate type, came into possession of Spains Hall, and lived there for thirty-five years, to be a source of blessing to Finchingfield. Artistic in spite of his creed, he beautified his ancient home with curiously wrought water pipes, which not only remain until this day, but their function of conveying superfluous water from the roof is in perfect working order. The chancel roof was rebuilt at his " Pious Charge," and in 1635 a venerable building called the " Yeldhall" — the headquarters of the Trinity Guild in pre-Reformation days — was bestowed upon the village as an almshouse, and still continues to be as comfortable a shelter for aged village dames as in the seventeenth century. Robert Kempe received the order of knighthood from the Long Parliament in 1624, and was one of the elders under the presbyterian system, but he never appears to have taken any active part in the conflict of this time. He lived to see the restoration of the monarchy, dying in the autumn of 1663, and leaving behind him a name worthy to be had in remembrance.

[ Only thing is the "long Parliament" was in 1640-1642 not 1624  hmmm...  so 1642 transposed to 1624?

Here is a parliament record referring to him as Sir Knight in march 1642:]

House of Commons Journal Volume 2 - 25 March 1642 Journal of the House of Commons volume 2 (pp. 496-498)

25 March 1642

Finchingfield Minister.
The humble Petition of Sir Robert Kemp Knight, Patron of the Parish Church of Finchingfield in Essex, was this Day read, concerning their Desire to retain Mr. Marshall, their Pastor, among them, recommended by this House at the Desires of the Parish of St. Margarett's, Westminster, to be their Lecturer. 

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Charles I of England 

Reign 27 March 1625 – 30 January 1649

On June 20, 1632 Charles I of England granted the original charter for Maryland, a proprietary colony of about twelve million acres (49,000 km²), to Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore. Some historians view this grant as a form of compensation for Calvert's father's having been stripped of his title of Secretary of State upon announcing his Roman Catholicism in 1625. The charter had originally been granted to Calvert's father, George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, but the 1st Baron Baltimore died before it could be executed, so it was granted to his son in his place

British Armorial Bindings

Kemp, Robert, Sir, 1st Baronet -1647)

Sir Robert Kemp was the eldest son of Robert Kemp, of Gissing in Norfolk, and Dorothy, daughter of Arthur Harris, of Crixteth in Essex. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 26 February 1605. He succeeded his father 24 April 1614. He married, before 1626, Jane, daughter of Sir Matthew Browne, of Beechworth Castle in Surrey. Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Charles I in 1631, and distinguished for his loyalty to the king, he was knighted at Whitehall 7 August 1641, and created a baronet 14 March 1642, all the fines and fees of passing the patent thereof being remitted. His estates suffered much during the sequestrations. The signature is probably that of his eldest son Robert, to whom he left his books and who succeeded him in the baronetcy and died in 1710. The quartering for Butvillain was relates to the fourteenth century marriage of John Kempe, of Weston, with Alice, daughter and heir of Robert Duke, of Brampton, and Julian, daughter and coheir of Sir Robert Butvilain, of Cotisbrooke, in Northamptonshire.

Three garbs a bordure engrailed (Kemp)

This brings us to investigate the Cavalier Migration 

Patrician and Plebeian in Virginia, by Thomas J. Wertenbaker.


