« on: February 02, 2009,
09:57:55 PM » |
Quote |
There are probably others missing from the
list... http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/obama_bilderbergers_160.htmlChange?
Obama Inner Circle Filled With BilderbergersBy Victor
Thorn FOR TWO YEARS, Americans have heard an
unrelenting mantra of change emanating from the campaign
trail. But now that President-elect Barack Obama has begun
forming his cabinet, we’re seeing a cadre of more deeply
entrenched insiders than any administration that has preceded
it. In regard to key foreign policy advisors, all three
of Obama’s selections either initially supported the Iraq war,
or still do. On the economic front, each appointee maintains a
close relationship with the Jewish triad of Ben Bernanke,
Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan—as well as bailout engineer
Henry Paulson. Barack Obama himself is a Council on Foreign
Relations member, has strong ties to Zbigniew Brzezinski,
and participated in a clandestine meeting with Hillary
Clinton at Bilderberg member Diane Feinstein’s house at the
time when 2008 Bilderberg members were congregating only a few
miles away.Below is an overview of Obama’s top 14
selections to date. When considering their collective
histories, a trend becomes clear, proving that the more things
change under Obama, the more they stay the
SECRETARY Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, president and CEO of Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, director of policy development for IMF,
member Group of Thirty (G30), employed at Kissinger &
Associates, architect of the recent 2008 financial bailouts,
mentored by Lawrence Summers and Robert Rubin. 2. PAUL
Council on Foreign Relations, North American chairman of
Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve chairman during Carter
and Reagan administrations, president of Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, G30 member, chairman Rothschild Wolfensohn
Company, key figure in the collapse of the gold standard
during the Nixon administration, longtime associate of the
Rockefeller family. 3. RAHM EMANUEL – CHIEF OF STAFF
Member of Israeli Defense Force, staunch Zionist,
congressman, Board of Directors for Freddie Mac, member of
Bill Clinton’s finance campaign committee, made $16.2 million
during 2.5 years as an investment banker for Wasserstein
Perella. His father was a member of the Israeli Irgun
terrorist group. 4. LAWRENCE SUMMERS – NATIONAL
ECONOMIC COUNCIL Bilderberg, Council on Foreign
Relations, Trilateral Commission, treasury secretary during
Clinton administration, chief economist at World Bank, former
president of Harvard University, Brookings Institute board
member, huge proponent of globalization while working for the
IMF, prot駩 of David Rockefeller, mentored by Robert
Political consultant whose past clients include Sens.
Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Christopher Dodd; main Obama
fixer in the William Ayers and Reverend Wright
STATE Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, clandestine CIA asset used to
infiltrate the anti-war movement at Yale University and the
Watergate hearings, senior partner at the Rose Law Firm, key
figure in the Mena drug trafficking affair, architect of the
Waco disaster, implicated in the murder/ cover-up of Vince
Foster, and many other deaths. 7. JOSEPH BIDEN – VICE
PRESIDENT Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations,
U.S. Senator since 1972, member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, current chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations, strong Zionist sympathizer who recently
told Rabbi Mark S. Golub of Shalom TV, “I am a Zionist. You
don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.” 8. BILL
Foreign Relations, former U.S. congressman, chairman of the
Democratic National Convention in 2004, employee of Kissinger
Associates, UN ambassador, governor of New Mexico, energy
secretary, major player in the Monica Lewinsky cover-up with
Bilderberg luminary Vernon Jordan. 9. ROBERT GATES –
DEFENSE SECRETARY Bilderberg, Council on Foreign
Relations, former CIA Director, defense secretary under
President Bush, co-chaired CFR task force with Zbigniew
Brzezinski, knee-deep in the Iran-Contra scandal, named in a
1999 class action lawsuit pertaining to the Mena drug
trafficking affair. 10. TOM DASCHLE – HEALTH
SECRETARY Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations,
former Senate majority leader, Citibank lackey, mentored by
Robert Rubin. 11. ERIC HOLDER – ATTORNEY
GENERAL Key person in the pardon of racketeer Marc
Rich, deputy attorney general under Janet Reno, facilitated
the pardon of 16 Puerto Rican FALN terrorists under Bill
DIRECTOR Council on Foreign Relations, Arizona
governor, attorney for Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas
hearings, U.S. attorney during the Clinton administration,
instrumental in the OKC cover-up, where she declared, “We’ll
pursue every bit of evidence and every lead,” described as
another Janet Reno, soft on illegal immigration (i.e.
pro-amnesty and drivers licenses to illegals). 13. GEN.
Trilateral Commission, European supreme allied commander,
special envoy for Middle-East Security during Bush
administration, board of directors for Chevron and Boeing,
NATO commander, member of Brent Scowcroft’s Institute for
International Affairs along with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bobby
Ray Inman, Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger and former CIA
Director John Deutch. 14. SUSAN RICE – U.N. AMBASSADOR
Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes scholar, campaign
foreign policy advisor to presidential candidates John Kerry
and Michael Dukakis, member of Bill Clinton’s National
Security Council and assistant secretary of state for Africa,
member of the Brookings Institute (funded by the Ford
Foundation and the Rockefellers), and member of the Aspen
Strategy Group (teeming with Bilderberg insiders such as
Richard Armitage, Brent Scowcroft, and Madeleine
Albright). Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher,
journalist and the author of many books on 9-11 and the New
World Order. These include 9-11 Evil: The Israeli Role in 9-11
and Phantom Flight 93. |
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« Reply #1 on: February 02,
2009, 10:00:10 PM » |
Quote |
aaammmmeeerrrriicccaaa, fuuuuccckkk
yeaaa, come to saaave the mutha fuuucckkkiin daaaayy
nnaaoooww |
America is a single-party state. The
party's name is the Council on Foreign Relations, and it's
honorary chairman is David Rockefeller, grandson of the
richest American ever to have
lived. | | |
« Reply #2 on: February 02,
2009, 10:06:18 PM » |
Quote |
aaammmmeeerrrriicccaaa, fuuuuccckkk
yeaaa, come to saaave the mutha fuuucckkkiin daaaayy
Are you on drugs? |
I am a modern Thomas Jefferson. I'm
running for mayor. If you don't like it, you can kiss my
neo-Confederate @ss. http://www.linuxgod.net/ | | |
« Reply #3 on: February 02,
2009, 10:06:59 PM » |
Quote |
i wish haha |
America is a single-party state. The
party's name is the Council on Foreign Relations, and it's
honorary chairman is David Rockefeller, grandson of the
richest American ever to have
lived. | | |
« Reply #5 on: February 02,
2009, 10:17:09 PM » |
Quote |
how about we interview all those guys to make
sure they are top quality... yea that will never
happen |
America is a single-party state. The
party's name is the Council on Foreign Relations, and it's
honorary chairman is David Rockefeller, grandson of the
richest American ever to have
lived. | | |
« Reply #6 on: February 02,
2009, 10:34:01 PM » |
Quote |
http://researchris.blogspot.com/2009/01/kissinger-again-shills-obama-and-new.html http://www.infowars.com/?p=7095Kurt
Nimmo Infowars January 12, 2008 ... Kissinger's
primary goal is to shill for world government. He is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. ... Prior to his
International Herald Tribune article, Kissinger mounted
the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and told CNBC's
"Squawk on the Street" hosts Mark Haines and Erin Burnett
that in essence Obama would be the man tapped to realize
the one-world slave labor and control grid. Obama's "task
will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this
period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a
great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis." |
