May 2008 Col Lang Harper I wanted to flag your
attention, and the attention of your readers, to some new
dramatic developments in a story you reported last year. The
U.S. Department of Justice is agressively pursuing their case
against BAE Systems, the British arms company, which is
accused of paying billions of dollars in bribes to Saudi
officials, including the former Ambassador in Washington,
Prince Bandar. Bandar alone is said to have received over $2
billion in BAE kickbacks, for his role in the "Al Yamamah"
deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia (I hear that the actual
figure paid to Bandar and some of his henchmen was closer to
$10 billion). On May 12, two top executives of
BAE, Chairman Mike Turner and an outside director who is also
vice chairman of Barclay's Bank, were detained by U.S.
officials as they arrived at Houston and Newark airports,
respectively. They were handed grand jury subpoenas, and had
their laptops, cell phones and papers temporarily confiscated.
The latest from the DOJ is that the career prosecutors are so
furious at the British government's stonewalling, that they
are threatening RICO prosecutions against BAE.
Remember, that the real story behind the BAE "Al
Yamamah" scandal is that, under the arms-for-oil barter deal,
the British accumulated well-over $100 billion, in
off-the-books, offshore funds, that have been used to finance
covert operations, for the past 23 years (the deal was first
signed in 1985, and has been regularly updated ever since).
The other nagging matter around the BAE case is that
Prince Bandar "inadvertently" helped finance the 9/11 attacks,
through funds provided by him and his wife to two Saudi
intelligence operative in California, who, in turn, bankrolled
two of the hijackers. This sordid tale is spelled out in
Philip Shenon's admirable expose of the 9/11 Commission
investigation, in the 2008 book, The Commission--The
Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. My
own sources have independently corroborated much of what
Shenon reports. For their part, the Saudis and the British are
not at all happy about what is going on at the DOJ. The Sunday
Telegraph and other British papers have been ranting about the
"heavy handed" treatment of the BAE execs, and they worry
about a deeper rift, going into the upcoming G-8 summit in
Japan in early July. A treaty is pending before the U.S.
Senate, that would give British arms manufacturers equal
access to Pentagon contracts, and a hearing was held this past
week on the treaty at the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. Biden, Lugar and Feingold all
expressed apprehension over the treaty, and there is fear that
the BAE flap will further complicate its passage. Again, the
biggest aspect of the BAE/"Al Yamamah" story is the offshore
fund. To summarize: BAE delivered about $40 billion in
arms and services to Saudi Arabia. BAE padded the bills
substantially, up to nearly $80 billion. The pad was used, in
part, to bribe Saudi officials who helped swing the deal,
including Bandar and Prince Turki bin-Khaled, a top official
of the Saudi Ministry of Defense. That part is fully detailed
in the Guardian and other British coverage of the BAE scandal,
going back three or four years. What is not
covered in the British press is the fact that Saudi Arabia
paid for the arms with oil. The oil was sold on the spot
market, and this generated an estimated (in current dollars)
$160 billion in cash. I am told by former U.S. Treasury
Department officials that the funds generated from the oil
sales, after BAE got their cut, went into offshore bank
accounts. Those funds were invested by the usual hedge funds,
etc. in places like the Cayman Islands, BVI, etc., and the
profits over the past 23 years from those investments,
multiplied the size of the fund tremendously. I
look forward to any comments on this very big story, that has
never gotten adequate media or Congressional attention, in my
humble opinion. |
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Just to show, BAE for those that
don't know is the leading weapons manufature for the U.K. and
"The Queen"... So U.S. sold weapons to Israel/Iraq
while The Qeen sold weapons to the Saudi's, hegamony
complete... http://ayok.wordpress.com/2007/06/25/scandal-of-the-century/‘Scandal
of the Century’ Executive Intelligence Review by
Jeffrey Steinberg On June 6, the British Broadcasting
Corporation aired a sensational story, revealing that the
British arms manufacturer BAE Systems, had paid more than $2
billion in bribes to Saudi Arabia’s national security chief
and longtime Ambassador in Washington, Prince Bandar
bin-Sultan, over a 22 year period. The BBC revelations
were further detailed on June 11, in a one-hour Panorama TV
documentary, provocatively titled “Princes, Planes and
Pay-offs,” which detailed a more than decade-long probe by the
Guardian, BBC, and the British Serious Fraud Office (SFO),
into the al-Yamamah arms contract, a nearly $80 billion,
22-year long deal between BAE Systems and the Saudi
government, in which British-made fighter jets and support
services were provided to the Saudi Kingdom, beginning in
1985. Every British government, from Margaret
Thatcher, through John Major, to Tony Blair, has been
thoroughly implicated in the BAE-Saudi scandal. In December
2006, Britain’s Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, ordered the
SFO probe shut down, declaring that any further investigation
would gravely jeopardize British national security. Prime
Minister Blair fully backed his Attorney General, and is now
scrambling to complete the fourth phase of the al-Yamamah deal
before he leaves office next month. Saudi Arabia’s
Prince Bandar and former British PM Thatcher were at the
center of creating the BAE arms-for-oil money-laundering
scandal.The furor that followed the Goldsmith
announcement triggered a number of international
investigations into the BAE Systems scandal, including by the
Swiss government and the OECD (Organization of Economic
Cooperation and Development, the so-called “rich nations”
club). More recently, the U.S. Department of Justice has
reportedly opened a probe into money laundering and possible
violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, on the part
of the British and the Saudis. The estimated $2 billion in
cumulative payoffs to Prince Bandar, for his role in brokering
the al-Yamamah deal, went through the Saudi government
accounts at Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C., thus opening the
U.S. jurisdiction. While the various British
investigations into the al-Yamamah (Arabic for “the dove”)
arms deal did unearth a vast network of front companies,
offshore shells, and corrupt politicians, who benefitted
richly from the deal, EIR’s own preliminary investigation into
the scandal has uncovered a far more significant story, one
that will send shock waves through the City of London
financial circles, as well as top figures within the
British monarchy, who are all implicated in a far bigger
scheme that goes to the very heart of the Venetian-modeled
Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of global finance, which is now on
its last legs. Al-Yamamah In 1985, the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia, in part frightened by the ongoing war between
its neighbors Iran and Iraq, which had reached a highly
destructive phase known as the “war of the cities,” sought to
purchase large numbers of advanced fighter jets to build up
their Royal Air Force. Initially, the Saudis sought approval
from the Reagan Administration to purchase American-made F-15
fighters. The Saudi F-15 deal required Congressional approval,
and the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) waged
a massive effort to kill the sale. According to several
well-informed Washington sources, Howard Teicher, a senior
official on the Reagan National Security Council (director of
Near East and South Asia, 1982-1985; senior director,
Politico-Military Affairs, 1986-1987), also played a pivotal
role in the AIPAC effort, which ultimately succeeded in
killing the deal. Teicher, according to the sources, withheld
information from Reagan, stalling a Congressional vote until
AIPAC had fully mobilized, and then convinced the President to
withdraw the request, rather than face an embarrassing defeat
in the Congress. Other sources have offered a slightly
different version of the failure of the F-15 deal, claiming
that intelligence community estimates, since the mid-1970s,
had warned of instability in the Persian Gulf, and that there
were, therefore, other reasons to question the advisability of
the sales of advanced U.S. military technology to Saudi
Arabia, particularly after the Khomeini Revolution in
Iran. Whatever the reason, the F-15 deal failed. The
very next day, after the Reagan Administration threw in the
towel, Prince Bandar, the Kingdom’s de facto chief diplomat to
Britain, the Soviet Union, and China, as well as the U.S.A.,
flew to London to meet with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
British arms sales did not require parliamentary approval, and
the British government, in 1966, had created an agency, the
Defence Export Services Organization (DESO), to hawk British
arms around the globe. BAE Systems had been created in 1981,
when Thatcher privatized the British arms manufacturing
industry, which had, only four years earlier, been
nationalized under the Labour government. And BAE Systems, the
largest arms manufacturer in Europe, dominates the British
defense sector. The Bandar trip to London to confer
with Thatcher had been in the works for months. A Ministry of
Defence briefing paper, prepared for the Thatcher-Bandar
sessions, stated, “Since early 1984, intensive efforts have
been made to sell Tornado and Hawk to the Saudis. When, in the
Autumn of 1984, they seemed to be leaning towards French
Mirage fighters, Mr. Heseltine paid an urgent visit to Saudi
Arabia, carrying a letter from the Prime Minister to King
Fahd. In December 1984, the Prime Minister started a series of
important negotiations by meeting Prince Bandar, the son of
Prince Sultan…. The Prime Minister met the King in Riyadh in
April this year and in August the King wrote to her stating
his decision to buy 48 Tornado IDS and 30
Hawk.” Thatcher also had every reason to feel confident
that Bandar would be the perfect interlocutor between Saudi
Arabia and Great Britain in the deal of the century. At age
16, several years after his father, Prince Sultan, had been
named Minister of Defense of the Kingdom, the Prince was sent
to England to study at the Royal Air Force College Cranwell,
the elite officer’s training school for future RAF pilots. At
least one senior American intelligence official has
reported widespread rumors that Bandar was recruited by
MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service, before he
finished his RAF training. Other sources, intimately familiar
with the goings-on at BAE Systems, report that the “private”
aerospace giant has a sales force made up almost exclusively
of “lads” recruited to MI6 before their hires. Whether
or not these reports are accurate, Bandar certainly is a
serious Anglophile. The best accounts of his adventures in
England appear in the 2006 book, The Prince—The Secret Story
of the World’s Most Intriguing Royal (HarperCollins, New
York), by William Simpson, a Cranwell classmate, and
still-intimate pal of the Prince. Simpson, who wrote the book
with the full cooperation of Bandar, recounted his friend’s
intimate ties with every occupant of 10 Downing
Street. “In London,” Simpson reported, “Bandar would
breeze into Number Ten with uninhibited panache. From Margaret
Thatcher to John Major to Tony Blair, Bandar’s access was
extraordinary.” By Prince Bandar’s own account to Simpson
about al-Yamamah, “When we first made the agreement, we had no
contract. It was a handshake between me and Mrs. Thatcher in
Ten Downing Street.” It was months before the final details of
the al-Yamamah deal were finalized, and the contracts signed.
But even before the ink had dried, Britain had provided the
initial delivery of Tornado jets—from the inventory of the
RAF. By the time the formal Memorandum of Understanding
was signed between the British and Saudi defense ministers on
Sept. 25, 1985, the original order had been expanded to 72
Tornado fighter jets and 30 Hawk training aircraft, along with
other equipment and services. There have been two subsequent
deals, al-Yamamah II and III, and al-Yamamah IV, worth as much
as $40 billion in additional arms deliveries, is in the final
stages. Oil-For-Aircraft The al-Yamamah deal was
structured as a barter arrangement. While the Saudis did agree
to pay cash for certain services and infrastructure
construction under separate sub-contracts—and those cash
payments went, in part, to “consulting fees” or bribes,
including the $2 billion to Prince Bandar’s accounts at Riggs
Bank, and similar reported payments to the Chilean dictator
Gen. Augusto Pinochet and the Dutch Royal Consort, Prince
Bernhard—the essential contract involved the Saudi delivery of
oil to Britain, in return for the fighter jets. And
here is where the story gets really
interesting. Saudi Arabia agreed to provide Britain
with one tanker of oil per day, for the entire life of the
al-Yamamah contracts. An oil tanker holds approximately
600,000 barrels of oil. BAE Systems began “official” delivery
of the Tornado and Hawk planes to Saudi Arabia in 1989. BAE
Systems now has approximately 5,000 employees inside Saudi
Arabia, servicing the contract.Is it possible to
place a cash value on the oil deliveries to BAE Systems?
According to sources familiar with the inner workings of
al-Yamamah, much of the Saudi oil was sold on the
international spot market at market value, through British
Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell. EIR economist John
Hoefle has done an in-depth charting of the financial features
of the oil transactions, based on BP’s own daily tracking of
world oil prices on the open market. Using BP’s average annual
cost of a barrel of Saudi crude oil, Hoefle concluded that the
total value of the oil sales, based on the value of the dollar
at the time of delivery, was $125 billion. In current U.S.
dollar terms, that total soars to $160 billion (see
accompanying charts). Based on the best available
public records, the total sticker price on the military
equipment and services provided by BAE Systems to Saudi
Arabia, over the 22-year period to date, was approximately $80
billion. And those figures are inflated by billions of dollars
in slush fund payouts. Indeed, the latest limited-damage
scandal around al-Yamamah erupted in November 2006, when a
Ministry of Defence document leaked out, providing the actual
sticker price on the fighter jets. The figure confirmed the
long-held suspicion that the prices of the jets had been
jacked up by at least 40%. BAE Systems, a crown
jewel in the City of London financial/industrial structure,
secured somewhere in the range of $80 billion in net profit
from the arrangement—in league with BP and Royal Dutch Shell!
Where did that money go, and what kinds of activities were
financed with it? The answer to those questions, sources
emphasize, holds the key to the power of Anglo-Dutch finance
in the world today.Prince Bandar’s biographer and
friend William Simpson certainly provided an insight into the
inner workings of the al-Yamamah project: “Although al-Yamamah
constitutes a highly unconventional way of doing business, its
lucrative spin-offs are the by-product of a wholly political
objective: a Saudi political objective and a British political
objective. Al-Yamamah is, first and foremost, a political
contract. Negotiated at the height of the Cold War, its unique
structure has enabled the Saudis to purchase weapons from
around the globe to fund the fight against Communism.
Al-Yamamah money can be found in the clandestine purchase of
Russian ordnance used in the expulsion of Qaddafi’s troops
from Chad. It can also be traced to arms bought from Egypt and
other countries, and sent to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
fighting the Soviet occupying forces.” In effect,
Prince Bandar’s biographer confirms that al-Yamamah is the
biggest pool of clandestine cash in history—protected by Her
Majesty’s Official Secrets Act and the even more impenetrable
finances of the City of London and the offshore, unregulated
financial havens under British dominion.The Saudi
Side of the Street For its part, the Saudi Royal Family did
not exactly get ripped off in the al-Yamamah deal. When the
contract was signed in 1985, according to sources familiar
with the arrangement, Saudi Arabia got an exemption from the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The
barter deal with BAE Systems did not come under their OPEC
production quota. In other words, Saudi Arabia got OPEC
approval to produce 600,000 barrels a day, above the OPEC
ceiling, to make the arms purchases. According to the
Energy Information Administration, a branch of the U.S.
Department of Energy, over the life of the al-Yamamah program,
the average cost of a Saudi barrel of crude oil, delivered to
tankers, was under $5 a barrel. At that price, the annual cost
to the Saudis for the 600,000 barrels per day was $1.1
billion. Over the duration of the contract to date, the cost
to the Saudis of the daily oil shipments was approximately
$24.6 billion. The commercial value, in current dollars, as
noted above, was $160 billion. The Saudis have
forged a crucial partnership with the Anglo-Dutch financial
oligarchy, headquartered in the City of London, and protected
by the British Crown. They have, in league with BAE Systems,
Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and other City giants,
established a private, offshore, hidden financial
concentration that would have made the British East India
Company managers of an earlier heyday of the British Empire,
drool with envy.At this moment, there is no way
of calculating how much of that slush fund has been devoted to
the clandestine wars and Anglo-American covert operations of
the past two decades. Nor is it possible to estimate the
multiplier effect of portions of those undisclosed, and
unregulated funds having passed through the hedge funds of the
Cayman Island, the Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Panama, and
Switzerland.What is clear, is that the BAE Systems
scandal goes far beyond the $2 billion that allegedly found
its way into the pockets of Prince Bandar. It is a scandal
that goes to the heart of the power of Anglo-Dutch
finance. There is much, much more to unearth, now that
the door has been slightly opened into what already appears to
be the swindle of the century. http://www.saudiembassy.net/Country/Government/BandarBio.aspPrince
Bandar Biography His Royal
Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz
Al-Saud His Royal Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin
Abdulaziz was appointed Secretary-General of the National
Security Council by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King
Abdullah on October 16, 2005. Prior to his appointment,
Prince Bandar served as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia to the United States of America from October 24, 1983
to September 8, 2005. Prince Bandar was born in Saudi
Arabia on March 2, 1949, at Taif, the summer capital of the
Kingdom, the son of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Sultan bin
Abdulaziz Al-Saud, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of
Defense and Aviation, and Inspector-General. He is married to
Princess Haifa Bint Faisal. He has four sons and four
daughters. ... Prince Bandar
graduated from the British Royal Air Force College at
Cranwell, England, in 1968 and was commissioned as a
second lieutenant in the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). He
received pilot training in the United Kingdom and the United
States, and has flown numerous fighter aircraft including the
JP 3-4, T-38, T-33, F-5, F-53/55, F-102, and the F-15. During
his seventeen-year military career he attained the rank of
lieutenant colonel, commanded fighter squadrons at three RSAF
bases, and undertook program management responsibilities in
the major RSAF modernization project Peace Hawk. In addition,
Prince Bandar carried out special assignments in Washington,
DC, during the debates between the U.S. administration and the
Congress concerning the sale to Saudi Arabia of F-15s in 1978
and of AWACs in 1981. In 1982 he was assigned to Washington,
DC, as the Kingdom's defense attaché.
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News Digest Published May 20, 2008 Anglo-Dutch
Financier Cartel Escalates Attacks on Africa May 18
(EIRNS)—Frantic that African nations will partner with Asia,
to avoid the certain death of nation-states which the
Anglo-Dutch imperial crowd is causing, via the IMF and WTO,
the imperialists, in the past week, have escalated their
campaign against two nations in particular, Sudan and
Zimbabwe. Sudan: As made explicit by the City of
London's mouthpiece, the Economist, on May 15, the Anglo-Dutch
are now targetting Sudan (which is the nation with the largest
land area in Africa—bigger than Western Europe), for
dismemberment, resulting from conflicts between the government
and regions of the country outside the capital, Khartoum, and
between the government and neighboring
countries.The Economist and the anglophile press
generally, are pushing the idea that the Darfur conflict could
spark a national or regional war, citing an abortive attack on
the capital that took place on May 10-11. The Justice and
Equality Movement (JEM), a rebel group based in Darfur, but
which promotes a national cause (arguing that the government
is not sharing the wealth with outlying regions), attempted an
attack against Khartoum by driving across the country; the JEM
reached the neighboring city of Omdurman, before they were
dispersed by government forces. The attack made no military
sense, but came in the context of the Anglo-Dutch strategy to
set up the nation for fragmentation. The JEM has vowed to
continue attacks throughout the country, a shift from their
past position of pretending to fight for the rights of the
Darfur region, in western Sudan, along the border with
Chad. The Economist gameplan shows that the campaign
carried out by Western nations against Sudan, charging
genocide, was only a pretext for destroying the
country. ... Is BAE Money Behind Latest Sudan
Destabilization?May 12 (EIRNS)—In light of charges
that the government of Chad played a role in the recent rebel
military actions in targetting the Sudanese capital of
Khartoum, the question must be asked: Was BAE slush fund
money behind this latest destabilization?As EIR
documented last year, BAE Systems, the British defense and
aerospace giant, has used the "al-Yamamah" deal with Saudi
Arabia, and other arms-for-oil barter deals with other
countries, to build up a massive off-budget covert fund,
which has been used to run British intelligence operations
around the globe, since 1985. EIR's estimate is that
al-Yamamah alone generated $100 billion in untraceable
offshore funds to finance such operations.In his
authorized biography, The Prince, by William Simpson,
Prince Bandar freely admitted that the al-Yamamah fund was
a geopolitical covert program, involving Saudi Arabia and
Great Britain, and that one of the covert programs run through
the operation was the arming of Chad, to repel Libyan
invaders. |
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related to the Duke Cunningham-MZM CIA contracting scandal was
heard this morning in extraordinary secrecy by a panel of 6th
Circuit Court of Appeals Judges in Pasedena. See, http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20070805-9999-1m5secret.htmlThe
extreme secrecy is highly unusual. Veteran lawyers could not
remember another time when the appeals court held a completely
closed hearing. The subjects to be discussed are
transcripts and documents related to the February guilty plea
of Thomas Kontogiannis, a New York developer who admitted to a
single count of money laundering in the Cunningham case.
Kontogiannis' checkered past includes convictions for bribery
and bid-rigging, an estimated $70 million fortune, and a knack
for staying out of prison. The reason this is
being kept under wraps that is Greece, like Turkey, has been
buying GOP Congressmen and CIA officials . . . with Saudi
money, as part of an enormous multinational arms and political
influence buying scheme being operated by the Saudi Royal
Family in several western countries, particularly focused on
the US and UK.Thomas Kontogiannis' motives in
bribing Cunningham has long been obscure. A month ago, it
finally came out that Kontogiannis' interest in the matter
was arms transfers to his native Greece. According to
details that have slowly trickled out of the case, the Saudis
are lurking in the background of this, apparently as bankers
for the deal. Mr. Kontogiannis was acting as an agent
for the Greek military, which we are now told was seeking
backroom business with General Dynamics and other U.S. defense
contractors. See, http://news.aol.com/story/_a/disgraced-former-us-rep-duke-cunningham/n20070719164509990014The
lure of Saudi money appears to be key to these bribery and
intelligence scandals, which also connects to the Valerie
Plame mega-scandal and falsification of Iraq WMD intelligence
by San Diego-based defense contractor, MZM. This is
just another side of the same scandal that snared Dennis
Hastert, Jerry Lewis, and several dozen other Republican
big-wigs and ranking members of various committees, along with
the CIA #2, Dusty Foggo. This appears to be part of the
American tie-in to the monster scandal in the UK involving
BAE, a big British (and US) defense contractor, the Saudi
Royal family, and an $80 billion slush fund, Yamamah ("The
Dove", rhymes with "Ya mama"), which has been buying western
politicians and intelligence services since the
mid-1970s. In 1976, CIA Director George Herbert Walker
Bush first entered into an illegal deal with Saudi
Intelligence Chief, Prince al-Turki, to continue covert Agency
operations banned by Congress in exchange for Saudi money. In
1982, he was picked as Reagan's running mate, and, using Saudi
funding, went on run a series of notorious "rogue"
intelligence operations out of the Office of the Vice
President. See, http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x1281780The
lure of Saudi money appears to be key to these bribery and
intelligence scandals, which also connects to the Valerie
Plame mega-scandal and falsification of Iraq WMD intelligence
by San Diego-based defense contractor, MZM. This is
just another side of the same scandal that snared Dennis
Hastert, Jerry Lewis, and several dozen other Republican
big-wigs and ranking members of various committees, along with
the CIA #2, Dusty Foggo. This appears to be part of the
American tie-in to the monster scandal in the UK involving
BAE, a big British (and US) defense contractor, the Saudi
Royal family, and an $80 billion slush fund, Yamamah ("The
Dove", rhymes with "Ya mama"), which has been buying western
politicians and intelligence services since the
mid-1970s. In 1976, CIA Director George Herbert Walker
Bush first entered into an illegal deal with Saudi
Intelligence Chief, Prince al-Turki, to continue covert Agency
operations banned by Congress in exchange for Saudi money. In
1982, he was picked as Reagan's running mate, and, using Saudi
funding, went on run a series of notorious "rogue"
intelligence operations out of the Office of the Vice
President. see: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x1281780This
has been an ongoing conspiracy. Today, it also touches on the
scandal surrounding the sudden firing early this year of US
Attorney Carol Lam, who was forced out by AG Gonzales just two
days after the arrest on February 13 of Dusty Foggo, chief
lieutenant to CIA Director Porter Goss. Eight days later,
Kontogiannis cut a deal with prosecutors in the Cunningham
case, and was offered an unusually light sentence for his role
in bribing the Congressman. TPM Muckraker has been
on-top of this story. Consider this Josh Marshall column from
last March about Kontogianni and the connections which had
then first emerged about MZM owner Mitchell Wade, and his
partner, Brent Wilkes, have with corrupt elements of US
intelligence and the Saudi Royals http://beta.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/week_2006_03_05.phpJustin
Rood fills in the answer to that last question, here http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/000391.phpCunningham,
Felon Met With Saudi Crown Prince By Justin Rood -
April 17, 2006, 1:06 PM Over the weekend, a new profile by
Copley News Service added to our understanding of former GOP
Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's "Co-conspirator #3," the
mysterious Thomas Kontogiannis. Today, we can add a bit more.
Recall that Kontogiannis bribed Cunningham through purchasing
a yacht from the congressman -- and paying several hundred
thousand dollars more than it was worth. His finance company
also handled some of Cunningham's questionable mortgages. But
reporters and investigators have struggled to understand what
Kontogiannis was getting from Duke for all the money he spent
on the lawmaker. The latest theory seems to be that Duke was
introducing him to world leaders. As Copley
reports: Cunningham "introduced him to people. It was
like he had a congressman on retainer," added. The
Copley story notes that he twice accompanied Cunningham to the
White House, and kept a picture of himself meeting President
Bush in his house. Now, TPMmuckraker has learned he apparently
met the man who would shortly become king of Saudi Arabia.
It's been known that Kontogiannis, a wealthy businessman and
two-time felon, in 2004 accompanied Cunningham and a Saudi
constituent, San Diego real estate mogul Ziyad Abduljawad, to
Saudi Arabia. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) also went. Abduljawad
paid for the trip. Until now, we haven't known much about the
trip -- who the group met with, why, what they talked about.
Cunningham is said to have gone in order to promote U.S.-Saudi
ties, or some other such pap. Beyond that, we've had nothing.
I called Calvert last week to ask him more about the trip.
(He's the only one of the crew who's talking these days:
Cunningham's in the pen, Abduljawad declined an interview,
Tommy K's lawyer doesn't return calls.) Calvert's memory
wasn't perfect, but he had some details to share. The group
met with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah -- then the de facto
ruler of Saudi Arabia, and now its king. Kontogiannis was at
the meeting, Calvert recalled, although "he didn't say
anything, as I remember," the lawmaker told me. Copley now
tells us its sources say Tommy K's purpose "appeared to center
on an oil business he owned in Europe." That's not much to go
on. The group also met with "ministers of various government
institutions within Saudi Arabia," Calvert said. He recalled
Kontogiannis being present for "some" of those meetings. As
for what was discussed, Calvert recalled only that a number of
the ministers pressed Cunningham to help ease post-9/11
restrictions on student visas for Saudis. With Abdullah,
Calvert said the discussion was "primarily social," and
"trying to build a better relationship with the United
States." Now a U.S. citizen, Kontogiannis is worth about $70
million, Copley reporter Joe Cantlupe tells us. He spent over
$300,000 on Cunningham. "What Kontogiannis, 59, got from the
relationship with Cunningham remains unclear," Cantlupe
writes, but notes that the businessman visited the White House
twice with the Duke. And now we know they visited the Saudi
crown prince together also. Was that it? He bought Cunningham
-- a well-positioned but hardly towering member of the U.S.
