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There is a deplorable lack of writing on the Confederate Partisan Ranger Corps and the guerrilla commands outside the corps. I have now worked for more than eight years on a study of the partisan rangers, unit by unit. There are of course many difficulties. The greatest maybe is, like I do, to live in Europe and that it is an Atlantic Ocean between the researcher and the sources. So the work progresses slowly.
In May 1861 a man interested in military affairs in the village of Forest Depot, Bedford Country, Virginia sat down to write a letter to General Robert E. Lee. Captain R.C.W.Radford offered to raise and mount a company of a thousand active men for Ranger or irregular service if the Confederate government was willing to arm them with long-range guns and pistols. The object of such a unit would be to annoy and harass an invading army, cut off escorts and detachments. Lee sent Captain Radfords letter to Colonel Jubal A. Early, who was in charge of organising in Radfords area and on the letter was made a note that the writer would probably be suitable as a company commander.
Had Radford alone been the man behind the idea it would probably not have come to much. But as he wrote the newspaper Dispatch of Richmond had a leading editorial urging that men of the Old Dominion form themselves into companies for guerrilla warfare
"If the line of march of the Federal troops is made to swarm with our guerrillas, who will pick off every man and every squad that dares to leave the main body of the invading column, the very success in the field will prove ruin, for they will tempt the men further and further into the interior and involve them more and more inextricably in the meshes and snares of guerrilla warfare". A Baltimore newspaper reported that hundreds of men were on their way to wage guerrilla warfare.
Governor John Letcher of Virginia was also the first to organize for irregular warfare. By an act of the Virginia General Assembly he was authorized to issue commissions for the organization of ten companies of Partisan Rangers. They were to be mustered into state service but were to operate as individual units.
But calls came from other parts of the Confederacy. In July 1861 D.M.K. Campbell of Alabama wrote to Secretary of War Leroy Pope Walker asking how the Confederate government felt about guerrilla warfare: "Quite a number of men of undoubted respectability are anxious to serve the government of their own account", he wrote. They wanted to organize companies to fight without restraint, under no orders, and would convert captured property to to theor own private use. They would take care of themselves. Within ten days Mr. Campbell received an official reply: The Confederate government preferred that these companies be armed and tendered for the war in the usual way. They would have to conform to the rules of war of civilized nations. The officers must be commissioned by the government and the companies paid for by the state. If the Alabamians proceeded according to their own ideas they would have to be regarded as outlaws and pirates.
Since starting to work on a study of the Confederate Partisan Ranger Corps I have, with the aid of helpful employees of several State Archives in the South and friends, identified the following units of regiment, battalion and company size listed here state by state as well as a number of guerrilla commands of varying size:
Partisan Ranger Corps Guerrilla Commands
Alabama 9 Arkansas 14 Confederate 5 Georgia 1 Florida 2 Kentucky 2 Georgia 13 Missouri 62 Indian Territory 1 Tennessee 13 Kentucky 19 Louisiana 7 Maryland 2 Mississippi 11 Missouri 22 North Carolina 9 South Carolina 1 Tennessee 8 Texas 12 Virginia 21 _________________________________________________________________ Total 142 92
Many more units (possibly between 100 and 200) need to be investigated. It is mainly those which are designated "independent" in the National Archives muster rolls. It must also be remembered that many of the rolls were not saved in 1865 and that several of the units designated as Partisan Rangers did fight as regular units and only used the designation to attract volunteers.
Only six days after the passing of the act Brigadier General Henry Heth, commanding the District of Lewisburg, wrote to Governor Letcher of Virgina accusing the rangers of being no better than bands of robbers and plunderers. They were more ready to plunder friends than foes. "They do as they please - go where they please." Two days later General Heth wrote again enclosing a letter from the attorney of Pocahontas County. The attorney had harsh words for the partisan rangers: "Springing full armed into existance...the rangers are a terror to the loyal and true everywhere, and cannot whilst engaged in the murder of our citizens and the stealing of their property be of any service to Virginia..."