| | |
« Reply #7 on: February 03,
2009, 01:09:19 AM » |
Quote |
Add: George Mitchell and
Richard Holbrooke at the State Department. http://www.blacklistednews.com/news-3064-0-9-9--.htmlObama
Appoints Top Notch CFR, Bilderberg Members
Published on 01-23-2009  Obama announces the appointment of
CFR-Bilderberg members George Mitchell and Richard
Holbrooke at the State Department. Israeli
peace talks. Obama tapped former ambassador to the
United Nations Richard Holbrooke as a special envoy for
Afghanistan and Pakistan and related issues. George
Mitchell is not simply a CFR member — he is a former director
of the globalist organization. Mitchell “got his start
in Federal politics when appointed by President Jimmy Carter
(CFR member),” writes Tom Kovach. “Mitchell is chairman of the
second-largest law firm in the world, DLA Piper. You know, the
firm that recently put a full-service, ‘multicultural’ office
in Dubai. You know, the port city in a country that tried to
buy American port operations with oil money. Mitchell’s law
firm has a ’strategic alliance’ with a consulting group owned
by former US Secretary of Defense William Cohen (CFR member),
which did PR work on behalf of DP World, the Dubai company
that tried to buy the ports.” DLA Piper represents more than
half of the top 250 Fortune 500 clients and nearly half of the
FTSE 350 or their subsidiaries. Mitchell sits on the
steering committee of the American Friends of Bilderberg
along with such luminaries as Conrad Black, Henry
Kissinger, and David Rockefeller, Ditto Richard
Holbrooke. He is on the board of directors of the
Council on Foreign Relations. A dedicated Clintonite and
former ambassador to the United Nations, Holbrooke brokered
the Dayton Peace Accords, the “peace agreement” that
partitioned and reduced Bosnia to a NATO and IMF client state,
a model of bankster privatization. Holbrooke’s “peace plan”
was only realized after massive NATO bombardment of Bosnian
Serb territory Holbrooke is a consummate insider and
global elite operative. Along with Henry Kissinger, David
Rockefeller, and Paul Allaire, Holbrooke directs the
American Friends of Bilderberg, an organization that takes
money from Exxon, Arco, IBM, and other transnational
corporations and has its meetings funded by the globalist Ford
Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment
fund. It looks like the White House is
shaping up to become a branch office of the CFR and
Bilderbergers, but then this is simply business as usual.
For years, the CFR — with its associate memberships in such
international units as the Trilateral Commission, Club of
Rome, and Bildebergers — has infested not only the White
House, but the State Department, the NSC, the Pentagon, and
much of the federal government. “CFR membership is
also inclusive of West Point Superintendents, Allied Supreme
Commanders, Secretaries of Defense, and Military Policy
members. Media memberships include Time, New York Times,
Newsweek, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.,” writes Noah
W. Hutchings. “The CFR also exerts influence on United States
personnel at the various United Nations agencies, which is
natural, because UN goals usually parallel CFR’s goals.”
The American people think they voted for change, but
in fact they simply signed off on four or eight more years of
globalist rule. http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/obama_a_tool127.htmlObama
a Tool of Bilderberg? Senator suggests UN taxes on
taxpayers in America not really such a bad idea By
Victor Thorn As AFP has reported for years, Bilderberg
has been trying since 1992 to “establish a UN tax” which would
be used to finance their globalist-oriented programs. Of
course, the brunt of this tax would fall on American workers,
and it appears this is being spearheaded by Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama. On Feb. 14, 2008,
an Obama-sponsored bill called the “Global Poverty Act” (S
2433) was referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
after passing the House. What this bill would do, in effect,
is levy a global tax on the United States where an additional
0.7% of the gross national product would be earmarked to
foreign aid (on top of what we already give). https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2718Hillary
& Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous
| | |
« Reply #8 on: February 03,
2009, 08:07:14 PM » |
Quote |
Tom Daschle - Bilderberg Plus one but
minus one Daschle.... But add Ben Bernake since he's
still here.... See: http://cryptome.info/bilderberg08/bilderberg08.htm http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=66442Posted:
June 07, 2008 Did they or didn't they? Speculation about
Obama, Clinton attending Bilderberger
meeting ... Additionally, a list of the conference's
attendees was released and included James A. Johnson,
who was named this week to the three-person team vetting
possible running mates for Obama. Rampant speculation in the
blogosphere says the Obama-Clinton meeting last night was held
to arrange the New York senator as Obama's vice-presidential
candidate. Attendees at the Bilderberg conference
included Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former
Senate majority leader Tom Daschle and Ben
Bernanke, the chairman of the board of governors for the
Federal Reserve. Hillary Clinton is no stranger
to Bilderberg. Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in
Germany shortly before he was elected president. According
to reports, he attended again in 1999 when the meeting
was held in Sintra, Portugal, and Hillary herself may have
attended the 2006 meeting in Ottawa,
Canada. ---- Oh but then his good works were made
public....http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/President44/story?id=6795650&page=1 Tom Daschle Withdraws as Obama's Health
Secretary Nominee Obama Accepts Daschle's Withdrawal
After Daschle Admitted He Failed to Pay TaxesIn
a stunning setback for President Obama, Tom Daschle abruptly
withdrew his nomination to become secretary of Health and
Human Services today, following an admission that he failed to
pay about $140,000 in back taxes. In a joint
Obama-Daschle statement, Obama accepted Daschle's withdrawal
"with sadness and regret." "Tom made a mistake, which
he has openly acknowledged. He has not excused it, nor do I,"
Obama said. Daschle, a former Senate majority leader
from South Dakota, who had been one of Obama's closest
advisers throughout his presidential campaign, said his tax
problems meant he had lost the faith of the American people
and was therefore unable to serve. "This work will
require a leader who can operate with the full faith of
Congress and the American people, and without distraction,"
Daschle said in a statement released by the White House.
"Right now, I am not that leader, and will not be a
distraction," he said.
In addition to being nominated
to be HHS secretary, Daschle was also slated to lead Obama's
healthcare initative as health czar, a post from which he also
... Daschle's withdrawal came just hours
after Nancy Killefer, Obama's nominee to be chief performance
officer, withdrew her nomination following the revelation that
she had a $946.69 lien on her property in 2005 for failure to
pay taxes. |
| | |
« Reply #9 on: February 03,
2009, 09:14:42 PM » |
Quote |
We ought to add Eric Holder to this list since
he holds a special place in all our hearts for the pardon of
Marc Rich... he's no Bilderberg, he just works for
them... http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/15/holder-i-made-mistakes-in-marc-rich-pardon-incident/ Holder said he "made assumptions that turned
out not to be true" during the Rich pardon process, which
turned out to be the "most intense" and "searing" experience
he "ever had as a lawyer." Watch: 'I've made mistakes,'
Holder says Holder said that he learned from the Rich
pardon incident and will "be a better attorney general" as a
result. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Holder[edit]
Deputy Attorney General In 1997, after the retirement of
Jamie Gorelick, Clinton nominated Holder to be the next
Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno. http://www.cfr.org/publication/17878/eric_h_holder_jr_attorney_general_nominee.htmlAt
his confirmation hearing on January 15, he pledged to use all
available tactics "within the letter and spirit" of the U.S.