House -- to meet world leaders? Bottom-line:
MZM-Cunningham appears to be part of the American
side to the monster scandal involving multi-billion dollar
kickbacks from defense contractors to the Saudi Royal family,
which has been in turn buying western politicians and
intelligence officials for decades.Over the years,
the Yamamah slush fund has bankrolled a series of Saudi
black operations from Pakistan's nuclear program, to the BCCI
rip-off, to the Iran-Contra operation, to the creation of
al-Qaeda and political influence buying in the US and UK by
various factions of the Royal family.Every time the US
and Britain puts together an arms deal with the Saudis, and
now with third-countries such as Turkey and Greece, the
overpricing and kickbacks funds a black program, often inside
the US and Britain. ..... http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20070805-9999-1m5secret.htmlIt
is widely believed that Kontogiannis is cooperating with
the government and will testify in an upcoming trial of
Poway defense contractor Brent Wilkes and John Michael, who
is Kontogiannis' nephew and is charged with conspiracy
to bribe Cunningham, money laundering, three counts of
unlawful monetary transactions and obstruction of justice.
Wilkes is accused of plying Cunningham and CIA
official Kyle “Dusty” Foggo with bribes in return for
lucrative contracts. Foggo and Wilkes are childhood friends
from Chula Vista who were associates of the former Republican
congressman. “It's almost Orwellian
double-speak,” said Gregg Leslie, the legal defense director
for The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. “They
say, 'We need secrecy, but the reason we need secrecy is also
secret, so we can't tell you.' ” |
| | |
There is so much payoff money
flying around , but it seems they were funding the "hijacker"
part at the very least. They never name the "two hijackers"
that received the money. Only how they could have gotten it.
The Riggs "Bank" is pretty obvious as a replacement for the
CIA BCCI "bank" ..... http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a120499princesshttp://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a120499princess#a120499princessDecember
4, 1999: Saudi Ambassador’s Wife Gives Funds that Are Possibly
Passed to 9/11 Hijackers Prince Bandar (pictures of his
wife and Osama Basnan are not available). [Source: Publicity
photo]Princess Haifa bint Faisal, the wife of Prince Bandar,
the Saudi ambassador to the US, begins sending monthly
cashier’s checks of between $2,000 and $3,500 (accounts
differ) to Majeda Dweikat, the Jordanian wife of Osama Basnan,
a Saudi living in San Diego. Accounts also differ over when
the checks were first sent (between November 1999 and about
March 2000; a Saudi government representative has stated
December 4, 1999 Basnan’s wife signs many of the checks
over to her friend Manal Bajadr, the wife of Omar al-Bayoumi.
The payments are made through Riggs Bank, a bank which appears
to have turned a blind eye to Saudi embassy transaction and
also has longstanding ties to covert CIA operations (see July
2003). Some later suggest that the money from the wife
of the Saudi ambassador passes through the al-Bayoumi and
Basnan families as intermediaries and ends up in the hands of
the two hijackers. The payments from Princess Haifa continue
until May 2002 and may total $51,000, or as much as
$73,000. While living in the San Diego area, al-Bayoumi
and Basnan are heavily involved in helping with the relocation
of, and offering financial support to, Saudi immigrants in the
community In late 2002, al-Bayoumi claims he did not
pass any money along to the hijackers. [Washington Times,
12/4/2002] Basnan has variously claimed to know al-Bayoumi,
not to know him at all, or to know him only vaguely. [ABC
News, 11/25/2002; Arab News, 11/26/2002; ABC News, 11/26/2002;
MSNBC, 11/27/2002] However, earlier reports say Basnan and his
wife were “very good friends” of al-Bayoumi and his wife. Both
couples lived at the Parkwood Apartments at the same time as
the two hijackers; prior to that, the couples lived together
in a different apartment complex. In addition, the two wives
were arrested together in April 2001 for
shoplifting August 27, 2002: Close Relationship Between
Saudi Ambassador and Bush Raises Questions Prince
Bandar, Saudi ambassador to the US, meets privately for more
than an hour with President Bush and National Security Adviser
Rice in Crawford, Texas. [Daily Telegraph, 8/28/2002] Press
Secretary Ari Fleischer characterizes it as a warm meeting of
old friends. Bandar, his wife Princess Haifa, and seven of
their eight children stay for lunch. [Fox News, 8/27/2002]
Bandar, a long-time friend of the Bush family, donated $1
million to the George W. Bush Presidential Library in College
Station, Texas. [Boston Herald, 12/11/2001] This
relationship later becomes news when it is learned that
Princess Haifa gave between $51,000 and $73,000 to two Saudi
families in California who may have financed two of the 9/11
hijackers (see December 4, 1999). [New York Times, 11/23/2002;
MSNBC, 11/27/2002] http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a120499princess#a0703riggsbankJuly
2003: Saudi Embassy in US Found to Be Passing Money to Suspect
Charities through US Bank that Has CIA Ties In late
2002, US federal banking investigators began looking into
transactions at Riggs Bank because of news reports that some
money may have passed from the Saudi Arabian embassy in
Washington through Riggs Bank to the associates of two 9/11
hijackers in San Diego But in July 2003, the probe
expands as investigators discover irregularities involving
tens of millions of dollars also connected to the Saudi
embassy. The Wall Street Journal will later report, “Riggs
repeatedly failed in 2001 and 2002 to file suspicious-activity
reports related to cash transactions in the low tens of
millions of dollars in Saudi accounts, said people familiar
with the matter.” Riggs Bank “handles the bulk of
[Washington’s] diplomatic accounts, a niche market that
revolves around relationships and discretion.Newsweek
will later report that “investigators say the embassy accounts
show a large commingling of funds with Islamic charities that
have been the prime target of US probes.” In one instance, on
July 10, 2001 the Saudi embassy sent $70,000 to two Saudis in
Massachusetts. One of the Saudis wrote a $20,000 check that
same day to a third Saudi who had listed the same address as
Aafia Siddiqui, a microbiologist who is believed to have been
a US-based operative for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed The Wall Street Journal will later
discover that Riggs Bank “has had a longstanding relationship
with the Central Intelligence Agency, according to people
familiar with Riggs operations and US government officials”
(see December 31, 2004). The relationship included top
Riggs executives receiving US government security
clearances. Riggs also overlooked tens of millions of
dollars in suspicious transactions by right wing dictators
from Africa and South America such as former Chilean dictator
Augusto Pinochet. |
| | |
secret papers reveal threats from Saudi
prince2008-02-15, The Guardian (One of the U.K.'s
leading newspapers) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/15/bae.armstradeSaudi
Arabia's rulers threatened to make it easier for terrorists to
attack London unless corruption investigations into their arms
deals were halted, according to court documents revealed
yesterday. Previously secret files describe how
investigators were told they faced "another 7/7" and the loss
of "British lives on British streets" if they pressed on with
their inquiries and the Saudis carried out their threat to cut
off intelligence. Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi
national security council, and son of the crown prince, was
alleged in court to be the man behind the threats to hold back
information about suicide bombers and terrorists. He faces
accusations that he himself took more than £1bn in secret
payments from the arms company BAE. He was accused in
yesterday's high court hearings of flying to London in
December 2006 and uttering threats which made the prime
minister, Tony Blair, force an end to the Serious Fraud Office
investigation into bribery allegations involving Bandar and
his family. The threats halted the fraud inquiry. Lord
Justice Moses, hearing the civil case with Mr Justice
Sullivan, said the government appeared to have "rolled over"
after the threats. He said one possible view was that it was
"just as if a gun had been held to the head" of the
government. The SFO investigation began in 2004, when Robert
Wardle, its director, studied evidence unearthed by the
Guardian. This revealed that massive secret payments were
going from BAE to Saudi Arabian princes, to promote arms
deals. Yesterday, anti-corruption campaigners began a legal
action to overturn the decision to halt the case. They want
the original investigation restarted, arguing the government
had caved into blackmail. Note: This report comes very
close to confirming the close link between terrorist attacks
and high-level policy of certain states. For many revealing
clues along these lines from reliable sources, click
here. http://www.wanttoknow.info/terrorismnewsarticles |
| | |
"But the British dont have any
power", and "The Saudi's dont fund terrorists". you just
uncovered one of the Saudi British money laundering
operations, although i already was well aware of BaE using
Saudi money to arm Militants. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
"But the British dont have any power", and
"The Saudi's dont fund terrorists". you just uncovered one of
the Saudi British money laundering operations, although i
already was well aware of BaE using Saudi money to arm
This is an (Them)
Illuminati-Anglo-Dutch-American Slush Operation fund. It seems
to be used where ever "needed" with the Saudis as key holders.
Now that it has been exposed, like BCCI, the money will
disappear and then reappear someplace anew with new "key
holders"?.... It is interesting how so much of this has
been kept out of the press. (cbs nbc abc CNN FOX where were
you ?).. . Abramnoff and all.... So now they "expose
Bandar" but he has retired from the front lines..... They make
a big deal about recovering a few hundred million,
Ha... http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/home/bandars-aspen-real-eBandar's
Aspen real estate proceeds frozen by D.C. judge in bribes
case by Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Daily News Staff
Writer Tuesday, February 12, 2008 A federal
judge has temporarily blocked Prince Bandar from moving money
gained from his Aspen real estate sales to Saudi Arabia and
other locations outside of the United
States. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer
issued a temporary restraining order on Feb. 5 in response to
a class-action lawsuit claiming that Prince Bandar acquired
his Aspen real estate holdings with "illegal bribe payments"
from a British defense company,BAE Systems PLC. Prince
Bandar has denied the payments were illegal or were bribes,
but instead maintains they were legitimate government funds
audited by the Saudi Ministry of Finance. The
legal team suing Prince Bandar and the officers and directors
of BAE filed an "emergency application" for the restraining
order because they claimed, despite the slowing Aspen
realestate market, that Prince Bandar "has the ability to
instantaneously sell the rest of the U.S.-based property
interests he holds and transfer the proceeds out of the
country." A hearing to determine whether the order
should be extended is scheduled for Thursday at 3 p.m. in
Washington, D.C. "The $167.4 million in
U.S.-based real estate Bandar continues to hold was acquired
using the billions of dollars inillegal BAE bribe payments
obtained from BAE," the emergency application
stated. The $167.4 million figure presumes Prince
Bandar's main Starwood estate is worth $135 million, even
though it didn't fetch that price while listed on the market
for over a year. The lawsuit against Bandar claims
that BAE leaders knew they were making illegal payments to
Prince Bandar as partof an $86 billion arms deal in 1985 that
amounted to "intentional, reckless and/or negligent breaches
of fiduciary duty," which, the lawsuit alleges, wasted BAE's
assets and hurt shareholders. The lawsuit naming Bandar
was filed in U.S.District Court in September on behalf of the
city of Harper Woods Employees' Retirement System, which was a
BAE shareholder. Harper Woods is a suburb of Detroit,
Mich. The lawsuit was filed against the officers and
directors of BAE Systems PLC, Prince Bandar and PNC Financial
Group, the successor to Riggs Bank of Washington. Money
spent in Aspen "The illegal
bribe/kickback payments were received and spent by Bandar here
in the U.S., including over $100million to build one of the
largest and most lavish personal residencesin the U.S.,
located in Aspen, Colorado, and known as 'Hala Ranch,'"
charged plaintiffs attorney Roger Adelman of Washington, D.C.,
in the application for the restraining order. "While
Bandar amassed his palatial Colorado estate, many questioned
exactly how Bandar could afford the lavish estate, the 50
full-time workers Bandar employed there, the entourage that
accompanied his and his family's increasing visits to Aspen,
andthe hundreds of thousands of dollars Bandar was handing out
in the Aspen community on an ambassador's salary," the
application stated.But Bandar was always more than
an ambassador. Bandar is the grandson of the founder of
Saudi Arabia, King Abdul, also known as Ibn Saud. He is
married to the daughter of the late King Faisal. And his
father, Prince Sultan, is now next in line to the Saudi
throne. His Royal Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultanbin
Abdulaziz served as Saudi ambassador to the U.S. from 1983 to
2005, when he was appointed secretary general of the Saudi
National SecurityCouncil. Prince Bandar bought his main
Starwood property in 1989 and the 56,000-square-foot home on
the property was finished in 1991. In 2006, Bandar
listed the primary residence for sale for $135 million, but
pulled it off the market in November. A month later,
Bandar sold another home in Starwood he had built for one of
his daughters for $36.5 million and also sold two other
Starwood properties near his main estate for atotal of $49
million. "Those sales proceeds have already
likely been transferred to Saudi Arabia or other countries
outside of this Court's grasp," wrote attorney Adelman in his
application for the restraining order. "In addition
to Hala Ranch, Bandar purchased (using bribe payments) and
continues to own at least two other private residences in
Aspen, 22 units at the Aspen Inn that are used by his staff,
and an office suite that houses his Aspen lawyer," the
application for the restraining order stated.The
condo units are at the Inn at Aspen at the base of Buttermilk.
Bandar's Aspen attorney, William Jordan III, has a
second-floor office on the Cooper Avenue mall. The
restraining order specifically names Jordan and "realtor Josh
Saslove" of Aspen-based Joshua and Company, along with Bandar
and "his agents, attorneys and others representing him" in its
requirement that any money from past or upcoming real estate
sales remain in "U.S.-based accounts." Bandar, Saslove
and Jordan could not bereached for comment on Monday. Nor
could attorneys for Bandar and the city of Harper Woods
pension fund. Judges and lawyers Without ruling
on the larger merits of the case, Judge Collyer found that the
complaint against Bandar "... at a minimum, raises serious
questions of law concerning whether Prince Bandar may be
required to return the bribe payments and profits on those
payments to BAE." However, the court denied a request
for an "immediate accounting of payments BAE made to Prince
Bandar, including the present form and location of those funds
... ." The restraining order doesn't prevent the sale
of any of Bandar's real estate, but requires that any
resultingmoney not be transferred out of the
country. The suit was filed by attorneys with the San
Diego law firm of Coughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman and Robbins.
The firm was founded in 2004 by William S.Lerach, a
well-known class-action attorney who resigned from Coughlin,
Stoia in October shortly before pleading guilty to one count
of conspiracy to obstruct justice and make false statements.
He confessed to being part of a scheme while at the
law firm of Milberg Weiss to pay clients who filed
class-action lawsuits against companies. Lerach, 61, was
sentenced Monday by afederal judge in Los Angeles to two years
of probation, 1,000 hours of community service and $250,000 in
penalties. Bandar claims innocence
Through a London law firm in June, Prince Bandar
denied any wrongdoing regarding the BAE
payments. "The accounts at Riggs Bank were in the
nameof the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defense and Aviation
(MODA)," Bandar's statement said. "Any payments into those
accounts made by BAE were pursuant to the Al-Yamamah contracts
and as such would not in any way have been secret from the
parties to those contracts. "Whilst Prince Bandar was
an authorized signatory on the accounts any monies paid out of
those accounts were exclusively for purposes approved by
MODA," the statement said. Also in June, BAE
issued a statement saying the payments were
proper. "The Al-Yamamah program is a
government-to-government agreement and all such payments made
under those agreements were made with the express approval of
both the Saudi and the U.K. governments," the statement
said. Britain's Serious Fraud Office was investigating
the Al-Yamamah deal but closed their review in December 2006.
Last month, a British intelligence report disclosed
that the investigation into the arms deal was closed because
the Saudis might stop sharing valuable information with
British officials about terrorism. In September
2007, the Saudis agreed to buy 72 fighter jets from BAE for
almost $9 billion.The U.S. Department of Justice
is now investigating the Al-Yamamah matter and the payments to
Prince Bandar. Prince Bandar has hired attorney
Brad Reynolds of the Washington, D.C., law firm of Howrey LLP
to represent him in the city of Harper Woods lawsuit and
presumably to help with the Justice Department
investigation. Reynolds is a former U.S.
assistant attorney general with "extensive experience
counseling clients on criminal andcivil matters under
investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice," according to
the firm's Web site. Attorneys for the BAE officers and
directors have recently moved for dismissal of the city of
Harper Woods lawsuit, saying that the pension fund does not
have standing and that decisions made by officers of an
English company should be reviewed in Englishcourts.
| | |
That specific op may involve the
U.S., however the Extremist Mosque funding goes from Saudi
Arabia, through the London Banking Cartels, then to defense
contractors who arm Militants and Mosques. BaE is involved in
this, very much so to the point that it is the largest
terrorist funding operation in the world. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
This shows whoever was in
control of that oil , 600,000 bls per DAY. They would
certainly like to have the price of oil go UP. So a
middle east conflict would be helpful. Since we are
doing very loose accounting on this oil, a 10x Billion here or
there can't be accounted for.... That's alot of slush
money.... Enough to takeover several small countries..like
the U.S.
And here is where the story gets really
Saudi Arabia agreed to provide Britain
with one tanker of oil per day, for the entire life of the
al-Yamamah contracts. An oil tanker holds approximately
600,000 barrels of oil. BAE Systems began “official” delivery
of the Tornado and Hawk planes to Saudi Arabia in 1989. BAE
Systems now has approximately 5,000 employees inside Saudi
Arabia, servicing the contract.
Is it possible to place
a cash value on the oil deliveries to BAE Systems? According
to sources familiar with the inner workings of al-Yamamah,
much of the Saudi oil was sold on the international spot
market at market value, through British Petroleum and Royal
Dutch Shell.
EIR economist John Hoefle has done an
in-depth charting of the financial features of the oil
transactions, based on BP’s own daily tracking of world oil
prices on the open market. Using BP’s average annual cost of a
barrel of Saudi crude oil, Hoefle concluded that the total
value of the oil sales, based on the value of the dollar at
the time of delivery, was $125 billion. In current U.S. dollar
terms, that total soars to $160 billion (see accompanying
| | |
So, according to this, if BEA
hadn't have 'outscammed' the yanks in bids for arms contracts
to the Saudi's then I wouldn't have lived in Saudi when I was
a kid and my family would have fell victim to the miners
strikes in the UK in the 80's (like a lot of my childhood
friends did) - instead of having a reasonably decent income
because my father worked for BEA in Saudi during that
I wish our family saw some of those offshore
funds - I wouldn't be working for a pittance now if we
did! |
Why wait for
progress? | | |
Now we come around to the
interconnection of Bush-Bae-Carlyle Group.... http://www.mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=5571422007/07/05 "Our
investigation is now bringing to light a nexus of action and
an institutional interlock between Riggs Bank, the host of the
BAE slush funds; the Bush-family-tied CARLYLE GROUP, which
is the U.S.-based corporate partner of BAE; and the Bush
networks in government" (LPAC) - Covert billions
that the British poured into American bank accounts of former
Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, originating with
the BAE Systems-Saudi Arabia Al-Yamamah deal went through
Washington DC-based Riggs Bank, as recent headline coverage in
the British press on the BAE scandal has revealed. Our
investigation is now bringing to light a nexus of action and
an institutional interlock between Riggs Bank, the host of the
BAE slush funds; the Bush-family-tied CARLYLE GROUP, which is
the U.S.-based corporate partner of BAE; and the Bush networks
in government. JOHN CARTER BEESE, JR., a veteran of
the Bush-connected Baltimore investment bank ALEXANDER BROWN
& SONS over most of a 20-year span, was a pivotal figure
in the founding of the merger-and-acquisition giant private
equity fund, Carlyle Group.Beese's contacts with
the Bush networks go back at least as far as 1980, when he was
the financial co-chairman of George Herbert Walker Bush's
failed Presidential bid. It was at that time that Beese is
said to have met Bush's Texas friend JOE ALBRITTON, just when
Allbritton was buying into Riggs Bank. Bush had previously
become director of Allbritton's Houston Interstate Bank
after leaving his post as Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) in 1976. Allbritton would eventually control 41%
of Riggs' stock, and Beese would become a Riggs executive in
1998. Beese, who committed suicide earlier this
year, began his career with ALEXANDER BROWN in 1978,
directly after graduating from Rollins College in Florida,
where he had befriended Dubya's brother Marvin. Beese
evidently became the protege of Alexander Brown's chief
executive A.B. "BUZZY" KRONGARD, and by 1987, at the age of
30, Beese had become a principal of the Brown firm.
That same year, 1987, Beese became a founding
director of the Carlyle Group, along with a small handful of
people closely aligned with then-Vice President George H. W.
Bush.Beese was central in arranging the funding
for Carlyle, which likely ran through Alexander Brown, and,
reportedly, Mellon networks. After helping to create
Carlyle, Beese then shifted into the federal government,
taking a George H.W. Bush appointment in 1990 as the director
of the Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC), an office
which directs government aid to U.S. corporations doing
business abroad. In 1992, Beese became a
Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
where he was "a strong voice for 'market-based solutions' to
securities regulatory issues." In other words, he
sought to essentially abolish the organization he was working
for. In 1994, with this experience under his belt, Beese went
back to Alexander Brown. In 1998, after having
previously carrying out a bond sale for them through Alexander
Brown, Beese joined Riggs Bank directly. Beese convinced his
old friend Joe Allbritton to set up a $100-million venture
capital division called Riggs Capital Partners, which Beese
then chaired. While not much is known about this division's
activities, this is just after Riggs had absorbed J. Bush
& Co., the private banking business of Dubya's uncle
(George H.W. Bush's brother) Jonathan Bush. Jonathan Bush had
founded his business in 1970, with the explicit intent of
"provid[ing] discreet banking services for the Washington D.C.
embassies." Investigators would later report that it
was in 1998 that overseers first began to note irregularities
in Riggs' activities. In 2001, Beese became a director
of Riggs, with specific responsibility for compliance
issues--in other words, keeping the bank clear of regulatory
oversight. # → BAE Fallout: John Bredenkamp
Puts His Foot In It → The BAE Systems Affair and the
Anglo-Dutch Imperial Slime Mold → Bill Clinton in Yalta:
Share Anti-Missile Technology With Russians That Works →
LaRouche to Diplomats: The Guns of August or a New Type of
FDR-IMF System → Official passes give BAE access to the top
at the Ministry of Defence → Queen's Bankers Intervene to
Save BAE → British May Have Reason to Worry About U.S.
Investigation of BAE → Sen. Kerry Demanded DoJ Probe of BAE
Bribery Operations on June 21 → BAE Arms deal saga hurt
anti-fraud office → BAE Scandal Bursts into U.S. Press as
Announcement of DOJ Probe Sends BAE Stock Plummeting →
LaRouche in Washington Post: History of BAE and 9/11
Legacy → LaRouche to Speaker Pelosi: BAE Scandal Demands
Cheney's Immediate Impeachment → Cheney BAE Scandal Ignored
By American Media → BAE faces criminal inquiry in US →
BAE: Indisputably murky → BAE accused of secretly paying
£1bn to Saudi prince → BAE hired actresses for Saudi
Prince → BAE Systems profits rise, boosted by expanding
U.S. operations → The parallel universe of BAE: covert,
dangerous and beyond the rule of law → Tanzania to ask
Britain for refund in BAE deal → Goldsmith attacked for
ending BAE inquiry → Britain censured over decision to drop
BAE Saudi corruption inquiry → BAE bosses named as
corruption suspects → BAE's secret $12m payout in African
deal → Arms deal investigators probe BAE payments to South
African → Blair was urged to plug BAE jet while in the
Middle East → Ethics are dead. Long live BAE! → Dropping
Saudi linked to BAE inquiry faces legal challenge → BAE
Systems secret millions linked to arms broker
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| | |
Nice Find |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
Yes, it is so depressing
being a multi-millionaire in Malibu and knowing too many
secrets ..... you could just die... It is
interesting that there is no mention of his involment in the
creation of the CARLYLE Group here at all....
Humm...John Carter Beese Jr. - Suicide -
Obituary - Wednesday, April 11, 2007http://www.thealarmclock.com/mt/archives/2007/04/vc_j_carter_bee.htmlVC
J. Carter Beese Commits Suicide J. Carter Beese Jr., venture
capitalist and former commissioner of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, committed suicide in California on
Sunday, according to The Baltimore Sun. Beese, 50, was a
partner at Boulder Ventures. He previously was president of
Riggs Capital Partners, and was the former vice
chairman of the global banking group at Bankers Trust and
chairman of Alex. Brown International. At the time of
his death, Beese was on the board of China.com among other
companies. http://alt.nntp2http.com/obituaries/2007/05/87bdf515ded0c58d37b45b828eea81d2.htmlJ.
Carter Beese Jr., 50Originally published April 10,
2007 http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/obituaries/bal-md.ob.beese10apr10,0,540597.story?track=rssJ.
Carter Beese Jr., a former commissioner of the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission and former principal of Alex. Brown
& Sons, ended his life Sunday at a home in Malibu, Calif.
