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About William Burroughs:
Burroughs was a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major
postmodernist author who affected popular culture as well as literature.
Burroughs had one child in 1947, William Seward Burroughs III, with his second
wife Joan Vollmer, who died in 1951 in Mexico City after Burroughs
accidentally shot her in the head while drunk, an event that deeply
permeated all of his writings. Burroughs died at his home in Lawrence, Kansas
after suffering a heart attack in 1997.
Bowie - Burrough's
Interview 1974 - Black Noise Bomb:
Beat Godfather Meets Glitter Mainman - Rolling
Stone - February 28, 1974
by Craig Copetas
William Seward Burroughs is not a talkative man. Once at a dinner he
gazed down into a pair of stereo microphones trained to pick up his every munch
and said, "I don't like talk and I don't like talkers. Like Ma Barker. You
remember Ma Barker? Well, that's what she always said. ' Ma Barker doesn't like
talk and she doesn't like talkers.' She just sat there with her gun."
This was on my mind as much as the mysterious personality of David Bowie when an
Irish cabbie drove Burroughs and me to Bowie's London home on 17 November ("Strange
blokes down this part of London, mate"). I had spent the last several weeks
arranging this two-way interview. I had brought Bowie all of Burroughs' novels:
Naked Lunch, Nova Express, The Ticket That Exploded and the rest. He'd only had
time to read Nova Express. Burroughs for his part had heard only two Bowie
songs, 'Five Years' and 'Starman', though he had read all of Bowie's lyrics.
Still they had expressed interest in meeting each other.
Burroughs: Politics of sound.
Bowie: Yes. We have kind of got that now. It has very loosely shaped itself into
the politics of sound. The fact that you can now subdivide rock into different
categories was something that you couldn't do ten years ago. But now I can reel
off at least ten sounds that represent a kind of person rather than a type of
music. The critics like being critics, and most of them wish they were
rock-and-roll stars. But when they classify they are talking about people not
music. It's a whole political thing.
Burroughs: Like infrasound, the sound below the level of hearing. Below 16
MHz. Turned up full blast it can knock down walls for 30 miles.
You can walk into the French patent office and buy the patent for 40p. The
machine itself can be made very cheaply from things you could find in a junk
Bowie: Like black noise. I wonder if there is a sound that can put things back
together? There was a band experimenting with stuff like that; they reckon
they could make a whole audience shake.
Burroughs: They have riot-control noise based on these soundwaves now.
But you could have music with infrasound, you wouldn't necessarily have to
kill the audience.
Bowie: Just maim them.
Burroughs: The weapon of the Wild Boys is a Bowie knife, an 18-inch bowie knife,
did you know that?
Bowie: An 18-inch bowie knife.... you don't do things by halves, do you? No, I
didn't know that was their weapon. The name Bowie just appealed to me when I was
younger. I was into a kind of heavy philosophy thing when I was 16 years old,
and I wanted a truism about cutting through the lies and all that.
Burroughs: Well, it cuts both ways, you know, double-edged on the end.
Bowie: I didn't see it cutting both ways till now.
Yes the timing of it and
Burrough's was very connected (read Naked Lunch) and had alot of inside
He was also connect with Nirvanna/Kurt Cobain with a series of interviews
and there was Urban/legend talk of Cobain being mind controlled...
William S. Burroughs and Cobain at Burrough's Lawrence,
Kansas, home.
Kurt later said they mostly talked about Leadbelly.
Subject: Re: Nikola Tesla invented a dangerous machine
Date: 10 Jun 1994 15:27:28 GMT
On a similar subject,I heard a mister Vladimir Gavreau, of Marseilles,France
created some sort of Low frequency oscillator,
the vibrations from which, instantly killed the technician operating
the thing.