Constitution to defeat enemies of the United States.
"Adherence to the rule of law strengthens security by
depriving terrorist organizations of their prime recruiting
tools," Holder said. http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/1999/June/257dag.htmSTATEMENT
concern about easy access to guns in our society is built on
my professional experience and the tragedies I have
encountered in my work day life. But even more important, I am
a father, and I want to be sure that we here in Washington do
everything we can -- everything in our power -- to make our
communities, our schools and our nation a safer place for our
kids. "Five years ago, Congress came together in a
bipartisan way and passed one of the most important gun
control measures ever -- the Brady bill. Yesterday, the
President announced that since this law went into effect, more
than 400,000 criminals and others who are not legally eligible
to have guns, have been stopped from buying guns. "Four
hundred thousand. That's a lot of guns. Particularly if those
guns were in the hands of fugitives or felons. "But
while the Brady law has done a lot to make this country safer,
the law has a dangerous loophole that criminals and others who
cannot legally buy guns at a licenced gun shop exploit. While
everyone who buys a gun through a licenced dealer must undergo
a background check to determine if they are eligible to buy a
gun, the current law allows unlicenced sellers at gun shows to
sell to anyone -- with no questions asked. http://www.examiner.com/x-536-Civil-Liberties-Examiner~y2008m11d19-Eric-Holder-drug-warrior-and-gun-bannerYou
can probably toss out those fondly held hopes for drug-law
reform under the incoming Obama administration. Eric H.
Holder, Jr., President-Elect Barack Obama's choice for
Attorney General, is undoubtedly a competent nominee with
significant Justice Department experience under his belt, but
he's an enthusiastic supporter of drug prohibition even when
it comes to simple marijuana possession. And if you were
bitterly clinging to Obama's professed support for the Second
Amendment, let the scales fall from your eyes. The likely
AG-to-be is a long-time opponent of the right to bear
arms. Before he became Deputy Attorney General under
Janet Reno in 1997, Holder was United States Attorney for the
District of Columbia. In that office, he complained to the
Washington Post that laws against marijuana in the nation's
capital were too lenient. The Washington Times reported
on his charges that D.C.'s repeal of mandatory minimum
sentences was "misguided" and his plans to make marijuana
distribution a felony. He proposed "setting minimum sentences
of 18 months for first-time convicted drug dealers, 36 months
for the second time and 72 months for every conviction
thereafter." Holder is just as hostile to firearms
possession as he is to the use of marijuana. As Deputy
Attorney General, he put forward Clinton administration
proposals for imposing draconian restrictions on private
individuals who want to sell a gun or two from their personal
collections at gun shows and flea markets. "Under our
proposal, Brady background checks would be required for all
guns that are sold at gun shows, even if the gun is sold by a
vendor who is not licensed." ... Even after he left
government, Holder signed on to former Attorney General Janet
Reno's amicus brief (PDF) in the case of D.C. v. Heller,
opposing the position that the Supreme Court finally adopted:
that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects an
individual right to keep and bear arms. The brief Holder
signed explicitly asserted, "The Second Amendment does not
protect firearms possession or use that Is unrelated to
participation In a well-regulated militia."http://loudobbsradio.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=445&PN=2Obama
and the Bildebergers -PROOF! The main stream media is
never going to tell you what you're about to read here. Please
read this with an open mind and visit the link I've provided
at the bottom of this post. James A. Johnson is the
person selected by Obama to head his Vice-Presidential Search
Committee. The main stream media hasn't told you much about
Johnson other than the fact that he lead John Kerry's VP
search committee. But why? Because James A.
Johnson is a Vice-Chairman of a multi-billion dollar hedge
fund and merchant bank, and a business partner of George
Soros. Johnson also was the chairman of investment house
Lehman Brothers. Johnson is also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. So if
a powerful man like Johnson is Vice-Chairman of this
investment fund, then who is the Chairman? Try Frank
Pearl, who not surprisingly is also a member of the CFR. Even
more astounding, Frank Pearl's biography on his own web site
identifies him as an active member of the Americans for
Bilderberg group. There is now a proven, direct link between
Obama and the Bilderbergers. What may be even more astounding
is that nobody in the main stream media has reported on
this. So now we know how an unknown African-American, a
former street organizer made his way from Trinity Church in
Chicago to being the Democrat candidate for President of the
United States. He was backed by the Trilateralists and the
Bildeberg group, following in the footsteps of Jimmy
Carter. This is not speculation. This is not rumor.
This is not some wild conspiracy theory. This is
documented. And now we can understand why the main
stream media has been obsessed with Obama's associations with
Rev. Wrigth and William Ayers, and has been silent on Obama's
association with James Johnson and Frank Pearl. Rev. Wright
and William Ayers, and the "Michelle tape" that's been rumored
are designed distractions to keep the public from focusing on
Obama's associations with groups like the Trilateral
Commission, the CFR, and the Bilderberg group. And by
the way, the name of Johnson and Pearl's investment bank,
which he founded in 1995? Perseus, LLC. And for those of you
who might have forgotten your greek mythology, Perseus became
a hero for cutting off the head of Medusa. Coincidence?
There's no such thing as coincidence. On their web site they
have images of Perseus holding the severed head of
Medusa. Wait... did I mention that James Johnson is on
the board of Goldman Sachs? Or that former Clinton cabinet
member Richard Holbrooke is also a Vice-Chairman of Perseus?
Or that that the Vice President of Finance at Perseus LLC held
a similar position at the Carlyle Group? Or that the Managing
Director of Perseus was formerly a Vice President at
Enron? So for everybody who has fallen in love with
Obama and who has bought into his speeches about changing the
culture in Washington, know that you are supporting the
candidate hand-picked by the most elite, powerful men in the
world, who literally are members of the Bildeberg
group. Are you sure you want these people in the White
House? Do you think the masses who show up and cheer Obama
have any idea of these connections? Go Here to Discover
Who is Backing Obama http://www.perseusllc.com/bios.htm
Frank H. Pearl (Washington, D.C.), Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of Perseus, founded the firm in
1995.... Mr. Pearl is also a member of the Board of
Directors of the Institute for International Economics, a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a
participating member of the American Friends of
Bilderberg. James A. Johnson (Washington, D.C.) is a
Vice Chairman of Perseus. Mr. Johnson was a Managing Director
in Corporate Finance at Lehman Brothers. Mr. Johnson was
Executive Assistant to Vice President Walter F. Mondale, where
he advised the Vice President on domestic and foreign policy
and political matters. Mr. Johnson also serves on the
Boards of Directors of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., KB Home,
Target Corporation, Temple-Inland, Inc., and UnitedHealth
Group. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, the National Museum of African American History and
Culture, and the Trilateral Commission. And one
more thing. Obama also named African-American Eric Holder
to his VP search committee. You will hearing a lot about
Holder because he was involved in pardoning Mark Rich and the
two members of the Weather Underground when Clinton left
Why did Obama pick Holder?