It was during the second half of the 17th century that occurred the "Cavalier" immigration that took place as a consequence of the overthrow of Charles I. Upon this subject there has been much misapprehension. Many persons have supposed that the followers of the unhappy monarch came to Virginia by the thousand to escape the Puritans, and that it was from them that the aristocracy of the colony in large part originated. Even so eminent a historian as John Fiske has been led into the erroneous belief that this immigration was chiefly responsible for the great increase in population that occurred at this time. "The great Cavalier exodus," he says, "began with the king's execution in 1649, and probably slackened after 1660. It must have been a chief cause of the remarkable increase of the white population of Virginia from 15,000 in 1649 to 38,000 in 1670." This deduction is utterly unwarranted. The increase in population noted here was due chiefly to the stream of indentured [21]servants that came to the colony at this period. At the time when the so-called Cavalier immigration was at its height between one thousand and fifteen hundred servants were sent to Virginia each year. In 1671 Governor Berkeley estimated the number that came over annually at fifteen hundred, and it is safe to say that during the Commonwealth period the influx had been as great as at this date. The constant wars in Great Britain had made it easier to obtain servants for exportation to America, for thousands of prisoners were disposed of in this way and under Cromwell Virginia received numerous batches of unfortunate wretches that paid for their hostility to Parliament with banishment and servitude. Not only soldiers from King Charles' army, but many captives taken in the Scotch and Irish wars were sent to the colony. On the other hand after the Restoration, hundreds of Cromwell's soldiers were sold as servants. If we estimate the annual importation of servants at 1200, the entire increase of population which Fiske notes is at once accounted for. Moreover, the mortality that in the earlier years had been so fatal to the newcomers, was now greatly reduced [22]owing to the introduction of Peruvian bark and to the precautions taken by planters to prevent disease on their estates. Governor Berkeley said in 1671 that not many hands perished at that time, whereas formerly not one in five escaped the first year.

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Virginia Cavaliers (historical)

Virginia Cavaliers were royalist supporters in the Royal Colony of Virginia at various times during the era of the English Civil War and Restoration.


Sir William Berkeley

The longest rule of one man in its colonial history was that of Sir William Berkeley, who became governor of Virginia in 1642 and continued to hold the office until 1677, with the exception of a few years under the commonwealth. Berkeley was a rough, outspoken man with much common sense, but with a hot temper and a narrow mind.[1] He was a Cavalier of the extreme type, and during the first period of his governorship he spent much of his energy in persecuting the Puritans, many of whom found refuge in Maryland.


The other respect in which the triumph of the Roundheads in England affected Virginia was that it caused an exodus of Cavaliers from England to the colony, similar to the great Puritan migration to Massachusetts, caused by the triumph of the opposite party twenty years before.


Anonymous pamphlet

An anonymous pamphlet published in London in 1649 gives a glowing account of Virginia, describing it as a land where "there is nothing wanting," a land of 15,000 English and 300 negro slaves, 20,000 cattle, many kinds of wild animals, "above thirty sorts" of fish, farm products, fruits, and vegetables in great quantities, and the like. If this was intended to induce home seekers to migrate to Virginia, it had the desired effect. The Cavaliers went in large numbers; and they were of a more affluent class than were those who had first settled the colony. Among them were the ancestors of George Washington, James Madison, James Monroe, John Marshall, and of many others of the First Families of Virginia. By the year 1670 the population of the colony had increased to 38,000, 6,000 of whom were indentured servants, while the African slaves had increased to 2,000.


Restoration of 1660

The Restoration of 1660 brought the exiled Stuart to the British throne as Charles II, and Berkeley again became governor of Virginia. Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector of England, had died in 1658, and Richard, his son and successor, too weak to hold the reins of government, laid aside the heavy burden the next year and Charles soon afterward became king. Charles was not a religious enthusiast, as his father had been. He is noted for his pursuit of pleasure, which many subjects applauded after the dry years of the Protectorate.

The new sovereign was utterly without gratitude to the people of Virginia for their former loyalty, and indeed, it may be said that his accession marks the beginning of a long period of turmoil, discontent, and political strife in Virginia. Charles immediately began to appoint to the offices of the colony a swarm of worthless place hunters, and some years later he gave away to his court favorites, the Earl of Arlington and Lord Culpeper, nearly all the soil of Virginia, a large portion of which was well settled and under cultivation. The Navigation Acts, enacted ten years before, was now, at the beginning of Charles' reign, reenacted with amendments and put in force. By this the colonists were forbidden to export goods in other than English vessels, or elsewhere than to England.