One of the pioneers in infrasonic research was French scientist Vladimir
Gavreau, born in Russia as Vladimir Gavronsky.[1]
His interest in infrasonic waves first came about in his lab during the
1960s, when he and his lab assistants experienced pain in the ear drums and
shaking lab equipment, but no audible sound was picked up on his
microphones. He concluded it was infrasound and soon got to work preparing tests
in the labs. One of his experiments was an infrasonic whistle
Luftkanone. Developed at Talstation Lofer, Germany, during WWII. Developer:
Dr. Richard Wallauscheck.
Best quote here:
"...design consisted of a parabolic reflector, 3.2 meters in diameter,
having a short tube which was the combustion chamber or sound generator,
extending to the rear from the vertex of the parabola. The chamber was fed at
the rear by two coaxial nozzles, the outer nozzle emitting methane, and the
central nozzle oxygen. The length of the chamber was one-quarter the wavelength
of the sound in air. Upon initiation, the first shock wave was reflected back
from the openend of the chamber and initiated the second explosion. The
frequency was from 800 to 1500 impulses per second.
The main lobe of the sound intensity pattern had a 65 degree angle of opening,
and at 60 meters' distance on the axis a pressure of 1000 microbars had been
measured. No physiological experiments were conducted, but it was estimated that
at such a pressure it would take from 30 to 40 seconds to kill a man. At greater
ranges, perhaps up to 300 meters, the effect, although not lethal, would be very
painful and would probably disable a man for an appreciable length of time.
Vision would be affected, and low-level exposures would cause point sources of
light to appear as lines." [1]
The device was not deployed, due to complexity and lack of range.
Also, a device that created vortices in the air, and a device that shot 'plugs'
of air were developed at the same facility, primarily for low-level
anti-aircraft defence.
[1] _Secret Weapons of the Third Reich_ by Leslie E. Simon (USA, ret) WE,
Inc., Publishers (c)1971 [great book!]
[2] _The Guns 1939-45_ by Ian V. Hogg Ballentine Books Inc. (c)1970
[3] _Lost Victories_ by Erich von Manstein (Ooops, no data)
[4] _German Secret Weapons of World War 2_ by I. V. Hogg ARCO Publishing
Company, Inc. (c)1970
Introduction - Sound of Death - by Lawrence Tierney
During the period of the Cold War, most countries
spent huge amounts of money on research and development for a wide range of
weapons, ...
In France, during 1957, against the
background of international tension, fear and distrust caused by the Cold War, Dr.
Vladimir Gavreau assembled a team of researchers to look into the
development of remote control systems and robotics. This group of scientists
was given a large building to use for their experiments and almost from the
time they moved in, they all suffered from varying degrees of nausea. ...
Like all researchers who investigate the unknown, Dr. Gavreau and his team had
some very lucky escapes during their early experiments. For instance, on one
occasion the frequency generated was between three and seven cycles per second,
and although the researchers could not hear it they very quickly became aware of
its effects. They reported the sensation as similar to their bodies being
put under tremendous pressure, both internally and externally, followed by pain
in their eyes and ears. However even more frightening, at that time, were
the effects that occurred after the 'infrasonic generator' had been
working for a short time.
The ground shook almost like an earthquake, and the
'infrasonic generator', which was encased in concrete, and the building that
housed it collapsed. Only the quick thinking of one of the researchers, who
managed to switch off the power, saved the researchers from possible death and
the destruction of all the buildings.
On another occasion, the 'infrasonic generator' was sealed into a concrete
block and concrete baffle blocks were placed around the output pipe. The
device was switched on, and even though the power output was very small, it
still broke out of its concrete seal and smashed the baffles. During a
different experiment the infrasonic generator even managed to shake quite a
large triangular shaped wedge of Marseilles, and all of this without a sound
being heard.
The effects of the 'infrasonic generator' on
the researchers during these experiments included eyesight and hearing problems,
internal organs suffering from painful spasms, and it appeared to immobilize
anyone caught in its effects. Normal physical activity could be impaired
sometimes for days rather than hours. The findings of the team concerning the
effects on the human body caused by infrasonic sound in the range of between one
and ten cycles per second read like something from a science fiction novel.
Fortunately for the researchers, during most of
these experiments the output power of the 'infrasonic generator' was very small,
so the results of the accidents were not usually fatal. This convinced Dr.