More criticism came from Major General M J Thompson of the Missouri State Guard. He wrote to President Davis to draw his attention to some "facts on the partisan rangers": the individuals drawn to these units had been induced to believe that they are to be a band of licensed robbers, and are not the men to care whether it be friend or foe they rob." James A. Seddon, Secretary of War, who had succeeded Randolph, wrote in a report on 26 November 1863 to President Davis that "grave mischiefs" had resulted and concluded that the rangers should either be "merged in the troops of the line or disbanded and conscribed".
The criticism sooner or later would have effect and on 17 February 1864 the act of April 1862 on the formation of partisan ranger units, was repealed.
In the West an active and thoughtful Commander, General Thomas C. Hindman of the Confederate District of Arkansas, was an ardent believer in partisan and guerrilla warfare. On 17 July 1862 he published his own guerrilla act:
"I. For the more effectual annoyance of the enemy upon our rivers and in our mountains and woods all citizens of this district who are not subject to conscription are called upon to organize themselves into independent companies of mounted men or infantry, as they prefer, arming and equipping themselves, and to serve in that part of the district to which they belong.
II. When as many as 10 men come together for this purpose they may organize by electing a captain, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and will at once commence operations against the enemy without waiting for special instructions. Their duty will be to cut off federal pickets, scouts, foraging parties, and trains, and to kill pilots and others on gunboats and transports, attacking them day and night, and using the greatest vigor in their movements. As soon as the company attains the strength required by law it will proceed to elect the other officers to which it is entitled. All such organizations will be reported to these headquarters as soon as practicable. They will receive pay and allowances for subsistence and forage for the time actually in the field, as established by the affidavits of their captains.
III. These companies will be governed in all respects by the same regulations as other troops. Captains will be held responsible for the good conduct and efficiency of their men, and will report to these headquarters from time to time."
Partisan and guerrilla warfare was especially furious in Missouri where a number of Partisan Ranger units operated along with the guerrilla companies of William C. "Bloody Bill" Anderson, William C. Quantrill and George Todd. The main action was on the border to Kansas with raids into Kansas and the Union occupation troops used very harsh counterinsurgency methods against the population in the western counties of Missouri.
In northern Missouri Confederate cavalry officers were active in recruiting guerrillas among them Colonels John T. Coffee, J. Vard Cockrell, John T. Hughes, Joseph C. Porter and a certain Captain Joseph O. Shelby of later fame as a General. Several of these units operated in northern Missouri and were chased by Union occupation troops.
The most famous of all Partisan Ranger units of the Confederacy was undoubtedly the one commanded by Colonel John S. Mosby, the 43rd Virginia Cavalry Battalion. It is so famous that I will not go into details here today. I will only point out that these around 800 men in effect was a small army and operated so effectively that even General Lee, who was no friend of partisan and guerrilla warfare, at one time exclaimed: "Hurrah for Mosby ! I wish I had a hundred like him".
Let me only quote General Sheridan by the end of 1864 on the result of the guerilla warfare in Virginia: "The crow that flies over the Valley of Virginia must henceforth carry his rations with him".
German Baron Robert von Massow was one of Mosby´s partisan warriors. He was the son of one of the chamberlains to the King of Prussia and had served for seven years in the Prussian army. Von Massow was severely wounded in February 1864 and returned to Germany. He later became a General commanding a Corps during the Franco-Prussian war in the 1870s. Finally he was promoted to Commander of all German Cavalry prior to World War I. He kept contacts with his old Confederate friends until he died.
Captain Bradford Smith Hoskins had been sent to Mosby by General Jeb Stuart. He had been a Captain of the English army and won the Crimean medal for fighting with the British Forty-fourth Royal Infantry.He had also served with Garibaldi in his Sicilian Expedition. Hoskins was killed during the Vint Farm skirmish on 30 May 1863.