So the media
can focus on Holder's dubious past, and that fact that he's a
black man, while failing to mention anything about James
Johnson and Frank Pearl.
I will promise you you're not
going to hear one mention about Johnson being the
Vice-Chairman of Perseus, but you'll hear about Holder and the
Weather Underground for weeks. It's part of the
plan.http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread360930/pg1&addstar=1&on=4438616#pid4438616 |
| | |
« Reply #10 on: February 05,
2009, 04:08:22 PM » |
Quote |
Well we knew this was coming but now it's time
to add Leon Panetta to list. Not Bilderberg but CFR and
worked for Bill Clinton (Chief of Staff) so he's in the "just
works for them" catagory.... http://www.jbs.org/index.php/jbs-news-feed/4340-the-trouble-with-leon-panettaThe
trouble with Leon PanettaWritten by Warren
Mass Thursday, 08 January 2009
00:19 ... Panetta became a Democrat in 1971 and
practiced law until 1976, when he was first elected to the
House. During his 16-year career in the House, Panetta
achieved abysmally low scores in The New American magazine's
Conservative Index, now called, the Freedom Index. With 100
percent being a perfect constitutionalist score, Panetta's
rarely scored above the low teens and sometimes fell to zero.
This put him in the company of some of the House's most
committed Leftists, such as Barney Frank, John Conyers,
Barbara Boxer, and Ronald Dellums. In April 1985
Panetta joined with 13 of his leftist congressional colleagues
— including Ron Dellums, Don Edwards, George Miller,
Christopher Dodd, and Les Aspin — in sponsoring a 20th
anniversary fund-raising gala for the pro-Marxist Institute
for Policy Studies (IPS), which had been described by Brian
Crozier, director of the London Institute for the Study of
Conflict, as the perfect intellectual front for Soviet
activities which would be resisted if they were
to originate openly from the KGB.; The IPS was
originally funded with millions of dollars from the Faberge
perfume magnate and Communist Party member, Samuel Rubin, and
his wife.On April 30, 1987, Rep. Panetta cast a
highly suspect vote for one who would direct our nation's top
foreign intelligence agency. On that day, he was one of 183
members of the House to vote against the withdrawal of Most
Favored Nation (MFN) status for communist Romania.
Romania, at the time, was run by Nicolae Ceausescu, one of the
most brutal dictators in the entire Soviet
bloc. Anti-communist publisher Phillip Abbott Luce
started the hard-hitting newsletter The Pink Sheet on the Left
to expose communist and other organizations or individuals
working to increase the size and power of government. After
the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Luce changed the name
of the newsletter to The American Sentinel , and changed
the publication's emphasis to geo-strategic
issues. However, beginning with the February 15, 1993
issue, the biweekly newsletter became The Pink Sheet on the
Left again. Editor Lee Bellinger explained his reason for the
change, "Consider 10 good reasons why we brought The Pink
Sheet on the Left out of retirement: Bill Clinton, Hillary
Clinton, Strobe Talbott, Albert Gore, Ronald Dellums, Donna
Shalala, Ron Brown, Lawrence Walsh, Leon Panetta , and
Warren Christopher."Readers who recall the
movement to impeach Bill Clinton remember that one of the
charges raised by Clinton's critics was the conflict of
interest created when individuals connected with the Chinese
Overseas Shipping Company (COSCO) — such as John Huang,
Charles Trie, and James and Mochtar Riady — helped funnel
contributions to the Clinton reelection campaign. Afterwards,
the Clinton administration lobbied for granting COSCO a
ten-year lease on the former Long Beach Naval Shipyard in
California.During a March 1997 edition of CNBC's "
Equal Time " program, California Republican State Senator
Dick Mountjoy noted that COSCO-linked arms dealer Wang Jun
had been granted personal access to President Clinton, and
that Wang's business associates had smuggled illegal assault
weapons into California for delivery to street gangs by making
use of a ship owned and operated by COSCO. Mountjoy then
stated: "The next thing you know, [then-Chief of Staff]
Leon Panetta is down here negotiating that port for the
Chinese." (Emphasis added.) There is much more to
the COSCO-Long Beach connection than we have room for here,
but a good summary of the threat the arrangement made to U.S.
security may be found in an item inserted into the
Congressional Record by Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon on May 20,
1997. Even the most unbiased of observers may
legitimately ask: Why on Earth is an individual who helped
negotiate the turnover of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard to the
communist Chinese, thereby creating the threat to U.S.
national security described in the Washington Times
article by Rowan Scarborough and inserted into the
Congressional Record by Rep. Solomon, being considered for a
top position at one of our nation's most critical intelligence
agencies?Notice that Scarborough observed: "The
Clinton administration seems to be going out of its way to
help the most serious threat to American security, the
so-called People's Republic of China."With so many
Clinton administration staffers — including Leon Panetta —
being recycled by Mr. Obama, can this administration be any
different? http://retrogressing.com/tag/leon-panetta/Intelligence
services: A new broom for the CIA OUTSIDERS have
typically had a hard time running the CIA. So why has Barack
Obama chosen 70-year-old Leon Panetta for the top job? Mr
Panetta was Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and he ran the
budget bureaucracy, but he has no background in spying.
Improving the state of America’s intelligence services should
be a priority, yet Mr Obama is installing a man whose
experience lies in politics and management, not
spookery. A partial answer may be that anybody—even an
insider—would have a difficult task heading the agency today.