Gavreau and his colleagues that the 'infrasonic generator' had been proven as a
potential weapon, silent and deadly and of truly horrific and devastating power!
The French authorities issued statements to
the effect that Dr. Gavreau was not working on a weapons system, but the
patents that were registered tend to suggest that the French statements were
perhaps little more than a smoke screen.
Conversations With William S. Burroughs
Monday, October 27, 2003
Prisoners of the earth come out
Q: What is the importance of power, in all its form, in the machinery of
A: The exercise of power for power's sake is precisely the machine of
destruction. This would seem to be something we have had throughout history, and
in a sense this is true. The difference is a matter of degree. Old-fashioned
power, the generalissimo shooting a provincial governor across his desk, has
self-limiting goals, and at least a measure of self-preservation. To confuse
this old-style power with the manifestation of control madness we see now on
this planet is to confuse a disappearing wart with an exploding cancer. You
might as well expect a measure of moderation, or at least self-preservation,
from the virus of rabies which dies when you do, mission accomplished.
What we see now is power exercised for purely destructive purposes. Whether
they know it or not, the present controllers are bent on annihilation.
Q: And what of money, ownership, property?
A: Vested interest of power and/or money is perhaps the most potent factor
standing in the way of freedom for the individual. New discoveries and products
are suppressed because they threaten vested interests. The medical profession is
suppressing Reich's orgone accumulator and his discoveries relative to the use
and dangers of orgonic energy. They are suppressing Dianetics and Scientology
discovered by Mr L. Ron Hubbard. They are suppressing the use of massive doses
of Vitamin E for the prevention of heart disease, the use of massive doses of
Vitamin A for curing the common cold. (I have used this simple remedy for thirty
years and it works. Everyone I have passed it on to has found that it works
either to abort or modify the course of a cold. At the first soreness in the
throat which presages the onslaught of a common cold you take 500,000 units of
Vitamin A. Vitamin A alone. Not Vitamin C which is quite worthless for a cold.
At one time I had thought to market this remedy but was told it could not be
marketed because the American Medical Association is opposed to self-medication.
The AMA is opposed to self-medication if it works.) The medical profession is
suppressing the use of apomorphine for the treatment of alcoholism and drug
addiction and for the general regulation of disturbed metabolism. The medical
profession has a vested interest in illness. They suppress any discovery that
strikes at the roots of illness. The real-estate lobby has a vested interest in
the housing shortage. They sabotage any attempt to provide good cheap housing.
An example of this suppression is the Lustron house.
A man named Lustron devised a prefabricated house of porcelain steel, with a
layer of insulation in the middle. This house was termite-proof, rust-proof,
age-proof. It would still be there a thousand years from now. Lustron planned to
put this house out for five thousand dollars. He only manufactured a few hundred
Lustron houses before he was forced out of business by the real-estate lobby.
They blocked him from obtaining the necessary materials.
The Tucker car is another example: Tucker devised a car so much better that any
car on the market it would have forced big motor companies to change their dies
and produce a car of equal performance. Since they could sell the inferior cars
they were already set up to produce, it was cheaper and easier to block
Tucker... No materials! He lost 20,000,000 dollars and nearly went to jail. The
Tucker car never hit the open market.
Other examples are the blocking of the ramie industry by the Duponts and other
manufacturers of synthetic fabrics. Where are the bicycle helicopters we were
supposed to have by now? Where are the aluminium houses?
The police have a vested interest in criminality. The Narcotics Department has a
vested interest in addiction.
Politicians have a vested interest in nations.
Army officers have a vested interest in war.
Vested interest, whether operating through private, capital or official
agencies, suppresses any discovery, product or way of thought that threatens its
area of monopoly.
The cold war is used as a pretext by both America and Russia to conceal and
monopolize research confining knowldge to official agencies. It is no
exaggeration to say that all important research is now top secret, until someone
lets a rat out of the bag.