When the Partisan Ranger Act was repealed in 1864 the door was left open to keep some of the Partisan Ranger units fighting behind enemy lines. Both Mosby´s battalion and the company of Partisan Ranger officer McNeil were not transferred to regular service in 1864.
One of the great students of Confederate partisan and guerrilla warfare, Virgil Carrington Jones, once wrote in his famous book Gray Ghosts and Rebel Raiders that the Southern partisans stumbled on to one of the secrets of modern warfare through their intuition and vigorous support of a resistance movement for occupied territory. It is my firm belief that if partisan and guerrilla warfare had been more widely used against the Federals the war could have been kept going for several more years, even won.
The debate on guerrilla warfare and partisan ranger units continued and it was not until 1862 that the Confederate Congress acted. On 21 April 1862 the Partisan Ranger Act was passed:
"An Act to organize bands of partisan rangers.
Sec.1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to commission such officers as he may deem proper with authority to form bands of partisan rangers, in companies, battalions or regiments, to be composed of such members as the President may approve.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That such partisan rangers, after being regularly received in the service, shall be entitled to the same pay, rations, and quarters during their term of service, and be subject to the same regulations as other soldiers.
Sec.3. Be it further enacted, That for any arms and munitions of war captured from the enemy by any body of partisan rangers and delivered to any quartermaster at such place or places as may be designated by a commanding general, the rangers shall be paid their full value in such manner as the Secretary of War may prescribe.
Approved April 21, 1862."
It should be noted that in section 3 of the act are laid down special rules as to arms and munitions captured by the Partisan Rangers. A powerful incentive indeed to enlist in a partisan ranger unit instead of joining the regular Confederate army.
Soon the attraction of the Partisan Ranger Corps was so great that the Confederate authorities had to prohibit transfer from the line to the Partisan Ranger Corps. By mid-September the records of the Adjutant and Inspector General´s Office in Richmond recorded units in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia of in all six regiments and nine battalions. Partisan units of company size existed in Florida and Mississippi.
Up North the Federal General in Chief, Halleck, asked a university professor, Dr. Francis Lieber, in the summer of 1862 to make public his views on guerrilla warfare. Professor Lieber wrote an essay, "Guerrilla Parties Considered With Reference to the Laws and Usages of War". Here guerrillas were described as bands of armed men engaged in conducting irregular warfare because of their irregular origin. The Partisan Ranger Corps, on the other hand, was an organization which sought to injure the enemy by action seperate from that of their own main army, and by operating in the rear of, on the flanks of the enemy, and against his lines of communication. The partisan was thus part of the army and considered entitled to the privileges of the law of war, so long as he does not transgress it. Thus the Yankees, at least on paper, were willing to respect the status of the Confederate Partisan Ranger Corps.
In this overview a number of guerrilla commands have been seperately included at the end. They were not organized by Confederate military authorities but were mostly quietly accepted by them.
(NA) indicates that a muster roll is available at the National Archives in Washington D.C.
Comments, questions and suggestions for improvements are welcome.
Mr. Bertil Haggman, LL.M. Author Member, Swedish Authors Association POB 1412 S-25114 HELSINGBORG SWEDEN E-mail: bertil.haggman@helsingborg.se
DISCLAIMER Please be advised that this list of Web Sites has been provided for the convenience of those interested in the subject of Confederate Irregular Warfare 1861 - 1865. Bertil Haggman assumes no responsibility for the subject matter of these Sites, nor does he guarantee that the contents of these Web Site pages are in keeping with the policy of his own website and his own views on the War Between the States. Terry´s Texas Rangers 5th Texas Partisan Rangers The Tennessee Division Sons of Confederate Veterans: Capt. Champ Ferguson, Pomp Keirsey et al Scandinavian Center for Research on Confederate Guerrilla Warfareand Partisan Raiding 1861 - 1865 - SCANCO Ultimate Civil War Reference Manual - Col. John S. Mosby and the 43rd Virginia Cavalry Battalion Kentucky Confederate Cavalry Lt.Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest Tribute Page U.S. Army Special Forces - Origins The 1860's Ranger Jesse James Home Page Capt. William Clarke Quantrill Confederate Operations in Canada
have visited so far.