The Owings Mills resident was 50.Mr. Beese was
being treated for depression, family members
said.John Carter Beese Jr. was born and raised in
Hackensack, N.J. He was a 1974 graduate of Bergen Catholic
High School in Oradell, N.J. After earning a bachelor's
degree in economics and political science from Rollins College
in 1978, he began his career at Alex. Brown & Sons. He
became an officer in 1984, and was named a partner three years
later. In 1990, Mr. Beese was appointed as a director
of the Overseas Private Investment Corp. Two years later, he
was nominated by President George H.W. Bush to become one
of the five members of the SEC. In his two-year term,
he focused on cross-border capital flow, the
derivatives market and corporate governance. He
returned to Alex. Brown and was chairman of Alex. Brown
International from 1994 to 1997. From 1997 to 1998, he was
vice chairman of the global banking group at Bankers
Trust. [ See: ***Derivatives as a method of counterfeiting and
destruction of the currency - Bankers Trust -
Deutsche Bank ]Mr. Beese had been
president of Riggs Capital Partners, a venture fund that was a
division of Riggs National Corp. in Washington, from 1998
until 2005. He had been a venture partner and chairman
of the advisory committee of Boulder Ventures Ltd., and had
been president of RCP Ventures Management Inc., a venture
capital management company that closed last year. He was also
a senior adviser to Legacy Partners Group, according to a
recent article in Forbes magazine. Last June, he was
appointed an independent director of SafeNet Inc., a Belcamp
technology company. He was helping with an internal
investigation of SafeNet's stock option awards, which also are
under federal investigation. The special board inquiry led to
two top executives' ouster. He had been a member of the
President's Information Technology Advisory Committee since
2003. He also was a senior adviser to the Washington-based
Center for Strategic and International Studies, a
nonpartisan think tank, and a governor of financial
services for the World Economic Forum. He was active in
Republican politics, nationally and locally. "He was an
extraordinarily able young man who had a remarkable career in
both business and government," said Truman T. Semans, a former
Alex. Brown & Sons colleague and longtime
friend. His local club memberships included the
Maryland Club, Green Spring Valley Hunt Club, and the Burning
Tree Club. He enjoyed traveling, hunting and
fishing. Plans for funeral services at St. Thomas
Episcopal Church in Owings Mills, where Mr. Beese was a
member, were incomplete yesterday. Surviving are his
wife of 23 years, the former Natalie Wilson; three sons, John
Carter Beese III, Wilson S. Beese and Alex N. Beese, all of
Owings Mills; a daughter, Courtney L. Beese, also of Owings
Mills; his parents, Elizabeth and John Carter Beese Sr. of
Towson; and four sisters, Anne Carroll Kypraios of Winter
Park, Fla., Mary Elizabeth Beese of Fort Lee, N.J., Anne Marie
Kelley of Ringwood, N.J., and Mary Rogers Fischer of Waldwick,
N.J. |
| | |
LaRouche is a very old man and
knows alot of people. He is 86 years old, and at this point i
dont care what people in this forum think about him because i
trust his intel. I take heat everytime i post a LaRouche
article, no one knows WHY they hate him, they just do.
Is it because he is a lincoln federalist? well that is
no reason to completely discredit someone. It's a different
economic philosophy that has been proven to grow the economy,
yes it is to the larger gov. degree, so what. That doesn't
meant he is evil, or a liar.
Is it because he is very
out spokenly Anti-British? I dont know, he sure is but he
provides the British history to back it. He is a Historian,
and Tarpley is a historian who came from LaRouche's
So, i will continue to post what i feel is
importent and if you want to bash him, go for it. It doesn't
effect me. i am just trying to get the most info from the most
perspectives as possible. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
LaRouche as far as history goes
seems to be realistic. Dope Inc. is the bible of the history
of Drugs smuggling and money laundering... Just his politics I
don't agree with. Web page explaining Riggs Bank on
Ten Dollar Bill: http://www.rtfa.net/2007/10/04/riggs-bank-ten-dollar-bill Now an obituary for the great American
Bank. It only took a few short years with a Bush at the helm
to bring it all down.Also note:
1996-7 (Just before Rigg's "buys" J. Bush; Co .
I guess he wasn't on board with the future changes at the
While on an economic development mission to
Bosnia and Croatia, Paul Cushman III, head of the
International Division, dies in a plane crash with U.S.
Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_/ai_55807589Riggs
Bank N.A. held dedication ceremonies today for the Paul
Cushman III International Financial Center, headquarters for
Riggs's international financial services. The new
facility, located at 1528 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., is
dedicated to the memory of Riggs's former senior international
banking executive who was killed in the plane crash with U.S.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown while on an economic development
mission to Bosnia and Croatia in 1996. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZAJAhacLhMRiggs
Bank vault coontained George Washingtons Gold
Gavel... http://www.gwu.edu/~newsctr/pressrelease.cfm?ann_id=23591GW
Records Documenting Personal Finances of Francis Scott Key,
Clara Barton, Daniel Webster, and Susan B. Anthony. Donation
Supplements Existing Washington Historical Collection Open to
Researchers in GW Special Collections WASHINGTON--The
George Washington University President Stephen Joel
Trachtenberg announced today that GW's Gelman Library has been
selected by The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., as the
recipient of a unique collection of historical records from
the Riggs Bank archives valued at $5.2 million. The collection
- which includes ledgers documenting the accounts of U.S.
Presidents James K. Polk, Grover Cleveland, John Tyler,
William McKinley, and Warren G. Harding, and such notables as
Francis Scott Key, Clara Barton, Daniel Webster, and Susan B.
Anthony - traces the development of our nation and our
nation's capital through the lens of Riggs Bank and its
predecessors. The records date from the early 1800s to the
1940s. The donation is the largest single gift ever received
by GW's Gelman Library system. "There are few
institutions in this great city that have influenced the
development of the District of Columbia as much as Riggs
Bank," said GW President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. "The
George Washington University shares this long legacy in, and
commitment to, Washington, D.C. This generous gift of the
Riggs archives by PNC will ensure that these significant
historical records will be well cared for and accessible to
future generations." A great web page with the
Riggs History and Timeline. Many Yale / Scoll and Key / Jesuit
links Oh didn't you know the original Riggs was a
converted CatholicMr. Riggs, it is stated,
was in early life connected with the Protestant Episcopal
church, but his life was closed within the pale of the
Catholic church, to which the members of his family belong.
During his final illness Rev. Father Lynch was in
attendance upon him and administered the final rites of the
Catholic church. The funeral will be held under
Catholic auspices. Interesting FACTS linking
Rome and Washington Charles Pierre L’Enfant - City
Planner for Washington D.C. - Roman Catholic Daniel
Carroll - One of three commissioners appointed by President
George Washington to survey and acquire land for the new
government. The land where the capitol building stands was
donated by him. He was the brother of Archbishop John Carrol
and was also Roman Catholic. Charles Carroll -
Wealthiest man in the colonies at the beginning of the
American Revolution. A signer of the Declaration of
Independence and in 1776 was appointed as one of a committee
of three, along with Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Chase, to
visit Canada to secure their alliance. His cousin Jesuit
Father John Carroll, accompanied them. He was educated by
Roman Catholic Jesuits. Robert Brent - The first and
appointed mayor of Washington D.C. A nephew of Bishop John
Carroll, and was Roman Catholic. Constantino Brumidi -
Hired painter of occult pictures in the Capitol Dome. He came
from Rome where he had gained a reputation for restoring the
Vatican frescoes. He was Roman Catholic. John Carroll -
Became a Jesuit Father in 1753. Became the first Bishop of the
hierarchy of U.S.A. and first Bishop and Archbishop of
Baltimore Maryland. Founder of Jesuit Georgetown College
1789. Interesting note: In 1669, the surrounding land
which is now Washington D.C. belonged to a gentleman named
Francis Pope, who called the area “Rome” and its river inlet
“Tiber”. He was the sheriff of Charles County
Maryland. Source: "Vatican Design Exposed" page
26 http://www.remnantofgod.org/usa.htm#rcc-washRead
More information about how Washington DC used to be called
Rome, Maryland http://www.spirituallysmart.com/riggs.html The center of Georgetown is the busy
crossroad of Wisconsin Ave. & M Street, highlighted by the
gold dome atop Riggs Bank. Inside the bank's vault is the gold
& marble gavel used by George Washington to lay the
cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol in 1793. Short
Video Riggs Bank
History(Timeline)1836 William Wilson Corcoran
opens a note brokerage house---an early form of
bank. 1837 Businessmen from New York and abroad,
including former neighbor Elisha Riggs, shield the Corcoran
brokerage house from collapse during the economic
panic. 1840 Corcoran and George Washington Riggs,
Elisha's son, form Corcoran Riggs, a partnership that offers
depository and checking services. 1842 States-rights
Democrat John Tyler is the first President of the United
States to bank at Corcoran ; Riggs. 1844 The U.S.
government selects Corcoran ; Riggs as the sole federal
depository in Washington. 1845 Corcoran ; Riggs
finances the invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse.
Corcoran ; Riggs purchases the buildings and assets of the
Washington branch of the defunct Second Bank of the United
States, located across the street from the
Treasury. Corcoran ; Riggs invests heavily in railroads
and land, contributing to the nations push
westward. 1847 Corcoran ; Riggs lends $16 million to
the U.S. government for the Mexican War and subsequently
covers the loan by selling bonds to London financial houses.
As the first sale of American securities in Europe since 1837,
this transaction bolsters the credit of all American
bankers. 1850 Senators Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and
Daniel Webster bank at Riggs. 1853 U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers opens Corcoran ; Riggs accounts for construction of
the Washington Aqueduct and the extension of the
Capitol. 1854 Corcoran retires to devote his life to
private investments and charitable causes; George Washington
Riggs takes over the bank under its new name, Riggs ;
Co. 1861 Abraham Lincoln opens an account at Riggs
shortly before Civil War hostilities begin, only weeks after
Confederate President Jefferson Davis closes his
account. 1865 Instead of accepting a charter under
the new national bank act, Riggs ; Co. remains a private bank.
This decision accounts for the bank's stability in the
aftermath of the Civil War. 1868 Upon the request of
Secretary of State Seward, Riggs ; Co. supplies $7.2 million
in gold bullion to the U.S. government to purchase Alaska from
Russia. 1873 Financial panic throws banking houses
across the nation into confusion, yet Riggs deposits double
within the next three years. 1881 Following the death
of George Washington Riggs, Charles Carroll Glover becomes the
dominant force in the bank. (Later in 1940, Great Grandson,
Charles Carroll Glover III enters Yale and is tapped for Skull
and Bones.) 1889 Elisha Riggs Donates a
Library to Jesuit Georgetown University as a memorial to his
father, George Washington riggs. 1896 Riggs ; Co.
accepts a national banking charter. The Riggs National Bank
elects its first board, sells stock, and shifts its focus from
specialized investment services to general banking services
for a large clientele. Glover becomes the first president of
the bank. 1900 Lawrason Riggs, the last member of the
family associated with the bank, retires from the board of
directors. With deposits of more than $5 million, Riggs is
twice as large as any other bank in the District of Columbia.
Riggs issues stock to National City Bank, the largest New York
bank, to forge a profitable alliance. 1902 Successful
American reports: "The Riggs National Bank is to Washington as
the Bank of England is to London." 1904 Headquarters at
1503 Pennsylvania Avenue opens. It features a Ladies'
Department designed to meet the special needs of women,
including American Red Cross founder Clara Barton and
suffragist Susan B. Anthony. 1907 Even though a panic
creates severe money shortages, Riggs pays an extra dividend
to its shareholders. 1908 Charles Glover presents his
plan for economic relief to Congress. This serves as the
foundation for a series of financial reforms, including the
establishment of the Federal Reserve System in
1913. 1915 Moody's financial monthly reports that Riggs
has been for years the favorite bank of army and navy
officers, through whose travels its name has been carried to
all parts of the world. It has been said that in the Far East
the Riggs Bank is the best known American banking
institution. 1919 General John J. ("Black Jack")
Pershing salutes from horseback during his victory parade. He
later joined Riggs' Board of Directors. 1920 Riggs
takes advantage of provisions in the Federal Reserve Act that
allow national banks to accept savings deposits and establish
a trust department. 1921 Former Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury Milton E. Ailes succeeds Glover. 1922
Following consolidations with two local banks, Riggs opens its
first four branches. 1925 After the sudden death of
Milton Ailes, Robert V. Fleming becomes Riggs' president at
the age of 35. 1928 Riggs merges with Farmers and
Mechanics Bank of Georgetown, which a Riggs family member
helped found in 1814. 1929 Whereas over-speculation
strains the resources of most banks, Riggs does not lose any
assets because of bad loans or investments following the Great
Crash. 1931 Riggs Bank provides $500,000 in cash to
Perpetual Savings and Loan of Washington. Depositors and other
banks match this sum to end runs on Perpetual. 1933
Fleming advises Roosevelt regarding the structure of the newly
established Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1935
The American Bankers Association elects Fleming its
president. 1939 Total assets are $119 million, compared
to $57 million when the Great Depression began. During those
years, 40 percent of all U.S. banks failed. 1941 Robert
Fleming makes a national broadcast appeal for war bond sales;
by 1945 Riggs will have sold $233 million in war
bonds. 1942 The Bureau of Standards stores their most
precious items -- standards of length and mass made mostly of
platinum --in the vaults at the Chevy Chase Branch on
Connecticut Avenue for safety against air raids. 1943
Riggs provides the accounting facilities for the Office of
Price Administration, which distributes ration coupons for
basic commodities such as sugar, gasoline, meats, and
shoes. 1946 Riggs begins to emphasize GI, home, auto
and other consumer- oriented loans as the post-World War II
boom begins. 1947 Riggs processes a World War II loan
repayment of $50 million, the largest check ever drawn on a
District bank. 1948 Riggs' general ledger books are
done by machine instead of by hand for the first
time. 1949 Nationally syndicated newspaper columnist
Bob Considine calls Riggs "just about the closest thing we'll
ever have to a Bank of the United States." 1950 Riggs'
International Division develops a special relationship with
the new International Monetary Fund and World Bank; most
embassies are now customers. 1951 Korean War commander
Matthew B. Ridgway is a Riggs customer, continuing a military
tradition which includes William Tecumseh Sherman, Ulysses S.
Grant, Douglas MacArthur, Chester Nimitz and Dwight D.
Eisenhower. 1958 Riggs now has 13 branches, after
recent mergers with Washington Loan and Trust and Lincoln
National Bank. 1961 Riggs sponsors its first television
program, World Concert Series, broadcast Sundays at 2:00 p.m.
Guests include Arthur Rubenstein and Marian
Anderson. 1962 Following the Cuban Missile Crisis,
Riggs immediately implements a new plan to store bank records
"in vault storage space in a mountainous area distant from the
City of Washington." 1963 The Fleming era ends the same
year that Riggs opens its new corporate headquarters. Lewellyn
Jennings, former deputy Comptroller of the Currency, takes
over as Chairman of the Board. The computer begins to service
customer accounts. 1967 Riggs and Data Computer Center,
Inc. (renamed Riggs Computer Services, Inc. in 1970 and
absorbed into the bank in 1972) established to provide
automated accounting services for business customers. At this
time a young named George P. Clancy, Jr. begins as a
management trainee and worked his way up to president and
chief operating officer. He also attains to a very high
position as a Knight of Malta (SMOM) and is named on the board
of directors for Jesuit Georgetown's Woodstock Seminary on the
Georgetown Campus in 1998. 1969 Riggs opens its
first TV Drive-in windows using television cameras, audio
systems and pneumatic tubes at its Chevy Chase
Branch. 1970 Riggs installs its first computer system
that enables staff to view a customer's account on a
monitor. 1971 The Advertising Club of Metropolitan
Washington awards its top honors to Riggs for its first
venture into television advertising---a ten-second
``Bank-by-Mail" commercial. 1972 Riggs' first overseas
branch opens in Nassau, Bahamas to serve the Euro-dollar
deposit and loan requirements of its customers. 1973
Upon the invitation of the British Embassy, Riggs opens its
first facility with a foreign embassy in Washington. Luis F.
Corea, Riggs' Senior Vice President in charge of the Foreign
Department, receives the National Order of Merit from the
French government at its embassy in Washington in recognition
of his contributions in banking. 1976 Riggs
introduces 24-Hour teller machines at its branches. Customer
usage is twice the national average for similar
equipment. 1980 Riggs becomes Washington's first and
only bank to open a branch in London. Riggs National
Corporation is formed as a holding company including all
companies sharing the Riggs identity. Riggs
International Banking Corporation (Edge Act Bank) opens in
Miami to focus on serving non-U.S. citizens. 1981 Joe
L. Allbritton becomes the first active chairman of Riggs
National Corporation. He also runs the ABC affiliate in
Washington D.C. 1982 When federal deregulation permits
bank money market accounts, Riggs gains a greater share than
any other District bank, exceeding the $1 billion mark within
three years. 1983 ``The most important bank in the most
important city in the world" provides the theme as Riggs
launches a long-range campaign emphasizing its service
capabilities and its commitment to customers. 1984
Riggs purchases the Anglo-Portuguese Bank to form Riggs Bank
Europe. 1986 Riggs joins CIRRUS, a nationwide system of
10,000 automatic teller machines, thereby providing customers
access to their accounts at more than 12,500 sites. Riggs
opens its first branches in the suburbs as The Riggs National
Bank of Virginia with the acquisition of Guaranty Bank and
Trust. Riggs dedicates its newly-restored building on
1503 Pennsylvania Avenue to W.W. Corcoran. 1987 Riggs
Bank launches private banking to give clients a one-on-one
relationship with an experienced financial advisor. Riggs
expands into Maryland as the The Riggs National Bank of
Maryland with the acquisition of First Fidelity Bank of
Rockville. 1988 The U.S. Treasury Department awards
Riggs the contract to consolidate its separate collections
systems. CA$HLINK replaced cash payments with electronic
transfers and streamlined the government's cash management
system, resulting in significant cost savings to the
government. At the request of the State Department, Riggs
opens a branch at the U.S. embassy in London. Riggs
Investment Management Corporation (RIMCO) is created as a
subsidiary of Riggs Bank to manage all the money in the trust
department and new clients in the institutional, non-profit
and pension markets. 1989 Farmers and Mechanics Branch
in Georgetown is restored to its original neo-classical
style, particularly its interior details and gold
dome. 1990 Riggs Bank forms the Financial Services
Group by merging private banking, RIMCO, and the trust
department to enhance customer service. Riggs purchases
certain assets and assumes the deposits of the National Bank
of Washington. 1993 To date, at least twenty-one First
Families have banked at Riggs. 1996 Riggs builds upon
its reputation in embassy banking in Washington and extends
its banking services to non-U.S. embassies in London for the
first time. Customers can meet nearly all their banking
needs, including investment sales, by simply placing a
telephone call with the establishment of
RiggsDirect. While on an economic development
mission to Bosnia and Croatia, Paul Cushman III, head of the
International Division, dies in a plane crash with U.S.
Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown.1997 Riggs ;
Company is formed, bringing together the services of RIMCO and
the Riggs Financial Services Group. The subsequent purchase of
J. Bush; Co., Incorporated as well as alliances with life
insurance agents and brokers and Peat Marwick (KPMG) enable
Riggs to bring a comprehensive range of financial services
to its clients. Riggs offers a full-range of banking services,
including investment sales, on the web.1998 Riggs
Capital Partners is founded to invest in emerging companies,
with particular emphasis on the Washington, D.C. area's
vibrant technology market. 1999 Riggs Investment Corp.,
a broker/dealer, is established; its Investment
Centers, located at several branches, provide planning for
reduction of taxes, retirement, college education, and
wealth building and preservation. Upon the request of the
State Department, Riggs Europe opens a branch in Berlin,
the capital of a reunited Germany. New eagle trademark
is introduced to broaden Riggs' identity as a provider of a
full spectrum of financial services. U.S. Treasury
Department selects Riggs Bank to redesign and manage
the CA$HLINK cash management system, the largest deposit
and cash reporting system in the world. Riggs
consolidates and relocates all international banking functions
to a newly-restored complex named the Paul Cushman III
International Financial Center. 2000 Riggs Investment
Banking is launched, offering corporate clients access to a
variety of capital markets and financing opportunities. Riggs
; Co. International opened two new offices - one in London and
the other in Jersey (Channel Islands)- with a customer-built
state-of-the-art information technology platform that provides
customers with sophisticated, integrated information on their
banking arrangements and investment portfolios.
| | |
Remember Beese Jr. and The
Carlyle Group and Bankers Trust? Slush funds and more slush
funds... This is such a nice read but I don't know the
author.. http://www.scribd.com/doc/9442970/Collateral-Damage-US-Covert-Operations-and-the-Terrorist-Attacks-on-September-11-200128062008U.S.
intelligence operations had been siphoning off the Marcos gold
for three decades. Ferdinand Marcos, however, continued to
discover even more of the buried treasure. Marcos had started
to sell it on the market during the 1970s in bits and pieces,
with the assistance of Adnan Khashoggi.102 For some unknown
reason, the Enterprise decided they wanted it all in 1986.
That reason is now known – being to fund a war against the
Soviet Union. Vice President George Bush ultimately took
the gold from Marcos in 1986 when Marcos was forced out of
office. It is estimated that Marcos was in possession of
73,000 tonnes of gold at that time.103 In removing Marcos
from office, the U.S. was supported by his General Fidel
Ramos, who defected from Marcos’s ranks to support Corazon
Aquino. Fidel Ramos was later made a Board member of the
Carlyle Group. The Marcos gold was removed to a series of
banks, most notably Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Hong Kong
Shanghai Banking Corporation, UBS and Banker’s Trust,
and held in a depository in Kloten Switzerland. Bush
administrators involved in the forced departure of Marcos were
Richard Armitage and Paul Wolfowitz. Adnan Khashoggi was also
involved, helping move the gold. It was at this time that
Khashoggi , Shiek Kamal Adham, Khalid bin Mahfouz, and
Peter Munk would create a Canadian gold mining company called
Barrick Gold. · Adnan Khashoggi was the international
arms merchant that has supported the October Surprise and
Iran-Contra deals and helped Marcos sell his gold on the
market; · Shiek Kamal Adham was Chief of Saudi
Intelligence; · Khalid bin Mahfouz was a Saudi investor in
several Bush family companies…notably Harken Energy, and
a 20% owner of the BCCI. Much later, Kashoggi and Adham
would be primary investors in a Dubai base company named Oryx.
Oryx, along with U.S. investor Wally Hilliard would be the
owner of Huffman Aviation where Mohammad Atta and several
September 11 hijackers would do their flight training.104
105 Hilliard would later be shown to have the backing of the
Bush family, Jeb Bush in particular. 106 Barrick would
become a quiet gold producing partner for a number of major
banks, and its activities subject to an FBI investigation into
gold-price-fixing. The records on this investigation were
kept in the FBI office on the 23rd floor of the North Tower
which was destroyed by bomb blasts shortly before the Tower
collapsed. The ultimate destination of the Golden Lily
Treasure, and the source of the ‘loaned’ gold that flooded the
market for 10 years has never been officially
explained. A key player in the Marcos gold would be
Banker’s Trust, which was taken over by Alex Brown &
Sons, after Banker’s Trust floundered financially on its
Russian loans in the mid 1990s. These Russian loans were
facilitated by Enron, starting in August of 1993, and very
possibly were part of the Project Hammer takeover of Soviet
industry. Alex Brown‘s involvement would bring to the
forefront the names of three names of individuals who would
play multiple roles in this mystery: · Buzz Krongard ·
Mayo Shattuck · J Carter Beese Jr. Buzz Krongard is
reported as the mentor of Beese and Shattuck from their years
together at Alex Brown. Additionally, he managed the merger
between Bankers Trust and Deutschebank Alex Brown. Bankers
Trust, Zurich was a key Marcos gold holder. Krongard
would move on to become Chairman of the investment bank
A.B. Brown, Vice Chairman of Banker's Trust, and Executive
Director of the CIA at the time of September
11.Mayo Shattuck would be reported to be the
personal banker for Adnan Khashoggi and Edgar Bronfmann during
their partnership at Barrick Gold.107 He would move on to
become the CEO of Deutschebank who would resign as CEO for
unexplained reasons the day after September 11, and would not
be at the WTC office that day when the tower collapsed. It
was his bank that was identified as the source of the illegal
stock options that indicated there was insider trading taking
advantage of the September 11 tragedy. After September 11,
he would immediately move over to the firm that would replace
Enron as the primary oil and gold derivatives trader –
Constellation Energy. Carter Beese, before
showing up to work at Alex Brown was schooled at the CIA
training facilities of the U.S. War College and John
Hopkins. George H.W. Bush appointed him to the board of
directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation in
1992. Since 1992, OPIC has provided more than $4.5 billion
in finance and insurance to more than 140 projects in
Russia. He was also Chairman of Riggs Bank, as well as an
SEC Commissioner (appointed by Bush.) Additionally, he was
Chairman at Alex Brown from 1994 to 1997, and would move from
there to also be vice-Chairman of Bankers Trust. He was also
President of Riggs Capital Partners. Riggs controlled the
18 famous Riggs-Valmet consultants who set up the
international financial apparatus for the Russian oligarchs
and rogue KGB allowing them to steal the Soviet treasury and
destroy the Russian economy. Carter Beese’s death was
reported as a suicide in 2006. |
| | |
Tahoe Blue, keep it
Excellent research man! |
All eyes are opened, or opening, to the
rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has
already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the
mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs,
nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them
legitimately | | |
This is such a nice read but I don't know the
author.. Well The author of the document in the
previous post is E.P. Heidnerhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/9442970/Collateral-Damage-US-Covert-Operations-and-the-Terrorist-Attacks-on-September-11-200128062008And
I found:http://www.the7thfire.com/9-11/EP_Heidner_report/Introduction_and_table_of_contents.htmWeb
site Comments on the report:" Every once in a while
something really new comes along in the field of 911 research.
The below report is such an item. The report has an eerie
depth and cohesion, as if it were produced in a state intel
analysis context, and yet it proposes a curious set of twists
that lead me to question its intent. Is this real or is it
designed with extreme subtlety to manipulate conclusions and
redirect inquiry? I would like to think that an investigation
of this caliber was conducted by someone on our team, honest
and concerned. But I'm not sure yet. Other supposed
investigators have been able to appear well-intentioned and
informed until further interaction demonstrates otherwise.
" Needless to say we are talking about massive
global laundering in Gold, Cash and Oil, But I'd like to get
back to Riggs Bank for now...Factoid: 1 Million in
100 dollar bills weighs about 20 pounds... I learned that from
reading these reports... This is very important to know
when you launder lots of cash... In the previous
post we touched on Paul Cushman III being on the Plane crash
with Ron Brown. Often it is interesting to look at: the
deaths, the replacements and the money. I leave it to readers
to investigate the Ron Brown crash for themselves, here are a
few links:
Cushman to be on flight: http://www.bookrags.com/highbeam/riggs-exec-was-flattered-to-be-in-brown-19960405-hb/ RON
BROWN PLANE CRASH: http://www.alamo-girl.com/0221.htm Ron
Brown - The Bullet hole: http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/CRASH/BROWN/bullet.html Dick
Gregory - Ron Brown: http://www.exodusnews.com/NATIONAL/National007.htm Did
Bill Clinton order Ron Brown killed: http://www.dangerouslogic.com/ron_brown.html Ron
Brown Crash Passenger list: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=40863
Well the replacement for Cushman was Simon Kareri.