Infrasound, for example: I quote from a Sunday Times article, April 16, 1967,
"Acoustics," by Frank Dorsey, under the title "Joshua Knew a
Thing or Two":
"The world is not noticeably short of lethal weapons, but a team of French
scientists in Marseille is working on a death-ray machine designed to provide an
entirely novel method of human destruction. The project began when the
Electro-Acoustical laboratory moved into a new building three years ago. Staff
complained of headache and nausea. Investigation began. Electromagnetic waves
were suspected and eliminated. So were ultra-sound waves. At this point, one of
the technicians got out an antique appparatus for detecting infrasound--that is,
air vibrations which oscillate at less than ten vibrations a second, or 10
Hertz--(The human ear registers, as sound vibrations, from 16Hz to 20,000Hz) It
had been used during the First World War to distinguish cannon fire and movement
of trains too far off to be unscrambled by ears. I quickly identified the source
of the unease: the giant ventilator of a factory next door. After changing the
ventilator's frequency, the five-man team headed by Professor Vladimir Gavreau
decided to find out more about the properties of infrasound."
As everyone knows, sound is a succession of waves in which the air is
alternatively compressed and decompressed. Fast vibrations either go right
through solid objects or bounce off them, usually doing relatively little harm
even when very powerful. But slow vibration, below the hearing level, can create
a sort of pendulum action, a reverberation in solid objects that quickly builds
up to intolerable intensity. To study this phenomenon the team built a giant
whistle, hooked to a compressed air hose. Then they turned on the air. Professor
Gavreau says:
"Luckily, we were able to turn it off quickly. All of us were sick for
hours. Everything in us was vibrating: stomach, heart, lungs. All the people in
the other laboratories were sick too. They were very angry with us."
The first blast was audible only to 190 Hz. It had an acoustical force of about
100 Watts, compared with one watt for a football referee's whistle. From then on
the tem worked at lowering the frequency, but carefully kept the power input
down. A bigger whistle was built, measuring about five feet across. It emits a
very low but audible tone, at about 37 Hz. If turned on full blast, it would
develop 2000 Watts--and the building would fall down like the walls of Jericho
before Joshua's trumpet. At the pressures used it has done no more than put
cracks in the ceiling. The team has discovered that the wave length most
dangerous to human life is 7 Hz. At 7 Hz, turned on very softly, one has a vague
impression of sound, and a general feeling of discomfort. At 3.5 Hz, nothing can
be heard directly but there is a curious incidental effect. Nearby sounds, such
as air hissing into the pipe, take on a pulsing quality--at 3.5 pulsations a
second. All sounds in the neighbourhood seem to ululate rhymically. The team has
suffered from its experiments. Some of the invisible injuries appear to be
"It not only affects the ears," Professor Gavreau says, "but it
works directly on the internal organs. There is a rubbing between the various
organs because of a sort of resonance. It provokes an irritation so intense that
for hours afterwards any low-pitched sound seems to echo through one's
In developing a military weapon, scientists intend to revert to a policeman's
whistle form, perhaps as big as eighteen feet across, mount it on a truck and
blow it with a fan turned by a small airplane engine. This weapon, they say,
will give forth an all-destroying 10,000 acoustic watts. It could kill a man
five miles away. There is one snag: at present, the machine is as dangerous to
its operators as to the enemy. The team is working on a way to focus it. Various
systems of baffles have been tried, but the most promising method appears to be
propagation of a different and complementary sound a wave length backward from
the machine. This changes the frequency of airwave length moving in that
direction, thus protecting anyone to the rear. There is, of course, a much
simpler means of protection: turn the machine on from a safe distance.
This summary of Professor Vladimir Gavreau's experiments with infrasound is
based on the Sunday Times article. A much more comprehensive article has
appeared in an American periodical, The National Enquirer, Vol.42, No. 27, March
10, 1968.
Professor Gavreau's discovery has been patented and anybody can obtain the plans
and full description from the French patent office upon payment of two francs.