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Coming to America Part Two - The Cavaliers and Servants

In ALBION'S SEED, David Fischer referred to this second group of immigrants as "Distressed Cavaliers and Indentured Servants". As we go along, I think you will see why. These were a group of people who emigrated mostly from the Southwestern English Counties of Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devonshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and several others to the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia and Maryland between 1642 and 1675, the peak period being the 1650's. The reason for this migration was a bit more complicated. The Puritans had gotten control in England and the Anglicans were now being persecuted. So some of the people who left did it for the reason of religious persecution, just as the Puritans had. But there was a secondary motivation for some. The laws of inheritance in England gave all real property to the eldest son of the family. Some of those who left England were second or third sons of "elite" families who wanted to go to a place where they could have land of their own.

In the beginning, Virginia attracted people of mixed religious backgrounds. But the main religion was the Church of England (Episcopal). After Virginia became a royal colony, the Assembly passed laws making the Church of England the State Church in Virginia (1632). Over a period of time, it became more and more difficult for persons of dissenting religions to remain in Virginia.

About 25 percent of the persons in this second migration were from the English "elite"--they had wealth, social standing, and education in England. They were members of the Anglican Church and they were Royalist in their politics. The other 75 percent were from the lower classes and came as servants, many as indentured servants, to work on the large plantations established by the "cavaliers". These were poor, illiterate, and unskilled. Right away, there was a class system established in Virginia that did not exist and would not have been approved of in New England. In this migration, males outnumbered females by about 4 to 1. A majority of those who came were unmarried males between the ages of 15 and 24.

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Medieval Lighthouses were the Churches along the Shore ...

SouthForeland - Lighthouses of England

In medieval times coastal lighting was considered a Christian duty and monks frequently kept lights and said masses for the souls of shipwrecked sailors. The showing of lights sometimes posed a risk to local inhabitants because they attracted pirates and vandals, but by 1400 this threat had greatly diminished.

St Nicholas, Blakeney - St Nicholas is the Anglican parish church of Blakeney, Norfolk, in the deanery of Holt and the Diocese of Norwich. The church was founded in the 13th century


St Nicholas has an extensive array of prayers, merchant's marks and other symbols, but is notable for the large number of depictions of ships, at least 30, heavily concentrated in the nave towards the eastern end of the south aisle. There is a side altar there of unknown dedication, and an empty niche that would have once held the image of a saint. The pillars were painted red in the Middle Ages, and ship images scratched into the soft, chalky stone would have been much more conspicuous than they are now. It is likely that the images, mostly of smaller ships, were created as votive offerings by the seafaring inhabitants of the port.[47] The carving of ship graffiti in religious buildings is a tradition in ports going back to the Bronze Age,[49] and has been found across Europe


The polygonal eastern tower has stepped buttresses at its corners and louvred belfry windows just below the parapet.[2] Its origins are not entirely clear, but it was possibly originally a turret for stairs leading to a room over the chancel, later extended upwards as an aesthetic enhancement and to act as a beacon for mariners.[24] Its date is uncertain, but it is much later than the chancel. Although its lack of height compared to the west tower has led to some questioning of its suitability as a beacon, it has been suggested that lining up the two towers guided ships into the navigable channel between the inlet's sandbanks;[16] this is the "leading light" practice later achieved using pairs of lighthouses at different levels.[37]

Ecclesiastical Lights - Pharology

...  From medieval times to the beginning of the 17th century, the safety of seamen, which included showing lights, was a task that often fell to the caring people of the church. Indeed, the majority of early maritime lights were of ecclesiastical origin. One of the first recorded lights, established by a religious order in the British Isles, was at Hook Head in County Wexford, reputed to be the site where the monks of St. Dubhan established a fire beacon as early as the 5th century. Another report gives 810 as the date of establishment, but there is no doubt that the tower that exists there today is the oldest operational light in any of the four countries - England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and dates from 1245. It was reportedly built by the warden and chaplains of the monastery of St. Saviour Rendeuan. A lighthouse is said to have been built at Youghal in 1190 by Maurice Fitzgerald who put it in the care of the nuns of St. Ann's convent, which he endowed. In England, the earliest known light was a harbour light at Winchelsea on the Kent coast, erected about 1261. ...