Would he be a player? Would he play ball?
factoid that the former head of Riggs international lending
(Paul Cushman III) died with Ron Brown in '96. Wild. Kareri
succeeded him.) http://www.odiousdebts.org/odiousdebts/index.cfm?DSP=content&ContentID=10917At
Riggs Bank, a tangled path led to scandal by Timothy L.
O'Brien Suitcases of cash When
regulators began scouring the Saudi accounts in January 2003,
yet another media report raised questions about the bank's
behavior. The Los Angeles Times reported suspicious activities
in Riggs accounts controlled by the government of Equatorial
Guinea, and a questionable relationship between a Riggs
executive and that country's leader, sparking another
regulatory examination of the bank's intersection with a
dictator. Simon Kareri, a Kenyan who oversaw the
Equatorial Guinean money at Riggs, liked to serve his bank's
clients the old-fashioned way, according to the Senate report:
he carried large amounts of money around in suitcases.
The report said that Mr. Kareri, who is the subject
of a grand jury investigation, packed up to $3 million in
shrink-wrapped bills obtained from Equatorial Guinean leaders
into suitcases and walked them through Riggs's front door.
Riggs, according to the Senate report, never made any effort
to inquire about the source of the money, as it is required to
do by law, even though the money was openly tabulated by
high-speed counting machines inside the bank. Three
investigators with direct knowledge of the transactions said
officials were looking into accusations that Mr. Kareri took
bank money for his own use. Riggs fired him earlier this year.
His lawyer has declined to comment. Mr. Kareri asserted his
right against self-incrimination and declined to answer
questions during last week's Senate hearing. But Mr. Kareri
was not the only one at Riggs wooing the Equatorial Guineans.
Equatorial Guinea counted on cocoa production for hard
currency earnings. It had the highest per capita income of
Africa in 1959. The discovery of large oil reserves
in 1996 and its subsequent exploitation have contributed to a
dramatic increase in government revenue. As of 2004,[13]
Equatorial Guinea is the third-largest oil producer in
Sub-Saharan Africa. Its oil production has risen to 360,000
barrels/day, up from 220,000 only two years
Riggs Bank Executive Is ArrestedAllegations Focus On
Money Embezzled From African Account By Terence
O'HaraWashington Post Staff Writer Friday, May 27, 2005;
Page E01 Federal officials arrested former Riggs Bank vice
president Simon P. Kareri and his wife yesterday afternoon,
according to sources familiar with the case. The Kareris
are to be arraigned this afternoon in U.S. District Court in
Washington, the sources
said. The
Kareris are the only people to be arrested in connection with
an 18-month investigation into Riggs's international
private-client and embassy banking business. Kareri, who
was fired by Riggs in January 2004, was the account manager
for Riggs's onetime biggest customer, the government of
Equatorial Guinea and its autocratic ruling family. Riggs
pleaded guilty in January, agreeing to pay $16 million in
fines, for not reporting suspicious transactions by Equatorial
Guinea and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Kareri
and his wife, Nene Fall Kareri, are being investigated not for
those transactions, a government source said, but rather for
money he is said to have embezzled from Equatorial Guinea's
Riggs account and possibly from other Riggs clients. In a
federal civil action, which was suspended several months ago
pending possible criminal charges against the Kareris, the
Department of Justice was trying to seize money and property
the Kareris had assembled with the proceeds of Simon Kareri's
alleged embezzlement scheme. A spokesman for the U.S.
Attorney's Office in the District could not be reached last
night for comment. Riggs was recently acquired by
Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Group Inc., but the
federal investigation of the company and its former officials
is continuing. The civil complaint alleged that Kareri
transferred funds from accounts of his Riggs clients and into
corporate accounts controlled by his wife. The suit also
alleged that Kareri orchestrated kickback schemes from
contractors who did work for his embassy clients. Kareri was
vice president for the West African and Caribbean regions in
Riggs's international division. "We intend to defend the
charges vigorously," said Jonathan Shapiro, Simon Kareri's
lawyer. Nene Fall Kareri's lawyer could not be reached last
night for comment. FBI agents arrested the Kareris at their
Maryland home. The government decided to arrest and detain the
couple based on new information that investigators think
pointed to a potential flight by the family, including the
wiring of a large sum of money overseas, said the government
source, who spoke yesterday on the condition of anonymity
because formal charging documents hadn't been filed. The
Kareri matter began with a routine review of his clients'
accounts by Riggs's own internal security department in late
2003. Riggs officials soon uncovered a host of suspicious
accounts and transactions by Equatorial Guinea, an oil-rich
West African country. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year
were being funneled into the country's Riggs accounts by oil
companies exploiting the country's off-shore oil reserves.
At its peak, the Equatorial Guinea accounts at Riggs topped
$800 million.Riggs closed the accounts in March 2004,
but not before uncovering a personal check written by the son
of Equatorial Guinea's president to Kareri. Riggs officials
said they thought Kareri had added a numeral 1 in front of the
$40,000 check, making it $140,000. That sum and at least
$700,000 more Kareri allegedly embezzled from his Equatorial
Guinea clients made it into Jadini Holdings Ltd., a shell
company the Kareris had created in the British Virgin
Islands, federal officials alleged in court documents
filed in conjunction with the earlier civil suit. |
| | |
Rothschild paraphrase "The only
3 currencies in the world are Gold, Oil and Drugs". |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
Now you might ask, What about
Bandar, the 2 billion in BAE money at Rigg's bank and 9/11?
Was Bandar funding operations for the terrorists?
Shouldn't our government officials be asking the hard
questions and getting the answers for the american
public? Well, they did a cover-up, like the 9/11 report
, they exposed The Pinochet accounts and the Equatorial Guinea
accounts but suppress information regarding the 150 Saudi
Arabia Embassy accounts. They produced the MONEY LAUNDERING
JULY 15, 2004 The followup to be done by Sen R-ME Susan
Collins was squashed (by who - Cheney?) and never revealed or
released. You can search around as to the fact that the public
investigation was dropped. (take a look at: http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2007/3426bae_cheney.html
Will BAE Scandal of Century Bring Down Dick
Cheney) Here is the bulk of where the Saudi accounts
are mentioned: In 2003, after uncovering extremely
troubling information in connection with accounts associated
with Saudi Arabia, the OCC took its first enforcement action
against the bank, issuing a cease and desist order requiring
it to revamp its AML program. For example, the OCC’s
in-depth review of the Saudi accounts followed press articles
that began appearing in November 2002, suggesting links
between certain Riggs accounts and the 9-11 terrorist attack.
This examination resulted in the OCC’s identifying the same
deficiencies as in earlier years, but in contrast to the
agency’s prior willingness to rely on promises by the bank to
improve, the OCC issued a public cease and desist order
requiring corrective action Riggs’ two largest Embassy clients
were Equatorial Guinea and Saudi Arabia. Only a few other
banks, such as Wachovia National Bank and Congressional Bank,
are also engaged in Embassy Banking. 2003 Saudi
Targeted Examination. About a month after the Board meeting,
beginning on November 22, 2002, media stories reported that
a Riggs account associated with the Embassy of Saudi Arabia
had allegedly sent funds that ended up benefitting two of
the Saudi terrorists involved in the 9-11 attack on the
United States, and the FBI
was investigating.293 Other accounts at Riggs
present equally troubling facts, most notably t 2 he more than
150 accounts associated with Saudi Arabia. These Saudi
accounts are the subject of an ongoing investigation by the
full Committee on Governmental Affairs.30 The
full Committee on Governmental Affairs is conducting an
investigation of the accounts opened by Riggs for Saudi
officials. Because this review is ongoing under the direction
of Committee Chairman Susan Collins, this Report does not
present information about the Saudi accounts.Oh
well, What did you expect?Another way is in the
courts, there was a class action suit, but I really
haven't heard much about the outcome and doubt that I will...
The John O'Neill Class action suit.... http://www.ambushlaw.com/documents/O'Neill_Kingdom_Saudi_Arabia.pdfJohn
P. O'Neill, Sr., became Chief of Security for the World Trade
Center less than two weeks prior to the September 11th
attacks. On the morning of September 11, 2001, John P.
O'Neill, Sr., was in his office in the WTC South Tower at the
time the first plane hit the North Tower. He immediately
left his office and headed to the lobby of the North Tower
to determine what had happened and to assess the damage. A
command post was set up in the lobby of the North Tower
from which he was able to direct the rescue efforts of the
first emergency responders. When the second plane hit the
South Tower, he returned there to coordinate the rescue
efforts in that building. John P. O'Neill, Sr., was killed
when the South Tower collapsed. 41. During the
summer of 2003, the FBI subpoenaed records for dozens of
bank accounts belonging to the Saudi Embassy. The subpoena
was part of a larger investigation approved by the National
Security Council working group on terrorism financing. The
activities of the Islamic and cultural affairs office of
the Saudi Embassy, as well as the conduct of
Saudi Consulates around the United States, are the focus of
the investigation. In particular, the investigation centers
on the flow of money to terrorist groups through contributions
to charities by the Saudi government and wealthy Saudi
citizens. Money for such charities often flows though the
Saudi Embassy's Islamic and cultural affairs
bureau. Also CAIR added to the suit: http://www.anti-cair-net.org/OneillVsCAIR.pdfAll
known wrongdoers are named as defendants in this action, as
well as the defendants in Estate of John P. O’Neill, Sr.,
et al. v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, et al. (SDNY 04-CV-1922
(RCC)) and Estate of John P. O’Neill, et al. v. Iraq, et
al. (SDNY 04-CV-1076 (RCC)), other cases brought by other
plaintiffs in In Re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001
(03-MDL-1570(RCC)), and others. Plaintiffs will separately
file Statements with respect to the misconduct of
certain of the other defendants. Given the vastly
complicated nature of the conspiracy and other wrongdoing
that led to the events of September 11, 2001, however, much
information is unavailable to plaintiffs, and the identities
of other wrongdoers may be revealed through discovery or
otherwise. Plaintiffs therefore reserve the right to amend
this Statement as information is learned and verified and
after discovery or other information is
obtained. CAIR Named as a Defendant in 9-11 Terror
Lawsuit - Daniel Pipes Blog http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2004/12/cair-named-as-a-defendant-in-911-terror.htmlhttp://www.rense.com/general25/tall.htmTribute
To John P. O'Neill - An FBI Agent Who Stood Tall The
answer to the burning question - how much did President Bush
know - and when he knew about the threat of suicide attacks -
may have passed beyond the grave - taken there by the greatest
agent who ever served with the FBI. He was John P. O'Neill
the FBI's Executive Agent-in-Charge in New York, who died in
the attack on the World Trade Center. Those who stand tall
alongside him are the team who worked with him and field
agents in places like San Diego. There is still alot
more to this and next time more about the question "How do you
launder Oil for a slush fund?" |
| | |
Well getting back to BAE and
the Yamamah slush fund, there is a great series from the
Guardian UK that explains how the funds were
The BAE Files: A Ten part serieshttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/bae
Recommend reading all of this but for now let's
just look at the mechinism DESOhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/baefiles/page/0,,2095840,00.htmlBAE's
Secret Money MachineIn the 1990s, the temperature
started to get uncomfortably hot for Britain's arms
salesmen. For 30 years, Deso [profile]
had fended off attempts to curb corruption in the arms trade.
But now the international climate began to change. In
1994 the OECD [profile]
urged member countries to put a stop to overseas
bribery. A binding convention was adopted in 1997. It
was signed by Britain and came into force in 1999. Signatories
promised to outlaw such corruption. Inside Whitehall
the reaction was as hypocritical as usual. Many state
industries had already been privatised in the Thatcher era,
including BAE [BAE's position]
So officials no longer needed to employ agents
directly. But the MoD was still lobbying abroad on
BAE's [profile]
behalf and running huge government-to-government contracts,
particularly the Saudi al-Yamamah deal [profile]
<http://www.guardian.co.uk/baefiles/story/0,,2091241,00.html>. Instead
of fulfilling their international promises, officials merely
tried to put more distance between themselves and the
companies doing the bribery. The defence ministry's
Cooper directive of 1977 [document]
was rewritten in 1994 [document]
in more obscure terms. Officials would no longer visibly
"authorise" commission payments. Or correspond about them.
Instead, they were to merely "consider" and
"advise". BAE, under Dick Evans's [biography]
chairmanship, moved its whole worldwide system of agent
payments to Switzerland. What it did was not
illegal, but the firm constructed what might well be called a
global money-laundering machine.For a supposedly
reputable public company, the methods used were
surprising. Britain's Serious Fraud Office later
concluded: "The whole system is maintained in such conditions
of secrecy that there is a legitimate suspicion concerning the
real purpose of the payments."The system was run
from a secure block, Warwick House, at BAE's Farnborough
premises. "HQ Marketing Services " was headed by Hugh
Dickinson, who was also responsible for company liaison with
MI6. His long-serving deputy was Julia
Aldridge. Documents indicate that a board-level
committee also met to approve each agency
agreement. BAE set up a front company called
Novelmight Ltd. [document]
With the help of the Swiss branch of its bankers, Lloyds
TSB, the firm discreetly rented a high-security office in
Geneva, on the sixth floor of a block at 48 Route des
Acacias. Video surveillance cameras were installed,
along with an encrypted fax and phone system. A specialist
from the UK was flown out to sweep the vault for bugs. Then,
just before Britain signed up to the OECD convention in 1997,
the filing cabinets and safes containing the agent details
were loaded into a van and driven by trusted staff
from Farnborough to Geneva. BAE added a new layer of
concealment when the convention came into force in 1999.
Novelmight was officially closed down as a UK-registered
subsidiary. But it was secretly re-registered
as an offshore entity in the British Virgin Islands, a
financial "black hole" in the Caribbean where beneficial
ownership can be hidden. Now there was apparently no
paperwork at all to link BAE with Novelmight.The
agency agreements were handled by Swiss lawyers Rene Merkt and
Cyril Abecassis. The lawyers also set up parallel offshore
companies for agents to receive their payments, often into
Swiss accounts. When the agreements were ready to be
made or renewed, Dickinson or Aldridge flew to Geneva and
unlocked the office at Route des Acacias for the
signing. The contracts were kept in Geneva and could
only be inspected there. The purpose of these tortuous
arrangements seems to have been to ensure that nothing
questionable involving the hiring of agents took place within
UK legal jurisdiction. But a further secret payment
system was also needed for BAE to transfer large sums in cash
to those agents. BAE used offshore front companies once
again. In February 1998, "Red Diamond Trading Ltd" was
anonymously incorporated in the British Virgin Islands
It was used to channel payments all over the world, via Red
Diamond accounts in London, Switzerland and New
York. We have traced secret payments going to agents
in South America, Tanzania, Romania, South Africa, Qatar,
Chile and the Czech Republic.Red Diamond was also
used to make payments to UK citizens who were working as
consultants for BAE. These included David Hart, who advised
Thatcher during the miners' strike of the 1980s. BAE
never disclosed the existence of Red Diamond in its published
company accounts, and has never explained why it was set
up.A key role in the "laundering" was played by
BAE's British bank, Lloyds TSB. [document]
Again, what was done was not illegal, although it was
surprising. A system was organised with the online
Lloydslink software under which cash from BAE was
automatically funnelled through Red Diamond accounts and on to
its final destination. The next year, BAE set up a
second front company, purely to handle the Saudi commission
payments for al-Yamamah. "Poseidon Trading Investments Ltd"
was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on June 25
1999. Those close to it say more than £1bn has passed
through its accounts to Saudi agents, in transfers made by
Lloyds TSB. A different method was used to disguise
corrupt benefits for Saudi officials who went on vacation
trips to the US and Europe. This was what became known as
BAE's "slush fund". The head of the Saudi air force,
Prince Turki bin Nasser [biography]
along with his relatives and hangers-on, were provided with
unlimited shopping, plane tickets and free holidays by BAE.
They ran up enormous bills, totalling £60m, over the
years. BAE did not pay directly. Instead, the arms firm
used two cooperative front companies of travel agents to pick
up the bills - Robert Lee International and Travellers
World. Peter Gardiner, Travellers World managing
director, has described how deliberately misleading invoices
were organised by BAE's executives. They referred merely to
"accommodation and support services". BAE's "money
laundries" flourished for a while. In September 2001, however,
international terrorists destroyed the twin towers in New
York. One of the many reverberations was a US crackdown on
terrorist financing. Under American pressure, the UK
was forced to pass anti-laundering measures. These
included a 2002 law that explicitly criminalised overseas
bribery and brought corrupt acts abroad under UK
jurisdiction. BAE was now to face a serious new crisis.
Confident of its political muscle, the company dealt with it
in the end by successfully nobbling the police. David
Leigh and Rob Evans |
| | |
Well, no need to ponder if the
UK and Saudi Arabia are funding/orchestrating false flags
anymore. Its all here in this thread. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
Well, no need to ponder if the UK and Saudi
Arabia are funding/orchestrating false flags anymore. Its all
here in this thread.
Yes, what this shows is that
there exists massive global (UK-U.S-Dutch-?) slush funds in
the 100's of Billions to be used for whatever purpose they see
fit. Economic warfare seems the number one use. The
fact that the official 9/11 investigations have all avoided
documenting the Saudi financial involvement is a big red flag.
This all shows that it was financially possible for 9/11 to be
an inside job. |
| | |
Yes, what this shows is that there exists
massive global (UK-U.S-Dutch-?) slush funds in the 100's of
Billions to be used for whatever purpose they see fit.
Economic warfare seems the number one use. The fact
that the official 9/11 investigations have all avoided
documenting the Saudi financial involvement is a big red flag.
This all shows that it was financially possible for 9/11 to be
an inside job.
Anglo Saudi connection is the major
point here. They are at the heart of the actual funding of the
events, terrorists, mosques, rebellions etc.... The UK
is the primary money launderer, followed by Wall Street. I am
quite sure the Netherlands are involved but they have always
stayed quiet and non interventionist in recent
decades. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
If you check out the Gaza forum,
LaRouche posted an article linking the Saudi's to the rocket
attacks on Israel from Lebanon with VERY heavy evidence. Here
i'll fetch it and post it here: http://www.larouchepac.com/news/2009/01/08/anglo-saudi-sponsored-lebanese-countergang-behind-rocket-fir.htmlIs
Anglo-Saudi Sponsored Lebanese Countergang Behind Rocket Fire
Into Israeli?January 8, 2009 (LPAC)-- The fears
that a third force would provoke Israel or give it the pretext
to expand the Gaza offensive into a regional war, were made
real on January 8, when a number of rockets fired from
southern Lebanon hit Israel. The Lebanese Shia group Hizbullah
denied any involvement in the attack. A new
Lebanese Shia countergang (openly opposed to Hizbullah) called
Arabic Islamic Majlis of Lebanon, declared on Tuesday, January
7, the launching of a militant resistance group. And on
January 8, the day of the launching of the rockets against
Israel, its leader issued an alert for his troops to get ready
to resist an invasion of Lebanon by Israel.The
Saudi-sponsored Lebanese Shia countergang to Hizbullah with
offices only in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and London, claimed
to have recruited 3000 resistance fighters against
Israel. The group called Arabic Islamic Majlis
(with focus on Arabic to distinguish itself as its leader says
from the Persian, pro-Iranian Hizbullah) is headed by one
Ayatollah Alsayed Alhusseini, and was founded in October 2006
after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the summer of that
year, when Hizbullah clearly defeated the Israeli
army.Alhusseini toured Europe and Britain,
according to the group's website, to hold meetings with
political personalities in London in February 2008. In a
September 15, 2008 report posted on the website of Majlis,
Alhusseini is featured in a picture standing in front of a
banner stating in Arabic "thank you Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
goodness and humanity." The context of the photo is a
letter sent by Alhusseini to Prince Nayef bin Sultan,
Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia, for the great support he
has given to the charities run by Majlis.Prince
Nayef is a generous donor to Lebanese Sunni groups. He was
especially generous after the arrest of Saudi militants who
had joined the Salafi group Fatah Al-Islam in fighting against
the Lebanese army in the Palestinian refugee camp Nahrel Bared
in northern Lebanon in May 2007. Nayef was negotiating the
release and transfer of the Saudi terrorist to Saudi Arabia,
which he managed successfully.Al-Husseini is based
in Sor and other southern Lebanese towns. A report in the
Saudi-financed Al-Arabiya TV states today that Al-Husseinis
group is recruiting 3000 resistance fighters, and that
Alhusseini said that his group has received 1,500 applications
from young people in the Gulf (i.e., Saudi Arabia) to join as
fighters in his group. Alhusseini openly accuses
Hizbollah's Hassan Nasrallah of being an Iranian agent not a
Lebanese patriot. The bank accounts of Majlis for
donations are located at the Lebanese Canadian Bank in
Beirut.Alhusseini is allied with the Duruz
sect in Lebanon whose leader, Walid Junbulat, has been calling
openly for a U.S. war against Hizbullah, Syria and Iran. Alhusseini visited the religious leaders
of Duruz in Al-Irfan Foundation, on January 7, the day he
launched his armed resistance against Israel!In
May 16, 2006, Alhusseini sent a letter to the Maryam Rajavi,
the leader of British-controlled, US-protected terrorist group
Mujahideen-e-Khalg Organisation thanking her for her support
in the face of Iranian provocations and harassment against his
group in Lebanon. He called her Jihadist sister Maryam Rajavi,
president-elect of the (Iranian) republic, who was elected by
the Iranian resistance. A London-based Iranian
separatist group, the Arab Ahwazi movement, also propagate the
political statements of the Majlis. |
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks,
liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge
the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of Treasury,
1929. | | |
All eyes are opened, or opening, to the
rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has
already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the
mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs,
nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them
legitimately | | |
There is so much to this and
there is no way to do this thread justice... This
thread covers alot of the Bush-Saudi offshore accounts and is
well worth reading:
what now? Lets look at the aftermath of Riggs and who is Riggs
replacement as the "Embassy Banking" enterprise in the U.S.? A
american bank? NO a BRITISH Bank... HSBC... Riggs bank execs to receive hefty severance
despite laundering probe - The NewStandardAfter Riggs, Embassy Accounts Can't Find a Home
(washingtonpost.com)News Release - Wachovia to transfer embassy
accounts to HSBC ...HSBC Expands Embassy Banking Business in
Referral Agreement with ...Competing for the Embassy Banking Business;
Out-of-Town Players ...HSBC to Open D.C. Branch, Pursue Embassy
Clients Article from ...HSBC Bank USA will
open a D.C. branch by the end of November in a bid to replace
Riggs Bank as the city's premier diplomatic bank.
Riggs, which decided in April to jettison its
more than $1 billion in local embassy accounts, has agreed
to refer its embassy clients to HSBC, a sprawling global
institution with headquarters in London. "As Riggs
previously disclosed, the company is in the process of winding
down its embassy banking business," Riggs spokesman Mark N.
Hendrix said. "As a service to our remaining embassy clients,
Riggs is working closely with HSBC to ensure a smooth
transition." Riggs decided to shut down its embassy
banking business under pressure from federal regulators
concerned ... HSBC's Embassy Banking Gets Bigger -
Forbes.com HSBC board meeting in Bahrain today -- MENAFN -
Middle East North ...SBC Holdings PLC - Board Appointment
ReutersVincent Cheng Hoi Chuen (59) has been
appointed an executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc with
effect from 1 February 2008. In January 2008, Mr
Cheng was appointed a member of the National Committee
of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC), and a senior advisor to the 11th
Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. His previous
government advisory roles have included Member of the
Executive Council (the Hong Kong Government's highest
policy-making body) from 1995 to 1997 and a Hong Kong
Affairs Adviser to the People's Republic of China from 1994 to
1997. He was also a Member of the Legislative Council of
the Hong Kong Government from 1991 to 1995. Mr
Cheng, MPhil, BSocSc, joined the HSBC Group in 1978 and was
appointed a Group Managing Director in 2005. He is Chairman
of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,
having been appointed a Director in 1995. He is Chairman
of HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited and HSBC Investments
(Hong Kong) Limited and a Director of HSBC Bank Australia
Limited. Chao-Vietnam- HSBC, Standard Chartered Step up
Banking In VietnamBoard of directors - Investor relations - Our
company - HSBC Private Bank ...SBC Holdings PLC (HBC)- Board of Directors -
BusinessWeekLittle Bank Makes Bid For Embassies’
Business Sequoia Competing With Riggs, Bank of America for
Diplomats’ Accounts
by Tim Deady Can a
little community bank, with a mere handful of branches and
only $243 million in deposits, compete against such behemoths
as Bank of America, First Union and Riggs? Tiny Sequoia
National Bank thinks it can and has decided to go head to head
with the giants in the limited but prestigious embassy banking
market in Washington, D.C. To Sequoia, it comes down to
a question of size, which does matter, said bank President J.
Paul McNamara. "Those banks are very good banks and
very good companies, but they’re just too big to give personal
service and that’s what the embassy community wants, needs and
expects," said McNamara. "I’ve heard from many diplomats
who complained that they don’t get personal service that they
want from those banks."The embassy banking business is
far from a major source of income for banks with operations in
Washington. But there is a prestige factor, plus embassy
accounts often lead to overseas business, said banking
experts. McNamara recently hired Walid Maalouf as vice
president of private and embassy banking to head the Sequoia
effort. Maalouf, a veteran of Washington’s banking industry,
said his personal experience illustrates what is wrong with
the present competitive environment. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/eusc/activities/paper/Schwartz04.htmBANK
Schwartz National Bureau of Economic Research
My remarks today will cover
three topics. First, I shall review developments in government
regulation of financial services institutions in the United
States since the 1930s. Until the mid-1980s the main objective
of regulation was to insure the safety and soundness of these
institutions. Second, I shall discuss the key new
regulations that impose anti-money laundering obligations on
U.S. financial institutions. These obligations have been
superimposed on the performance of normal banking activities.