Morale is low after the organisation has lurched from failure
to scandal in the past few years. Under George Tenet, the
long-time director who was beloved by his staff, the CIA
failed to spot the September 11th attacks in the works. Then
came intelligence mistakes over weapons of mass destruction
and Iraq, followed by controversy over the use of torture and
harsh interrogation techniques, such as the “waterboarding” of
suspected terrorists (making the detainee believe he is
suffocating or drowning). ... |
| | |
« Reply #11 on: February 05,
2009, 04:31:23 PM » |
Quote |
Dawn Johnsen Not Bilderberg but a
Bill Clinton Crony, so let's add her.... plus ex Clinton
cronies... David Ogden, Elena Kagan and Tom Perrelli
So we now will have the justice dept that brought us
Janet Reno, WTC93 and Waco.... http://www.mydd.com/story/2009/1/6/141746/1358Big
Changes at the Office of Legal Counsel by NLinStPaul at
DocuDharma.com, Mon Jan 05, 2009 Obama announced that he
has chosen Dawn Johnsen to lead the Office of Legal Counsel,
the same position once held by the infamous John
Yoo. In filling four senior Justice Department
positions Monday, President-elect Barack Obama signaled that
he intends to roll back Bush administration counter-terrorism
policies authorizing harsh interrogation techniques,
warrantless spying and indefinite detentions of terrorism
suspects. The most startling shift was Obama's pick of
Indiana University law professor Dawn Johnsen to take charge
of the Office of Legal Counsel, the unit that's churned out
the legal opinions that provided a foundation for expanding
President George W. Bush's national security
powers. Johnsen, who spent five years at the Office
of Legal Counsel during the Clinton administration and served
as its acting chief, has publicly assailed "Bush's
corruption of our American ideals.'' Upon the release last
spring of a secret Office of Legal Counsel memo that permitted
the aggressive interrogations of terrorism suspects, she
excoriated the unit's lawyers for advising Bush ``that in
fighting the war on terror, he is not bound by the laws
Congress has enacted.'' Other Obama /{Clinton)
appointees to the Justice Department include: _
David Ogden, a top Justice Department official during the
Clinton administration, as deputy attorney general, the
No. 2 figure under Attorney General-designate Eric
Holder. _ Elena Kagan, the dean of the Harvard
University Law School and a f ormer Clinton White House
aide, as solicitor general. _ Tom Perrelli,
counsel to Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno from 1997 to
1999, as the associate attorney general who oversees civil
matters. http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2009/01/kagan_nominated.htmlDawn
Johnsen, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal
Counsel Johnsen is currently a Professor of Law at the
Indiana University School of Law—Bloomington, where she
teaches and writes about issues of constitutional law. Her
recent publications on issues of presidential power include
Faithfully Executing the Laws: Internal Legal Constraints on
Executive Power, 54 UCLA L. Rev. 1559 (2007) and What's a
President to Do? Interpreting the Constitution in the Wake of
the Bush Administration's Abuses, 88 Boston U. L. Rev. 395
(2008). She serves on the board of directors of the American
Constitution Society for Law and Policy. She served in
the Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, as
the acting assistant attorney general heading that office
(1997-98) and as a deputy assistant attorney general
(1993-96). In that capacity, she provided constitutional
and other legal advice to the attorney general, the President
Clinton, and the general counsels of the various executive
branch agencies. From 1988-93, she was the
legal director of the National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League (NARAL). She clerked for the
Honorable Richard D. Cudahy, U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit. She received a B.A from Yale University in
1983 and a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1986. |
| | |
« Reply #12 on: February 05,
2009, 05:58:09 PM » |
Quote |
Well we missed UN Ambassador Susan E. Rice....
another Clinton retread... she can do for the world what she's
done to Africa ... Let's review the CFR/ Brookings
Crew... http://www.blackvoices.com/boards/entertainment/entertainmnt/entertainment/obamas-cfr-brookings-pnac-crew/255654/printDisc/1/20Obama's
Council on Foreign Relations CrewBy Steve
WatsonGlobal Research, November 9, 2008 Infowars -
2008-11-07 Meet some of president elect Obama’s
leading foreign and domestic policy advisors and likely
administration members, every one of them a prominent member
of the Council On Foreign Relations. Will these people
bring about "change" or will they continue to hold up the same
entrenched system forged by the corporate elite for decades?
Susan E. Rice - Council on Foreign Relations, The
Brookings Institution - Served as Assistant Secretary
of State for African Affairs under Clinton from 1997 to
2001. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright is a
longtime mentor and family friend to Rice. Critics charge
that she is is ill disposed towards Europe, has little
understanding of the Middle East and would essentially follow
the same policies of Condoleeza Rice if appointed the next
Secretary of State or the National Security Adviser.
Anthony Lake - CFR, PNAC - Bill Clinton’s first
national security adviser , who was criticized for the
administration’s failure to confront the genocide in Rwanda
in 1994 and now acknowledges the inaction as a major
mistake. Zbigniew Brzezinski - CFR, Trilateral
Commission - Brzezinski is widely seen as the man who
created Al Qaeda, and was involved in the Carter
Administration plan to give arms, funding and training to the
mujahideen in Afghanistan. Richard Clarke - CFR
- Former chief counter-terrorism adviser on the U.S. National
Security Council under Bush. Notoriously turned against the
Bush administration after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. Also
advised Madeleine Albright during the Genocide in
Rwanda. Ivo Daalder - CFR, Brookings, PNAC
- Co-authored a Washington Post op-ed with neocon Robert Kagan
arguing that interventionism is a bipartisan affair that
should be undertaken with the approval of our democratic
allies. Dennis Ross - CFR, Trilateral Commission,
PNAC - Served as the director for policy planning in the
State Department under President George H. W. Bush and
special Middle East coordinator under President Bill
Clinton. A noted supporter of the Iraq war, Ross is also a
Foreign Affairs Analyst for the Fox News Channel.
Lawrence Korb - CFR, Brookings - Director of
National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Has criticized manor of the invasion of Iraq but has detailed
plans to increase the manpower of the United States Army to
fight the war on terror and to "spread liberal democratic
values throughout the Middle East". Bruce Reidel -
CFR, Brookings - Former CIA analyst who wishes to expand
the war on terror to fight Al Qaeda across the globe.
Considered to be the reason behind Barack Obama’s Hawkish
views on Pakistan and his Pro India leanings on Kashmir.
Stephen Flynn - CFR - Has been
attributed with the idea for Obama’s much vaunted "Civilian
Security Force". Flynn has written: "The United States
should roughly replicate the Federal Reserve model by creating
a Federal Security Reserve System (FSRS) with a national board
of governors, 10 regional Homeland Security Districts, and 92
local branches called Metropolitan Anti-Terrorism Committees.
The objective of this system would be to develop self-funding
mechanisms to more fully engage a broad cross-section of
American society to protect the country’s critical foundations
from the widespread disruption that would arise from a
terrorist attack." Madeline Albright - CFR,
Brookings - Currently serves on the Council on Foreign
Relations Board of directors. Secretary of State and US
Ambassador to the United Nations under Clinton. Did not take
action against the genocide in Rwanda. Defended the sanctions
against Iraq under Saddam Hussein. When asked by CBS’s 60
Minutes about the effects of sanctions: "We have heard that
half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more
children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price
worth it?" Albright replied: "I think this is a very hard
choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it."