Cromer Lighthouse   situated in the town of Cromer on the coast in the English county of Norfolk


There has been a lighthouse on the cliff top at Foulness, east of the town of Cromer since 1669. Before this time a light was shone from the top of Cromer parish church to act as a guide to passing shipping. Although this light was small it had always been useful, as had many similar ecclesiastical lights that were dotted around the coastline of Great Britain from medieval times.

The Medium is the Message: Votive Devotional Imagery and Gift Giving amongst the Commonality in the Late Medieval Parish
By Matthew Champion, Heritage Consultant and Project Manager, MJC Associates
In early 2010 a major study was begun to undertake the very first large-scale and systematic survey of surviving medieval church graffiti inscriptions. The Norfolk Medieval Graffiti Survey aims to survey and record all surviving pre-Reformation graffiti inscriptions in the more than six hundred and fifty medieval churches of the English county of Norfolk

Adam Outlaw 's Ship Holigost of Lynne

Studying the finding of Henry V's 1415 war Carrick ship named the Holigost was amazed to find that Adam Outlaw's ship was also named the Holigost and was the one probably used to fight the danish pirates in 1396 . This same ship was used by a different captain in 1415 in Henry V 's War of the Roses that led to Agincourt ... 

All very interesting ...

1396 - Adam Outlaw ship called Holigost de Lynne going out there on May xii above - May 1396 - Harvard Economic Studies, Volume 18 Page 445

Harvard Economic Studies, Volume 18

page 435
An account of the petty custom on wax and goods subject to the poundage, imported or exported by aliens, and on cloth exported by aliens and denizens, Lynn, 12 February, 1396— 16 February, 1397.‘

page 445

Navis Ade Outlawe vocata Holigost de lynne exiens ibidem xii die Maii anno supradicto
Adam Outlaw ship called Holigost de Lynne going out there on May xii above

Adam Outlawe supradicto indigena pro i panno in i pynnok' cust. xiiii d.
Adam Outlawe, a load of cloth i Pynnok 'cust. fourteen d.

Syllabus (in English) of the Documents Relating to England and Other ...

Holigost de Lenn

1415 Henry V 589

oct 12

Assignment for the payment of 91.19s. 6d. to Thomas Russell, master of the ship called the “Holigost de Leen

Foedera, conventiones, literae et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter

Thomas Russell - Holigost de Lenn
Margery Kempe: and her world
By A.E. Goodman

A ship called the Holigost of Lynn took part in transporting Henry V's expedition to France in 1415 (C.P.R., 1413–1416, 382).

1415 - Thomas Russell, master of the ship called the "Holigost de Lenn  Oct. 12. 1415 - A ship called the Holigost of Lynn took part in transporting Henry V's expedition to France in 1415 (C.P.R., 1413–1416, 382).
Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: October-December 1415 Pages 314-327

Rymer's Foedera Volume 9. Originally published by Apud Joannem Neulme, London, 1739-1745.

October–December 1415

Oct. 12.] Assignment for the payment of 9l. 19s. 6d. to Thomas Russell, master of the ship called the "Holigost de Leen."
O. ix. 316. H. iv. p. ii. 148.

Pro Thoma Russell. Ibid. Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem. Sciatis quòd,
Cùm Novem Librae, Decem & Novem Solidi, & Sex Denarii, dilecto nobis, Thomae Russell, Magistro Navis, vocatae Holigost de Leen, pro Vadiis suis & Marinariorum suorum, nuper Velantium, cum Navi praedicta, nobiscum, in Viagio nostro, versus partes Transmarinas, &c. ut supra usque ibi, de Denariis nostris, & tunc sic, de Custumis nostris in Portu Villae de Lenn. &c. ut supra.
Teste ut supra. Per Biliam Thesaurariae.