Society has determined that national security requires banks
to play a part in responding to this need, much as airlines
have been given the responsibility to participate in the
screening of passengers and their belongings before permitting
them to board. It is useful also to consider the
inordinate foreign demand for U.S. banknotes as a source of
large cash deposits in U.S. banks that constitute one of the
roots of the money laundering problem. In this context I shall
refer to the Federal Reserve’s Extended Custodial Inventory
Program although it involves only financial institutions that
have accepted a contractual agreement to participate in this
program, not the entire class of financial service
institutions. Third, I shall describe the dialectical
process by which regulated institutions discover loopholes in
regulation as originally formulated and regulators’ subsequent
amendment of the regulations to close the loopholes. The
process then repeats. I shall cite examples of the dialectic
based on safety and soundness regulation. Compliance with
money laundering regulation has been spotty, but there is no
predisposition to change the content of the regulation, so the
dialectic is not operative. Regulations to
Insure Financial Institution Safety and Soundness
Let me now begin with a
brief review of U.S. regulation of financial institutions. The
scope of regulation alternated between maximization and
minimization. The period of maximization extended from
post-1933 to 1970. It was marked by the creation of new
institutions like Federal deposit insurance, Federal Home Loan
Banks to provide credit to banks servicing home owners. The
Bank Holding Company Act and its amendment gave the Federal
Reserve supervision of bank holding companies. Demand and time
deposit rate regulation was an important component of the
general belief structure of the period. It is questionable
whether all these regulatory initiatives accomplished their
objective. Minimization of regulation thereafter
gradually reversed earlier legislation and programs that were
judged to have distorted markets were ended.
Minimization began with removal of rate ceilings on
large, negotiable CDs, and proceeded until all deposit
interest rate regulations were eliminated. Some changes had
mixed effects, such as enactment of the Depository
Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act which
imposed reserve requirements for the first time on non-member
banks of the Federal Reserve System. The Garn-St Germain Act
made the banking system as a whole more competitive.
Repeal of the New Deal Glass-Steagall Act, however, empowering
the financial services industry to engage in securities, real
estate, and insurance business, and authorization of
interstate banking and branch banking were unmixed changes
freeing markets. In addition, the FDIC Improvement Act changed
the way U.S. deposit insurance is administered, requiring
early intervention by regulators in the case of banks with
below average capital ratios. The change was intended to
insulate the taxpayer and insurance funds from undue risk, in
response to former forbearance by regulators. One
general observation about bank safety and soundness
regulation, whether or not the overall results were favorable,
is that regulators did not publicize the name of an individual
institution whose performance fell short of regulatory
standards. Market participants might have had suspicions about
the integrity of the institution in such a case, but its
public reputation would not have been at risk. As we shall see
when I now turn to the new regulations to which financial
institutions have been subject in the past two decades, loss
of reputation is at stake if an institution is singled out for
violating these legal requirements. Anti-Money
Laundering and Other New Financial Institution Regulations
It is not only
recent legislation that imposes on U.S. financial services
institutions the obligation to fulfill the demands of a broad
purpose that society values. The U.S. Community Reinvestment
Act, for example, is social engineering to assure that banks
do not discriminate against residents of low-income districts
in allotting mortgage loans. Banks may believe that the Act
impugns the impartiality of their judgment of the
credit-worthiness of mortgage applicants, but they
nevertheless must comply.
Anti-laundering legislation is of the same genre
as the Community Reinvestment Act. It is designed to prevent
the movement of illicit cash through U.S. financial
institutions. Three laws prescribe their basic anti-money
obligations: the Money Laundering Control Act of 1985, the
Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, and the USA Patriot Act of 2002,
which amended both prior laws.
The Bank Secrecy Act, as amended,
requires the institutions to: (1) establish anti- money
laundering programs, an internal audit function, and appoint
an employee training officer; (2) verify the identity of
persons seeking to open accounts; (3) exercise due diligence
when opening and administering accounts for foreign
institutions, wealthy foreign individuals including senior
foreign political figures. The Treasury Department also is
authorized to require institutions and other firms to file
reports on large currency transactions. The Money
Laundering Control Act was the first in the world to make
money laundering a crime. It prohibits any person from
knowingly engaging in a transaction which involves the
proceeds of a long list of specified unlawful activity
including terrorism, drug trafficking, and fraud. The Patriot
Act expanded the list to include foreign crimes involving
bribery and misappropriation of funds. It is therefore illegal
for a U.S. bank knowingly to accept funds that were the
proceeds of foreign corruption. The Secretary of the
Treasury is the primary federal regulator of enforcing
anti-money laundering laws, and the Comptroller of the
Currency within the Treasury Department is responsible for
overseeing banks with a national banking charter. The
agency of the Treasury that has primary responsibility for
money laundering is FINCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network. In addition, the Financial Action Task Force
represents a group of OECD countries that is trying to
coordinate efforts to combat money laundering
internationally. Despite the legislation, a prominent
Washington, D.C. national bank has recently been found guilty
of infringement of statutory and regulatory anti-money
laundering requirements, and regulators have been charged with
disinclination to compel the bank to correct its
deficiencies. Riggs Bank is a well-known long-standing
institution incorporated in Delaware, which operates primarily
in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area but also maintains
foreign offices in London, Berlin, the Bahamas, the Isle of
Jersey, and a subsidiary in Miami. The bank, with over $6
billion in assets as of last year, is the principal operating
subsidiary of a holding company, Riggs National Corporation.
The bank provides retail, corporate and institutional banking
services, and wealth management services to high-income
individuals through its domestic and international banking
departments. A specialty of Riggs is Embassy banking,
administering accounts at more than 95% of foreign missions
and embassies located in Washington. Riggs has
large numbers of foreign clients as well as some from
countries with risks of money laundering and foreign
corruption. The bank since 1997 has been repeatedly charged
with disregard for anti-money laundering requirements and
facilitation of suspicious activities, principally on the
handling of accounts for Augusto Pinochet, which the bank
concealed from the Comptroller of the Currency as well as of
turning a blind eye to evidence of foreign corruption for
Equatorial Guinea, its officials and family members. The
bank’s accounts with Saudi Arabia are still under
investigation. In May 2004 Riggs paid the Office of the
Comptroller $25 million to settle allegations that it had
failed to report, detect, or even look for clearly suspicious
transactions in accounts related to foreign embassies. The
Federal Reserve Board at the same time ordered the parent
company of the bank to take steps to insure that the bank
reports suspicious financial transactions to federal
authorities. The Federal Reserve also ordered Riggs to close
its Miami subsidiary and to seek Fed approval before it pays
any dividends or buys back stock. With its
reputation in tatters, in July Riggs agreed to be bought by
Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Group for about $700
million. Thus a historic name will be gone from Washington
banking.[1] Riggs still faces serious legal problems as
the investigation of its failure to abide by regulators’
strictures continues. This August Riggs placed its chief risk
officer on leave. The regulators themselves, as has
been noted, are under a cloud. The examiners from the Office
of the Comptroller identified the deficiencies in the Riggs
weak anti-laundering program, but were slow to use enforcement
tools. More disturbing, the Comptroller’s Examiner-in-Charge
at Riggs until he retired in 2002 then joined Riggs staff. The
former examiner appeared before his former agency in
connection with matters relating to Riggs compliance, and
attended meetings with the agency for two years without prior
approval of the Comptroller’s ethics office. The Federal
Reserve was also charged with being slow and passive in
implementing its oversight role. There is no agreement
among various Congressional investigating bodies about how to
remedy the problem of regulatory agency failure to provide
effective oversight of bank anti-money laundering performance.
The investigators concluded that the scandal is not limited to
Riggs, that it is not an isolated case, but symptomatic of a
pattern of ineffective enforcement by federal
There are at least two other banks besides Riggs and UBS
that have been in the news recently in connection with money
laundering lapses. One is the New York branch of the Dutch
banking giant ABN Amro. It is being investigated by regulatory
and law enforcement officials for its dealings with foreign
financial institutions. FRBNY alleged that the bank was
improperly moving funds of questionable origin through the
financial system. Dozens of accounts were transferred to ABN
Amro in New York from the Bank of New York when it was under
investigation in the 1990s.
ABM Amro in July agreed in a 14-page
document to sever relationships with nearly 100 correspondent
loosely regulated banks in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean,
and Caribbean because of questions of compliance with money
laundering regulations. The Justice Dept. is investigating
$885,000 in transfers from Latvia thru ABN Amro in NY that
were allegedly part of a fraudulent deal to avoid Russian
taxes. That and similar transactions are part of a
broader pattern of fraud, tax and money laundering involving
millions of dollars, passed through ABN Amro in NY by banks in
Russia and Eastern Europe.
A provision in the Patriot Act put the legal
onus on banks to know the identity of their customers and
where their money comes from. In the 1990s Bank of New York
moved more than $7 billion from Russia, believed to be
proceeds of corruption, tax evasion and organized crime
through correspondent accounts with Russian banks. Two Bank of
New York executives pleaded guilty to money laundering and
haven’t yet been sentenced. The bank wasn’t punished pending
full cooperation.
Correspondent accounts allow foreign banks to
conduct dollar-denominated transactions and move funds into
the US without setting up a US branch, simply by paying fees
to a host bank that has a US banking license. ABN Amro has
also cut off its correspondent banks in Cyprus, an offshore
banking center that caters to the Russian market. ABN Amro
failed to certify that its customers weren’t foreign shell
banks, entities that exist primarily on paper for the purpose
of moving money secretly. It agreed to enhance its filings of
Suspicious Activity Reports on unusual transactions.
institution that regulators have targeted for lack of
compliance is Beacon Hill, a small Manhattan firm not licensed
by NY State doing suspicious money transmitting business all
over the world. JP Morgan Chase opened 40 accounts with Beacon
Hill in 1994. Morgan Chase in NY took on Beacon Hill after its
London office shut down Beacon Hill in 1994 for
suspicious activities. Between 1997 and 2000 Morgan
Chase moved $6.5 billion in wire transfers for Beacon
Hill. Its clients included offshore shell corporations
and money exchange houses in Brazil, and Uruguay. Money
was linked to the drug trade, some to official corruption and
government fraud in Brazil. Beacon Hill also transmitted $32
million to accounts in Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Dubai, Saudi
Arabia and other Middle East countries. Investigators have not
discovered the real parties behind the transactions because
Beacon Hill record-keeping was sloppy. Its business was
run out of a pooled account that served many customers so it
was impossible to connect specific deposits to specific
transfers out of the account.
In February Beacon Hill was convicted of
operating as a money transmitter without a license. Morgan
Chase was not charged with any crime. The NY State Banking
Dept and NY Fed were asked in March whether Chase violated
“Know your clients rule.” Morgan Chase has since stopped
dealing with wholesale money transmitters.
Another big US financial
institution in trouble for failure to prevent suspected money
laundering is Citigroup. Japanese regulators in September
ordered Citigroup to shut down its four private banks in Japan
for other violations as well. The publicity has damaged
Citigroup’s reputation probably more than its
revenues. One
of the charges brought against Riggs was that over a two-year
period it accepted cash deposits of $1 million or more in bank
notes in six separate transactions. It did not treat them as
unusual or requiring scrutiny. Cash is a traditional way of
hiding the source of income. U.S. banknotes have for many
years been a preferred banknote medium for residents of
foreign countries the purchasing power of whose domestic
currency is unstable and lacks anonymity. Foreigners
have no problem obtaining U.S. banknotes. It is estimated that
over $400 billion of $680 billion in circulation is held
abroad. Of course, not all suspicious money transactions are
conducted with cash. It is easy to transfer funds by wire from
even the least advanced countries. Riggs was also charged with
failure to conduct routine or special monitoring of frequent
and sizeable transfers of funds across international lines.
Providing the banknotes that foreigners demand is a
financial benefit for U.S. taxpayers, so it makes sense
for the Federal Reserve to have introduced the Extended
Custodial Inventory Program in 1996 primarily to facilitate
the distribution abroad of a new design $100 note. The
primary purpose of the program then shifted to enhance the
international banknote distribution system, which began to
function in January 1998. The program maintains inventory of
Federal Reserve notes in strategically located international
distribution centers. Currently, a total of eight facilities
are operated in five cities by five banks: American Express
Bank (London), Bank of America (Hong Kong, Zurich), HSBC
(London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong), Royal Bank of Scotland
(London), and United Overseas Bank (Singapore). These five
cities are now the principal hubs for the distribution of U.S.
banknotes. Thirty institutions worldwide participate in
wholesale buying and selling the notes that are exported to
international markets by the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York manages the
program, and negotiates an Agreement with each of the five
bank operators. The Agreement specifically prohibits operators
from engaging in transactions affecting the program
inventories with countries subject to sanctions by the
Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Controls. The
operators are required to provide the New York Fed with
monthly reports of all countries that engaged in U.S. dollar
transactions with the operator and the volume of those
transactions. Until late October 2003 one other bank
was an operator of the banknote inventory program. The bank
was UBS, which operated a site in Zurich The Federal
Reserve Bank of New York terminated its contract with UBS in
connection with investigation of the discovery by U.S. armed
forces in Baghdad of $650 million of U.S. currency with a New
York Fed wrapping. Serial number records identified a sample
of the notes as part of twenty-four shipments to several
operators including UBS. The other operators provided
information concerning the counterparties to whom they sold
the banknotes in question. UBS eventually revealed that it had
sold the notes to Iran, it claimed, by mistake, and gave a
false explanation for its failure to account for the sale in
its monthly report to the New York Fed. The Iranian
transaction violated the Agreement UBS had signed prohibiting
shipment of currency to countries subject to sanctions by the
Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. UBS
was also fined a $100 million civil money penalty for
deceptive conduct. Investigation of the trail of the currency
to Iraq continues.The case of UBS differs from
that of Riggs. Riggs did not exercise due diligence in
performing its anti-money laundering regulatory obligations.
UBS violated a commitment it had explicitly agreed to abide
by. The test of even well-conceived regulation is whether it
works. The Regulatory Dialectic
U.S. commercial banks are regulated
by many agencies, beginning with obtaining a charter,
submitting to periodic examination by its regulatory and
deposit insurance supervisor, meeting capital requirements,
operating with restrictions on asset holdings, until recently
constrained by state branching restrictions. A similar
situation applies to other financial institutions, including
savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and
credit unions.
Financial regulation imposes costs on the regulated, so
regulation fosters incentives to avoid them. Regulators in
reaction to avoidance behavior by the regulated find ways to
tighten the rules they originally imposed. In the following
round the regulated again try avoidance, to which the
regulators again respond. This is the dialectic of regulation.
It applies not only to financial regulation but also to
regulation in general. Examples of the dialectic are easily
Sometimes, however, avoidance is not needed. The market may
innovate a new financial instrument that serves the purpose of
the regulated and clearly improves the general welfare.
Regulators in such a case do not respond by attempting to undo
the change. An example of such an innovation is the
introduction of the eurodollar market, which served the aim of
commercial banks to avoid the opportunity cost of reserve
requirements on deposits and the costs of deposit rate
ceilings. Eurodollars, U.S. dollars deposited in foreign
banks abroad or in foreign branches of U.S. banks, were not
subject either to reserve requirements or to former deposit
interest rate ceilings, when U.S. banks borrowed these funds
from the foreign bank or their own foreign branch. The same
was true of commercial paper issued by the parent bank holding
company, which was not treated as deposits. These were
permanent changes the regulators simply lived with.
A good illustration of the dialectic was the effect on
savings and loan institutions and mutual savings banks when
market interest rates rose above deposit rate ceilings.
Depositors withdrew their savings from these institutions,
thus limiting their ability to issue residential mortgages.
Home ownership, however, was a valued social objective. The
Federal Reserve responded by raising the ceiling on time
deposits in these institutions by one-quarter of one percent
higher than commercial banks could pay and extending the
higher time deposit ceiling to formerly unregulated credit
unions. In addition, to channel the flow of money from small
savers to the preferred institutions, small-denomination
Treasury bills were eliminated. As a consequence, low-income
households were effectively barred from earning higher market
interest rates. Bank holding companies and corporations were
encouraged to issue small-denomination debt securities, but
these were not a typical investment of such households.
regulators’ strategy to keep low-cost deposits in
mortgage-issuing institutions was ultimately foiled by the
development of money market mutual funds, which low-income
households embraced. The ensuing loss of deposits by the
institutions prompted the use of another stopgap measure to
help them. They were allowed to issue money market
certificates, which paid market interest rates, issued in
denominations of $10,000. Low-income households got no
benefit from this change and had no alternative but to keep
their savings in the mortgage-issuing institutions.
Ultimately, the plugging of loopholes was abandoned by
legislation allowing the mortgage-issuing institutions broader
scope in lending.
To sum up: Financial safety and soundness regulation in
the U.S. at times has been ill-advised. The regulatory
dialectic, however, may serve as a corrective for some
misbegotten measures. Even when regulation has been socially
beneficial, as in the case of anti-money laundering, some U.S.
banks have acted to aid and abet money laundering. The reason
is that the international money transmittal business is
lucrative. The potential loss of fat fees earned from that
business if those banks stopped dealing with wholesale money
transmitters whose activities are suspicious accounts for
their misbehavior. There is a corresponding indifference on
the part of regulators to the urgency of enforcing compliance.
This is a matter that requires the attention of top-level
authorities in charge of public
safety. REFERENCES CCH Group. “Senators
Criticize Riggs’ Weak anti- money laundering program; Call for
Congress to Act.” July 2004 (Catherine Hubbard). Kane,
Edward J, “How Market Forces Influence the Structure of
Financial Regulation.” In W. Haraf and R. M. Kushmeider eds.
Restructuring Banking and Financial Services in America.
Washington, D.C. American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research. 1988. New York Times. “ABN Amro
Raises Guard on Money.” September 30, 2004. (P.W.
1). OECD Financial Action Task Force.
http//www1.oecd.org/fatf/ Pratt’s Letter “Money
Laundering Crisis Angers Congress.” July 10,
2004. Reuters, “Riggs Puts Chief Risk Officer on Leave
– SEC Filing.” August 9, 6:36 pm ET U.S. Senate.
“Testimony of Thomas C. Baxter, Jr. before the Committee on
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Oversight of the Extended
Custodial Inventory Program.” Federal Reserve Bank of New
York. May 20, 2004. U.S. Senate. Permanent Subcommittee
on Investigations, Committee on Governmental Affairs. “Money
Laundering and Foreign Corruption: Enforcement and
Effectiveness of the Patriot Act: Case Study Involving Riggs
Bank.” Report prepared by the Minority Staff , July 16,
2004. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “The 2001
National Money Laundering Strategy.” Prepared by the Office of
Enforcement, in consultation with the Department of Justice.
September 2001. U.S. Treasury. Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network. Wall Street Journal. “Morgan and
Beacon Hill.” Editorial, p. A10, August 18, 2004.
Wall Street Journal. “Amid Probe, ABN Amro
Cuts Off Nearly 100 Banks.” September 29, 2004. (Glenn
R. Simpson). Wall Street Journal. “Banks Increase
Spending to Fight Money Laundering.” September 20,
2004. (Sarah Spikes). Wall Street Journal.
“Congress Questions Treasury, Fed on Handling of ABN
Amro.” October 1, 2004. (Glenn
Simpson). Washington Post. “Fed Order Puts Riggs
Under Closer Oversight.” May 17, 2004. P. E01. (Kathleen
Day). Washington Post. “HSBC to Open D.C. Branch
Pursues Embassy Clients.” October 5,
2004. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]
In a bid to replace Riggs Bank as Washington’s premier
diplomatic bank, HSBC Bank, a global institution with
headquarters in London, will open a D.C. branch in
November. Riggs, which is winding down its $1 billion in
embassy banking, has agreed to refer its embassy clients to
HSBC. Embassies have established
accounts with other banks including Citibank, Wachovia, and
Bank of America Corp. A small community bank in Potomac
has also won a few small embassy clients.
HSBC has affiliates in 76 countries, some of which have
strict secrecy laws, U.S. authorities believe secrecy laws
impede rules designed to prevent international money
laundering. HSBC says it has rigorous controls at its
affiliates and will follow regulations
closely.So are we likely to see (or be
unable to see) selective enforcement of AML at HSBC? Aren't
there a lot fewer players now for Global Money laundering. Are
we not seeing a consolidation of the players in this
game? |
| | |
should not mention PTech without mentioning INSLAW PROMIS
... http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/1.01/inslaw_pr.htmlThe
INSLAW Octopus Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up,
stonewalling, covert action: Just another decade at the
Department of Justice By Richard L. Fricker
The House Judiciary Committee lists these crimes as
among the possible violations perpetrated by "high-level
Justice officials and private individuals": >>
Conspiracy to commit an offense >> Fraud >> Wire
fraud >> Obstruction of proceedings before departments,
agencies and committees >> Tampering with a witness
>> Retaliation against a witness >> Perjury
>> Interference with commerce by threats or violence
>> Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
violations >> Transportation of stolen goods,
securities, moneys >> Receiving stolen goods
... The Background Imagine you are in
charge of the legal arm of the most powerful government on the
face of the globe, but your internal information systems are
mired in the archaic technology of the 1960s. There's a
Department of Justice database, a CIA database, an Attorney's
General database, an IRS database, and so on, but none of them
can share information. That makes tracking multiple offenders
pretty darn difficult, and building cases against them a long
and bureaucratic task. Along comes a computer program
that can integrate all these databases, and it turns out its
development was originally funded by the government under a
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration grant in the 1970s.
That means the software is public domain ... free!
... But a retired CIA official whose job it was to
investigate the Inslaw allegations internally told WIRED that
the DOJ gave PROMIS to the CIA. "Well," the retired official
told WIRED, "the congressional committees were after us to
look into allegations that somehow the agency had been
culpable of what would have been, in essence, taking advantage
of, like stealing, the technology [PROMIS]. We looked into it
and there was enough to it, the agency had been involved."
... But the CIA was not the only place where illegal
versions of PROMIS cropped up. Canadian documents (held by the
House Judiciary Committee and obtained by WIRED) place PROMIS
in the hands of various Canadian government agencies. These
documents include two letters to Inslaw from Canadian agencies
requesting detailed user manuals -- even though Inslaw has
never sold PROMIS to Canada. Canadian officials now claim the
letters were in error. And, of course, the software
was transferred to Rafael Etian's anti- terrorism unit in
Israel. The DOJ claims it was the LEAA version, but former
Israeli spy Ben Menashe and others claim it was the 32-bit
version. According to Ben Menashe, other government
departments within Israel also saw PROMIS, and this time the
pitchman was Dr. Earl Brian. In a 1991 affidavit related to
the bankruptcy proceedings, Ben Menashe claimed: "I attended a
meeting at my Department's headquarters in Tel Aviv in 1987
during which Dr. Earl W. Brian of the United States made a
presentation intended to facilitate the use of the PROMIS
computer software." Asked why Israeli intelligence
would have been so interested in Inslaw and PROMIS, Ben
Menashe said, "PROMIS was a very big thing for us guys, a
very, very big thing ... it was probably the most important
issue of the '80s because it just changed the whole
intelligence outlook. The whole form of intelligence
collection changed. This whole thing changed it." PROMIS, Ben
Menashe said, was perfect for tracking Palestinians and other
political dissidents. Bill Hamilton, Inslaw &
PROMIS http://www.altacocker.com/other_items/promis-2-ptech.htmPTECH,
to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed The FAA
& Ptech Debriefed by Secret Service - looking for a
PROMIS Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and
Nazis by Michael Kane © Copyright 2005, From
The Wilderness Publications, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/. All
Rights Reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted on an
Internet web site for non-profit purposes only. "I
believe that Dick Cheney also had the ability using evolutions
of the PROMIS software, to penetrate and override any other
radar computer or communications system in the
government." - Mike Ruppert, in "Summation: Ladies and
Gentlemen of the Jury," from Crossing The Rubicon,
p.592 [At the heart of our story is a program (we'll
call it Ptech, after the company that produced it) that
combines artificial intelligence, datamining, and
"interoperability," the capacity for one program to read,
operate, and modify the source codes of other programs. The
computational power of the Ptech evolution of PROMIS
represents a daunting new surveillance-and-intervention
capability in the hands of the same elites who planned 9/11,
prosecute the subsequent resource wars, and are presiding over
what may become a full economic and military disaster for the
resource-consuming citizens of America and the world. Since
the "War On Terror" and the coming dollar/fossil fuel collapse
will necessitate new levels of domestic repression, this is
just the capability those elites require. Ptech is the
functional equivalent of Total Information
Awareness.The human side of Ptech is where the
thievery and murder come in: among the financiers and
programmers of Ptech are apparent members of an international
network of organized criminals involved in decades of
narcotraffic, gunrunning, money laundering, and terrorism.
Their personal and professional connections reach up into the
highest levels of the American government, and their
activities are still underway. The issue of Saudi
complicity in the attacks of 9/11 has played out into two
different views. The first is the idea that the Saudis were
solely responsible. This has been pumped up by Fox News and
largely accepted as gospel in certain parts of the mainstream
media. The second view is that the Saudis were set up to take
the fall for having pulled off 9/11, covering up U.S.
complicity. Neither view is correct, and both depend on a
mistaken view of that country as a monolithic, homogeneous
actor on the world stage. The opposite is true. At
the top of Arabian society is the giant royal House of Saud,
descendants of Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, a charismatic warlord who
used religious and marital alliances to consolidate his
military conquests and, eventually, found a modern state on
the Arabian Peninsula in 1932. Ibn Saud's success was
partially dependent on his powerful religious allies, the
inheritors of a doctrinaire form of Islam founded by the
cleric Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab (1702 - 1793). That coalition
became increasingly unstable with the massive influx of oil
wealth that began shortly after the first Arabian discoveries
by SoCal (now Chevron) and Texaco, also in the 1930's.