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Of course,
had John McCain become president, being a member of the CFR
himself, his administration would have been replete with CFR
representatives also. Max Boot, Lawrence Eagleburger and Henry
Kissinger, to name but a few, are all CFR members and were all
advisors to the McCain campaign. Please do your own
research and add more names in the comments section of this
report. It is important to document how these people are a
part of the engine of global elitism and do not represent
change. Only with this understanding will others wake up to
the false left-right paradigm and be able to create the
environment for real political change. "There's class
warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's
making war, and we're winning." --Warren Buffet,
June 2008 "A conservative in 1968 was far more liberal
than a liberal is in 2008," -Boston University historian
Bruce Schulman |
| | |
« Reply #13 on: February 05,
2009, 08:25:53 PM » |
Quote |
Obama has a long way to go before catches up
with Hillary  Hillary replaces Mao |
| | |
« Reply #14 on: February 05,
2009, 08:43:48 PM » |
Quote |
Another Obama - Bilderberg list: http://niqnaq.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/bilderbergers-everywhere/bilderbergers
everywhere By niqnaq Change? Obama Inner Circle
Filled With Bilderbergers Victor Thorn, American Free
Press, Dec 22 2008 (extracts) TIMOTHY GEITHNER,
TREASURY SECRETARY : Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral
Commission, president and CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, director of policy development for IMF, G30 member,
employed at Kissinger & Associates, architect of the
recent 2008 financial bailouts, mentored by Lawrence Summers
ADVISORY BOARD : Bilderberg, CFR, North American chairman of
Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve chairman during
Carter and Reagan administrations, president of Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, G30 member, chairman Rothschild
Wolfensohn Company, key figure in the collapse of the gold
standard during the Nixon administration, longtime associate
of the Rockefeller family. LAWRENCE SUMMERS,
Commission, treasury secretary during Clinton
administration, chief economist at World Bank, former
president of Harvard University, Brookings Institute board
member, huge proponent of globalization while working for the
IMF, protégé of David Rockefeller, mentored by Robert Rubin.
CFR, Trilateral Commission, senior partner at the Rose Law
CFR, US Senator since 1972, member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, current chairman of the US Senate Committee on
SECRETARY : Bilderberg, CFR, former congressman, chairman
of the DNC in 2004, employee of Kissinger Associates, UN
ambassador, governor of New Mexico, energy secretary.
former CIA Director, defense secretary under President
Bush, co-chaired CFR task force with Zbigniew Brzezinski.
CFR, former Senate majority leader, Citibank employee,
mentored by Robert Rubin. JANET NAPOLITANO,
attorney during the Clinton administration.
Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, SACEUR, special envoy
for Mid-East Security during Bush administration, board of
directors for Chevron and Boeing, NATO commander, member of
Brent Scowcroft’s Institute for International Affairs along
with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bobby Ray Inman, Henry Kissinger and
Rhodes scholar, campaign foreign policy advisor to
presidential candidates John Kerry and Michael Dukakis, member
of Bill Clinton’s National Security Council and assistant
secretary of state for Africa, member of the Brookings
Institute (funded by the Ford Foundation and the
Rockefellers), and member of the Aspen Strategy Group
(teeming with Bilderberg insiders such as Richard Armitage,
Brent Scowcroft, and Madeleine Albright) |
| | |
« Reply #15 on: February 05,
2009, 09:04:20 PM » |
Quote |
Let's spend a moment with Janet Napolitano our
new Homeland Security lady. Is she tough? oh she's
tough... http://feetin2worlds.wordpress.com/2008/11/21/immigration-implications-what-does-janet-napolitano-at-homeland-security-mean-for-reform/As
Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano appears ready to become the
first Democratic secretary of Homeland Security, pro- and
anti-immigration observers are trying to decipher what her
designation will mean for the future of immigration laws under
President Barack Obama. Napolitano, Spanish wire
Agencia EFE remembered today, declared a state of emergency on
the U.S.-Mexico border and was the first governor to ask for
National Guard troops to be deployed to secure the border
between the two countries. She has also vetoed tough
immigration enforcement bills put forward by state Republicans
and advocated measures like the prosecution of companies that
hire undocumented workers. Overall she is seen as more of a
hardliner on immigration than most
Democrats. ... http://www.diggersrealm.com/mt/archives/001095.htmlArizona
Governor Janet Napolitano Faces Backlash For Vetoing Illegal
Immigration Bills Having vetoed nearly 60 bills in
her term, including some key bills to cut benefits and the
flow of illegal aliens into the state, Arizona Governor Janet
Napolitano is facing a political backlash that could cost her
re-election in 2006. The nearly 60 vetoes is the most by any
Governor in the states history. Bills she has
vetoed include one denying in-state tuition and day care
for illegal aliens and one allowing law enforcement to
enforce immigration law on May 20. On May 10 she also
vetoed a bill making English the official state language
which would have allowed the state to save money by not
having to provide all official documents in multiple languages
and would have encourage assimilating immigrants into the
American culture more effectively. She also vetoed
a bill that would have officially rejected the Matricula
Consular from Mexico as a valid form of identification which
an FBI official has said are "easy to forge" and a "major item
on the product list of fraudulent document trade currently
flourishing across the country and around the world.".
Napolitano said none of those bills would have
solved immigration-related issues. She added that the
immigration law enforcement bill did not include federal
funding, so it would have cost the state millions of dollars.
"She is going to regret it," said Kathy McKee, founder of
Protect Arizona Now. Her group played a major role in the
passage of Proposition 200, which denies many public benefits
to undocumented immigrants. Kat Rodriguez, Tucson's
Coalicion de Derechos Humanos coordinator , said Napolitano
sent a strong message by not giving in to anti-immigrants
while recognizing that "these bills would've been destructive
to our community." The coalition, however, regretted
Napolitano's signing of a bill that prohibits use of taxpayer
money for the construction of day-labor centers. She approved
the legislation the same day she vetoed the most recent
anti-immigrant bills. "Day laborers won't go away,"
Rodriguez said, stressing the centers provide the workers some
protection from exploitation. It should be an
interesting election in Arizona in 2006. |
| | |
« Reply #16 on: February 06,
2009, 12:14:29 AM » |
Quote |
Susan Rice is advocating Military Intervention
in Sudan and is CFR |
| | |
« Reply #17 on: February 06,
2009, 01:21:55 AM » |
Quote |
Susan Rice is advocating Military
Intervention in Sudan and is CFR
The Brzezinski
policy is to foment destabilization and chaos in Africa under
the auspices of the new United States African command
(US-AFRICOM), all for the purpose of driving the Chinese out
of Africa. As Zbigniew announced on November 30,2007 in
the Washington Post, he intends to cut off Chinese
access to oil, other energy sources, and strategic raw
materials on the African continent. Since the
Anglo-Americans control the Persian Gulf by direct military
occupation, this is tantamount to a policy of driving the
Chinese in on Eastern Siberia. Brzezinski believes that
if the Chinese cannot get their oil from Africa they will be
forced to attempt the military seizure of Russia's oil wells
in the Far East, where there is much oil and very few
Russians. Both Moscow and Beijing know exactly what
Brezezinski is doing in this regard. This is the kind of
harebrained scheming by Lord Astor, Lady Astor, and Sir
Neville Chamberlain which helped to bring about World War
II. The idea then was to play Hitler against Stalin and
get rid of both of them that way. When that blew up in
the faces of the British, the result was World War II.