THE PARTISAN RANGER CORPS, CSA 1861 - 1865 ALABAMA (Gunter's) Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (later named 18th Battalion Partisan Rangers) 12th (Hundley's) Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (in the summer of 1864 the battalion with other companies became the 12th Cavalry Regiment) 13th Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers (NA) (merged with 15th Battalion to form 56th Alabama Regiment, Partisan Rangers (Cavalry). 14th Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (in May 1863 merged into 9th Cavalry Regiment) 15th (1st) Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers, Infantry(in summer of 1863 merged into 56th Alabama Regimen, Partisan Rangers (Cavalry)(NA) 18th Alabama Battalion Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (dismounted in November 1862, then Gibson's and then 18th or 21st Battalion and after that merged into 33d Infantry Regiment). See also Gunter's Battalion. 51st Alabama Regiment Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (NA) 53rd Alabama Regiment Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (NA) 56th Alabama Regiment Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (NA) CONFEDERATE 5th Company, Confederate Retributors (Unit led by Lt. Bennett H. Young, which raided St. Albans, Vermont, fifteen miles south of the Canadian border in October, 1864, from Canadian territory). Mead's Confederate Regiment Partisan Rangers (Mead's Confederate Cavalry, Alabama) (NA) Claiborne's Confederate Regiment Partisan Rangers(7th Confederate Cavalry, 7th Regiment Confederate Partisan Rangers) (NA) Burrough's Confederate Battalion Partisan Rangers (Princess Anne Partisan Rangers) (NA) 6th Confederate Battalion Cavalry (Jessee's Battalion) (NA) 7th Confederate Battalion Cavalry (Prentice's Confederate Battalion) (NA) FLORIDA 1st Florida Battalion Partisan Rangers (later 2nd Florida Infantry Battalion) 2nd Florida Battalion Partisan Rangers (alternate designations are T.W.Brevard's Cavalry, S.W. May's Cavalry, P.B. Bird's Cavalry, J.Q. Stewart's Cavalry and Asa Stewart's Cavalry) GEORGIA 2nd Georgia Regiment Partisan Rangers (Cavalry) (reorganized in the fall of 1862 into 62nd) 15th Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (reorganized in the fall of 1862 into 62nd) 20th Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers (disbanded in July 1864. Merged into 8th and 10th Cavalry Regiment. One company merged into the Jeff Davis Mississippi Cavalry Legion) 19th Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers(also Goode's Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers (Cavalry) Bank's Georgia Partisan Ranger Company (Cavalry) White's Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers (unofficial) 62nd Regiment Partisan Rangers (in July 1864 after disbandment seven companies merged into the 8th Cavalry Regiment. North Carolina companies in the regiment merged into the 16th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion) 16th Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers 1st Georgia Regiment Partisan Rangers Anderson's Georgia Partisan Ranger Company Marler's Georgia Partisan Ranger Company Pickens County Georgia Confederate Home Guard Lumpkin County Georgia Confederate Home Guard INDIAN TERRITORY 1st Battalion Cherokee Partisan Rangers (also named Bryan's Battalion and 1st Cherokee Cavalry Battalion, later 2nd Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Confederate) KENTUCKY 1st Regiment Kentucky Partisan Rangers (10th Kentucky Cavalry) 2nd Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers (15th Kentucky Cavalry, Chenoweth's Cavalry Regiment) 3rd Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers (16th Kentucky Cavalry, Sypert's Regiment Partisan Rangers) 4th Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers (Colonel Charles Napier's Regiment) 5th Regiment Kentucky Partisan Rangers (Colonel William Hollis' Regiment) 10th Kentucky Cavalry Regiment Partisan Rangers Morehead's Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers (NA) Patton's Kentucky Battalion Partisan Rangers King's Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers Capt. Field's Kentucky Company Partisan Rangers (NA) Captain Rowan's Kentucky Company Partisan Rangers (NA) Bolin's Kentucky Independent Cavalry Company Corbin's Kentucky Cavalry Company Thompson's Kentucky Guerrilla Rangers Beck's Kentucky Company Partisan Rangers Capt. J. Dick Johnson's Kentucky Command Partisan Rangers Capt. William Faulkner's Kentucky Company Partisan Rangers Kentucky Volunteers (also known as Capt. William Faulkner's Company Kentucky Scouts, Cavalry) Capt. Phil Victor's Kentucky Company Partisan Rangers (Co A, Morehead's Kentucky Regiment Partisan Rangers) Menifee's Independent Command See also under Virgina. LOUISIANA 9th Louisiana Battalion Partisan Rangers (NA) 13th Louisiana Battalion Partisan Rangers (NA) Bayliss' Louisiana Battalion Partisan Rangers Breazeale's Battalion Partisan Rangers 2nd Louisiana Regiment (33rd Regiment Partisan Rangers) Capt. Bond's Louisiana Company, Mounted Partisan Rangers (NA) (also known as Grivot Louisiana Rangers Company cavalry (St. Landry). Harper's Louisiana Partisan Ranger Company MARYLAND 2nd Maryland Battalion Partisan Rangers (later 2nd Maryland Battalion Cavalry) (NA) Capt. Walter's Maryland Company (Maryland Zarvona Zouaves) (NA) MISSISSIPPI 1st Mississippi Partisan Rangers (7th Mississippi Cavalry). See also below. 2nd Mississippi Partisan Rangers (Ballentine's Cavalry Regiment, disbanded in 1865 to merge with 7th Mississippi Cavalry Regiment) 2nd Regiment Mississippi Partisan Rangers (First Battalion Mississippi Cavalry (Minute Men), First Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, State troops, Blythe's Mississippi Cavalry) 12th Battalion Mississippi Partisan Rangers (in1865 merged into 10th Mississippi Cavalry Regiment with Company C 56th Alabama Cavalry Regiment) Capt. Armistead's Mississippi Company,Partisan Rangers (NA) Capt. Rhodes' Mississippi Company Partisan Rangers, Cavalry (NA) Capt. Smyth's Mississippi Company, Partisan Rangers (NA) Outlaw's Mississippi Battalion Partisan Rangers (Outlaw's Mississippi Cavalry Battalion) Davis' Missisippi Irregular Cavalry Hill's Mississippi Company Partisan Rangers . Claiborne's Mississippi Light Infantry MISSOURI Coleman's Missouri Battalion Partisan Rangers (Coleman's Missouri Regiment Cavalry)(NA) Lawther's Missouri Regiment Partisan Rangers (NA) (see also 10th Missouri Cavalry) Quantrill's Missouri Company (guerrilla command) (NA) Capt. Woodson's Missouri Company, Cavalry (NA) 1st NE Missouri Cavalry 2nd NE Missouri Cavalry 10th Missouri Cavalry Wood's Missouri Cavalry Tracy's Missouri Cavalry 1st Missouri Battalion Partisan Rangers Snider's Missouri Cavalry Marmaduke's Missouri Company, (The Macon Rangers) McDonald's Missouri Company, (Ralls County Rangers) Schnable's Missouri Cavalry (NA) Pool's Missouri Partisan Rangers Colonel Adair's Missouri Partisan Rangers Colonel Holt's Missouri Partisan Rangers Colonel Jackson's Missouri Partisan Rangers Col. Jeffers' Partisan Rangers Capt. Johnson's Missouri Partisan Ranger Company