Like virtually all Islamic states, Saudi Arabia has
been the target of ongoing efforts by American intelligence
aimed at suppressing any stirrings of incipient secular
leftism. This is opposed, we believe, to what may be
convenient and clandestine support for "al-Qaeda" terrorists
(i.e. fundamentalists), acting as US proxies, who might
destabilize the kingdom in advance of the US carving off only
those regions with oil reserves. Socially polarized oil
wealth, the ever-changing Arab-Israeli conflict, and American
geopolitical maneuvering configure a daunting matrix of hidden
forces that can't be fully understood or managed - not least
because the intelligence elements are often double or triple
agents with inscrutable loyalties. The Ptech story is
of intense interest for its implications about US
government guilt in 9/11. As Ralph Schoenman, Michel
Chossudovsky, Paul Thompson and others have argued, "al Qaeda"
is not only traceable to CIA activity in Pakistan and
Afghanistan during the Soviet period, it is also a current
tool of American imperial ambitions. That directly contradicts
the official story, in which al Qaeda is the foreign devil
incarnate, a militant hate group formed straight from the soil
of Saudi ideology - with no economic grievances, no interests
in common with anyone in the non-Muslim world, and above all,
no connections to the United States through funding,
personnel, armaments, drug trafficking, visa assistance, or
communications. It certainly is a militant hate group, but the
rank and file may be totally unaware of real connections
between their own leaders and the people they oppose with
their very lives. These disturbing links would be just as
agonizing - and just as unthinkable - for American citizens as
they would be for a militant Islamist teenager in a ski mask
jumping hurdles at some secret training camp.
Beneficiaries of the Ptech-connected MAK charities,
the young men in Hezbollah and Hamas are fighting in land
disputes, not heady ideological quests. They are also bitter,
bereaved, murderous bigots with all the psychic rigidity and
hysteria found in fundamentalists from Oklahoma to Hebron to
Jeddah. Their hatred of the American national security state
is surely absolute, but they are also beneficiaries of the
Pentagon's need for an Enemy. That means that they can expect
the United States to provide covert help of some kind at
crucial points in the game. And the most despicable element in
the American side of that process is the Bush-Cheney junta
itself, which used its own assets inside the terrorist network
associated with Osama bin Laden to murder three thousand
civilians in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania as a
pretext for unending warfare. This was done for reasons of
state. But it was also done for personal gratifications
including vast sums of money, permanent blackmail over those
involved, and a heroin-like rush of criminally insane
individual power. Sophisticated or naïve, cynical or grandiose
and idealistic, each person involved betrayed humanity. And
the apparatus that permitted this remains in place - as do
most of the personnel. The solution to the Ptech
problem is not just to get all that creepy software the hell
off the computers. The bigger solution is transparency and
disclosure, de-militarization and political internationalism;
localization of production and exchange; and a more equitable
distribution of resources and opportunity. As Stan Goff has
explained in these pages, the word opportunity does not
necessarily refer to competition for purchasing power and
domination. It means the opportunity to grow Haitian rice in
Haiti and sell it in Haiti, without having to contend with the
export dumping of American corporate agribusiness. It means
the chance to maintain a tribal existence in an Afghanistan
that is neither the proving ground for a US-Soviet proxy war
nor the playground of American-funded drug lords. And though
all ideals are warped by the rigors of practice, this was the
point of President Kennedy's de-escalation in Laos, his
Alliance for Progress in Latin America, and his refusal to
invade Cuba: What kind of peace do I mean? What kind
of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world
by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the
security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the
kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind
that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build
a better life for their children--not merely peace for
Americans but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in
our time but peace for all time. Now let's get back to
the business of sticking up for people who were murdered on
9/11 and in its aftermath, and to diminishing the present
danger. - JAH]. January 27, 2005, PST 0900 (FTW) -
Ptech - the software company whose major investors and
directors are strongly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood -
produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial
intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every
computer system of the U.S. government and its military
agencies on September 11, 2001. This included the White
House, Treasury Department (Secret Service), Air Force, FAA,
CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Department of Energy,
IRS, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and
more. Whoever plotted 9/11 definitely viewed the FAA
as an enemy that morning. Overriding FAA systems would be the
most effective way to ensure the attacks were successful. To
do this, the FAA needed an evolution of PROMIS software
installed on their systems and Ptech was just that; the White
House & Secret Service had the same software on their
systems - likely a superior modified version capable of
"surveillance and intervention" functions.Ptech is
enterprise architecture software, which Indira planned on
customizing to use as "risk architecture"
software. Enterprise architecture software is designed
with the express purpose of knowing everything that is going
on throughout the entirety of the enterprise in real-time. In
the case of Ptech software installed on Whitehouse, Secret
Service, Air Force and FAA systems, the enterprise included
all of the data produced by those agencies in
real-time. Maybe this is why Ari Fleischer stated
the Whitehouse didn't view Ptech as a threat; quite to the
contrary.1 The Ptech software was a vital asset needed for the
White House to execute the 9/11 plot, and may still be in
place for possible use against professionals in government and
military positions trying to do their jobs in the
future.The FAA & Ptech In the 9/11
Commission report a "phantom flight 11" was added to the
official version of what happened that day. A tape was played
at the final commission hearing on June 17, 2004, of a woman
from the FAA telling NORAD that flight 11 was still airborne
at 9:24 am, long after it had actually struck the WTC.
Originally this was reported to be the time when the FAA
notified NORAD that flight 77 was off course and headed to the
Pentagon. This information was used by the commission
to claim NORAD had never been informed that flight 77 was
headed towards Washington D.C., leaving the FAA holding the
bag for the penetration of the most heavily guarded airspace
in the world. The commission's report states they were "unable
to identify the source of this mistaken FAA
information." It has been clearly documented that
"false blips," or radar injects, were placed on FAA radar
screens on the morning of 9/11 as part of the Air Force war
games that morning.2 "Phantom flight 11" fits the description
of a "false blip." If it was, in fact, a radar inject, that
would explain why the 9/11 commission was unable to locate the
source of the "mistaken FAA information." The 9/11 war games
are classified and specific information regarding such details
is not publicly available. We do know by the time "phantom
flight 11" appeared on FAA screens - 9:24 am - the war games
had reportedly been called off.3 So what was it doing
there? FTW's position is that "phantom flight 11" was
injected onto FAA radar screens by "the maestro"4 using Ptech
software to override FAA systems. Let's examine the
feasibility of such a scenario. Ptech had been working
on the data blueprint of the FAA's entire network for 2 years
prior to 9/11. Their confidential business plan lays out just
how much access they had to the FAA's data
systems. Ptech Inc. Confidential Business Plan: Page 37
of 46 11/7/2001 The FAA recognized the need for
leveraging its IT investment, with a means of centralizing
activities and introducing consistency and compatibility
within the operating systems environment. A Ptech consulting
team was organized to use activity modeling to identify key
functions that could be examined for improvement in network
management, network security, configuration management, fault
management, performance management, application
administration, network accounting management, and user help
desk operations.5 What the above tells us is that Ptech
had access to the entire informational barn door of the FAA's
data systems. In an amazing exchange published in part 1 of
this series, FTW editor Jamey Hecht was able to confirm a
central thesis of Crossing the Rubicon while interviewing Wall
St. Whistleblower Indira Singh. Indira is an IT professional
who started First Boston's first Information Technology group
in 1975 and had worked on Wall St. until 2002. She's been an
IT consultant for Banker's Trust, the U.N., JP Morgan, and
American Express. In 1988 she started TibetNet - a derivative
of DARPA's Internet, the service you are likely reading this
report on at the moment. The exchange was as
follows: Jamey Hecht: You said at the 9/11 Citizens'
Commission hearings, you mentioned - its on page 139 of
transcript - that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the
basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their
specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA
had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an
emergency. Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for
that… Jamey Hecht: And that relationship had been
going on mediated by Ptech for 2 years prior to 9/11. You
elsewhere say that the Secret Service is among the government
entities that had a contract with Ptech. Mike Ruppert's thesis
in Crossing the Rubicon, as you know, is that the software
that was running information between FAA & NORAD was
superseded by a parallel subsuming version of itself that was
being run by the Secret Service on state of the art parallel
equipment in the PEOC with a nucleus of Secret Service
personnel around Cheney. …In your view, might it have
been the case that Cheney was using Ptech to surveil the
function of the people who wanted to do their jobs on the day
of 9/11 in FAA & NORAD, and then intervene to turn off the
legitimate response? Indira Singh: Is it possible from
a software standpoint? Absolutely it's possible. Did he
(Cheney) have such a capability? I don't know. But that's the
ideal risk scenario - to have an over-arching view of what's
going on in data. That's exactly what I wanted for JP Morgan.
You know what's ironic about this; I wanted to take my
operational risk blueprint which is for an operational event
going wrong and I wanted to make it generic for extreme event
risk to surveil across intelligence networks. What you're
describing is something that I said, 'boy if we had this in
place maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened.' When I was going
down to In-Q-Tel and getting these guys excited about creating
an extreme event risk blueprint to do this, I'm thinking of
doing exactly what you're saying Cheney might have already
had! [emphasis added] -- end of transcript Ptech
was working with Mitre Corp. in the FAA and, according to
Indira, Ptech was the Alpha dog in that relationship. Mitre
has provided simulation & testing technologies for the
Navy.6 They provide multiple FAA technologies and boast in
their annual reports that their two biggest clients are DOD
& FAA. Mitre knew the FAA's technological enterprise
inside and out, including any simulation-and-testing (war
game) technology operated by the FAA. This was the
perfect marriage to ensure that the capacity to covertly
intervene in FAA operations on 9/11 existed - in the middle of
simulated war games.It is also the perfect marriage to ensure
that the command and control of these capabilities was readily
available to Dick Cheney via Secret Service Ptech software in
the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, the bunker to
which Cheney was "rushed" by the Secret Service. As already
pointed out in part 1 of this series, Ptech does what Total
Information Awareness (TIA, the DARPA program to monitor all
electronic transactions in real-time) is supposed to do.
(There are an undetermined number of other software programs
in the hands of an undetermined number of corporations also
capable of this. Again, enterprise architecture software is
designed with the express purpose of knowing everything that
is going on throughout the entirety of the "enterprise" in
real-time. In the case of Ptech software, installed on
White House, Secret Service, Air Force and FAA systems (as
well as most American military agencies), the enterprise
included all of the real-time data of the above mentioned
agencies. Indira has confirmed Ptech software could have been
set up to allow Dick Cheney to surveil and intervene on FAA
radar screens. As documented by former Bush
counter-terrorism advisor Richard Clarke in his book, Against
All Enemies, on 9/11 the Secret Service had the capability of
seeing FAA radar screens in real time; and as documented by
Mike Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon, Secret Service has the
authority to take supreme command over any and all American
agencies - including the Air Force. 9/11 is a prime
example of what Indira Singh calls "extreme event risk." In
the months prior to the attack, she was working on a program
capable of providing data in real time to prevent these types
of events from happening. She had pitched this very idea just
one week before 9/11 at In-Q-Tel Headquarters (CIA) in
Virginia, giving a final presentation for an ICH
(Interoperability Clearinghouse) project code named "Blue
Prophet." Indira explained to CIA why she was supporting ICH
in this project. She told the In-Q-Tel team, "The
intelligence and other agencies need this now." One of the men
with CIA looked at Indira with what she describes as the
"blackest, coldest look anyone has ever given
her." They weren't interested in Blue Prophet's
software for interoperability or risk, but rather the data it
would produce because the data would point in the right
directions. That data was very predictive, producing quality
real-time intelligence. This is one week before 9/11. If
In-Q-Tel already had this capability, it's no wonder they
would be wary of someone like Indira - the woman from New York
in Risk Management who resided a few minutes' walk from the
Twin Towers. Debriefed by Secret Service - looking for
a PROMIS It was Indira Singh whose investigative research
into Ptech laid the groundwork for this series. One of the
first reporters Indira contacted was Joe Bergantino, a 20-year
veteran investigative reporter for a CBS affiliate in Boston.
"There are some great people in mainstream media,"
says Indira, and according to her, Joe is one of them. Joe
told her that Ptech's CEO Oussama Ziade had stated, "If it
wasn't for that woman in New York, none of this (the Joint
Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) raid) would be happening". Neither
Joe nor Indira liked the way that sounded. Joe
contacted Senator Grassley's office. A Secret Service agent,
Charlie Bopp, was reassigned to Grassley's office, and put in
charge of the Ptech file. An initial meeting was scheduled
with Indira in January 2003. Indira showed up with
what she called, "A major Ground Zero attitude." She was
supposed to be on the 106th floor of the WTC on 9/11 but
instead responded as a civilian EMT that morning. This was
very personal for her. Charlie understood and nevertheless
made the arrangements for a debriefing at the Secret Service's
National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) in April 2003.
During the debriefing Indira was asked by a member of
the Secret Service, "Is Ptech PROMIS?" "I already knew
what had happened to Danny Casolaro, and they were asking me
if I had copies of Ptech," Indira told FTW. Danny
Casolaro was the investigative journalist mysteriously
"suicided" in a West Virginia hotel room while investigating
the theft of PROMIS software. Casolaro's investigation had
uncovered a shadowy network he called "the Octopus" that
seemed to have its hands in everything from drug trafficking
and money laundering, all the way up to political
assassinations and coups d'etat. When Casolaro's body was
discovered, his arms were violently slashed and all the
documents he traveled with were missing. He had told friends
and relatives if anything happened to him they shouldn't
believe it was by accident. Being asked such a loaded
question, she responded with her Ground Zero attitude
saying: "You have a copy of the software, why don't you
tell me? This is not about the software guys, ok - was it a
PROMIS? It was a place you could hide a PROMIS, a place you
can drop a PROMIS." Indira told FTW, "I was going to
use Ptech software for risk surveillance at JP Morgan -
Duh!" By the very nature of risk surveillance, it is
necessary to use PROMIS progeny based on artificial
intelligence to achieve the capabilities we are describing.
Charlie Bopp and those present for Indira's debriefing knew
this, but they wanted to talk about the software and not the
people behind the software. That is extremely significant. In
part 1 of this series we've shown how the major people behind
Ptech link to the Muslim Brotherhood, elements of the Saudi
Royal Family, as well as Dick Cheney and the powerful American
'Christian' cult known as "The Fellowship," or, "The
Family." Indira wanted to name names, but Charlie
wouldn't let her. "We can't investigate the people behind
Ptech," said Charlie. "Just trust me, let's focus on the
software." They gave no reasoning for this, they just said,
"we can't." "Well if you can't talk about the people
behind this, it's a waste of time because with software like
that you can't find trapdoors now. This is live stuff!" Singh
told FTW. "You can't prove an intelligent agent [a small
software component that reaches out to claim or insert
information from another system - Ed.] went out and sent
information somewhere. It's like proving you ate a piece of
cake when you were 10 years old, unless you have video of it,
it's not going to happen. It's that ephemeral." [emphasis
added] In other words, PROMIS-based activity leaves no
footprints. This means trapdoors are no longer
necessary, or at least, no longer detectable. If Indira is
correct, there would have been no "fingerprints" left of any
kind showing just what Ptech software was used for on 9/11 and
who used it. "These guys debriefing me were from
Military Intel, so they were trying to find out what I knew,"
says Singh. According to her, August of 2002 (the month before
the story on Ptech was shut down by the White House, and three
months before Ptech was raided) was a significant month. There
were supposedly leaks of some kind coming out of the Persian
Gulf. She was asked if Ptech software could have been the
source of those leaks. Singh responded, "Well if
Military Intel are using Ptech in the Gulf, obviously!
YES!" During one of the initial meetings Indira threw a
hat on the table from FDNY Engine 4, Ladder 15 and said, "I
want you to put this on your desk, so any time you think of
playing some political games you remember there were real
people down there." Indira Singh was done playing
games. Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and
Nazis In part 1 of this series we documented the extensive
ties from the Muslim Brotherhood running through Ptech. The
Brotherhood was founded by Hassan Al-Banna and expanded with
the help of Mahmoud Abu Saud of the House of
Saud.7 This extensive network runs through various
shell organizations and charities with interlocking boards,
such as the New Jersey based real estate investment company
BMI, CARE International, and the Northern Virginia based SAAR
network - named after al Sulaiman Abdul Al-Aziz al-Rajhi, a
scion of one of Saudi Arabia's richest families. Heading the
SAAR network (renamed Safa) is Yakub Mirza, who also sits on
the board of Ptech. It is of interest to note that claims
against Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment Corp. for funding
and supporting terrorism were recently dismissed by U.S.
District Judge Richard Casey. One of the central
funding mechanisms in this nexus is the Al Taqwa Bank of
Switzerland - now Nada Management - which the Department of
Treasury says funds Al Qaeda. Hitler supporter Albert
Friedrich Armand Huber (aka Ahmed Huber) and Youseff Nada sit
on the board of Al Taqwa. Nada reportedly helped the Grand
Mufti escape from Nazi Germany when the Third Reich was
teetering on the brink of collapse, and Ahmed Huber knew the
Grand Mufti quite well; so well in fact, it was the Mufti who
convinced Huber to convert to (the Brotherhood's form of)
Islam. Huber has spoken publicly of a "New Right"
marriage of Nazi ideology and Islamist fascism. He has both a
picture of Adolph Hitler and Osama bin Laden in his Swiss
home. Al Taqwa is a "hawala," a bank conducting
transactions leaving no paper trail through a "good faith"
global network that transfers funds - no questions asked.8
Bank Al Taqwa is located in the Bahamas; the parent company,
Nada Management, is based in Lugarno, Switzerland, and is
linked to the Royal Family of Liechtenstein. Al Taqwa
has done business with Asat Trust. The now deceased Prince
Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein became a board member of Asat
Trust in May 1970 and stayed until November 1990, when he was
replaced by Martin Wachter, the trust's current director.9
Asat Trust is on the American and U.N. terror list.
According to the American Jewish Daily Forward, copies of
business registration documents on file with authorities in
Liechtenstein show that Asat Trust has been intimately
involved with the Al Taqwa network during the last 30 years,
registering changes in company names, personnel and financial
structure.10 Most frightening of all is that this
network seems to have links back to the powerful American
Christian cult known as "The Fellowship," or "The Family."
This organization is tied to American 'Christian' men of high
political power including John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, George
W. Bush, multiple Congressional members and prominent business
leaders. Some "Family" members have stated they would love to
have Osama bin Laden as a guest speaker because of the
covenant he has with his followers. Doug Coe, the Family's
leader who was praised by George H.W. Bush at the 1990
National Prayer Breakfast for his "quiet diplomacy," openly
admires Hitler's "covenant."11 Yassin Al Qadi - the
Saudi terrorist financier who funded Ptech and BMI - claimed
to have met Dick Cheney in Jeddah before he became Vice
President and the two "still share cordial relations." When
Cheney's office was asked to comment on this, spokeswoman
Jennifer Miller Wise stated the Vice President gave her no
reason to believe he had met with Al Qadi before he assumed
office.12 That is a non-answer; "no reason to believe"
he met Al Qadi leaves no reason to believe he didn't.
Regardless, there are more transparent connections between
elements of Saudi and American elites. In November of
2001, Halliburton was awarded a $140 million contract to
develop an oil field in Saudi Arabia by the kingdom's
state-owned petroleum firm, Saudi Aramco, and a Halliburton
subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root, along with two Japanese
firms, hired by the Saudis to build a $40 million ethylene
plant.13 Dick Cheney is, of course, the former CEO of
Haliburton. As recently as 1991 ARAMCO had Khalid bin
Mahfouz sitting on its Supreme Council or board of directors.
Mahfouz, Saudi Arabia's former owner of the nation's largest
bank, has been reported in several places to be Osama bin
Laden's brother in law. However, he has denied this and
brought intense legal pressure to bear demanding retractions
of that allegation.14 He also denies any involvement in
financing terror organizations. One journalist who was
sued by bin Mahfouz, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, is counter suing in
New York Federal Court. She is the only one of some 30 authors
not to retract claims that Mahfouz has financed Al Qaeda
operations as published in her book, Funding Evil: How
Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop it. Khalid bin
Mahfouz has major partnership investments with the
multi-billion dollar BinLadin Group of companies and is a
former director of BCCI, the infamous criminal drug-money
laundering bank which performed a number of very useful
services for the CIA before its 1991 collapse under criminal
investigation by the legal apparatus of multiple
countries.15 George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush
and Dick Cheney all have extensive ties to the Saudi Royal
family and Saudi elites, who in turn have questionable ties to
terrorist financiers such as Yassin al-Qadi. It is therefore
not unreasonable for Dick Cheney to have met al-Qadi while in
Jeddah while CEO of Haliburton. This is the reality of
the world we live in; where a covert international power
structure supercedes the interests of nation states, and the
misnomer of "national security" is used to keep this network's
secrets hidden from the prying eyes of authentic journalists
and the public at large. 1 On the very day the
FBI raids Ptech, Ari Fleischer - president Bush's press
secretary - gives Ptech a "clean bill of health" by stating:
"The material has been reviewed by the appropriate government
agencies, and they have detected absolutely nothing in their
reports to the White House that would lead to any concern
about any of the products purchased from (Ptech)." http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/12/20021206-4.html.
2 See Crossing the Rubicon, chapters 19 &
20. 3 See footnote #1 from Part 1 of this
series. 4 "The Maestro" is the term used by Major Don
Arias of NORAD to describe the individual who was in charge of
coordinating the 9/11 war games. FTW's research has concluded
the 9/11 maestro was either Dick Cheney, or both Cheney and
General Ralph "Ed" Eberhart. See Crossing the Rubicon for full
documentation. 5 Copy of page 37 of Ptech's Business
Plan from 11/17/2001, provided by Indira Singh via
email. 6 http://www.stormingmedia.us/07/0720/A072083.html. 7
8 "A Banking System Built for Terrorism," by Meenakshi
Ganguly, Time, 10/05/01: http://www.time.com/time/world/printout/0,8816,178227,00.html. "Shareholders
in the Bank of Terror?" by Lucy Komisar, Salon, 11/09/01 http://archive.salon.com/tech/feature/2002/03/15/al_taqwa/print.html.
9 "Terror Fund Trail Leads to Alpine Kingdom," by Marc
Perelman, Forward http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/03.10.17/news4.terror.html. 10
Ibid. 11 Coe listed other men who had changed the world
through the strength of the "covenants" they had forged with
their "brothers": "Look at Hitler," he said. "Lenin, Ho Chi
Minh, Bin Laden." The Family, of course, possessed a weapon
those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of a brotherhood in
Christ. "In a document entitled "Our Common Agreement
as a Core Group," members of the Family are instructed to form
a "core group," or a "cell," which is defined as "a publicly
invisible but privately identifiable group of companions." A
document called "Thoughts on a Core Group" explains that
"Communists use cells as their basic structure. The mafia
operates like this, and the basic unit of the Marine Corps is
the four man squad. Hitler, Lenin, and many others understood
the power of a small core of people." From "Jesus Plus
Nothing," by Jeffrey Sharlet, Harper's, March 2003 http://www.harpers.org/JesusPlusNothing.html?pg=1. 12
"Software company tries to survive terror investigation," by
Justin Pope, Associated Press, 01/03/03 http://www.boston.com/news/daily/03/ptech.htm.
13 "Bush Advisors Cashed in on Saudi Gravy Train," by
Jonathan Wells, Jack Meyers and Maggie Mulvihill, Common
Dreams, 12/11/01 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1211-05.htm.
14 "COUP D'ETAT," by Michael Ruppert, FTW, 6/8/04 http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/060804_coup_detat.html. 15
Ibid Debriefed by Secret Service - looking
for a PROMISIt was Indira Singh whose
investigative research into Ptech laid the groundwork for this
series. One of the first reporters Indira contacted was Joe
Bergantino, a 20-year veteran investigative reporter for a CBS
affiliate in Boston. "There are some great people in
mainstream media," says Indira, and according to her, Joe is
one of them. Joe told her that Ptech's CEO Oussama Ziade had
stated, "If it wasn't for that woman in New York, none of this
(the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) raid) would be
happening". Neither Joe nor Indira liked the way that
sounded. Joe contacted Senator Grassley's office. A
Secret Service agent, Charlie Bopp, was reassigned to
Grassley's office, and put in charge of the Ptech file. An
initial meeting was scheduled with Indira in January
2003. Indira showed up with what she called, "A major
Ground Zero attitude." She was supposed to be on the 106th
floor of the WTC on 9/11 but instead responded as a civilian
EMT that morning. This was very personal for her. Charlie
understood and nevertheless made the arrangements for a
debriefing at the Secret Service's National Threat Assessment
Center (NTAC) in April 2003. During the debriefing
Indira was asked by a member of the Secret Service, "Is Ptech
PROMIS?" "I already knew what had happened to Danny
Casolaro, and they were asking me if I had copies of Ptech,"
Indira told FTW. Danny Casolaro was the investigative
journalist mysteriously "suicided" in a West Virginia hotel
room while investigating the theft of PROMIS software.
Casolaro's investigation had uncovered a shadowy network he
called "the Octopus" that seemed to have its hands in
everything from drug trafficking and money laundering, all the
way up to political assassinations and coups d'etat. When
Casolaro's body was discovered, his arms were violently
slashed and all the documents he traveled with were missing.
He had told friends and relatives if anything happened to him
they shouldn't believe it was by accident. Being asked
such a loaded question, she responded with her Ground Zero
attitude saying: "You have a copy of the software, why
don't you tell me? This is not about the software guys, ok -
was it a PROMIS? It was a place you could hide a PROMIS, a
place you can drop a PROMIS." Indira told FTW, "I was
going to use Ptech software for risk surveillance at JP Morgan
- Duh!" By the very nature of risk surveillance, it is
necessary to use PROMIS progeny based on artificial
intelligence to achieve the capabilities we are describing.