The King of all, but to whom, & c. Health.
Know that, With nine pounds, & nine shillings, and sixpence, to his beloved to us, Thomas Russell, the Master of the ship, called Holigost de Leen, for the wages of their own seamen of his servants, it is covered with the late, the ship in the aforesaid things, with us, in the of freight for our God, in the direction Overseas & c. as above, as far as in it, concerning Denariis our little ones, and then it is so, of the customs of our fathers in the port of the town of Lynn. & c. as above.
Witness above.
Through bills treasurer.

British Navy, Its making and its meaning 


Henry V (1413-1422) was a great warrior, who renewed the war in pursuit of the French crown. To attack France on land it was necessary to possess command of the sea, and there were no half measures in Henry's plans to gain it. In August 1415 he set sail from Southampton for the invasion of France, with a fleet of 1600 sails. Doubtless the majority of these were small trading vessels pressed into service, but amongst them rode the biggest ships that had ever been seen in the English service, e.g. the " Jesus," of 1000 tons ; the " Holigost" 760 tons, and a number of carracks of from 500 to 600 tons. The advent of cannon demanded deeper ships and of sufficient strength to withstand the shock of guns. Several masts were now the rule, since one mast could not have carried sufficient canvas to work the larger craft. In this expedition Henry captured Harfleur after a five weeks' siege, which led to the great victory of the English army at Agincourt which startled all Europe.


Merry Outlaw - Curatorial Assistant, Jamestown Rediscovery Archaeological Project, APVA Preservation Virginia

October 17, 2011

Archaeology and Conservation at Jamestown

 On May 14, 1607, 104 English settlers landed at Jamestown Island, Virginia, to establish a colony for the Virginia…


So Are we descendants of Rollo's Tribe? Rollo was made an Outlaw by the Vuiking King. His symbol was the Wolf

The family progenitor was Rognvald, Earl of More. He was known at that time as Rognvald The Wise. He was granted the Jarldoms of Raumsdal and More by King Harold Fairhair for his help in battle at Solskiel against the then rulers of these lands.

His father was a famous Viking, Eystein Glumera.

His wife was Ragnhilda, daughter of Hrolf The Beaked. Rognvald was banished by King Harold Fairhair about 900 AD. He had been raiding in a prohibited area. The King needed to control his fighting men and maintain his leadership over this loose federation of Jarls. Harold Fairhair was the first king of Norway and would one day die in battle at sea. For now, the Sea King would confirm his authority by banishing one of his leading warriors.

Rognvald's wife went before King Harold to intercede on his son Rollo's behalf. These words (in
translation) are quoted by Clarence Pearsall on p.17. The outlawry had been claimed again.

"Bethink thee Monarch it is ill
With such a wolf at wolf to play
Who driven to the wild woods away
May make the King's best deer his prey."

Rognvald's family insignia was a wolf's head. In Norse law, the wolf was the symbol of the outlaw. In Norse mythology, the Fenris wolf would devour all in the day of destruction of Asgaard, the home of the gods which contained the hall of the warriors, Valhalla.. The Fenris Wolf of Loki's brood would be the death of Odin at Ragnarok. (Rognvald traced his ancestry to Odin.) It was also the symbol of devouring remorse. Outlawing "The Wolf" would be destructive to the king's property and to his peace of mind.

The first family coat of arms was the wolf's head "erased of the field". Descendants use it in a canton - usually on the upper left. The descendants of Rognvald joined courts in many lands, either by marriage or by alliances, or by achievements in battle. They abandoned the insignia and family name in favor of their newer associations.

Rognvald's sons by Ragnhilda were Ivar, Thorir , Heldina and Rollo (Hrolf). His sons by slave mothers were Hrollauf, King of Iceland and Eyner, Earl of the Orkneys.

In 912 Rollo, son of Rognvald The Wolf, became the first Duke of Normandy in France and changed his coat of arms from the outlaw wolf to the lion. His Danish name was Hrolfr or Rolf in various spellings.

Taken from a copy of an engraving of Rollo in the family history








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