Major Livingston's Missouri Scouts Lt. Col. Maddox' Missouri Partisan Rangers NORTH CAROLINA 4th Battalion North Carolina Cavalry 8th Battalion Partisan Rangers (later 66th North Carolina State Troops) (NA) Whitford's North Carolina Battalion Partisan Rangers (1st Battalion North Carolina Local Defense Troops and later 67th North Carolina State Troops). Nethercutt's Company Partisan Rangers Capt. Swindell's North Carolina Company Partisan Rangers (NA) Major Bingham's North Carolina Home Guard The Alleghany County North Carolina Home Guard Thomas' North Carolina Legion of Indians and Highlanders (NA) Capt. Lawrence's North Carolina Company, Volunteers (Wilson Partisan Rangers) (NA) SOUTH CAROLINA Capt. Kirk's South Carolina Company Partisan Rangers (NA) TENNESSEE 1st Tennessee Partisan Rangers (12th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment. It was broken up in 1865 and some members joined the 3rd (Forrest's Old) Cavalry) 13th Tennessee Regiment Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) (Dibrell's 8th Tennessee Cavalry) Greer's Tennessee Regiment Partisan Rangers (NA) Douglass' Tennessee Battalion Partisan Rangers (NA) Holman's Tennessee Battalion Partisan Rangers (NA) Dawson's Tennessee Battalion Partisan Rangers (in August 1863 merged into the 15th (Stewart's) Tennessee Cavalry Regiment or the 14th Tennessee Regiment, Cavalry) McCann's Tennessee Cavalry Battalion Colonel John M. Hughs' Tennessee Irregular Cavalry TEXAS 1st Texas Rangers (8th Texas Cavalry, Terry's Texas Regiment, 8th Texas Rangers) (NA) 1st Texas Regiment Partisan Rangers (Lane's Texas Cavalry, Crump's TexasCavalry) (NA) 2nd Texas Regiment Partisan Rangers (Chisum'sTexas Cavalry) (NA) Duff's Texas Partisan Rangers (33d Texas Cavalry, 14th Texas Battalion Cavalry) 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers (34th Texas Cavalry, Alexander's Texas Regiment) (NA) 5th Texas Regiment, Partisan Rangers (NA) Randolph's 9th Texas Battalion Partisan Rangers ( in 1863 merged into the 5th) Martin's 10th Cavalry Battalion (in 1863 merged into the 5th) 12th Texas Cavalry (Parson's Texas Mounted Volunteers, 4th Texas Dragoons) Capt. Pearson's Texas Company, Partisan Rangers (Local Defense) Capt. Thomas' Texas Company, Partisan Rangers, 4 months 1862-63 Capt. Trevenio's Squad, Partisan Mounted Volunteers VIRGINIA 18th Virginia Cavalry Regiment (also known as 1st Regiment Virginia Partisan Rangers) 24th Virginia Battalion Partisan Rangers 27th Virginia Battalion Partisan Rangers 34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 36th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 37th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 43rd Battalion/Regiment Virginia Partisan Rangers Capt. McNeill's Virginia Company Partisan Rangers Captain Thurmond's Virginia Company Partisan Rangers (later Hounshell's Virginia Battalion Partisan Rangers) Swann's Battalion Virginia Cavalry William Marshall Baldwin's Squadron, Partisan Rangers (later 22nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry) Morris' Virginia Company Partisan Rangers Smith's Virginia Battalion Major Ezekiel Counts' Virginia Battalion Virginia State Rangers Virginia State Line Capt. Daniel Huskey's Virginia Company Capt. Ezekiel Harper's Virginia Company Capt. James E. Smith's Virginia Company Capt. A.J. Chewning's Virginia Scouts Capt. Richard B. Foley's Flat Top Copperheads