Charlie Bopp and those present for Indira's debriefing knew
this, but they wanted to talk about the software and not the
people behind the software. That is extremely significant. In
part 1 of this series we've shown how the major people behind
Ptech link to the Muslim Brotherhood, elements of the Saudi
Royal Family, as well as Dick Cheney and the powerful American
'Christian' cult known as "The Fellowship," or, "The
Family." Indira wanted to name names, but Charlie
wouldn't let her. "We can't investigate the people behind
Ptech," said Charlie. "Just trust me, let's focus on the
software." They gave no reasoning for this, they just said,
"we can't." "Well if you can't talk about the people
behind this, it's a waste of time because with software like
that you can't find trapdoors now. This is live stuff!" Singh
told FTW. "You can't prove an intelligent agent [a small
software component that reaches out to claim or insert
information from another system - Ed.] went out and sent
information somewhere. It's like proving you ate a piece of
cake when you were 10 years old, unless you have video of it,
it's not going to happen. It's that ephemeral." [emphasis
added] In other words, PROMIS-based activity leaves no
footprints. This means trapdoors are no longer
necessary, or at least, no longer detectable. If Indira is
correct, there would have been no "fingerprints" left of any
kind showing just what Ptech software was used for on 9/11 and
who used it. "These guys debriefing me were from
Military Intel, so they were trying to find out what I knew,"
says Singh. According to her, August of 2002 (the month before
the story on Ptech was shut down by the White House, and three
months before Ptech was raided) was a significant month. There
were supposedly leaks of some kind coming out of the Persian
Gulf. She was asked if Ptech software could have been the
source of those leaks. Singh responded, "Well if
Military Intel are using Ptech in the Gulf, obviously!
YES!" During one of the initial meetings Indira threw a
hat on the table from FDNY Engine 4, Ladder 15 and said, "I
want you to put this on your desk, so any time you think of
playing some political games you remember there were real
people down there." Indira Singh was done playing
games. Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and
Nazis In part 1 of this series we documented the extensive
ties from the Muslim Brotherhood running through Ptech. The
Brotherhood was founded by Hassan Al-Banna and expanded with
the help of Mahmoud Abu Saud of the House of
Saud.7 This extensive network runs through various
shell organizations and charities with interlocking boards,
such as the New Jersey based real estate investment company
BMI, CARE International, and the Northern Virginia based SAAR
network - named after al Sulaiman Abdul Al-Aziz al-Rajhi, a
scion of one of Saudi Arabia's richest families. Heading the
SAAR network (renamed Safa) is Yakub Mirza, who also sits on
the board of Ptech. It is of interest to note that claims
against Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment Corp. for funding
and supporting terrorism were recently dismissed by U.S.
District Judge Richard Casey. One of the central
funding mechanisms in this nexus is the Al Taqwa Bank of
Switzerland - now Nada Management - which the Department of
Treasury says funds Al Qaeda. Hitler supporter Albert
Friedrich Armand Huber (aka Ahmed Huber) and Youseff Nada sit
on the board of Al Taqwa. Nada reportedly helped the Grand
Mufti escape from Nazi Germany when the Third Reich was
teetering on the brink of collapse, and Ahmed Huber knew the
Grand Mufti quite well; so well in fact, it was the Mufti who
convinced Huber to convert to (the Brotherhood's form of)
Islam. Huber has spoken publicly of a "New Right"
marriage of Nazi ideology and Islamist fascism. He has both a
picture of Adolph Hitler and Osama bin Laden in his Swiss
home. Al Taqwa is a "hawala," a bank conducting
transactions leaving no paper trail through a "good faith"
global network that transfers funds - no questions asked.8
Bank Al Taqwa is located in the Bahamas; the parent company,
Nada Management, is based in Lugarno, Switzerland, and is
linked to the Royal Family of Liechtenstein. Al Taqwa
has done business with Asat Trust. The now deceased Prince
Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein became a board member of Asat
Trust in May 1970 and stayed until November 1990, when he was
replaced by Martin Wachter, the trust's current
director.9 Asat Trust is on the American and U.N.
terror list. According to the American Jewish Daily Forward,
copies of business registration documents on file with
authorities in Liechtenstein show that Asat Trust has been
intimately involved with the Al Taqwa network during the last
30 years, registering changes in company names, personnel and
financial structure.10 Most frightening of all is that
this network seems to have links back to the powerful American
Christian cult known as "The Fellowship," or "The Family."
This organization is tied to American 'Christian' men of high
political power including John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, George
W. Bush, multiple Congressional members and prominent business
leaders. Some "Family" members have stated they would love to
have Osama bin Laden as a guest speaker because of the
covenant he has with his followers. Doug Coe, the Family's
leader who was praised by George H.W. Bush at the 1990
National Prayer Breakfast for his "quiet diplomacy," openly
admires Hitler's "covenant."11 Yassin Al Qadi - the
Saudi terrorist financier who funded Ptech and BMI - claimed
to have met Dick Cheney in Jeddah before he became Vice
President and the two "still share cordial relations." When
Cheney's office was asked to comment on this, spokeswoman
Jennifer Miller Wise stated the Vice President gave her no
reason to believe he had met with Al Qadi before he assumed
office.12 That is a non-answer; "no reason to believe"
he met Al Qadi leaves no reason to believe he didn't.
Regardless, there are more transparent connections between
elements of Saudi and American elites. In November of
2001, Halliburton was awarded a $140 million contract to
develop an oil field in Saudi Arabia by the kingdom's
state-owned petroleum firm, Saudi Aramco, and a Halliburton
subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root, along with two Japanese
firms, hired by the Saudis to build a $40 million ethylene
plant.13 Dick Cheney is, of course, the former CEO of
Haliburton. As recently as 1991 ARAMCO had Khalid bin
Mahfouz sitting on its Supreme Council or board of directors.
Mahfouz, Saudi Arabia's former owner of the nation's largest
bank, has been reported in several places to be Osama bin
Laden's brother in law. However, he has denied this and
brought intense legal pressure to bear demanding retractions
of that allegation.14 He also denies any involvement in
financing terror organizations. One journalist who was
sued by bin Mahfouz, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, is counter suing in
New York Federal Court. She is the only one of some 30 authors
not to retract claims that Mahfouz has financed Al Qaeda
operations as published in her book, Funding Evil: How
Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop it. Khalid bin
Mahfouz has major partnership investments with the
multi-billion dollar BinLadin Group of companies and is a
former director of BCCI, the infamous criminal drug-money
laundering bank which performed a number of very useful
services for the CIA before its 1991 collapse under criminal
investigation by the legal apparatus of multiple
countries.15 George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush
and Dick Cheney all have extensive ties to the Saudi Royal
family and Saudi elites, who in turn have questionable ties to
terrorist financiers such as Yassin al-Qadi. It is therefore
not unreasonable for Dick Cheney to have met al-Qadi while in
Jeddah while CEO of Haliburton. This is the reality of
the world we live in; where a covert international power
structure supercedes the interests of nation states, and the
misnomer of "national security" is used to keep this network's
secrets hidden from the prying eyes of authentic journalists
and the public at large. 1 On the very day the
FBI raids Ptech, Ari Fleischer - president Bush's press
secretary - gives Ptech a "clean bill of health" by stating:
"The material has been reviewed by the appropriate government
agencies, and they have detected absolutely nothing in their
reports to the White House that would lead to any concern
about any of the products purchased from (Ptech)." http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/rele...20021206-4.html. 2
See Crossing the Rubicon, chapters 19 & 20. 3 See
footnote #1 from Part 1 of this series. 4 "The Maestro"
is the term used by Major Don Arias of NORAD to describe the
individual who was in charge of coordinating the 9/11 war
games. FTW's research has concluded the 9/11 maestro was
either Dick Cheney, or both Cheney and General Ralph "Ed"
Eberhart. See Crossing the Rubicon for full
documentation. 5 Copy of page 37 of Ptech's Business
Plan from 11/17/2001, provided by Indira Singh via
email. 6 http://www.stormingmedia.us/07/0720/A072083.html. 7
8 "A Banking System Built for Terrorism," by Meenakshi
Ganguly, Time, 10/05/01: http://www.time.com/time/world/prin...,178227,00.html. "Shareholders
in the Bank of Terror?" by Lucy Komisar, Salon, 11/09/01 http://archive.salon.com/tech/featu...aqwa/print.html. 9
"Terror Fund Trail Leads to Alpine Kingdom," by Marc Perelman,
Forward http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/...ws4.terror.html. 10
Ibid. 11 Coe listed other men who had changed the world
through the strength of the "covenants" they had forged with
their "brothers": "Look at Hitler," he said. "Lenin, Ho Chi
Minh, Bin Laden." The Family, of course, possessed a weapon
those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of a brotherhood in
Christ. "In a document entitled "Our Common Agreement
as a Core Group," members of the Family are instructed to form
a "core group," or a "cell," which is defined as "a publicly
invisible but privately identifiable group of companions." A
document called "Thoughts on a Core Group" explains that
"Communists use cells as their basic structure. The mafia
operates like this, and the basic unit of the Marine Corps is
the four man squad. Hitler, Lenin, and many others understood
the power of a small core of people." From "Jesus Plus
Nothing," by Jeffrey Sharlet, Harper's, March 2003 http://www.harpers.org/JesusPlusNothing.html?pg=1. 12
"Software company tries to survive terror investigation," by
Justin Pope, Associated Press, 01/03/03 http://www.boston.com/news/daily/03/ptech.htm. 13
"Bush Advisors Cashed in on Saudi Gravy Train," by Jonathan
Wells, Jack Meyers and Maggie Mulvihill, Common Dreams,
12/11/01 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1211-05.htm. 14
"COUP D'ETAT," by Michael Ruppert, FTW, 6/8/04 http://www.fromthewilderness.com/fr...coup_detat.html. 15
Ibid. |
| | |
plot thickens even far beyond that, now you will start to see
the relevance to the thread I started yesterday (see bottom of
my post here.)
One should not mention PTech without
mentioning INSLAW PROMIS
This puzzle is
absolutely insanely huge. There is another interlocking
key (3 or more actually): E-SYSTEMS, Systematics--(this
also ties into Fostergate.) *E-SYSTEMS* was involved in
the 9/11 attacks - *LID BLOWN OFF*, *MUST READ* http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php/topic,79194.0.html |
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The Safari Club - CIA - Riggs
Bank - Promis - E-Systems - Ptech See: Safari Clubhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22Safari+Club%22+cia++Bush+Promis&btnG=SearchExcerpts
from: http://ftrsummary.blogspot.com/2005/08/ftr-522-safari-club.htmlthe
program accesses information from a VERY important new book
Prelude to Terror by Joseph J. Trento. In this book,
the author sets forth information about the Safari Club, an
“outsourced” intelligence network in which the Saudis financed
a privatized espionage establishment that dominated American
intelligence operations for the better part of a quarter of a
century. Utilizing the Saudi GID and the Pakistani ISI as
proxy agencies, this network ran the Iran-Contra, Iraqgate and
Afghan mujahideen efforts. The most significant outgrowth
of this network was the birth of al Qaeda, with all that has
resulted from its conception. One of the points that Trento
makes is the fact that outsourcing U.S. intelligence
operations eliminated the necessary function of
counterintelligence—monitoring one’s allies in order to verify
their loyalty and competence. The failure to conform to this
basic tenet of intelligence has haunted the U.S., and will
continue to do so. It is important to note that the elder
George Bush and the Reagan administrations were at the core of
the Safari Club. The Safari Club was specifically created
to circumvent Congressional and even Presidential oversight!
Note that Mr. Emory incorrectly cited FTR#367 in his
concluding remarks. The broadcast that details the subversion
of France in the run-up to World War II is FTR#366. For more
about the Fifth Column described here, see—among other
programs—FTR#’s 412, 462, 464, 467, 474. Program
Highlights Include: The role of Prince Turki (Osama bin
Laden’s case officer) in the Safari Club; the transfer of
ultra-secret NSA software to the Saudis through the Safari
Club; the capability of this NSA software to compromise the
U.S. national security operations and law enforcement; the use
of the Safari Club by the Saudis to spy on the United States;
warnings by US intelligence analysts that we were backing the
wrong Islamic elements in Afghanistan and that they would turn
on us after the Soviets were defeated; the overruling of State
Department employee Michael Springman when he tried to prevent
dangerous Islamists from gaining visas to visit the United
States; the Safari Club’s development of the BCCI as a
financial base for funding highly illegal covert operations;
the use of the Safari Club to develop the Islamic bomb (a
subject that is covered at length in FTR#524.) 1.
Beginning with a summary introduction of the material in
Prelude to Terror (the superb, vitally important book from
which the material in this program is excerpted), the
program highlights the fundamental theme of the privatization
of U.S. intelligence. As discussed throughout the program, the
“outsourcing” of much of U.S. intelligence to a
Saudi-dominated network called the Safari Club set the stage
for the events of 9/11. The Safari Club appears to have been
an essential element of the Fifth Column inside the U.S. and
its national security establishment. That Fifth Column greatly
facilitated the attacks of 9/11. “Prelude to Terror will
focus on how the privatization of intelligence metamorphosed
from an instrument of limited application in the 1950’s into a
broad-based core operating model of significant proportions in
the 1970’s and ‘80’s. Simultaneously, a secret alliance was
forged with Saudi intelligence. This alliance was orchestrated
by CIA covert management, without the knowledge of Congress,
and, in some cases, even the president. Ultimately, as these
two developments became increasingly intertwined, a dynamic of
catastrophic proportions was created, one that left the United
States with a severely compromised intelligence apparatus in
the Middle East. . . .” (Prelude to Terror; by Joseph
Trento; Copyright 2005 by Joseph J. Trento; Carroll & Graf
[HC]; ISBN 0-7867-1464-6; p. xi.) ... 9. As
recycled Saudi petro-dollars assumed an increasingly large
position within the U.S. economy, the Saudi royal family
underwrote U.S. intelligence. The relationship between
economic relationships and the configuration of the
intelligence community is an important one. Note that one of
the principal financial institutions involved in the
machinations of the Safari Club is the Riggs Bank. For more
about Riggs Bank, use the search function to locate past “For
The Record” broadcasts dealing with this subject. President
Bush’s uncle Jonathan is a director of the Bank. “Turki’s
‘secret’ was that the Saudi royal family had taken over
intelligence financing for the United States. It was during
this period that the Saudis opened up a series of covert
accounts at Riggs Bank in Washington. Starting in the
mid-1970’s, bank investigators say, these accounts show that
tens of millions of dollars were being transferred between CIA
operational accounts and accounts controlled by Saudi
companies and the Saudi embassy itself. Turki worked directly
with agency operatives like Sarkis Soghanalian and Ed Wilson,
‘If I needed money for an operation, Prince Turki made it
available,’ Wilson said. Clifford’s request for Saudi help
came at a very critical time for the royal family.
Although the House of Saud had long placated domestic
conservative clerics by allowing an education system that
targeted the West—especially the United States—as evil, they
were still deathly afraid of the establishment of any Muslim
fundamentalist regime in the region. Their interests included
keeping the shah in charge in Teheran and keeping an eye on an
increasingly militant Libya. Although normally Israeli and
Saudi interests wee in conflict, in this case they converged.
It was in the interest of Albert Hakim, Frank Terpil’s
sometime employer, to serve as a bridge between the two.”
(Ibid.; pp. 102-103.) 11. Note that among the
benefits for Saudi intelligence was a comprehensive knowledge
of U.S. intelligence operations. Coupled with the Saudis’
acquisition of sensitive keyword software developed by the
NSA, the foundation was laid for a deep penetration of, and
subversion of U.S. intelligence by those elements of Saudi
intelligence, Pakistani intelligence and the Muslim
Brotherhood that were sympathetic to Osama bin Laden.
“Adham worked closely with George Bush on the plan to provide
covert banking services for CIA operations. Like most things
the Saudis do, there were benefits for the royal family. The
arrangement would give the Saudis a comprehensive knowledge of
U.S. intelligence operations. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s.] In
1976, when the CIA needed an influx of cash for operations,
Adham agreed to allow Nugan Hand Bank’s Bernie Houghton to
open a branch in Saudi Arabia.” (Idem.) 15. One of
the primary vehicles for covert operations in the 1980’s was
the BCCI. One cannot separate the milieu of the BCCI and that
of 9/11. For more about the BCCI (in particular its
relationship to the events of 9/11) use the search function,
paying particular attention to FTR#’s 356, 391, 424, 462, 464,
485. Note that the elder George Bush had an account at the
bank’s Paris branch. “Adham understood that creating a single
worldwide clandestine bank was not enough to assure the kind
of resources necessary to stave off the coming Islamic
revolutions that threatened Saudi Arabia and the entire
region. The Safari Club needed a network of banks to finance
its intelligence operations. With the official blessing of
George Bush as the head of the CIA, Adham transformed a small
Pakistani merchant bank, the Bank of Credit and Commerce
International (BCCI), into a worldwide money-laundering
machine, buying banks around the world in order to create the
biggest clandestine money network in history. Bush had an
account with BCCI established at the time he was at the CIA.
The account was set up at the Paris branch of the bank.
Subsequent senate and other investigations concluded that the
CIA, beginning with Bush, had protected the bank while it took
part in illicit activities. One source who investigated the
bank and provided information about the Bush account in Paris
was Jacques Bardu, who, as a French customs official, raided
the BCCI Paris branch and discovered the account in Bush’s
name.” (Idem.) 25. Consider the grave, devastating
implications of what follows. Of what use would the keyword
software given to the Saudis have been for those elements of
Saudi intelligence hostile to the United States? It does not
require a great leap of imagination to see this kind of
transaction having set the stage for the stunning role of
Ptech in administering America’s air defenses. For more about
Ptech and the implications of this firm for the anomalous
performance of American air defenses on 9/11, see FTR#’s 462,
464. “ ‘To make matters worse,’ the official continued, ‘the
CIA permitted U.S. Customs at Dulles Airport to overlook an
illegal export of our most secret eavesdropping software to
Saudi Arabia.’ The software, referred to as ‘key word
software,’ is a computer code developed for the National
Security Agency by a company called E Systems. The software
allows key words and phrases to be flagged by computers from
targeted voice and other communications in real time. The
problem with exporting the software is that any country
getting it could use it to target U.S. interests and allies.
It could even be used to track what U.S. law enforcement,
military, and intelligence agencies were doing. [Italics are
Mr. Emory’s. Consider the implications of this for the events
in and around 9/11.] Lewis Sams, the man E Systems ordered to
deliver the software to the Kingdom, said, ‘I was very nervous
when I got to the airport. I knew it was illegal to take it
out of the country, but I was given the name of a Customs
official at Dulles Airport and told if there were any problems
to ask for him. . . . E Systems’ desire to do business with
the royal family was why I thought they sent me.’ Sams said
that E Systems, which had close ties to the White House,
maintained the secret communications gear for Air Force One.
As it turned out, E Systems did not get the contract for Saudi
Intelligence, but the software was left with GID officials
even so, according to Sams.” (Ibid.; p.
340.) |
| | |
It does not require a great leap of
imagination to see this kind of transaction having set the
stage for the stunning role of Ptech in administering
America’s air defenses. For more about Ptech and the
implications of this firm for the anomalous performance of
American air defenses on 9/11, see FTR#’s 462, 464. “ ‘To
make matters worse,’ the official continued, ‘the CIA permitted U.S. Customs at Dulles
Airport to overlook an illegal
export of our most secret eavesdropping software to Saudi
Arabia.’ The software, referred to as ‘key word
software,’ is a computer code developed for the
National Security Agency by a company called E
Systems. The software allows key words and
phrases to be flagged by computers from targeted voice and
other communications in real time. The problem with exporting
the software is that any country getting it could use it to
target U.S. interests and allies. It could even be used to
track what U.S. law enforcement, military, and intelligence
agencies were doing. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s. Consider the
implications of this for the events in and around 9/11.] Lewis
Sams, the man E Systems ordered to deliver the software to the
Kingdom, said, ‘I was very nervous when I got to the airport.
I knew it was illegal to take it out of the country, but I was
given the name of a Customs official at Dulles Airport and
told if there were any problems to ask for him. . . . E
Systems’ desire to do business with the royal family was why I
thought they sent me.’ Sams said that E Systems, which had
close ties to the White House, maintained the secret
communications gear for Air Force One. As it turned out, E
Systems did not get the contract for Saudi Intelligence, but
the software was left with GID officials even so, according to
Sams.” (Ibid.; p. 340.) WTF?
So there was TWO different types of main hacking/spy software
involved here? Or is the keyword software the same thing
as PROMIS/Ptech--and IF IT IS, then this shows the E-systems
(Raytheon) developed it and INSLAW got it from E-Systems
instead of INSLAW being the originator of it. If it is a
different software, then a completely new rabbit hole opens up
to go down... Btw yeah I saw this article when I was
searching dozens of sites and I must have forgot to include
your source in my post. I'll do more research in the
morning. Great post and it is amazing to see the
collaborative power of the truth smashing through the veil of
nonsense like a brilliant light! My God the New World
Order is so exposed it's not even funny. EDIT:
You would have to be a literal genius to make software *FOR*
the NSA, that alone is INSANE, because the NSA has some of the
best mathematicians and probably programmers in the
| | |
HSBC a Global Riggs
But what now? Lets look at the aftermath of
Riggs and who is Riggs replacement as the "Embassy Banking"
enterprise in the U.S.? A american bank? NO a BRITISH Bank...
HSBC... http://householdwatch.com/wp/2006/03/22/hsbc-money-laundering-may-enable-terrorismHSBC
Money Laundering May Enable TerrorismIn reading
this section which originated from HSBC - HSBC Bank USA
(”HBUS”) - regarding money laundering and their refusal to
provide information, remember that HSBC wants to overturn
state and local laws in favor of federal
laws. “Regarding an investigation into certain wire
transfers made through Riggs National Bank… HBUS did receive
from Riggs a request under section 314(b) of the USA Patriot
Act, which authorizes financial institutions in the United
States to exchange account information that may be related to
money-laundering offenses or terrorist financing. Such
information-sharing authority is in stark contrast to federal
and state privacy protections provided in the United States
that generally prohibit banks from publicly releasing
account-level information, except under limited circumstances.
Upon receiving the request for Riggs, HBUS confirmed that the
account in question had been opened by an HSBC Group affiliate
in Luxembourg, and that HBUS had forwarded the funds to a
United States correspondent account in the United States for
its Luxembourg affiliate. HBUS also informed Riggs, pursuant
to the 314(b) request, that HBUS had sent funds for another
mentioned company to an HSBC Group affiliate in Cyprus. Like
the United States and many other sovereign countries where
HSBC Group companies operate, both Luxembourg and Cyprus
maintain privacy laws that prohibit the sharing of account
information with other companies, even between companies
related by ownership. In this case, HSBC affiliates in
Luxembourg and Cyprus — and are neither branches nor
subsidiaries of a US institution (i.e., they are not branches
or subsidiaries of HBUS but share a common, foreign parent),
operate under laws which forbid such sharing of customer
information. Thus, if those institutions had provided
information to HBUS, to any other US bank, or directly to the
US Government, they would have been in violation of the laws
of Luxembourg and Cyprus respectively and could have been
subject to criminal and/or civil sanctions in their host
countries. Section 314(b) [of] the USA Patriot Act does
not override these local laws applicable to banks operating in
Luxembourg and Cyprus.” As HSBC expands in the United
States they claim to be our “local bank” but you can take the
Patriot Act and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. HSBC
is investing heavily in the Middle East (including Iraq) and
Viet Nam, while at home they disregard the Soldiers and
Sailors Act - thus abusing our military. Don’t let this bank
fool you! They also do business in sanctioned countries and
may not be your friend. http://www.shariahfinancewatch.org/blog/category/islam/page/89/Conference
To Give Update On Development Of Islamic FinanceBy D.
Arul Rajoo 13th June 2008 BANGKOK, June 13
(Bernama) — The Second Thailand Islamic Finance Conference,
which will be held here on June 26, will give an update on the
worldwide development of Islamic finance, including the
untapped market in Thailand. The event offers an
opportunity for public sector officials, state enterprise
directors, bankers, financiers and private sector business
leaders to gain a better understanding of the opportunities
offered by Islamic finance, the fastest growing banking and
financial sector in the world. Christopher F. Bruton,
Director of Dataconsult Ltd which is organising the event,
said Thai Finance Minister, Dr Surapong Suebwonglee, would
give a keynote address while other speakers included deputy
governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Mohammad Razif Abdul
Kadir, British Ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle and
Kitti Patpong Pibul, chairman of the Islamic Bank of
Thailand. He said the conference was being held with
the support from the Thai and Malaysian financial authorities,
and with sponsorship from HSBC, Zaid
Ibrahim Law Office and PricewaterhouseCoopers.Last
year, about 220 participants attended the
event. Bruton said Islamic financing system was
gaining worldwide prominent and cited the Arabian Gulf area,
the world’s largest source of surplus investment funds which
has experienced dramatic development of syariah-compliant
financing.“London, the hub of world financial
innovation, now considers Islamic finance as a prime area of
concentration. In Malaysia and Indonesia, Islamic finance is a
major and fast growing part of the overall banking sector,
used by Muslims and non-Muslims alike,” he said. He
said in Thailand, development of Islamic finance was now also
gaining serious consideration with support from the Ministry
of Finance, the Bank of Thailand and Islamic Bank of
Thailand. “But the development still has a long way to
go as necessary tax and regulatory measures to encourage use
of Islamic financial instruments are not yet fully implemented
while the government has not yet taken full advantage of the
massive international sukuk bond market for infrastructure
development finance. “However, interest is fast
growing, and there is now a serious desire among bankers,
financiers, property developers and infrastructure promoters,
to take advantage of the benefits that Islamic finance may
offer,” he said. http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news_business.php?id=339179 |
| | |
A continuation of "The Safari
Club" and BCCI . Also Prince Turki is a fellow in Le Circle
which goes back to the 50's. Also check out Cecil,
Robert Gascoyne ... Combine this with Promis / Ptech /
E-systems / Raytheon / Foreign espionage and the
"privatization of the CIA" all seems to lead to a massive
compromising of the USA's internal/economic security.
It is interesting that H. Clinton will be "Secretary
of State" and Pennetta head of the CIA. Pennetta was B.
Clinton's "Chief of Staff" .... http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_lecercle02.htmColby,
William E. Brzezinski, Zbigniew Al-Faisal, HRH Prince
Turki Cecil, Robert Gascoyne Kissinger, Henry
Alfred Machtenburg, Hans von Rockefeller,
David Soros, George Volcker, Paul A. Weck, Philippe
de (UBS) Bush, George H.W. ? http://www.isgp.eu/organisations/Le_Cercle.htmIntro Le
Cercle is a secretive, privately-funded and transnational
discussion group which regularly meets in different parts of
the world. It is attended by a mixture of politicians,
ambassadors, bankers, shady businessmen, oil experts, editors,
publishers, military officers and intelligence agents, which
may or may not have retired from their official functions. The
participants come from western or western-oriented countries.