This time, it may well be thermonuclear World War III.
pg. 157 Obama, the Postmodern Coup Webster
Tarpley |
New World
Ordure | | |
« Reply #18 on: February 06,
2009, 01:58:08 AM » |
Quote |
The Brzezinski policy is to foment
destabilization and chaos in Africa under the auspices of the
new United States African command (US-AFRICOM), all for the
purpose of driving the Chinese out of Africa. ...
pg. 157 Obama, the Postmodern Coup Webster
Considering Hillary and the Double-Cross
Gang, it does make sense that they maybe ready to put the hex
on the Chinese. Of course, the plan must include making a
boodle of dough in the process and there must be blood
sacrifice in the process... wwIII ? Unfortunately for us,
probably yes.. |
| | |
« Reply #19 on: February 06,
2009, 05:56:07 PM » |
Quote |
Some of the other Obama Staff characters we
should become familiar with for future reference and one.
Mona Sutphen with some connections to Sandy
Berger and George Soros... so I got a Bilderberg
connection in there... Hah http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2008/11/17/obama_adds_3_to_white_house_staff/November
17, 2008 Pete Rouse, Obama's chief of staff in
the Senate and former chief of staff to former Senate
Democratic leader Tom Daschle, will be a senior
adviser, Obama said in a statement. Jim Messina and
Mona Sutphen will both serve as deputy chief of
staff. All are on Obama's transition
team. Messina, former chief of staff for
Democratic Senators Max Baucus of Montana and Byron Dorgan of
North Dakota and Representative Carolyn McCarthy of New York,
is currently the transition team's personnel
director. Sutphen, a former US Foreign Service
officer, has also been managing director of the international
consulting firm Stonebridge International
LLC. Obama has chosen Washington lawyer Gregory
B. Craig, who was President Clinton's lead attorney
during the 1998 impeachment proceedings, to be his White House
counsel, according to an individual involved with the
transition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_RouseOn
October 15, 2001, Rouse was the Daschle staffperson to call
the police about a letter that tested positive for anthrax
powder (Boyer 2001) Twenty of Daschle's staff subsequently
tested positive for exposure to anthrax spores; it is not
known if Rouse was exposed along with his
workmates.[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_CraigGregory
Bestor Craig (born March 4, 1945 in Norfolk, Virginia) is
a Washington-based lawyer and current White House Counsel to
President Barack Obama. He has represented numerous
high-profile clients, including John Hinckley, Jr., who
was acquitted of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.
As assistant to the President and special counsel in the White
House of President Bill Clinton, C raig directed the team
defending Clinton against impeachment. He was a foreign
policy advisor to Senator Edward Kennedy and to Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright. Gregory B. Craig,
who was President Clinton's lead attorney during the 1998
impeachment proceedings, to be his White House counsel,
according to an individual involved with the transition.
Craig has been a longtime adviser to Clinton and his
wife, but became a close adviser to Obama during the
campaign, reportedly serving as the stand-in for Senator John
McCain during debate preparations. Craig has
defended high-profile clients, including John Hinckley
Jr., who attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and
Kennedy nephew William Kennedy Smith, who was accused of
rape. But let's concentrate on Mona Sutphen
and her connection to Sandy Berger and their
connections to George Soros.... http://www.stewwebb.com/obama_latest_appointment_linked_to_stonebridge_and_traitor_sandy_berger.htmObama
Latest Appointment Linked to Stonebridge LLC and TRAITOR
Sandy Berger by Tom Heneghan What makes this
interesting and borders, one again, on possible treason, is
that Sutphen, who worked on the National Security Counsel
in the Clinton White House, has been a Managing
Director of Stonebridge International, a strategic consulting
firm tied to the parent company Civitas Stonebridge LLC.
Guess who is the co-chairman and co-founder of
Stonebridge International LLC? None other than Mossad
agent and former Clinton Administration National Security
Advisor Sandy Berger. Stonebridge International
LLC has also had Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright,
along with neocon Richard Perle, sitting on its
Board of Directors. http://www.aim.org/aim-column/soros-flunky-runs-obamas-pro-u.n.-policy/In
violation of Barack Obama’s promise to run an open and
transparent transition to the next administration, an
associate of convicted document thief Sandy Berger has been
secretly meeting with far-left groups under the auspices of
the Obama-Biden Transition Project to develop a range of
pro-U.N. policies. These include placing “more [U.N.]
blue helmets on U.S. troops” and forcing the U.S. to join the
U.N.’s International Criminal Court (ICC). The Berger
associate, Eric. P. Schwartz, is the executive director of the
U.S. Connect Fund and represents several liberal and
leftist foundations, including and most notably the Open
Society Institute of financial hedge-fund operator
George Soros. Soros is considered by some the
virtual owner of the Democratic Party, having contributed
lavishly to the party, its causes and candidates, including
Obama. He personally contributed $50,000, the maximum allowed,
to the Obama inauguration. Other members of the secretive
Obama group include Samantha Power, the Harvard
academic and one of Obama’s closest foreign policy advisers
who left the Obama presidential campaign temporarily after
calling Hillary Clinton a “monster.” A self-described
“humanitarian hawk,” Power believes in using the United
Nations to confront “genocide” in the world, despite the
corruption scandals involving U.N. peacekeepers in human
rights violations and sexual child abuse. Soros, who
backed Obama during the presidential campaign, is a well-known
advocate of a “New World Order” in which the U.S. refuses to
act unilaterally in its own interests but works through
international organizations such as the U.N. on foreign policy
matters. Critics note that such an approach gives the U.N. and
other nations a veto over what the U.S. can do
militarily. This is bound to find a favorable response,
since the co-chair of the Obama-Biden Transition Project,
John Podesta, a former Clinton chief of staff, comes from
another Soros-funded group, the Center for American
Progress. Clinton had ordered U.S. troops to serve the
U.N. under the still-secret Presidential Decision Directive
(PDD) 25, which has never been repealed by President Bush.
Although Bush had promised never to assign U.S. troops to U.N.
command, American soldiers have continued to be inducted into
U.N. “peacekeeping” operations during his administration. He
has also begun to cooperate with the ICC and on January 5
ordered the airlift of military supplies to Darfur in support
of a U.N. military force. Officially, Schwartz is
identified merely as a “member” of the Obama-Biden “working
group” on national security with jurisdiction over U.N.
issues. In addition to Power, members of the
“national security team” on “US/UN” issues are Michael Pan,
Jennifer Simon, Elizabeth Cousens, Grant Harris, and Victoria
Holt. No detail about these individuals or their
backgrounds is officially provided, but some information is
available through research conducted from public Internet
sources. Many have links to the U.N., leftist think tanks,
or Congressional Democrats. |
| | |
« Reply #20 on: February 06,
2009, 07:15:57 PM » |
Quote |
| | |
« Reply #21 on: February 07,
2009, 08:32:23 PM » |
Quote |
with seeing the damage Chris Cox could do in a few short
years, lets look at Obama's choices for the future .... Mary
L. Schapiro Obama Names CFR Member, Goldman Sachs
Insider to Top Economic Posts by Sharon Otterman NY Times
Via Infowars December 19, 2008 In the morning news conference, Mr. Obama
named Mary L. Schapiro, 53, to head the Securities and
Exchange Commission. The agency has come under sharp criticism
for its failure to detect signs that major Wall Street banks
were in trouble before the financial crisis, and more
recently, for gaps in its oversight of the New York financier
Bernard Madoff, who the authorities say has confessed to
running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme. The Madoff scandal,
Mr. Obama said, “reminds us yet again how badly reform is
needed when it comes to regulations that govern our
markets.” Ms. Schapiro has headed the Financial
Services Regulatory Authority, Wall Street’s self-regulator,
since 1996. She has also served as a commissioner of the
Securities and Exchange Commission in Republican and
Democratic administrations alike. Mr. Obama also
announced the selection of two former Clinton administration
economic officials, Gary Gensler and Daniel K. Tarullo, to
leading economic posts. Mr. Gensler, who will head
the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, was a Treasury
official in the Clinton administration. He also worked as
a senior adviser to former Sen. Paul Sarbanes, a Maryland
Democrat, who wrote legislation to increase oversight of the
accounting industry and reform corporate
governance. Mr. Tarullo, a law professor at
Georgetown University who was also an economic advisor to
President Clinton, will fill an open seat on the Federal
Reserve board in Washington. He is currently leading Mr.