CONFEDERATE GUERRILLA COMMANDS 1861 - 1865 ARKANSAS Buck Brown's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Green's Arkansas Guerrilla Command James H. Hay's Arkansas Guerrilla Command S. Husband's Arkansas Guerrilla Command James Ingraham's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Peter Mankin's Arkansas Guerrilla Command M.F. Maybery's Arkansas Guerrilla Command A.C.McCoy's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Andrew J. Piercey's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Jim Poe's Arkansas Guerrilla Command George W. Rutherford's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Capt. James H. McGhee's Arkansas Guerrilla Command Capt. Joseph F. Barton's Arkansas Guerrilla Command "Wild Irish" John Keenan's Guerrilla Command GEORGIA Capt. John Gatewood's Georgia (Tennessee) Confederate Guerrilla Command KENTUCKY Marcellus J. (Sue Mundy) Clarke's Kentucky Guerrilla Command Dick Taylor's Guerrilla Command MISSOURI William T. (Bloody Bill) Anderson's Guerrilla Command Baker's Missouri Guerrilla Command Alf Bolin's Missouri Guerrilla Command Boone's Missouri Guerrilla Command Bowles' Missouri Guerrilla Command Conger's Guerrilla Command Downey's Missouri Guerrilla Command Colonel Elliot's Missouri Partisan Rangers Gabbert's Missouri Guerrilla Command Goode's Missouri Guerrilla Command Hadley's Missouri Guerrilla Command Hart's Missouri Guerrilla Command Hildebrand's Missouri Guerrilla Command Doc Himes' Missouri Guerrilla Command Hinson's Missouri Guerrilla Command Hutchins' Missouri Guerrilla Command Hutchinson's Missouri Guerrilla Command Jackman's Missouri Guerrilla Command Jackson's Missouri Guerrilla Command Jeans' Missouri Guerrilla Command Rector Johnson' Missouri Guerrilla Command Hyde Johnson's Missouri Guerrilla Command Kane's Missouri Guerrilla Command Keisengro's Missouri Guerrilla Command Kendrick's Missouri Guerrilla Command Joe Kirk's Missouri Guerrilla Command Joseph Kirk's Missouri Guerrilla Command Maddox' Missouri Guerrilla Command Marchbank's Missouri Guerrilla Command Marmaduke's Missouri Guerrilla Command Mathews' Missouri Guerrilla Command Capt. Nevins' Missouri Guerrilla Command Osburn's Missouri Guerrilla Command Overson's Missouri Guerrilla Command Overton's Missouri Guerrilla Command Parcel's Missouri Guerrilla Command Major Pool's Missouri Guerrilla Command Potter's Missouri Guerrilla Command Price's Missouri Guerrilla Command Purcell's Missouri Guerrilla Command Rafter's Missouri Guerrilla Command Reid's Missouri Guerrilla Command Rucker's Missouri Guerrilla Command Ruff's Missouri Guerrilla Command Small's Missouri Guerrilla Command Smith's Missouri Guerrilla Command Stacy's Missouri Guerrilla Command Steward's Missouri Guerrilla Command (Coon) Thornton's Missouri Guerrilla Command Woodson Thornton's Missouri Guerrilla Command Todd's Missouri Guerrilla Command Turk's Missouri Guerrilla Command Vanzoot's Missouri Guerrilla Command Vaughn's Missouri Guerrilla Command Watson's Missouri Guerrilla Command West's Missouri Guerrilla Command Hinch West's Missouri Guerrilla Command Colonel White's Missouri Guerrilla Command Yeates' Missouri Guerrilla Command Zeigler's Missouri Guerrilla Command TENNESSEE Champ Ferguson's Tennessee Guerrilla Command The Kirkland Tennessee Guerrilla Command Bill Gibbs' Tennessee Guerrilla Command Pomp Keirsey's Tennessee Guerrilla Command William Dunbar's Tennessee Guerrilla Command Capt. Clark's Tennessee Guerrilla Command Colonel Murray's Tennessee Guerrilla Command Colonel Hamilton's Tennessee Guerrilla Command William S. Bledsoe's Tennessee Guerrilla Command Daugherty's Tennessee Guerrilla Command Richardson's Tennessee Guerrilla Command McHenry's Tennessee Guerrilla Command George Carter's Tennessee Guerrilla Command