Many important members tend to be affiliated with the
aristocratic circles in London or obscure elements within the
Vatican, and accusations of links to fascism and Synarchism
are anything but uncommon in this milieu. The greatest enemy
of the Cercle has been the Soviet Union and members have been
crusading against communist subversion for many decades.
During this process, Cercle members unfortunately have accused
almost every nationalist and socialist government, every
labour union, every terrorist, and every serious investigator
of western intelligence of being in bed with the
KGB. In addition, the Cercle is also strongly focused
on European integration, going back to the efforts of its
early members to bring about Franco-German rapprochement.
The significant presence of Paneuropa-affiliated Opus Dei
members and Knights of Malta, together with statements of
the Vatican and Otto von Habsburg, clearly indicate there's an
agenda in the background to some day bring about a new Holy
Roman Empire with its borders stretching from the Atlantic to
the Black Sea and from the Baltic Sea to North Africa.
Interestingly, the latest generation of British Cercle
members, whose predecessors were keen on joining the European
Union, now do everything in their power to keep Britain out of
the emerging European superstate, having lost faith they can
become a significant force within Europe. Their American
associates, however, would like for them to continue the
effort of breaking into the Franco-German alliance and
possibly to establish a new Anglo-German
alliance. Origins Le Cercle used be known as the
Pinay Circle, or Cercle Pinay by its original French founders.
Although the group was named after a French statesman who was
prime minister from March to December 1952, the real organizer
of this group was a person named Jean Violet, a close
associate of Pinay since 1951 (1). http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=125x194635Part
1: How the Presidency Became a Threat to National
Security You may have heard that it takes a Clinton to
punish a Bush for crimes of state. Not likely. The simple,
undeniable fact is that Bill Clinton was presented the
opportunity to prosecute former Bush Administration officials
when he took office in 1993, but he refused to fully pursue
his predecessors in the Oval Office who had been responsible
for the illegal Iran-Contra operation, the S&L rip-off,
and the BCCI scandals. Instead, Clinton’s presidency
was tainted by its own intelligence and campaign finance
scandals – massive espionage and influence buying operations
-- featuring much of the same supporting cast of foreign
intelligence agencies, corrupt U.S. middlemen, and
international bankers who had been at the center of the
Reagan-Bush scandals. No Clinton era official or those
of two earlier Administrations were ever fully prosecuted and
jailed for their role in crimes involving the CIA and BCCI, or
for related crimes that have afflicted the Bush 41 and Clinton
presidencies. Investigations have been repeatedly sidetracked,
ignored, or when prosecutions actually occurred, top officials
have been pardoned. These crimes, along with new and more
lethal variations on them, carried over into the Bush 43
Administration. • The Senate investigation of BCCI,
the 1992 Kerry Commission Report, was never followed up on
with effective prosecutions. More than $30 billion was looted,
and the bank became a conduit for funding Pakistan's nuclear
weapons program, massive money laundering, and global
terrorism. Clark Clifford, and the handful of prominent
American figures indicted, never went to jail. No one at CIA,
which had helped run and manage BCCI as an enormous global
criminal operation for more than a decade, was ever indicted.
• Similarly, hearings about the 9/11 attack held in
late 2002 before the Joint Intelligence Committee
implicated many of this same network of foreign financiers
and intelligence agencies which had partnered with the CIA to
operate BCCI . This evidence was not subsequently addressed,
developed or pursued in any publicly-visible investigation.
Despite plain evidence of the involvement of U.S. and foreign
intelligence services in training, financing, and directing
the 9/11 hijackers, many of these investigative leads have not
been followed up on. A 22-page section of the 9/11
Commission Report that did touch on the role of prominent
Saudi leaders was redacted, and remains classified. The 9/11
Commission explicitly limited its inquiry so as to avoid any
finding of culpability by U.S. leaders. There is currently no
plans for any official inquest that might assign command
responsibility. ... There is a hidden back story
to the 2008 Presidential run by Hillary Clinton. For three
decades, the Clintons and the Bush Family were partners backed
by the same foreign deep pockets, receiving tens of millions
through the same core group of U.S. middlemen. Massive
infusions of money from this cabal insured that since 1980 the
Oval Office or Vice Presidency has been occupied by a member
of one or two families. During this era, the U.S. has suffered
an ongoing crisis with the following results: •
Repeated financial crises resulting from looted financial
institutions and fraudulent growth in assets bubbles; •
Growing dependency on imported oil; • Trade and tax
policies that reward corporate disinvestment and offshoring of
facilities and jobs. * Increasingly unnecessary and
ill-advised wars fought with fraudulent pretext at the
instigation of ambivalent U.S. allies that have led to record
U.S. foreign debt while they massively enriched Presidential
cronies. The Bush and Clinton families have been, and
continue to be, literal partners in the largest crimes in U.S.
history, the covert theft of U.S. nuclear and missile
technologies, a multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth to
oil-producing countries, and the stripping off in plain sight
of American industrial and service sector
jobs. ... http://friday-lunch-club.blogspot.com/2008/05/bae-bandar-in-news.htmlFriday,
May 23, 2008 BAE & Bandar in the news
.... "Col Lang,......."I wanted to flag your
attention, and the attention of your readers, to some new
dramatic developments in a story you reported last year. The
U.S. Department of Justice is agressively pursuing their case
against BAE Systems, the British arms company, which is
accused of paying billions of dollars in bribes to Saudi
officials, including the former Ambassador in Washington,
Prince Bandar. Bandar alone is said to have received over $2
billion in BAE kickbacks, for his role in the "Al Yamamah"
deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia (I hear that the actual
figure paid to Bandar and some of his henchmen was closer to
$10 billion). On May 12, two top executives of BAE, Chairman
Mike Turner and an outside director who is also vice chairman
of Barclay's Bank, were detained by U.S. officials as they
arrived at Houston and Newark airports, respectively. They
were handed grand jury subpoenas, and had their laptops, cell
phones and papers temporarily confiscated. The latest from the
DOJ is that the career prosecutors are so furious at the
British government's stonewalling, that they are threatening
RICO prosecutions against BAE. Remember, that the real story
behind the BAE "Al Yamamah" scandal is that, under the
arms-for-oil barter deal, the British accumulated well-over
$100 billion, in off-the-books, offshore funds, that have been
used to finance covert operations, for the past 23 years
(the deal was first signed in 1985, and has been regularly
updated ever since). The other nagging matter around the BAE
case is that Prince Bandar "inadvertently" helped finance the
9/11 attacks, through funds provided by him and his wife to
two Saudi intelligence operative in California, who, in turn,
bankrolled two of the hijackers. This sordid tale is spelled
out in Philip Shenon's admirable expose of the 9/11 Commission
investigation, in the 2008 book, The Commission--The
Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. My own sources
have independently corroborated much of what Shenon reports.
For their part, the Saudis and the British are not at all
happy about what is going on at the DOJ. The Sunday Telegraph
and other British papers have been ranting about the "heavy
handed" treatment of the BAE execs, and they worry about a
deeper rift, going into the upcoming G-8 summit in Japan in
early July. A treaty is pending before the U.S. Senate, that
would give British arms manufacturers equal access to Pentagon
contracts, and a hearing was held this past week on the treaty
at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Biden, Lugar and
Feingold all expressed apprehension over the treaty, and there
is fear that the BAE flap will further complicate its passage.
Again, the biggest aspect of the BAE/"Al Yamamah" story is the
offshore fund. To summarize: BAE delivered about $40 billion
in arms and services to Saudi Arabia. BAE padded the bills
substantially, up to nearly $80 billion. The pad was used, in
part, to bribe Saudi officials who helped swing the deal,
including Bandar and Prince Turki bin-Khaled, a top
official of the Saudi Ministry of Defense. That part is fully
detailed in the Guardian and other British coverage of the BAE
scandal, going back three or four years. What is not covered
in the British press is the fact that Saudi Arabia paid for
the arms with oil. The oil was sold on the spot market, and
this generated an estimated (in current dollars) $160 billion
in cash. I am told by former U.S. Treasury Department
officials that the funds generated from the oil sales, after
BAE got their cut, went into offshore bank accounts.
Those funds were invested by the usual hedge funds, etc. in
places like the Cayman Islands, BVI, etc., and the profits
over the past 23 years from those investments, multiplied the
size of the fund tremendously. I look forward to any comments
on this very big story, that has never gotten adequate media
or Congressional attention, in my humble opinion.
...Harper" |
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Is it possible to place a cash value on the
oil deliveries to BAE Systems? According to sources familiar
with the inner workings of al-Yamamah, much of the Saudi
oil was sold on the international spot market at market
value, through British Petroleum and Royal Dutch
BTW look who the current Chairman of
BAE Systems is...the former number 2 guy at British Petroleum
goes to the number 1 guy at BAE...... On 1st July,
2004 Dick Olver was appointed Chairman of BAE Systems plc and
on the same date retired from the Board of BP plc. Prior to
leaving BP he was Deputy Group Chief Executive and was
appointed to the number two slot on 9th January, 2003. He
continued his association with BP as Deputy Chairman of TNK-BP
until October, 2006. http://www.baesystems.com/AboutUs/CompanyStructure/Leadership/DickOlver/index.htmTahoeBlue
has posted allot of interesting info in this thread.
| | |
Yes, The man that headed up to
spot oil sales (and off shore accounts) at BP ends up at
BAE... So surprising The SFO was tied up in the words
"Bribes" and "Corruption" but the real issue is "Global slush
funds" controlled by who? and to what purpose?
BTW look who the current Chairman of
BAE Systems is...the former number 2 guy at British Petroleum
goes to the number 1 guy at BAE......
http://www.caat.org.uk/events/bae-agm-2007.php BAE Systems AGM 2007 ... This year, the top
dogs tried desperately to dodge a barrage of questions from
campaigners which focused on the dropping of the SFO
investigation. Despite a smooth and often choreographed
performance by BAE's chairman Dick Olver, it was clear that he
was avoiding the real issues. Sprinkling his answers with the
words 'ethical', transparent', 'open' and 'fulsome', it was
clear that Olver was trying a little too hard to get rid of
the bad taste of the word Corruption. |
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We need to tie up some questions
regarding Prince Bandar. What was his relationship with the
CIA director George Tenet and the Israeli's and what was he up
to around the time of the attacks. Hmmm. This ties in
with: 9/11 Memorandum Commission Select Committees
2004 - Israeli Surveillance Also note here,
that this was a "party" attended by both the Saudi's and the
Israelis. There together to get their "roles" and "stories"
meeting on 9/08/01 On Saturday (9/08/01) night, he
(Bandar) attended a party hosted by Bruce Riedel, and most of
the official Middle East policy community was there, including
both the Saudi and Israeli ambassadors, as was CIA director
George Tenet. Afterward, Bandar left with Tenet for an
all-night schmooze that lasted through breakfast on Sunday
morning. According to Reidel, the prince told Tenet that
the crisis in U.S.-Saudi relations they had just weathered had
been but the tip of an iceberg. The leading lights of the
House of Saud had undertaken a sweeping reappraisal of the
kingdom's ties to the United States, and the debate had gone
on for months. A consensus had emerged in favor of a dramatic
change in direction away from reliance on the Americans. In
his message, Abdullah had been speaking not just for himself
but for the entire family. The good news was that events of
the past week had changed all that, and U.S.-Saudi relations
were back on track.From pg. 154 of The King's
Messenger by David Ottaway I wonder what was really
discussed between Tenet and Bandar. I would guess the
names Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar came
up. Now we have the "legend" history of what
Bandar was doing on Sept 11, 2001:http://www.saudi-us-relations.org/international-relations/prince-bandar.htmlBandar
slept late on the morning of September 11th. He was walking
across his bedroom when he glanced at one of the ten
television screens he kept on and saw fire coming out of one
of the World Trade Center towers. "The first thing that came
to my mind was that I'm going next week to the U.N. I am going
to change my hotel and I am going to go to one of those hotels
where you can live on the third or second floor," he recalled.
"King Hussein of Jordan, bless his soul, used to tell me,
'Bandar, take my advice. Always stay on the first floor.' I
said, 'Why, Majesty?' and he said, 'This fire. Or somebody
starts shooting you. You jump out the window you break a leg,
but if you are forty feet . . .' " Then he saw the second
plane coming. "I had the same feeling I had when Rabin was
assassinated," he said. "I almost had a heart attack. And the
first thing that came to my mind was 'I hope it's not an
Arab, because it would be war.' And I had the same feeling
here. 'I hope they are not Arabs.' " When Tenet called the
next night to tell him that fifteen of the nineteen hijackers
appeared to have been Saudi nationals, Bandar recalled, "I
felt the whole world collapse over my
shoulders."As the day wore on, Bandar watched the
coverage. At one point, he saw Palestinian youths celebrating
in the street. "I thought, My God, the whole impression this
nation is going to have of us, the whole world, will be formed
in the next two or three days.'' He saw a congressman warning,
"We will remember those people." Two days after the
attacks, the President asked Bandar to come to the White
House. Bush embraced him and escorted him to the Truman
balcony. Bandar had a drink and the two men smoked cigars.
Bandar was in a daze, still hoping that the news of Saudi
participation would turn out to be a mistake. Al Qaeda
operatives, after all, had travelled on false passports in the
past, and so far the only identity that appeared certain was
that of Mohammed Atta, the ringleader, who was an
Egyptian. Until then, Bush had seemed to Bandar to be in
his father's shadow; he took more of his personality from his
mother-he shot from the hip. But this day there was no
bluster. At one point, Bush told Bandar that if any Al
Qaeda operatives were captured, "if we can't get them to
cooperate, we'll hand them over to you." The clear
implication was that the Saudis could do whatever they wanted
to elicit information from suspects. A few days later,
Bandar helped arrange to get bin Laden family members out
of the United States, a move that was made under the
supervision of the F.B.I. but caused public
consternation. On September 18th, Condoleezza Rice
called Bandar to tell him that the President wanted to see him
at the White House. Cheney and Rice were there when Bandar
arrived; Bush's two dogs nudged people's legs, and Bush joked
that he wanted to see a friendly face before his next meeting
with Jacques Chirac, the President of France, who had been
critical of him. ("Let him wait," Bush instructed at one point
during the two-hour meeting, when an aide announced that
Chirac had arrived.) Bandar advised Bush to be careful
about his rhetoric; it was fine to put the fear of God in
people but not to use words like "crusade," as he had two days
earlier. Bush had visited a mosque the day before, taking
off his shoes, and Saudi television had broadcast replays of
the visit all day long.On September 21st,
Bandar returned to the White House, this time to meet with
Bush and the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al Faisal.
Saud, Princeton-educated and a bit stuffy, pledged Saudi
support, but he warned Bush that the fight could take
time. In the long term, Bush needed to do something about
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "Use this opportunity to do
something great," Saud said. As Bandar recalled the
conversation, "We said, 'Let's keep our eye on the ball on
this, let's not let anybody distract us.' " He added, "It is
always dangerous to leave the Middle East to our own, because
we can manage to find something wrong that could blow
everything up." The Saudis were worried about terrorist
strikes in their own country, but they wanted their American
allies to trust them. In one important move, the Saudis
began to give the Pakistanis their daily oil allotment-almost
two hundred thousand barrels-at no charge, as an incentive to
cooperate with the Americans; they have continued to do so.
As law-enforcement and intelligence agents travelled
between Riyadh and C.I.A. headquarters, in Langley, Virginia,
the Saudis let the C.I.A. know about telephone calls that
they'd intercepted between key Al Qaeda operatives
congratulating each other after September 11th, and about
calls from bin Laden family members who had gone into
hiding. The help was big and small, in Bandar's view. They
passed along another offer of help from Libya's Qaddafi;
they helped to trace a pre-9/11 phone conversation, between
someone in Afghanistan and someone in Saudi Arabia, that
eventually led to the arrest of thirty-five Al Qaeda suspects
in Saudi Arabia.None of this did much to stanch
the anti-Saudi feeling in the United States. Commentators
and politicians complained about Wahhabism's being taught in
Saudi schools. Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz, the Minister of
the Interior, gave an interview in an Arab newspaper in which
he blamed the Jews for the terror attacks: "Who benefitted
from the events of 9/11? I think they"-the Zionists-"are
behind these events." There were press stories that the
Saudis were not being helpful enough, in terms of either
military support or intelligence sharing. Saudi Arabia is
"funding hatred," Senator Joseph Biden, who was then the
chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said.
These attacks put the Saudis and Bandar in an even more
delicate position: the ruling Saud family allied itself with
Wahhabism's founder more than two centuries ago, and the
partnership had been instrumental in keeping the royal family
in power; Wahhabism also inspired Saudi support for terror
organizations. "We said, 'You preach and I fight,' " Bandar
told me last month, and added, "The reality is that we are the
only government system where the leadership is more
forward-looking than the public, and that is a big
problem." Bandar acknowledged the Saudi hijackers,
but he called them loners and misfits. Bush, in a press
conference on September 24, 2001, said that the Saudis had
"been nothing but cooperative." A couple of months after
the terrorist strikes, Tenet privately called Saudi
cooperation "fantastic," and Dale Watson, who was then the
F.B.I.'s chief of counterterrorism, told me that the Saudis
were doing whatever they were asked to do. Bandar
believed that before September 11th Saudi Arabia had been at
least as vigilant about Al Qaeda as the United States, and
certainly more vigilant than Britain or Germany. I later
asked Louis Freeh, the former F.B.I. director, whether Bandar
was right in asserting that the Saudis were working hard to
pursue bin Laden before September 11th. Freeh, who is now a
senior vice-chairman at the credit-card company MBNA, in
Delaware, said, "From where I sat and from what I knew . . .
Al Qaeda was more a threat to them than to the U.S.,
particularly prior to East Africa"-the United States Embassy
bombings in 1998-" because of bin Laden's earlier
activities. His whole focus was on toppling the royal family
and getting the U.S. forces out of Saudi Arabia. The notion
that the Saudis pulled their punches is not consistent with
anything I knew or saw
there."... ----------------------------------
By then the Mossad team had established an
attack on the US was "imminent". It reported this to its Tel
Aviv controller through the Israeli Embassy in Washington
using a system of secure communications. In early September
Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy sent a warning to the CIA of the
possibility of such an attack. The warning was noted and
acknowledged. But CIA chief George Tenet is understood to have
described it as "too non-specific." The FBI was also informed.
Halevy sent a second alert to the CIA that reached Washington
on or around September 7. We established that
George Tenet had been warned several times as to the terrorist
attack threat by the "leaked: information provided by the
Israeli's, which establishes and concedes the fact that they
were running a massive spy network in the U.S. I always
thought that somehow there are ties to the
BAE-Bandar-Riggs-Ptech thread and the Israeli spy network.
Well here is a link. The Atlantic's Jeffrey
Goldberg offers an interesting excerpt from "A World Of
Trouble," a forthcoming book by Patrick Tyler on the White
House and the Middle East. In this scene, CIA director George
Tenet, drunk on scotch at Saudi Prince Bandar's pool, rants
about Bush administration "Jews" who are "setting me up" to
take the fall for the false WMD claims. http://jeffreygoldberg.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/12/george_tenet_drunk_in_bandars.phpGeorge
Tenet, Drunk in Bandar's Pool, Screaming about Jews 16
Dec 2008 12:03 pm I just picked up Patrick Tyler's
forthcoming book, A World of Trouble, about America's tortured
relations with the Middle East, and the prologue contains this
whopper of a scene, one that is quite devastating, if
true: An enraged George Tenet, drunk on scotch, flailing about
Prince Bandar's Riyadh pool, screaming about the Bush
Administration officials who were just then trying to pin the
Iraq WMD fiasco on him: A servant
appeared with a bottle. Tenet knocked back some of the scotch.
Then some more. They watched with concern. He drained half the
bottle in a few minutes. "They're setting
me up. The bastards are setting me up," Tenet said, but "I am
not going to take the hit."And then
this: "According to one witness, he mocked the
neoconservatives in the Bush administration and their
alignment with the rlght wing of Israel's political
establishment, referring to them with exaxperation as,
"the Jews." Tyler reports in a footnote that, when
asked, Tenet initially denied staying at Prince Bandar's
palace, then denied that he had said anything in the pool. "He
disputed the remarks attributed to him and denied that his
memory might have been affected by the amount of alcohol he
was reported to have consumed on top of a sleeping pill,"
Tyler reports. I'll ask around about this and post any
responses I get. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/12/17/george-tenet-screamed-abo_n_151690.htmlGeorge
Tenet Screamed About Jews In Saudi Prince's Pool:
Book The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg offers an
interesting excerpt from "A World Of Trouble," a forthcoming
book by Patrick Tyler on the White House and the Middle East.
In this scene, CIA director George Tenet, drunk on scotch at
Saudi Prince Bandar's pool, rants about Bush administration
"Jews" who are "setting me up" to take the fall for the false
WMD claims: A servant appeared with a bottle. Tenet
knocked back some of the scotch. Then some more. They watched
with concern. He drained half the bottle in a few
minutes. "They're setting me up. The bastards are
setting me up," Tenet said, but "I am not going to take the
hit." ... "According to one witness, he mocked the
neoconservatives in the Bush administration and their
alignment with the right wing of Israel's political
establishment, referring to them with exasperation as, "the
Jews." |
| | |
Hi guys, 1. BAE
Systems currently holds the contract for the US HAARP
program. Weather/social control anyone?
Before that, I believe it was Raytheon. Just
thought I’d thicken the sauce a little. News
release for BAE doing HAARP: 06-10-2004 BAE SYSTEMS
The Office of Naval Research has awarded BAE Systems a $35.4
million contract to manufacture 132 high frequency (HF)
transmitters for installation in the High Frequency Active
Auroral Research Program's (HAARP) phased array antenna
system. The contract was finalized April 19 with BAE Systems
Information & Electronic Warfare Systems in Washington,
D.C. Rest of the press release here: http://www.na.baesystems.com/releasesDetail.cfm?a=1702.
That Safari Club thing is interesting. “BIG SAFARI
programs” googles back to Raytheon, E-Systems, BAE, and a
whole gaggle of MIC players. This whole thread is
starting to look like a very large can o worms but it's
clicking together like a Rubik's pyramid puzzle. This
is VERY interesting: http://www.bigsafariassociation.org/ |
| | |
Hi guys, 1. BAE Systems
currently holds the contract for the US HAARP program.
Weather/social control anyone? Before that, I
believe it was Raytheon. Just thought I’d thicken the
sauce a little. ... http://www.na.baesystems.com/releasesDetail.cfm?a=1702.
That Safari Club thing is interesting. “BIG SAFARI
programs” googles back to Raytheon, E-Systems, BAE, and a
whole gaggle of MIC players. This is VERY
interesting: http://www.bigsafariassociation.org/Wow
those are some good finds! http://www.na.baesystems.com/releasesDetail.cfm?a=170BAE
Systems North America is a high-technology U.S. company
employing more than 25,000 people who live and work in some
30 states, the District of Columbia, and the United
Kingdom. The company is dedicated to solving its
customers' needs with highly innovative and leading edge
solutions across the defense electronics, systems, information
technology, and services arenas. BAE
Systems Information & Electronic Warfare Systems employs
5,700 people at 11 major facilities in eight states. The
business unit is a major producer of aircraft self-protection
systems and tactical surveillance and intelligence systems for
all branches of the armed forces. Other major business areas
include microwave, mission and space electronics; infrared
imaging; and automated mission planning systems.
Sponsors: ATK Integrated Systems , BAE Systems , L-3
Communications Integrated Systems ,Textron Defense Systems
, Sierra Nevada Corporation , Lockheed Martin , DRS
Technologies http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/big_safari.htmBIG
SAFARI is the USAF's program office responsible for for
sustainment and modification of specialized special mission
aircraft. ... The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
has been a primary contributor to Big Safari,
transforming C-130s into Combat Talon (MC-130E), Compass
Call/Rivet Fire (EC-130H), Commando Solo (EC-130E), AC-130H
Gunship Special Operations Forces Improvement (SOFI), and
Senior Scout. The October 1996 arrival of an EC-130H Compass
Call electronic warfare jamming aircraft marked the
beginning of a transition of US Air Force's Big Safari class
programs, which are managed under specialized procedures, from
Lockheed Martin facilities in Ontario, CA, to Palmdale,
CA ------ BAE-Israel-Ptech Connection:http://www.1913intel.com/2007/10/05/what-is-suter/What
is Suter? Posted by Matt in October 5th,
2007Israel’s amazing attack in Syria on
September 6th left just about everybody scratching their
heads. How did they do that? Well, meet
“Suter”.Suter is an airborne network attack
system. It hacks into enemy air defense systems so that
they can be taken over. Suter includes some powerful
sensors for detecting a large assortment of electronic
emissions. Computer software can identify the emitters based
on a database of known emitters. Based on this information
potential entry points into air defense systems can be
exploited. Suter can monitor enemy emitters, mislead them
or shut them down. Senior Suter is a Big
Safari-managed special access program. Big Safari itself
is a shadowy Air Force unit that has developed small numbers
of specialized reconnaissance systems, including drones, in
what are often classified programs. Big Safari is a
specialized process of acquisition and contracting management
process that supports 20-24 projects at any one time and
includes responsibility for logistics sustainment for over 50
aircraft. The Suter technology was developed during
the last several years by BAE Systems and involves
invading enemy communications networks and computer
systems, particularly those associated with integrated air
defense systems (AW&ST Aug. 16, 2004, p. 24; Nov. 4, 2002,
p. 30). Suter 1 allowed U.S. operators to monitor what enemy
radars could see. The capability enables U.S. forces to assess
the effectiveness of their stealth systems or terrain-masking
tactics. Suter 2 permits U.S. operators to take control of
enemy networks as system managers and actually manipulate the
sensors, steering them away from penetrating U.S.
aircraft. Suter 3 was tested last summer to add the
ability to invade the links to time-critical targets, such as
battlefield ballistic missile launchers or mobile
surface-to-air missile launchers. Aircraft involved in the
Suter programs include the EC-130 Compass Call, RC-135 Rivet
Joint and F-16CJ strike aircraft specialized for suppression
of enemy air defenses. |
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