Obama’s transition team at the Treasury Department, and is
considered an expert in international economic
regulation. In announcing the appointments, Mr. Obama
was harshly critical of the “disdain for regulation” shown by
regulatory agencies in recent years and said the country
needed “regulatory agencies ready and willing to enforce the
law.” He pledged to remake the financial regulatory
system to adapt to the challenges of a new century. “We will
be releasing a very detailed plan on how that regulatory
upgrade will take place,” he said. Mr. Obama also
called for a shift in ethics on Wall Street. “We can have the
best regulators in the world, but everyone is going to have to
ask themselves, not only is this profitable, not only will it
lead to a big bonus, but is it right?” he said. “Does it
conform to higher standards in terms of how we
operate?” In addition to serving at the S.E.C., Ms.
Schapiro was chairwoman of the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission during the Clinton administration, an independent
agency created by Congress to regulate trading in commodity
futures and the option markets. Her service at both agencies
could suggest that Mr. Obama is considering combining the two
regulators, a structure long supported by many experts to
streamline market oversight. Ms. Shapiro, who would be
the first woman to head the S.E.C. for a full term, said that
the current crisis on Wall Street “requires an aggressive,
systemic response” to restore trust and protect investors. She
pledged forceful enforcement of current law and said
“thoughtful reform of our regulatory structures” would be her
top priority.The selection of Mr. Tarullo to fill one
of two vacant seats on the Fed’s board, which is also subject
to approval by the Senate, will allow Mr. Obama to begin
making his mark on the nation’s bank. All of the current board
members, including the chairman Ben S. Bernanke, were
hand-picked by President Bush. On Friday, Mr. Obama is
expected to announce that Representative Ray LaHood, a
Republican from Illinois, will be his transportation
secretary.Mr. LaHood, who is retiring after seven
terms in the House, has overseen major spending projects as a
member of the House Appropriations Committee. Known for his
bipartisan alliances and his moderate views, he will be the
second Republican named to the cabinet, after Robert M. Gates,
the current defense secretary who has agreed to stay
on. Mr. Obama is also expected to nominate
Representative Hilda Solis, Democrat of California, as his
labor secretary and Ron Kirk, a former mayor of Dallas,
as his trade representative, transition aides said
Thursday. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2008641550_schapiro18.htmlMary
Schapiro at SEC is no Joe Kennedy — and that's too
badObama's nomination of Mary Schapiro to head
the Securities and Exchange Commission is as safe and
predictable as it is disappointing. What it means is that we
will have lost the best opportunity yet to root out the deeply
embedded cynicism and corruption that have spawned one scandal
after another on Wall Street over the past 20
years. For the top SEC job, Obama needed to mount a
determined search outside the establishment — someone willing
to question everything about the way the industry does
business and the way the government regulates it, someone so
capable of channeling the outrage the country now feels that
he or she would have industry insiders quaking in their
handmade wingtips. Instead, what we got was someone who
not only has been at the center of a failed regulatory process
for the past two decades but has emerged from it well-liked
and acceptable to everyone. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dan-solin/mary-schapiro-should-not_b_152641.htmlMary
Schapiro Should Not Be Confirmed as SEC ChiefDan
Solin December 23, 2008 Barack Obama's selection of
Mary L. Schapiro to head up the Securities and Exchange
Commission is a bitter disappointment to investors. Her
appointment will do nothing to reinvigorate an agency that has
been a toothless tiger and a puppet of the industry it is
supposed to regulate. Here are some questions she
should be asked at her confirmation hearing: 1. You
have been a career bureaucrat. You have never held a job in
the private sector. You have only held positions with industry
dominated organizations. Isn't this the time to have someone
running the SEC who has extraordinary judgment and an instinct
for the jugular when it comes to protecting
investors? 2. You have been Chairman of the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and its predecessor, the
NASD, since 2006. You were the President of NASD Regulation
starting in 1996. These are industry dominated organizations
who most often act to protect the industry from investors.
Should we expect you to switch allegiances if you are
confirmed? 3. Under your stewardship, FINRA missed the
Madoff scandal, the Auction Rate Bond fraud, and the credit
swap fiasco, which caused Wall Street to meltdown and threw
the global economy into an unprecedented financial panic. Why
should we assume you will be any more vigilant at the
SEC? 4. Leadership in vigorously pursuing these frauds
has been largely taken over by state regulators, like William
Frances Galvin, the highly respected Secretary of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Joe Borg, the Commissioner of
Securities in Alabama, and Andrew Cuomo, the Attorney General
of New York. FINRA's role has been reluctant at best. Is this
the kind of foot-dragging leadership you will bring to the
SEC? 5. FINRA runs a mandatory arbitration system that
requires investors to submit all disputes with their brokers
to arbitration run by FINRA for the benefit of the industry.
Secretary Galvin testified before Congress that this system
represented "an industry sponsored damage-containment and
control program masquerading as a juridical proceeding."
Investors who have been victimized by their brokers are often
re-victimized by this process. Is this the way you intend to
protect investors at the SEC if you are confirmed? 6.
FINRA has refused to provide copies of its database of awards
to academics and others who want to review them and publish
findings on the fairness of the process. A request by the
authors of the Solin/O'Neal study for this information was
denied by FINRA. In fact, FINRA hired a major law firm to
fight this request. The SEC supervises the mandatory
arbitration process. Will you continue to support hiding this
data or do you believe in Justice Brandeis' observation that
"sunshine is the best disinfectant"? 7. The Fairness in
Arbitration Act of 2007 would ban mandatory arbitration
clauses in consumer agreements, including agreements with
stock brokers and advisors. FINRA is opposed to it under your
leadership. Can we expect you to continue to advocate
depriving investors of their constitutional right to access to
a jury trial if you are confirmed, or will you support this
legislation? While the securities industry is
salivating that Ms. Schapiro has somehow slipped through the
cracks of otherwise stellar Obama appointments, investors are
deeply concerned. Blocking her confirmation will not be easy,
but we simply cannot afford to have more years of business as
usual at the SEC. |
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