Undoubtedly top secret projects are exploring the military potentials of
infrasound. Since sub-lethal infrasound paralyses the mental functions--(as
Professor Gavreau put it "I could not add two and two")--well add two
and two and you will see that infrasound is an ideal weapon against dissident
elements within the establishment. It is to be hoped that hobbyists will
obtain the plans and experiment. The materials necessary are cheap and easily
Perhaps infrasound has therapeutic properties at low volume and borderline
infrasound might add a new dimension to pop music. Another scientist who freely
published his discoveries was Wilhelm Reich. He died in a federal prison. Most
of you know something of Reich's experiments, discoveries and theories so I will
not undertake a detailed rundown here.
Nine years ago in Amsterdam, I talked with a Dutch chemist who told me they
had synthesized a drug infinitely more potent than LSD, and could not take
the responsibility of testing this drug on human subjects, owing to the
possibility of residual brain damage. Subsequently, I heard that the drug
has now been released to "official agencies" in America.
This may well be the "non-lethal nerve gas" being used in Vietnam.
Recently I heard from someone connected with a laser research project conducted
by the U.S. Navy: "They can actually send a thought." Some years ago,
experiments in Norway indicated the possibility of activating speech patterns
directly in the brain by means of an electromagnetic field.
Hearing voices? The Black Box which develops positive ions, enabling anyone
within its range to perform at a high level of efficiency without fatigue, was
used by the U.S. Army and kept secret for ten years. Is it on the market yet?
Important research that could be used to free the human spirit is being
monopolized by paltry intellects in the name of "National Security."
Conversations With William S. Burroughs
Penthouse Interviews Burroughs/1972
PENTHOUSE: It's nearly ten years since you gave a statirical but graphic
description of totalitarian control in THE NAKED LUNCH. Do you think your
visions of a decade ago are any nearer reality?
BURROUGHS: THE NAKED LUNCH was a science-fiction idea but is now
absolute fact, mainly because of the development of electrodes which can
control the brain. If anyone has these electrodes planted in him--and there may
be many ways to do this, not necessitating an actual surgical operation--he can
be made to think, feel, or even experience, anything that the manipulator of the
electrodes wants. He can be made to make involuntary movements: to pick
something up against his will. Also to feel fear, or sexuality, or any other
emotion. Where such control is possible, the question arises of who is to
exercise it. Once someone has the control box he is in complete control of
anyone fitted with electrodes.
Heir's Pistol Kills His Wife; He Denies Playing Wm. Tell
Mexico City, Sept. 7 1951 (AP)--William Seward Burroughs, 37, first
admitted then denied today that he was playing William Tell when his gun killed
his pretty, young wife during a drinking party last night. William S. Burroughs,
Police said that Burroughs, grandson of the adding machine inventor,
first told them that, wanting to show off his marksmanship, he placed a glass of
gin on her had and fired, but [was so drunk] that he missed and shot her in the
After talking with a lawyer, police said, Burroughs, who is a wealthy cotton
planter from Pharr, Tex., changed his story and insisted that his wife was shot
accidentally when he dropped his newly purchased .38 caliber pistol.
Husband in Jail
Mrs. Burroughs, 27, the former Joan Vollmer, died in the Red Cross Hospital.
The shooting occurred during a party in the apartments of John Healy of
Minneapolis. Burroughs said two other American tourists whom he knew only
slightly were present. Burroughs, hair disheveled and clothes wrinkled,
was in jail today. A hearing on a charge of homicide is scheduled for tomorrow
No Arguments, He Says "It was purely accidental," he said. "I did
not put any glass on her head. If she did, it was a joke. I certainly did not
intend to shoot at it." He said there had been no arguments or
discussions before the "accident."
"The party was quiet," he said. "We had a few drinks. Everything
is very hazy."
Burroughs and his wife had been here about two years. He said he was studying
native dialects at the University of Mexico. He explained his long absence from
his ranch by saying that he was unsuited for business
At the 0:56 mark :
David Bowie - Dick Cavett - PART 3
Recorded in New York, on 2nd December 1974. First Aired on Thursday 5th December